Internship Guide - University of New Haven

Undergraduate Student For-Credit
Experiential Education Guide
College of Business
2011 Edition
Table of Contents
Introduction………………………………………………………………………. Page 3
Internship Program Philosophy ………………………………………………….. Page 4
Internship Policy …………………………………………………………………. Page 5
Internship Application Process …………………………………………………... Page 6
Internship Procedure List ……………………...…………………………………. Page 9
Experiential Education (EE) Program Philosophy ………………………………. Page 9
Internship Contract ………………………………………………………………. Page 11
Internship Report Form ………………………………………………………….. Page 13
Final Internship Site Supervisor’s Report ……………………………………….. Page 14
Final Student Questions/Report …………………………………………………. Page 16
Grading Rubrics for Skill Development ………………………………………… Page 17
Internship Site Visit Report …………………………………………………...… Page 18
Grading Matrix …………………………………………………………………. Page 19
Experiential Education Contract ……………………………………………….. Page 20
Internships, practicums, industry specific independent studies are all names for various
types experiential education experiences. A student can obtain a wealth of knowledge
from texts, lectures and guest speakers. However, a more complete knowledge can only
be acquired from having that student enter/engage the workforce or a given industry
segment and assume responsibilities that will hopefully develop their business skills and
The University of New Haven (UNH) feels internships are a critical component of the
educational process. We strive to adequately match an intern with the most appropriate
work environment. For those who might not qualify or want an internship, UNH offers
other experiential education opportunities such as practicums and industry specific
independent studies. We understand that all three parties in the experiential education
relationship (UNH, the student, and the host site) need to devote significant time to the
process to make it work. If UNH does not monitor the experience with possible site visits
and/or talking with the host supervisor then the student might not be able to improve their
skill, knowledge, and/or develop strategies to become more effective.
Experiential education does not entail just letting a student go unsupervised hoping they
will perform the assigned work. A student sometimes can perform tasks without
guidance. However, more often than not, a student will require guidance, which might
entail significant time commitment from host site. In the same perspective, a student
should not be given only mindless labor or “grunt work” as such activities will not give
them a true business learning experience and can lead to potential tax/legal concerns.
Thus, a successful experiential learning experience requires both time and energy to
provide a student with enough practical work to make the internship beneficial for all
parties. This balancing act can be difficult, but when it is achieved the resulting
experience will produce a great learning opportunity and the ability to develop future
industry leaders.
This guide is designed to provide several simple steps, rules, and forms to facilitate
placing students in experiential opportunities. While most issues are covered by this
guide, the entire process is governed by rules and regulations set forth by the College of
Business (COB) and the University of New Haven. Such rules include, but are not
limited to the student code of conduct.
Internship Program Philosophy
UNH, COB experiential education opportunities are structured around the concept
of experiential educational value as opposed to simply functioning as vehicles for career
exposure and growth. The educational value of our experiential education is demonstrated
through a required research component, student learning objectives, and faculty advisor
and host site supervisor mentorship. Although the primary goal of our program is to
enhance academic learning, our experiential education opportunities also provide
opportunities for personal and professional growth which are an important aspect of our
Internship Goals for Students:
Improving skills in research, communication, observation, and problem-solving
Providing networking and mentoring opportunities
Developing sound decision making within an ethical and legal framework
Developing a practical/applied knowledge of how to market sport and run events
Being able to analyze and make relevant financial decisions based on appropriate
Internship Benefits
 Engaging the intern in the discipline or major
 Causing interaction with a variety of individuals, systems, and organizations
 Improving self confidence
 Putting learning into context to improve understanding and retention of concepts
 Using a variety of learning styles and frequently challenging participants to use
new ways of learning and thinking
 Helping a participant grow emotionally and learn from both failure and success as
well as appreciating change and how change can impact them
 Enhance professionalism and development of soft skills such s the ability to
interact on a professional level in formal and informal business settings
 Internships will provide students the opportunity to test their interest in a
particular career before permanent commitments are made
 Internships will aid students in adjusting from college to full-time employment
and help them create employment record, references, and understanding of how
organizations operate
 Internships will increase a student's sense of responsibility and help them acquire
good work habits
 Internship programs will increase student earning potential upon graduation
 Internship programs motivate students to continue their education
1. Experiential learning opportunities connect the classroom to the professional
world. Internships are new learning opportunities that provide new skills,
experiences, and opportunities to the intern.
2. Past work experience is not eligible to receive academic credit.
3. Current work experiences are not eligible to receive academic credit. Exception:
if an intern takes on added or new responsibilities in their current position that
meet the requirement of a new learning experience.
