CIVIL AIR PATROL TEXAS WING GROUP IV Cadet Programs Airman Leadership School Operations Plan 1. GENERAL A. PROJECT OFFICER Priscella Boren, 1st Lieutenant, CAP Group IV Cadet programs Officer 604 E Murray St Angleton, TX 77515 HM (979) 849 – 5349 CELL (409) 225 - 1236 E-mail: CADET PROJECT OFFICER Joshua Flores, C/ Captain, CAP Thunderbird Composite Squadron E-mail: B. Type Of Activity Cadet training and instruction program Airman Leadership School. C. ACTIVITY LOCATION: Bay City Service Center 2105 Avenue M Bay City, TX 77414 D. PRIMARY DATE: November 13-15, 2009 E. ALTERNATE DATE: November 20-22, 2009 F. HOST UNIT Group IV G. REPORTING TIME AND LOCATION In-Processing for all ALS students will begin at 1830 hours until 1945 hours. Cadets who can not arrive during this time must notify the Cadet Project Officer. GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 1 NOTIFICATION AND APPLICATION A. NOTIFICATION OF ACTIVITY: Information regarding this activity will be posted on the Group IV website. Squadrons will be notified via e-mail and phone invitation and operations plan. B. QUALIFICATION AND APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: THE COST OF THIS ACTIVITY WILL BE $25.00. ALL FEES TO BE PAID BEFORE EACH PARTICIPANT ARRIVES. MAIL ALL FEE’S TO MAKE OUT CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO RENEE HAILEY 604 E MURRAY ANGLETON, TX PLEASE INDICATE IN THE MEMO LINE THE CADETS FULL NAME ALS Basic Cadet Candidates: Prospective students applying for the Group IV ALS, must possess a current CAP ID card and be in good standing. To apply, interested applicants must fill out a TXWG 31A and attach a letter of participation signed by their squadron commander. The application may also be scanned and emailed to You must provide the original application upon check- in. Mail Applications to: Priscella Boren, 1st Lt, CAP 604 E MURRAY ANGLETON, TX 77515 Cadet Staff Candidates: - Wright Brothers Award - Complete the attached Staff Application Form All Cadet Staff applicants Must e-mail a TXWGF 31A to C/Major Joshua Flores, email: Staff must additionally complete and e-mail the attached Cadet Staff Application Form, completed TXWGF 31 A by November 11, 2009. Senior Member Staff Applications All senior members wishing to apply or instruct, please email the signed and completed TXWGF 31A to 1st Lt. Priscella Boren, at Please indicate the prospective staff position the order of precedence. (Example: Alpha TAC 1st, Logistics 2nd) Application deadline for Senior Staff is November 11, 2009. GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 2 3. UNIFORMS ALL Cadets: Cadets will be required to bring a minimum of: one one two one two (1) complete Air Force Style Short Sleeve blue uniform (1) complete BDU (2) gray T-shirts (1) black shorts (2) black T-shirts See attached packing list for additional requirements. ALL CADETS SLEEPING ATTIRE WILL BE A GRAY SHIRT AND BLACK SHORTS OR BLACK SWEAT PANTS. NO EXCEPTIONS Senior Members: Senior Members will be required to brig a minimum of one (1) complete Battle Dress Uniform and one (1) cooperate uniform of their choice. 4. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The activity will commence on Friday, 13 November 2009. Staff arrival and in-processing will begin at 1800. The remainder of the time prior to student arrival will be dedicated to the required ORM, orientation, preparations, and briefings. Student in-processing will take place at 1900 hours. In processing will continue until approximately 2030 hours to allow students time for storing gear and other preparation time. Next, the approved activity operations order will take effect. The activity will conduct its instruction in accordance to its approved curriculum, objectives, and schedule. Outprocessing will begin at 1430 hours on Sunday, 15 November 2009. Out-processing will continue until 1600. Staff will ensure all facilities are returned in its original condition. The use of the facilities will end at 1730. 