Specific Objectives: The students will be able to

Adams_Lesson plan 1
Lesson Plan Title: Up and Down, Big and Huge
Concept/Topic to Teach: Synonyms and Antonyms
Standards Addressed: 3.) Exhibit vocabulary skills, including explaining simple
common antonyms and synonyms and using descriptive words.
Specific Objectives: The students will be able to create a PowerPoint on synonyms
and antonyms.
Required Materials:
Language Arts Book
Smartboard activity
Slap Shot Synonyms and Antonyms Book
Computers (for groups)
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):
Today we are going to learn about antonyms and synonyms. They are words that mean
the same or different. Who can tell me what a word that means the same as UP. This is
another word that we use in our math curriculum. (Answer-above) Those to words are
synonyms because they mean the same. (Explain that same and Synonyms both start with
S.) What is a word that is different from UP? (Answer-down) Those words are antonyms
because they are the opposite. We will be doing a lesson and group project on synonyms
and antonyms.
Step-By-Step Procedures for Teaching the Lesson:
First, we will define synonyms and antonyms in our vocabulary journal.
Then, we will do the vocabulary boxes on both of these words. (word, definition,
sentence, example/picture)
After we do that we will read in our Language Arts book about each of the words
and look at examples and talk more in depth of each of these.
Then, we will do a t-chart on the board. One side will say antonym and one will
say synonym.
I will give the students a sentence strip with 2 words on it and they are to come
up one by one and tape it to the correct side. We will talk about it after each
student has put it on the chart paper.
After this I will read the book Slap Shot Synonyms and Antonyms as a class and
discuss the book.
Once we have finished the book we will do a smart board activity where you
decide if the word is a synonym or antonym of the word given in the activity.
I will then give words to each student and ask them to decide if the words on their
sheet are synonyms or antonyms. I will check to make sure they are correct and if
they are not I will help correct them and try to help them understand.
Once we are done with this I will explain the project they will be doing in groups
of 4. I will have 5 groups of 4.
Guided Practice/Monitoring:
I will explain the project we are going to do and I will model the one I did in front
of the class so each group knows exactly what to do on their PowerPoint.
Each group will have to make a 3 page Power Point using words I have given
them. They will have to use graphics and transitions to make their PowerPoint
better than another group.
I will model using different words than I will give them. They must have a title
page with each group members name on front.
4 pages will be for synonyms and 4 pages will be of antonyms.
The words used for synonyms are big, little, above, under.
The words used for antonyms will be fat, fast, slow, huge
They will make a PowerPoint using the direction sheet given to them and the
rubric that I will grade their PowerPoint on.
I will explain they each must work with each other because all four of them will
get the same grade.
They will be able to work on the computer during center time during reading and
will have 3 days to complete the project.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):
 We will play a matching game with words. They will have to match the synonyms
to synonyms and antonyms to antonyms.
 I will explain that for the next 3 days we will review before centers so they are
refreshed and are able to work on their Power Points.
 I will explain that we will use these words in our writings in the upcoming weeks.
 I will ask someone to give me antonyms and synonyms for words that I say.
Assessment Based on Objectives:
 The students will be able to create a PowerPoint on synonyms and antonyms with 80%
I will use the rubric (that was given to students as well) and grade them using the rubric.
I will then give them a test at the end of the week on the definitions and other synonym
and antonym words.(From LA book)
Adaptations (For Students With Special Needs):
I will put a student with special needs in a group with higher students.
They will be able to work a long side the smarter kids who will be able to help
and guide them.
One the test if they need special accommodations then I will give them the
accommodations they need.
Extensions (For Advanced Students):
I will have these students make up a worksheet for the advanced kids. I will let
them use their creativity and minds to come up with a activity for the class.
Possible Connections to Other Subjects:
Math-Positions (Up, Down, Under, Below, Above, Beyond)
Science-Positions of objects
Writing- Using detailed words and smarter words in their writing rather than the
lower level words.
Lesson Plan Title: Numbers everywhere
Concept/Topic to Teach: More, Less and comparing sets to 10.
Standards Addressed: K.2.) Demonstrate concepts of number sense by using one-toone correspondence; comparing sets of objects up to 10 using vocabulary terms,
including more than, less than, most, or least; and recognizing that the quantity remains
the same when the spatial arrangement changes.
Specific Objectives: The students will be able to compare groups to 10 using
vocabulary more and less.
Required Materials:
Go Math workbook
Smartboard (www.gomath.com)
Computers (for groups)
Colored Cubes
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):
I will give everyone a different amount of M&Ms. I will ask them to count how many
they have. Then, I will ask them how many have more than 5 or less than 5. Then who
has more than 7 or less than 3. I will continue this activity until they understand the
concept that we are going to be learning about.
Step-By-Step Procedures for Teaching the Lesson:
First, we will define more and less vocabulary. We will add this to our math
vocabulary journal.
Then, we will use definitions in a sentence and we will do the definition boxes
like we do for reading.
We will then take out the color cubes and do problems as a class.
I will say put 4 red and 3 yellow. Which one is more and which one is less.
Then we will do more problems of more and less.
After we go over more and less we will talk about the same. (4 red and 4 yellow
and we will touch on that just a little bit)
Once we are done with that we will do our math pages that go with the lesson to
reinforce what we have learned hands on.
We will do this as a class and I will walk around to make sure everyone
understand what they are suppose to do.
After this is done we will do a few more problems using the GO MATH website.
(they have interactive manipulatives we will use on the smart board)
I will randomly pick sticks and have students come up and do the problem on the
smart board using the cubes that are online.
This will give the class the opportunity to see how others work it out, if a student
is right they will give a thumb up if they are wrong I can help fix it in front of the
After this is done we will go into the project they will be doing.
Guided Practice/Monitoring:
Everyone will have their own computer because I will borrow the cart from the
computer lab.
I will explain the rules for the computers (again) and talk about my expectations
and what will happen if they mess up or do not follow directions.
We will open Microsoft Word together and they will then watch as I do one in
class and they will follow my lead.
We will do an example in class then I will walk around to make sure they are
doing the activity the right way.
I will put the problems they are to use on the board. (4,3) (5, 7) (5,1) (9,4) (6, 3)
At the end of the lesson they will print out and save what they have done.
They will have 2 days in math to work on this lesson.
They will be using cubes and anything else on Microsoft Word to compare sets
and tell which is more or less.
I will be able to tell they know how to do this because of their grades on this
I will also use the data to decide if I need to back track and re-teach or if they
understand what they are to learn.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):
 We will do a fee more problems on the board to wrap up the lesson.
 I will tell them that we will do another fun activity tomorrow with other goodies
that deal with more, less and the same.
 We will hang the definitions in the classroom and on the word wall so they can
refer back to it.
Assessment Based on Objectives:
 The students will be able to compare groups to 10 using vocabulary more and less.
 I will use the rubric (that was given to students as well) and grade them using the rubric.
 They will take the chapter test that correlates with the terms we are working with in the
Adaptations (For Students With Special Needs):
I will put a student with special needs in a group with higher students.
I will pair my students who special needs with a parent educator or aid for those 2
days in the classroom. I will schedule to have one in my room for math both days
so they can help the students with special needs.
Extensions (For Advanced Students):
I will have these students come up with their own problems using numbers up to
I will also give them a worksheet that compares numbers up to 20 and see how
they do with it. (no grade)
Possible Connections to Other Subjects:
Reading –understand what these words mean when we read.
Science-how many are blue, how many are round (sorting objects)
Writing- Using more nouns and less words like I, the, and