Supplement to lecture exam#1 Note that not all material is included in this list and your best study guide are your lecture notes! Define biology List and describe the basic steps that are included in the scientific method What is life? Life’s characteristics Levels of organization in life from atoms to organism to biosphere and all in between Define the common characteristics of living things, and describe each level using examples. What examples show that all living things are related? Describe why biologists say that there is a unity that all living things have in common. Diversity of life Explain the difference between how a producer and a consumer deal with their energy requirement. Describe the purpose of DNA Describe the basic differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Describe the basic differences between bacteria, archaea, protest, fungi, plants and animals. Define and describe the basic structure of an atom, including decriptions of electrons, protons and neutrons. Be able to describe an ion form Draw an atom in the form of a shell diagram Describe the difference between an atom, molecule and macromolecule List and describe the molecules of life- where are the found in the organism? Describe the various bonds, ionic, covalent, polar covalent and hydrogen bonds What is an acid? Know the pH scale Carbon dioxide and its relation to hydrogen ions and pH What is a base/alkaline? Describe a buffer What is the difference between monomers and polymers? Give examples of each. Describe the structure, function, monomers and basic variations of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Peptide bonds, polypeptides Nucleotides Amino acids Solvent, solute, solution, Identify the structural differences between a carbohydrate, a protein, a lipid, and a nucleic acid. Describe what is meant when saying that structure defines function. What is the importance of three dimensional shape of a protein What causes a protein to denature? What are the effects of denatured proteins? 1 Describe the structure of the plasma membrane and its role in regulating the movement of material into and out of the cell. Understand the characteristics of cells Explain the cell theory Explain the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane Compare the following components of the endomembrane system- rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, and vacuoules Explain the theory of endosymbiosis Describe the function of the various compartments within the cell. What is selective permeability How do cells recognize each other? 2