4. Experiential Education (EE) credit will not be given retroactively. No exceptions.
5. Experiential Education requires the approval of the academic major department
coordinator before starting an internship or EE activity - no exceptions.
6. A completed and signed EE contract is required for all internships.
7. Students are not guaranteed internship placement – interns must meet the
qualifications set forth by the academic department and the host organization and
then apply and interview for the internship. If a student is not eligible for an
internship, every effort will be made to find a different EE opportunity.
8. Students will be responsible for securing their own internship. The Internship
coordinators and/or Office of Career Development will maintain contacts and
internship postings, but the student is accountable for contacting employers,
submitting resume and cover letter, interviewing, and making all final
9. Faculty can assist students searching for practicum and/or industry specific
independent studies.
10. Pay is determined by the host organization. Internships (both paid and unpaid) are
covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act,
11. To count as an internship in the College of Business, the student must be engaged
in business related activities.
Academic Credit:
1. All internships for academic credit must meet departmental approval.
2. Internship credit is earned on a 66.6:1 ratio – each 66.6 onsite work hours equal 1
academic credit. Thus, 200 hours need to be worked to earn three credits and 400
hours need to be worked to earn six credits.
3. Work hours must be completed within the semester schedule timeframe – hours
from previous semesters do not carry over from one semester to the next without
written faculty approval.
4. Students must register for the internship during the semester in which the hours
are worked. For summer registration or internships faculty can possibly change
registration requirements to assist in obtaining financial aid or to help the
internship fall under a scholarship.
5. Internship courses must be registered for in the normal course registration process,
but students cannot register by themselves for an Internship. Only the department
coordinator or the Internship Coordinator can register a student for an internship.
The final date to add or drop an internship course will follow the Add/Drop
schedule for all courses at the College.
6. Internships will be graded according to set faculty department policy. It is an
intern’s responsibility to submit Academic requirements in a timely manner.
7. The Internship Coordinator will collect contracts, work hours logs, and final
8. All final grading and awarding of credit is to be handled by the supervising faculty
9. A student must be in their junior year to apply for a credit based internship.
10. A student must have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 to apply for
an internship. Accounting students need at least a 3.0 in all their accounting
classes. Students with a lower GPA will need to take a practicum or independent
study instead of an internship unless the student can raise their GPA or
extenuating circumstances exist to warrant the Internship Coordinator approving
such an internship candidate.
11. Traditional internships are for three (3) or six (6) semester hours in the semester in
which the internship is undertaken. In rare circumstances additional semester
hours can be earned, but such opportunities are traditionally limited to individuals
working at an out of state/country internship where the student would not be able
to attend any classes that semester at UNH.
12. An internship is a course and it is a student’s responsibility to attend (whether live
or via alternative means) all pre-internship, mid-internship, and post-internship
13. EE opportunities other than internships can be coordinated at anytime with a
faculty member willing to sponsor such an activity. All such EE opportunities are
for three credits and the projects, assignments, and grading are assigned by the
faculty member.
Internship Application Process
A student should be at least in their junior year to register for an internship. The
registration process needs to be completed at the latest two weeks before a semester
begins or two weeks before an internship begins. A student cannot register for an
internship without submitting a complete application. The first part of the application
process entails meeting with the student’s advisor to determine the best potential fit for
the student and to critically analyze the student’s career objectives. Points are deducted
from an intern’s final grade if they do not timely complete the required application.
Internship Site
Once a clear direction is identified, there are two options for securing an internship site.
A student can find their own internship site or the Internship Coordinator can help
identify an internship site. If the student finds their own internship site the Internship
Coordinator will be responsible for contacting the site to ensure the internship will be
appropriate. It should be noted that a student might want to fulfill their internship at the
site they already work at or for a current employer. Such internships are not allowed, as
they will limit the student’s ability to be exposed to different environments and career
options. However, if a student wishes to work for their current site/employer, they are
allowed to have such an internship as long as their internship entails work over and
beyond what they are paid to or volunteer to perform. Thus, if a student works in the
sports information department of a college, they could do their internship with facilities
or sports marketing as such activities are not part of the SID office.
If the student does not have an internship site, the Internship Coordinator or department
coordinator will make every effort to help locate a site. Once a potential site has been
found the coordinator(s) will inform the student about the site. If the student is interested
in that site they will then have to complete a formal application for the internship which is
sent along with a resume to the internship site. The student will then be responsible for
following-up with the internship site to determine if the application was received and to
coordinate an interview if the internship site is interested. If the Internship Coordinator
identifies the internship site or approves the student’s choice the student can move to the
interview step, below.