5. ADMINISTRATION A. SIGN-IN LOCATION AND PROCEDURES Upon the applicant’s acceptance, directions will be emailed to the applicant. Sign in/ In-processing will be documented by using TXWGF 103 and emailed to the Group IV Commander upon completion. In addition, a complete listing of participating senior members will be emailed to the Group IV commander. B. CREDENTIAL VERIFICATION PROCEDURES: A current Civil Air Patrol membership card must be present with cadets and seniors upon sign-in or cadet must be listed as a current member on E-Services. GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 3 C. Form/Documents The following forms must be presented at in-processing: TXWGF 31A (Signed by Parent/Guardian and Unit Commander) TXWG Medical Disclosure Form Emergency Notification A. ALS Emergency Contact In case of an emergency contact 1st Lt. Priscella Boren (409) 225-1236 Lt. Col Denver Radford (281) 433- 9520 B. Communication The Project Officer, 1st Lieutenant Priscella Boren, can be reached at 979-849-5349(H); 409-2251236 (C). The Deputy Project Officer, Lt. Colonel Denver Radford can be reached at 281-4339520(c). C. Intersquad Radios. Inter-squad radios will be assigned to cadets in fixed position assignments to assure timely communication and rotation. All ISR’s will be issued by the Project Officer. Each ISR will be assigned and accounted for using CAPF 111. Cadets or others improperly using the radios may be prohibited from using the radios during the ALS. The Cadet Commander shall assign a member responsible for monitoring the traffic on each of the assigned ISR frequencies and shall coordinate ISR frequency messages with the senior command staff. 6. FACILITES A. Buildings/Room The American Legion Post 11 and Bay City Service Center will be used for, classrooms, billeting, recreation area for PT, messing and administrative office. All buildings have been inspected and are safe. 7. LOGISTICS A. Billeting Billeting will be arranged for at the activity’s facilities. B. Messing Meals will be covered by the school cost and will be provided and served at the schools facilities. GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 4 C. Transportation All cadets are responsible for their own transportation to and from the activity. 8. PUBLIC AFFAIRS All dealings with the media will be addressed by the ALS Public Affairs Officer (Senior Member). All media traffic will tasked out in accordance with all CAP Regulations. 9. SAFETY A. SAFETY MEASURES TO EXERCISE: At all times each staff member will enforce preventive safety measures. These preventive measures include all participants and equipment. The activity commandeer delegates the authority to make corrections of any safety violation to all staff members. During flight movement, formation road guards will be assigned and equipped with appropriate traffic equipment to include safety vest, flashlights and traffic cones. The Safety and Medical Officer will brief all participants on dehydration and prevention measures during the orientation briefing. B. MISHAP In the event of a reported mishap the Activity Commander or Safety Officer will report all actions using CAPF 79, and ensure all accounts associated with the mishap are properly documented. This includes briefing all participants to refrain from speculation to the media regarding of a mishap. C. MEDICAL All medication must be turn in to the ALS Medical Officer upon arrival. All injuries will be triaged by the ALS Medical Officer for documentation, severity and treatment. If the ALS Medical Officer deems that the emergency is beyond the facilities treatment scope, participants will be transported to: Matagorda County Hospital District 1115 Avenue G Bay City TX 77414 Phone: (979) 245-6383 GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 5 10. TRAINING A. Objectives “To train and educate cadets of Texas Wing and provide necessary skills in leadership, followership and basic CP and Air Force training as cadet airmen to better prepare them for future leadership roles”. See attached Curricula . B. Syllabus This activity will employ a training syllabus for conduct of classroom and other training. 11. AWARDS AND GRADUATION CERTIFICATES Award and certificates will be presented by the ALS commander or appointed representative. Graduation certificates will be given to students who meet the requirements for graduation. Awards will be given for distinctive accomplishments as determined by the ALS command staff. Attachments Equipment List Staff Application Staff Assignments TXWGF 31A TXWG Mishap Roster ALS Curricula GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 6 CADET EQUIPMENT PACKING LIST 1 BDU Top that is in regulations with the 39-1 (suggest bringing two) 1 BDU Pants (suggest bringing two) Belt (blue with black tip and black buckle) Belt (blue with silver buckle for blues. You may use one belt by simply changing out the buckles) 1 Pair Combat Boots (polished) 1 BDU Cover (That properly fits) 1 Pair Black Running Shorts (suggest 2, one for pt and one for sleeping) 2 Plain Grey Shirts 1 Pair Tennis shoes 2 Pairs of White Socks 3 Pairs of Undergarments 3 Pairs of Black Socks 2 Black