APUSH Midterm Exam Study Guide

Name ________________________________________ Per ______ Date ______________
APUSH Semester Final Study Guide
 The multiple-choice exam will slightly emphasize the Gilded Age / Great West. We didn’t
spend much time discussing that content, so PLEASE watch the videos and go through the
lecture notes on the website: https://apusheagles.wordpress.com
 There are also extra study guides on the website, print extra copies of the study guide and
 Re-read your notes and chapters of the book that you need the most review on.
 Use the website Learnerator to practice quizzing yourself.
 Study groups.
UNIT 1: Exploration & Colonial Period
Pre-Colombian Era
Major tribes / locations in South and North America -
The Columbian Exchange –
Native American reaction to European colonization –
Encomienda System
Colonial America
*** Must know the SPRITE of the Southern, Middle and Northern Colonies (see separate
Bacon’s Rebellion (cause, effect) -
SLAVERY (characteristics of slavery in the 1600 and 1700s) –
Women (Marriage, rights) -
Mercantilism (theory/concept) -
1st Great Awakening (characteristics, effects, location)
Salutary Neglect (what is it?, reaction to it…) -
Proclamation of 1763 (cause/effect) -
UNIT 2: Revolution & Constitution
Stamp Act (what/purpose) –
Declaration of Independence – contents/philosophy
American Revolution (Major contributions to American cause, Patriot vs. Loyalist beliefs)
Articles of Confederation (Successes, failures) -
Constitution (what did it include, what did it NOT include)
Bill of Rights – purpose for writing it, general content/theme
Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 –
Alien and Sedition Acts (what/why so controversial) -
UNIT 3 – The New Nation
War of 1812 (causes, effects)
Era of Good Feelings (why was it good/bad)
John Marshall -
Marbury vs. Madison -
The “American System” -
Monroe Doctrine - Purpose, effects
Andrew Jackson
Common Man
King Andrew
Nullification Crisis
Whig Party (platform)
Transcendentalists (Philosophy, writers) -
Deism (18th century) - Central beliefs
Market Revolution
o Innovations o Immigration –
o Regions –
o Women/Families –
Second Great Awakening (cause/effects) –
Reform Movements (what were they/names):
Missouri Compromise -
UNIT 4 – Sectionalism & Civil War
Slavery (characteristics/changes in the 1800s) -
Manifest Destiny –
Compromise of 1850 -
Dred-Scott Case –
Lincoln-Douglas Debates –
Uncle Tom’s Cabin –
John Brown –
Dred-Scott Case -
Kansas-Nebraska Act -
Civil War
o Reasons for…
o Emancipation Proclamation (cause and effect) -
o Radical Reconstruction (cause/features) o Moderate v. Radical Republicans o 13th, 14th 15th Amendments –
o END of Reconstruction –
UNIT 5 – The Gilded Age & Great West
Gilded Age (general) –
“New Immigration” (characteristics and nativist reactions)
Big Business
o Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 1890 –
o Interstate Commerce Act –
o Carnegie, Rockefeller, JP Morgan o Transcontinental Railroad – effects –
o Vertical / Horizontal Integration –
o Party Bosses / Politics –
Urbanization & Reform
o Urban innovations o Tenements o Suffrage movement o Temperance –
o Settlement Houses –
o Education -
Labor Movement
o Knights of Labor o Haymarket Incident o American Federation of Labor -
Frederick Jackson Turner - beliefs
The Homestead Act -
o Goals –
o Why did it fail?
Mining Frontier (significance) -
Pullman Strike -
Native Americans
o Dawes Act of 1887 – purpose
o Plains Indians - culture, destruction of lifestyle
o Major leaders
o Conflicts in response to removal
o Change in treatment of Indians by government (compared to past policies)
o Helen Hunt Jackson -