Resume Note: While many students have resumes, numerous resumes contain mistakes,
inaccuracies, or do not reflect the best image for a student. It is suggested that all
students submit a copy of their resume to the Internship Coordinator or department
coordinator for review and suggestions, if necessary. Students are also encouraged to
utilize the Office of Career Development on campus and to visit their Blackboard site.
Students are required to have at least one face-to-face interview with the internship site
supervisor. This interview should be a comprehensive interview wherein the students
establish what they will be responsible for accomplishing. If the student and site
supervisor mesh well and decide to work together then an Internship Contract can be
created. However, if there is some incompatibility, a different internship opportunity will
need to be developed. However, it should be noted that there is no guarantee that an
internship will be found for any given student. A student who is unwilling to cooperate
in the placement process will have significant difficulty obtaining an internship.
Internship Contract
When an internship site has been finalized, a contract needs to be developed. The
contract specifies that the student would agree to perform specific tasks or accomplish
goals and the internship site agrees to provide assistance for the student in their efforts to
reach those tasks/goals. A sample Internship Contract is enclosed with the other
application materials below. This Contract is signed by the student, site supervisor and
Internship Coordinator or department coordinator and serves as the basis for all issues
with the internship. For example, if the Contract requires the student to work 20 hours a
week and the student only works 10 hours per week, then the student is technically
violating the Internship Contract. Similarly if the internship site is required to help train
the intern in marketing and the intern is only given photocopying work, then the
Internship Contract would allow the student to leave the internship site based on the site’s
breach of the Contract. It should be specifically stated that the Contract provides no other
remedy whether legal or non-legal other than allowing a student, university, or internship
site the right to terminate the internship experience if something goes wrong.
The internship process does not end with the Internship Contract. Specific starting and
ending dates need to be established and added to the Contract. Then the internship
begins. Interns are required to behave in a manner that reflects unquestionable
professionalism. It is anticipated that an intern will follow the charge given them by their
supervisor(s). While an intern is expected to perform a variety of functions, they are not
charged with performing any illegal acts, nor is their conduct controlled in any respect by
the University of New Haven. The intern is an independent individual and not an
employee of the University of New Haven. Thus, the University of New Haven does not
guarantee the conduct or actions of an intern even if such conduct results in personal or
financial injury.
It is incumbent on the intern, and to a lesser extent the internship site, to maintain contact
with the Internship Coordinator or department coordinator and report on a regular basis
whether by a quick note, fax, e-mail or phone call. Every effort will be made by the
Internship Coordinator or department coordinator to visit the internship site or meet with
the intern and host in another specified location or manner to determine progress.
Phone/Internet communication can also be used to communicate with site supervisors and
interns. Besides such updates, the intern is required to complete a weekly log
highlighting what they have accomplished the past week. At the end of the internship the
student is required to write a summarization paper to be submitted to both the internship
site and department coordinator summarizing what the student had learned and including
examples of the student’s work product (memos, flyers, marketing letters, promotional
pieces and other items which can be publicly disclosed-yet highlight what the intern
accomplished). The internship site will submit a grade and formally evaluate the student
and their internship.
The internship site supervisor completes the grading form and reviews the summarization
paper to help develop a final grade. The internship host’s opinion and final grade
prepared by the department coordinator are combined for the intern’s final grade. The
department coordinator’s grade is based on variables such as the weekly log, site grade,
and the summarization paper. A grading matrix is attached to highlight how the grade
will be determined.
Internship Procedure List
1. Meeting with faculty advisor and then meeting with department coordinator
2. Complete application
3. Locate internship site
4. Apply for internship at site
5. Schedule interview
6. Attend interview
7. Formulate internship task and goals
8. Complete Internship Contract
9. Register for internship course- by department coordinator or Internship Coordinators
10. Start internship
11. Complete Weekly Logs and turn them in on a weekly basis (via email or fax)
12. Do one oral presentation and write one executive memo during the internship
13. Help coordinate site inspection by department coordinator (if applicable)
14. Complete required internship hours
15. Complete internship paper (both answering questions and the student report)
16. Share answered questions with site supervisor
17. Have site supervisor complete Evaluation Form
18. Complete Grading Matrix by department coordinator
Experiential Education (EE) Program Philosophy
Internships are just one of three options under the framework of Experiential education.
UNH recognizes that not all students can undertake an internship and that some students
wish to pursue other options. A practicum entails working for a business or organization
to help them solve a problem or issue. Businesses or organizations sometimes approach
Unh for assistance in solving a problem. Students pursuing a practicum will work closely
with a faculty member to research the problem and then write a paper and provide a
professional presentation to the business/organization highlighting potential solutions.