shirts (Suggest that you bring 3) Toothbrush Toothpaste Deodorant (REQUIRED) (Axe spray and such is not considered deodorant) Small hand or camp towel Soap (to wash face and body - there are NO showers at the Location) Canteen w/pistol belt or camel back ID Card (mandatory) 2 Pens & 2 sharpened pencil (pencil sharpener if possible) Sleeping Bag (You will be sleeping on the floor) Prescription Medication (MUST BE IN PRESCIPTION BOTTLE AND TURNED INTO MEDICAL OFFICER) Optional Items Camera Black Sweat Pants Long Underwear (if cold weather is expected) Pillow (suggested) Small flashlight Sunscreen 1 set of civilian clothes that are conservative (this means a t-shirt that is loose and jean or kakis no shorts or tanks) The following items are FORBIDDEN! **No food. All food will be confiscated by staff upon discovery, this includes soft drinks. (We also cannot promise you will get your food or drinks back if taken up so don’t bring them) No playing cards or other forms of entertainment. No Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, Lighters, and Weapons of any kind. NO ELCETONICS including iPods, MP3 players, ECT. Cell Phones are not permitted, however a parent may make a formal request to either the Cadet Commander or Cadet Deputy Commander prior to the ALS specifying nightly communication with their child. Cadet Command Staff will allow them to use their phone once every night for 10 minutes between the times of 8:00 P.M. and 8:30 P.M. GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 7 Group IV Cadet Programs Airman Leadership School November 13-15, 2009 Staff Assignments The primary objective of the staff (both cadet and senior) is to provide quality training, both inclassroom and practical, to all participating students so that when they leave the school they will be properly trained in their knowledge of drill, leadership, how to properly present themselves in civil air patrol, and most of all, teamwork Senior Staff Activity Commander/Airman Leadership School Commander 1st Lt Priscella Boren Airman Leadership School Commandant Lt. Col Denver Radford Public Affairs Officer POSITION OPENED Administrative Officer POSITION OPENED Lead Instructor/Lead Tactical Officer POSITION OPENED Safety Officer POSITION OPENED Medical Officer POSITION OPENED Logistics Officer POSITION OPENED Alpha Tactical Officer 1st Lt Renee Hailey Bravo Tactical Officer POSITION OPENED Charlie Tactical Officer POSITION OPENED GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 8 Group IV Cadet Programs Airman Leadership School November 13-15, 2005 Staff Assignments (continued) Cadet Staff Cadet Staff Airman Leadership School Cadet Commander C/Major Joshua Flores Airman Leadership School Cadet Deputy Commander POSITION OPENED First Sergeant POSITION OPENED Alpha Flight Commander POSITION OPENED Alpha Flight Sergeant POSITION OPENED Bravo Flight Commander POSITION OPENED Bravo Flight Sergeant POSITION OPENED Charlie Flight Commander POSITION OPENED Charlie Flight Sergeant POSITION OPENED Public Affairs Sergeant POSITION OPENED Logistics Officer/Sergeant POSITION OPENED CTEP Team Leader C/Major Joshua Flores GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 9 Group IV Cadet Programs Airman Leadership School November 13-15, 2005 Staff Assignments (continued) Course Instructors COURSE INSTRUCTOR CAP History, Missions and Organization OPENED CAP Custom and Courtesies OPENED Cadet Physical Fitness Program OPENED Principles of Leadership OPENED CAP Uniform OPENED Organization/USAF Relationship Capitan Nicholas McLarty CAP Drill and Ceremonies Major Andrew Dice Principles of Teamwork 1st Lt Priscella Boren Cadet Protection Policy OPENED The Activity Program OPENED GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 10 TEXAS WING MISHAP REPORTING ROSTER TO BE POSTED AT ALL CAP ACTIVITIES AND IN ALL CAP VEHICLES AND AIRCRAFT FOR ALL MISHAP REPORT TO TEXAS WING AS FOLLOWS TEXAS WING COMMANDER TEXAS WING VICE COMMANDER Col Joe R. Smith Lt. Col Henry Jackson Home:940-689-8841 Cell: 940-704-3481 Fax: 940-855-5000 Home:830-792-5997 Cell: 830-377-8082 Fax: 830-792-5998 TEXAS WING HEADQUARTERS WING DIRECTOR OF SAFETY Lt. Col Melanie Capehart Home:972-387-8483 Cell: 214-729-0250 Fax: 254-867-9323 Phone: 254-867-9328 Fax: 254-867-9323 E-Fax: 866-867-6764 WHO WILL IN TURN NOTIFY TEXAS STATE DIRECTOR Ed Brown SWR SAFETY OFFICER Lt. Col Melanie Capehart Home:972-387-8483 Cell: 214-729-0250 Phone:254-751-7047 Fax: 254-751-7048 SOUTHWEST REGION COMMANDER Col Joseph Jensen Home: 501-223-9954 CAP-USAF SOUTHWEST REGION Phone:817-782-6400 