Centers Activities - Guilford County Schools

Guilford County Schools ACES Program
Weekly Theme: Chocolate Delight – Centers Activities
Art Center
Chocolate Finger Painting
Allow students to finger paint with prepared chocolate pudding.
A New Kind of Chocolate Bar
Willy Wonka sold all kinds of wonderful candy. Come up with a new chocolate bar that he could
sell. Design the wrapper for this chocolate bar.
Chocolate Collage
Use empty chocolate wrappers to create a collage. Makes a very shiny picture.
Chocolate Scented Art
Add a chocolate scented stamp pad or two to the art center for chocolate scented art!
Hershey Kisses
Add tin foil and slips of cut white construction paper for students to make Hershey Kisses with
their own sayings inside.
Chocolate Play Dough
Make chocolate play dough (instructions in Other Activities). Add candy molds and cookie
cutters to the art center to mold your play dough. Or just use brown play dough and warn
students that it is NOT edible.
Board Game Center
Candy Bar Bingo
Make chocolate bar bingo cards at this site:
Use M&M’s or chocolate chips for markers.
Chocolate Memory
Use index cards and glue different mini candy bar wrappers on the cards. Students turn cards
over and try to make a match.
Building/Manipulatives Center
The Chocolate Factory
Ask student to build a chocolate factory with Lego® bricks or blocks.
CATCH Kids® Games
Students choose their “delightful” favorite activities for the week or use some of the games in
the gross motor area.
July 2008
Activity ideas obtained from ACES staff and public domain materials
Guilford County Schools ACES Program
Computer Center/Computer Lab
Hershey’s Chocolate World Tour
Making Chocolate Video Tour
The History of Chocolate with Dr. Nibbles
Wonka Games
Dramatic Play Center
Hershey Kisses Skit
Players: Shopkeeper, kid
Kid: (Kid walks up to storekeeper and asks) I want five of those Hershey Kisses way up at the
Storekeeper: You mean those Hershey Kisses, way, way, waaaaaayy up top?
Kid: Yes, please.
Storekeeper: Sigh! (Kid takes innocent pleasure in watching the storekeeper go up.)
Storekeeper climbs up and get him five Hershey Kisses, and receives the five cents.
This scene repeats itself several times over 3 more days, with the storekeeper being more and
more tired each time and becoming equally more frustrated until...
Storekeeper: Oh! I see that kid coming. I know what he's coming to get, so I'll climb up now to
get the Hershey Kisses before he comes in and have it ready for him.
(Kid walks in.)
Storekeeper: I bet I know what you want. I bet you want five of the Hershey Kisses from way up
top, right?
Kid: Nope! Not today!
Storekeeper: Sigh! Now I have to climb back up to put them away. (He climbs up, puts them
away, then comes down.) Now, sonny, what would you like today?
Kid: I would like three of those Hershey Kisses way up at the top!
Shopkeeper chases boy off stage with a “Why I Ought a…”
The Chocolate Bakery
Students can wear chef’s hats (made by taking a piece of white construction paper and making
a tube for a hat) and aprons and open their own bakery in the home living area.
Gross Motor Center
Hot Chocolate
Have students sit in a circle. When the music starts, pass a brown bean bag or tin foil shaped to
July 2008
Activity ideas obtained from ACES staff and public domain materials
Guilford County Schools ACES Program
be a Hershey kiss to the person on your right. When the music stops, the person holding the
chocolate is out. Good music to use is “Hot Chocolate” from Polar Express.
Hershey, Hershey, KISS!
Played like duck, duck, goose!
Wonka’s Chocolate River
Roll out brown bulletin board paper or just mark and area with tape or jump ropes that will be
your “Chocolate River”. Play some chocolate music (‘Oompa Loompa” from Willie Wonka is
great and encourages children to walk slowly) and ask students to walk back and forth SLOWLY
across the chocolate river. When the music stops, anyone caught in the river must sit down
where they were caught (making obstacles for the other river crossers to walk around).
(K-2)-The Adventures of Taxi Dog
(3-5)-Shark Lady
Listening Center
Curious George Goes To A Chocolate Factory (Book w/cassette) – Kaplan, Bender, EduPlay
Music Center
I know a treat I like a lot
and chocolate is its name-o.
And chocolate is its name-o!
Hot Chocolate Song (to the tune of "Are You Sleeping?")
Nice hot chocolate,
Nice hot chocolate,
Yum, yum, yum,
Yum, yum, yum!
Marshmallows are floating.
Whipped cream is melting.
Yum, yum, yum,
In my tum!
The Candy Man
Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it with dew
Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two
July 2008
Activity ideas obtained from ACES staff and public domain materials
Guilford County Schools ACES Program
The Candy Man
The Candy Man can
The Candy Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good
Who can take a rainbow
Wrap it in a sigh
Soak it in the sun and make strawberry-lemon pie
The Candy Man
The Candy Man can
The Candy Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good
The Candy Man makes everything he bakes
Satisfying and delicious
Talk about your childhood wishes
You can even eat the dishes
Who can take tomorrow
Dip it in a dream
Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream
The Candy Man
The Candy Man can
The Candy Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good
And the world tastes good 'cause the Candy Man thinks it should...
Reading Center
Max's Chocolate Chicken - Rosemary Wells
Curious George Goes To a Chocolate Factory – Margaret Rey
A Chocolate Moose for Dinner – Fred Gwynne
The Chocolate Cat – Sue Stainton
Chocolate Touch – Patrick Skene Catling
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl
Chocolate Fever – Robert Kimmel Smith
The Chocolate Sundae Mystery – Gertrude Chandler Warner
Q: Why did the chicken stand on the whipped cream?
A: He didn't want to fall into the hot chocolate.
Q: What animal runs through the Chocolate Factory and looks like an Elk?
A: Chocolate Mousse
Q. How do I get two pounds of chocolate home from the store in a hot car on a summer's day?
A. Eat it in the parking lot.
July 2008
Activity ideas obtained from ACES staff and public domain materials
Guilford County Schools ACES Program
Q: Why do people hate to bake with M&Ms?
A: They're too hard to peel.
Q: Why didn’t the boy like to tell candy bar stories?
A: Everybody snickered!
Science and Nature Center
Chocolate Tasting
Conduct a chocolate taste test using unsweetened chocolate, semisweet chocolate, milk
chocolate, and dark chocolate. (Make sure the children are not allergic!! Check with parents
first before doing this activity.)
Uncover the Chocolate
 Place six candies of the same color in each plastic saucer.
 Use an eye dropper to add several drops of water to each saucer.
 Move the candies around a little in the saucer and turn them over.
The color should begin to come off the candies and color the water.
 Place a strip of blotting paper in each of the saucers so that one end is
resting in the colored water, and observe what happens.
JMG-Gardner Handbook: Ch. 7, pg. 152-Plant Detective
July 2008
Activity ideas obtained from ACES staff and public domain materials