Practicums are graded based on the thoroughness of the research, creativity associated
with the solution(s), and the student’s written/oral presentation.
Along with practicums, an Industry Specific Independent Study (ISIS) can entail a student
conducting significant research on a business/organization or industry under the guidance
of a faculty member. Students can write a case study where they critically analyze a
business. Numerous other options exists as long as the student can find a faculty member
willing to help pursue that line of research. Grading will be based on predetermined
grading criteria established by the student and faculty member before the ISIS is pursued.
EE Procedure List
Unlike an Internship, a practicum or ISIS is customized between a faculty member and a
student. Students are not allowed to register for either a practicum or ISIS without a
completed Experiential Education Contract being signed by the students and the faculty
member. The student and faculty member will develop specific starting and ending dates
by which a student is required to complete the EE experience and how the experience will
be graded.
Internship Contract
To be completed by both the student and site host.
Course: ________
Semester/Year: __________
Credits: three or six
Student Information
Name: ______________________
Academic Standing: Junior Senior
GPA __________
Major: _____________________________________
Advisor: ____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Phone: (_____)_______________________
E-Mail: _____________________________
Site Information
Site Supervisor: _____________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________
Company Name: ____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Phone: (_______)_______________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________
Date of Internship: From ____________ to _______________
Required Hours: minimum 200 hours (3 credits) or minimum 400 hours (6credits)
Student Responsibilities: ___________________________________________________
Student will be responsible for writing one business memo and giving one formal oral
presentation by the following dates: Oral Presentation ___________ Executive Memo
Please forward completed contract to or fax to (203) 931-6007.
Internship Contract
Page 2
Proposed Work Schedule
Monday ________________________
Tuesday ________________________
Wednesday ______________________
Thursday ________________________
Friday __________________________
Saturday ________________________
Sunday _________________________
Total hours per week: ________
Internship Goals: _________________________________________________________
Site Supervisor’s Role:
As a managerial level employee with the capability to bind my company, I agree to work
with the above named student for an internship pursuant to the roles set forth in this
contract and in the UNH Experiential Education Guide.
Site Supervisor’s Signature _________________________
Date: ____________________
Department or Internship Coordinator Signature: _______________________
Date: ____________________
By signing this contract I understand that I am releasing the University of New Haven
from any and all potential liability associated with my involvement with an internship.
Such liability can come from my failure to act appropriately to intentionally or negligently
injuring another by my actions or inactions. By accepting this internship I agree to abide
by all terms/provisions of the student handbook and code of student conduct and will act
at all times at the internship site with the highest level of integrity and professionalism as
a pseudo representative of the University. I further understand that this is a for-credit
course and that I have to work hard to earn a good grade.
Student’s Signature _________________________ Date: ____________________
Internship Report Form
Student Information
Name: ____________________________
Semester/Year: _______________________
Internship Site: _______________________________
Week of: _____________
Total Hours Worked This Week: ______________
Total Internship hours to date: _______________________
List all major activities undertaken this week: _________________________________
Explain how activities help accomplish the defined internship goals:
How do you think what you did this week helps you as a UNH student?
Do you have any concerns UNH should know about?
Student Signature: ________________
Please forward completed Report Form to or fax to (203) 931-6007.
Final Internship Site Supervisor’s Report
Student’s Name: ___________________
Semester/Year: ____________________
Internship Site: ____________________
Internship Site Supervisor: ___________________
Did the student intern accomplish their assigned responsibilities: __________________
Did the student timely attend scheduled work dates: ______________________________
Comments: ______________________________________________________________
Did the student intern accomplish the pre-defined goals: _________________________
What do you think were the major accomplishment made by the intern?
What is your overall evaluation of the internship experience?
What is your overall evaluation of the student?
What suggestions would you give for the student’s personal improvement?
How successful was the student in utilizing marketing skills? ______________________
Final Internship Site Supervisor’s Report
Page 2
How successful was the student in utilizing business law skills? ____________________
How successful was the student in utilizing finance skills? ________________________
How successful was the student in utilizing managerial skills? _____________________
How successful was the student in utilizing communication skills? __________________
What did you think about the student’s written memo? ___________________________
What did you think about the student’s oral presentation? _________________________
Overall grade for student: ___________________
Thank you for all your help with this student and your dedication to help train future
business leaders.
The UNH College of Business
Please forward completed Report to or fax to (203) 931-6007.
Final Student Questions/Report
Students must complete both the questions below and the student report.
Answer the following questions and then submit the answers to your site supervisor as
well as attach answers to your student report.