Fax: 817-782-6405/6406 Cell: 501-247-7003 In case of serious injury, death or substantial damage ___/hrs day Wing commander or designee will immediately notify NATIONAL OPERATIONS CENTER: 888-211-1812 The Following Numbers Are For Submitting CAPF 78, Not Part Of Normal Notification. NHQ SAFETY ADMINISTRATOR Office: 334-953-2266 Fax: 334-265-9590 NHQ GENERAL COUNSEL Office: 334-264-7152 Fax: 334-265-4352 CAP-USAF DIRECTOR OF SAFETY Office: 334-953-5400 Fax: 334-953-6342 25Aug09 GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 11 GROUP IV, TEXAS WING CADET PROGRAMS AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL CADET STAFF APPLICATION Cadet Name: (Last, First) Current Rank: (If rank changes before the ALS, notify the CPO) Contact Information Home Phone: Cell Phone: Email: Staff Position 1ST CHOICE: 2ND CHOICE: 3RD CHOICE: CHECK ALL GROUP/WING/NATIONAL ACTIVITIES ATTENDED: ALL CHECKED ACTIVITIES WILL BE VERIFIED VIA E-SERVICES □Wing Encampment □ Group Color Guard Competition □ Wing Color Guard Competition □ Group Drill Competition □Wing Drill Competition □ National Cadet Competition □ Cadet Officer School □ Region Cadet Leadership School □ Camp Curry □Camp Curry Staff □Pararescue Course □ Advanced Pararescue Course □Powered Flight Academy □Glider Flight Academy □CEPT □SRNCO Academy □ □ □National Honor Guard Academy □ ECI 13 □Civic Leadership Academy □ National GSAR School □Hawk Mountain Ranger School □National Flight Academy □ □IACE □ NCO Academy □Blue Beret □Cadet Advisory Council □LESA □Space Camp/Aviation Challenge □ Encampment Date: National Emergency Services Academy Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Course AF Space Command Course Air Education and Training Command CHECK ALL CAP AWARDS THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED: ALL CHECKED AWARDS WILL BE VERIFIED VIA E-SERVICES □Silver Medal of Valor □ □ □ Meritorious Service Award AFA Award to Cadet of the Year Air Search and Rescue □Bronze Medal of Valor □ □ □Disaster Relief Commander’s Commendation Award AFSA Award to Cadet NCO of the Year □Distinguished Service Medal □Lifesaving Award □Red Service Ribbon □Cadet Community Service □Exceptional Service Award □Unit Citation Award □ Search “Find” Ribbon □Cadet Recruiter CADET STAFF APPLICATION PAGE 1 OF 3 GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 12 GROUP IV, TEXAS WING CADET PROGRAMS AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL CADET STAFF APPLICATION Answer ONE of the following three questions. You may answer all three but, only one will be taken into consideration for your staff application. 1. In your own words define LEADERSHIP. What positive and or negative factors helped create your personal definition of LEADERSHIP? 2. Hazing can effect you individually, as a team, and call your leadership skills into question. A small majority of cadets tend to lose sight that they were once Airman Basic’s too. As you progress within the CAP Program, some of your fellow cadets will have issues with the power of self-image. This is normally called a “Power Trip”. How can you avoid this power of selfimage? How can you use someone’s negative actions to become a stronger leader? 3. Teamwork is the key to command unity, effective communication and accomplishing the mission. Describe your strengths and weaknesses of being a team player. How can your weaknesses become a strength in teamwork? CADET STAFF APPLICATION PAGE 2 OF 3 GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 13 GROUP IV, TEXAS WING CADET PROGRAMS AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL CADET STAFF APPLICATION Group IV Cadet Programs, Texas Wing, Cadet Staff Code of Conduct I, Cadet (Rank and Name) _____________________________________, promise to uphold the following rules and values as I participate in the Group IV, ALS. 1. I certify that I am an active member of my home unit which is supported by TXWGF 31 with the signature of my parent/guardian and my squadron commander. 2. I will not possess or use any illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products. If I am found to be in possession of or have used any of these products, not only will I immediately be dismissed from the activity/school at my own and my parent/guardians expense, but I may face possible suspension or expulsion from the Civil Air Patrol as well as any appropriate legal charges. 3. I will not abuse over the counter, prescription, or easily obtainable products such as caffeine pills, heavily caffeinated beverages, Sudafed, etc. during the activity. All prescription medication will be logged with the Medical Officer or similar adult officer in charge of the event/activity. 