AICE Psychology STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Summer Assignment #2 Test-September 1, 2015 Check website for help Conscious level Nonconscious level Preconscious level Subconscious level Information that we are not consciously aware of but we know must exist due to behavior. Unconscious level Psychoanalytic psychologists believe some events and feelings are unacceptable to our conscious mind and are repressed into the unconscious mind. Many psychologists object to this concept as difficult or impossible to prove. Altered state of consciousness – mental state that differs noticeably from normal waking consciousness Dreams – vivid visual and auditory experiences that occur primarily during REM periods of sleep. Freudian view of dreams- Sleep Disorders What role does psychoactive drugs have with consciousness? Insomnia- problems of getting to or staying asleep, effects up to 10% of the population Narcolepsy- extreme sleepiness - sleep attacks Go to Sleep apnea- 1 Sleep walkingNight terrors- usually occur in children are dreams outside of REM, during stage 4 sleep Hypnosis – a state of relaxation in which attention is focused on certain objects, acts, or feelings. Meditation – a form of self-control in which the outside world is cut off from consciousness Biofeedback-A system for monitoring and feeding back information about certain biological processes such as blood pressure SLEEP Circadian rhythm— SLEEP STAGES (Know the waves for each state) AWAKE STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 ******REM (rapid eye movement) NREM sleep – non-rapid eye movement sleep/ sleep involving partial thoughts, images, or stories, poor organization Suggested Video:- 2