1) What impact did the experience have on your personal growth?
2) What do you think was your greatest accomplishment during the internship?
3) What skills did you learn?
4) What did you discover about yourself during the internship?
5) What were you able to learn about office politics and ethics?
6) Were you able to apply what you learned from your marketing and sport marketing
class in your internship and how?
7) Were you able to apply what you learned from your finance and/or sport finance class
in your internship and how?
8) Were you able to apply what you learned from your business law and sport law class in
your internship and how?
9) Were you able to apply what you learned from your event management class (if you
took that class) in your internship and how?
These questions are designed to highlight: self-discovery & personal growth, skills
development, awareness of the behavior required in a professional environment,
application of principles learned in courses during the program, and help access the value
of the internship site/experience. The answers are not graded, but are required
Student Report
After answering these questions you should write a paper (at least five pages long and
utilizing five footnotes) about the internship. The paper should focus on your growth
through the internship process. What did you know about the industry before starting the
internship and what have you learned since undertaking the internship? Would you be
interested in working in this industry segment upon graduation? What additional skills
do you think you would need to effectively work in this industry segment? These are just
some of the questions you should answer and critically analyze why or why you would
not want to work in the industry segment? Please provide samples of your work product
to this report (over and beyond the five page paper) to help highlight what you have
Please forward completed answers and Report to or fax to (203)
Grading Rubrics for Skill Development
This form will be completed at the end of the internship during the final interview
between the faculty member (department or Internship Coordinator) and the intern.
Students should self-evaluate themselves on the following criteria to access what they
have learned. This is not a graded component of the internship, but an essential
component for us to evaluate if we are providing adequate preparation for your
professional career. We will also read the student’s final report to determine if they can
demonstrate the ability to apply what they have learned as highlighted by their
During your internship were you able to apply marketing principles learned in classes?
Select one of the following levels of achievement:
below my expectations _____
met my expectations ________
exceed my expectations ______
During your internship were you able to apply business law principles learned in classes?
below my expectations _____
met my expectations ________
exceed my expectations ______
During your internship were you able to apply finance principles learned in classes?
below my expectations _____
met my expectations ________
exceed my expectations ______
During your internship were you able to apply managerial principles learned in classes?
below my expectations _____
met my expectations ________
exceed my expectations ______
During your internship were you able to apply communication principles learned in
below my expectations _____
met my expectations ________
exceed my expectations ______
Faculty Rubric concerning level of achievement
Rank on below expectations, meets expectations, or exceeds expectations.
Marketing ______________________
Legal ____________________________
Finance _________________________
Management _____________________
Internship Site Visit Report (optional)
Date _________________
Name of Student _______________________
Location ______________________
(if the Internship site is more than 100 miles from UNH or other extenuating circumstance
prevent a face-to-face meeting the visit can be conducted on the phone or via the Internet)
People Attending Meeting __________________________________
What did the Intern do during the Internship?
What are the Intern’s feelings about the internship?
Does the site supervisor think the Intern accomplished the predetermined goals?
What skills has the Intern learned//does the Intern need to work on?
Would the Internship site want to hire anymore Interns from UNH?
Would the Intern recommend the site to another student?
Would the Internship site be interested in hiring the Intern to a full-time position?
Grading Matrix
Submit Application to Department
Secure internship
________ (out of a possible 10 points)
________ (out of a possible 10 points- 10
extra points if you find the
internship yourself)
Complete Internship Contract
________ (out of a possible 10 points)
Timely turn in weekly time logs
________ (out of a possible 30 points)
Turn in site evaluation
________ (out of a possible 150 points)
Based on a percentage of grade given by internship site
Answering Questions
________ (out of a possible 30 points)
Final Report
________ (out of a possible 60 points)
Total possible points
________ (out of a possible 300 points)
Final Grade
A= 265-300 points
B= 230-264 points
C= 200-229 points
D= 170-199 points
F = Anything less than 170 points
Experiential Education Contract
Course: ________
Semester/Year: __________
Credits: three or six
Student Information
Name: ______________________
Academic Standing: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
GPA __________
Major: _____________________________________
Advisor: ____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Phone: (_____)_______________________
E-Mail: _____________________________
Faculty Sponsor
Name: ______________________________________________
Office: ___________________
Extension: ________________________
Title of Practicum or ISIS: __________________________________________________
Description: _____________________________________________________________
EE opportunity will start: __________________________
EE opportunity must be completed by: ___________________
Grading will be based on: __________________________________________________
Student Signature
Faculty Signature
Students cannot sign-up for EE classes until a faculty member submits this signed contract.