4. My parents/guardians, Squadron Commander and I understand that transportation to and from a Civil Air Patrol activity is our responsibility. If I drive myself to a CAP activity, I will register my vehicle upon sign-in and I will turn my keys in to be given back after sign-out from the school/activity. I will not maintain a spare set of keys nor drive the vehicle at any time during the activity. 5. I will uphold the CAP Core Values of Integrity, Respect, Excellence, and Volunteer Service. I understand that if my behavior at any time violates CAP regulations and/or the Core Values that I may be asked to leave the activity at my own and my parent/guardians expense. 6. I understand that I am a role model for cadets under my command. I will maintain military bearing and emotional composure while in the presence of cadets. 7. I understand that I may be placed into a leadership position and as such, I am allowed to keep my personal communication device, I will not use it during classes, meetings, or other formal activities. I will keep it on “silent” at all times. Responsibility for such items will be my own. If found to be abusing this privilege, I may be asked to turn in my cell phone, PDA, or other personal communication device upon sign-in or be limited in the use of it. _____________________________________________ (Cadet Signature) Date:_______________________ _____________________________________________ (Printed Name and Rank) CADET STAFF APPLICATION PAGE 3 OF 3 GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 14 GROUP IV, CADET PROGRAMS, TEXAS WING AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL CURRICULA 1. Airman Leadership School (ALS) is part of the Texas Wing Integrated Leadership Program. 2. ALS material covers CAP organization, history, mission, cadet responsibilities, and the Cadet Oath. 3. ALS can be conducted at the group headquarters level or by two or more squadrons. 4. The time necessary to complete ALS is two and one half days. 5. The number of courses is 28, for a total number of curriculum hours of 17. 6. The Group IV, Cadet Programs ALS package will consist of the following: a. Group IV, ALS Program Manual b. Graduation Certificates and Seals c. ALS Workbooks (Orginal for reproduction) d. Power Point® presentations e. 4 ALS Class Guidons (A,B,C,D) f. ALS Class designation Projected Outcome The goal of the Airman Leadership School is to provide the new cadet with a thorough understanding of the Civil Air Patrol program, giving a solid foundation upon which the individual may build his or her Civil Air Patrol experience. Objectives The graduate of Airman Leadership School will demonstrate: A. An understanding of CAP organization, history and the mission. B. A complete understanding of the CAP cadet program, specifically the requirements, opportunities and awards of Phases I and II. C. A working knowledge of all basic drill movements. D. A basic knowledge of the proper wear of the CAP uniform E. A basic knowledge of the responsibilities and discipline required of every Texas Wing cadet. F. Understanding of the Integrated Leadership Program, (ILP), and the knowledge that he or she has just graduated from the first level of that program. Expected performance: Each cadet will be responsible for all the material presented during ALS and will complete and pass both the workbook and final examination. GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 15 GROUP IV, CADET PROGRAMS, TEXAS WING AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL CURRICULA Background The Airman Leadership is the second step in the Texas Wing Integrated Leadership Program (ILP).ALS is one of the foundations of the ILP, and the second exposure cadets will receive at Group IV, Texas Wing. Training standards So that training standards can be met, it will be necessary to maintain an environment which will foster a feeling of pride, identity and accomplishment for each cadet. Airman Leadership School will provide the new cadet with a solid beginning in understanding the responsibilities and rewards involved in the Civil Air Patrol cadet program. Philosophy The Airman Leadership School supplements and reinforces the Phase I introductory training conducted at the local unit. This program is intended to introduce the cadet to the broad history, organization and missions of Civil Air Patrol, as well as the opportunities available as a cadet in the Civil Air Patrol. For most new cadets and their parents, ALS may be the very first CAP activity outside their home unit. Therefore, it is important to establish and maintain an atmosphere of a wellrun, organized and professional school. The environment of the school should be disciplined, but not so stressful as to interfere with the learning process. ALS should be a positive experience for both students and their parents. Staff and instructors should conduct themselves in a professional, competent and business-like manner at all times. CURRICULUM INSTRUCTION Methods of Instruction Airman Leadership School instruction is categorized as lecture, field activity, and laboratory. The material is presented first in lecture format, followed by field activity or workbook study to provide immediate reinforcement. Laboratories, such as the Drill Labs and the Uniform lab, allow cadets to practice what they have just learned under the direct supervision of a cadet staff member. Creating a positive atmosphere will allow for the thorough exchange of ideas, thereby providing a proper learning situation. At all times instruction in each area should be easy to understand, suitably paced, and very thorough. Remember that the students are new to the concepts and terminology (especially the acronyms!) being introduced. GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 16 GROUP IV, CADET PROGRAMS, TEXAS WING AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL CURRICULA Scheduled Time Curriculum Topic Duration INTRODUCTION ALS Introduction .................................................................................. 30 min THE CIVIL AIR PATROL History of Civil Air Patrol .......................................... …………............ 30 min The CAP Mission ..................................................... .......................... 15 min Organization/USAF Relationship ........................................................ 45 min THE CADET PROGRAM Introduction ......................................................................................... 20 min THE AEROSPACE EDUCATION PROGRAM Introduction ......................................................................................... 20 min LEADERSHIP Introduction ......................................................................................... 30 min Drill and Ceremonies ......................................................................... 45 min Drill Lab I- Basic Drill Movements...................................................... 60 min Drill Lab II-Intermediate Drill Movements ........................................... 60 min Customs and Courtesies.................................................................... 45 min The Uniform I –AF/CAP Distinctive Uniforms.......................................30 min The Uniform II –39-1.............................................................................60 min Uniform Lab ........................................................................................ 45 min THE PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM The Cadet Physical Fitness Program................................................. 20 min Group Physical Training (1) ............................................................... 40 min Group Physical Training (2) ............................................................... 40 min THE ACTIVITY PROGRAM Introduction ...................................................................................... Squadron Activities .......................................................................... Emergency Services ........................................................................ Wing Activities ................................................................................. National Special Activities ............................................................... 15 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min THE MORAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Introduction ...................................................................................... 15 min The Cadet Oath……… .................................................................... 60 min The Cadet Protection Program ......................................................... 45 min Civil Air Patrol Core Values ............................................................... 60 min CONCLUSION Cadet responsibilities ......................................................................... 30 min TOTAL ............................................................. 28 Classes ......... 17 hours GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 17 GROUP IV, CADET PROGRAMS, TEXAS WING AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL CURRICULA Instruction: The prepared lesson plans which follow are not an excuse for you, the instructor, to not prepare yourself to teach the assigned class. They are not a crutch to prop you up, nor a body cast to confine you. Rather, they are a guide to help you insure that your class conforms to a general standard, that you cover the expected information, and in the assigned time. It is your responsibility to prepare yourself before each class by researching the source material, reviewing the outline, preparing appropriate visual aids, and insuring the classroom is ready for the students. Good lesson plans, like all expository writing, follow a simple three-part format: Tell them what you’re going to tell them (the introduction) Tell them (the lesson itself) Tell them what you told them (the conclusion) References: Where to look for information on this subject. Go to this source, as well as other references, when you prepare to teach the class. Generally, these references contain far more detailed information than you can cover in this lesson; it will be necessary to choose the important highlights, those needed by the students at this, their introduction to Civil Air Patrol. Time: The times listed for each class are based on the following amalgamation of formulas: 1. DT • D ÷ 3= AT 2. AT÷CO= ATH 1. Documented Time from previous ALS ’s/Camp Curry’s X Total Days at School ÷ 3 = Average Time 2. Average Time ÷ Class Objectives =Actual Teachable Hours AVERAGE TIME: 63 HOURS ACTUAL TEACHABLE HOURS: 17 HOURS Actual Teachable Hours are allocated based on core subtopics and cadet practicum. For example: Core Topic: Leadership contains two subtopics and five guidance laboratories. Schools, and should be appropriate for introducing new cadets to the subject. If the class is too short and you finish before the scheduled time, perhaps you missed a topic or did not include enough detail. On the other hand, if class is too long, perhaps you included too much detail, were distracted, or got off track. As important as your subject is to you, remember that your class must fit within the overall BCS schedule. GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 18 GROUP IV, CADET PROGRAMS, TEXAS WING AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL CURRICULA Educational goal: A broad, general statement of what you should accomplish during this class. Objectives: The specific, concrete, measurable ideas that each student should be able to recall at the conclusion of the lesson. Attention-getter: Simply calling the room to attention (i.e., requiring the cadets to stand stiffly upright) does not guarantee you have the students’ attention (i.e., they are mentally focused on you, the instructor). You should announce the subject, explain why this class is necessary and relevant to the student, and more. This step is an important and often over-looked opportunity to grab the students’ attention and imagination. It’s your opportunity to be creative. In fact, the attention-getter need not be directly related to the class material. You can use appropriate humor; use surprise, or a shocking, thought-provoking statement (in good taste, of course). This should set the style and atmosphere of the class, then quickly and smoothly transition into the outline. Visual aids: Students learn better when they can see, touch, and demonstrate or perform what you are teaching. Use appropriate visual aids whenever possible, such as computer slide presentation, overhead slides, videotapes, a demonstration, the blackboard, etc. Outline: This is the “meat” of the lesson, a road map to guide you through the material, and to insure that you don’t get lost trying to reach your educational goal. It is a step-by-step sequence to lead the student through the information in a logical and easily-understood manner. Conclusion: A brief re-statement of what you just covered, and the importance of the information to the student. Tips: Be professional: Appearance Attitude Positive/self-assured Avoid jargon, acronyms, or unfamiliar terms without clear explanation Engage the class - don’t confront them Speak to the students, not over their heads, not down to them Make eye contact Ask questions and seek responses Use demonstrators whenever possible Observe other instructors; ask someone to observe you Watch for distracting mannerisms, inappropriate remarks Class control Teaching style Be enthusiastic Have fun! GROUP IV AIRMAN LEADERSHIP SCHOOL OPERATIONS PLAN 19