Doll House Project Presentation

English 12
Doll House Project
The goal for your Doll House project is to have you not
only prove your knowledge of the text but to give you
experience in 2 potential real-life situations:
1. Working on a romantic relationship.
2. Working in a group on a business proposal
Nora and Torvald’s relationship is clearly flawed given the
outcome of their story. For this project you will be asked
- Identify the issues in their relationship
- Brainstorm and research solutions
- Present solutions in a creative way
You may work in groups of 2-4 students (no more!) and
decide what angle you would like to approach this project
from. A few ideas from previous projects:
A marriage counseling company
A couples’ retreat company
Video & movie guide on healthy relationships
How-to guide on relationships
This project will be counted as a major assessment. All
work must be presented on the day that the assignment is
due (otherwise you will lose points). Be aware of the
schedule and when project presentations will be presented
to the class. If you know you will be out, you need to
speak with me several days in advance. If a group member is
not present on the day your group presents he/she will go
through his/her portion of the project after school. Not
all group members need to speak during the presentation but
it is strongly encouraged.
All projects must include the same material:
Written Document: 60 points
- Letter of Intent One page or less on “company” stationary
addressing the Helmer’s and explaining your services as a
company. Identify why you feel your company would be the
best option for them to take moving forward in their
marriage. Creative liberty allowed in formatting. 1 page
single spaced.
P1: Introduce your company and give background (fictitious
– be creative!)
P 2: Give a summary of the concerns (3-5) regarding Nora
and Torvald’s relationship
P 3: Give a summary of solutions (3-5) your company will
- An In-Depth description of the Helmers’ relationship over
the course of the play. Identify their behaviors and roles
within the relationship. Look at how they interact with
each other as well as others. Identify their priorities,
hopes for the future, and expectations of each other. You
may structure the paragraphs however you want (focusing on
one character at a time and then together OR chronological
order). Structured paragraph format with a professional,
confident tone. 3-4 pgs. Double spaced.
8+ quotations properly quoted and cited.
- An Action Plan that includes a priority list of their
issues and a timeline that shows a progression of what they
need to work on and when. Also included should be specific
exercises, styles of therapy, and things they can try to
improve their marriage. Make sure to dig deeply – if you
discuss lying the solution shouldn’t be “stop lying.”
Really consider how they are going to solve the problem of
lying within their relationship. Utilize the internet and
CREDIBLE resources and cite everything. Structured
paragraph format with a professional, confident tone. 3-4
pages. Double spaced. 3 sources properly quoted and cited.
Creative Presentation: 40 points
- Some of your information must be presented in a
creative way: Consider a movie, skit, prezi, how-to
guide, infomercial, etc. It should cover the basic
areas of concern and solutions as presented in your
written work. The visual layout should be consistent
through out and make sense. Make sure to cite all
images used from the internet.
Doll House Project Checklist
First decide who your company manager will be. The
manager will attend Manager meetings that will take
place at the beginning of class and report out on the
progress of the company. *The manager at this point
should take notes on the rest of the meeting to be
turned in later.
Decide what kind of angle you want to take on this
project. What kind of company will you be? What will
your creative presentation be?
Brainstorm a list of all the issues Nora and Torvald
have in their relationship that will need to be
addressed. 10-15
Try to group the issues into categories and choose 3-5
that you will tackle.
Brainstorm 3-5 solutions for each “Area of Concern”
Lastly, assign the rest of your jobs. You should
consider having:
o Head of Marketing: Oversees the cover letter,
creative project, and overall aesthetic of work.
o Head of Research: Oversees the research of
solutions online also in charge of citations
o Head of Text Analysis: Oversees finding quotations
and details directly from the play.
English 12
Doll House Project Rubric
Group Members:
Written Document: 60 points
________/ 10pts. - Letter of Intent One page or less on “company”
stationary addressing the Helmer’s and explaining your
services as a company. Identify why you feel your company
would be the best option for them to take moving forward in
their marriage. Creative liberty allowed in formatting.
________/ 20 pts. - An In-Depth description of the Helmers’
relationship over the course of the play. Identify their
behaviors and roles within the relationship. Look at how they
interact with each other as well as others. Identify their
priorities, hopes for the future, and expectations of each
other. Structured paragraph format with a professional,
confident tone. 3-4 pgs. Double spaced. 8+ quotations properly
quoted and cited.
________/ 20 pts. - An Action Plan that includes a priority list of
their issues and a timeline that shows a progression of what
they need to work on and when. Also included should be
specific exercises, styles of therapy, and things they can try
to improve their marriage. You may brainstorm these with your
group members but also research options as well. Structured
paragraph format with a professional, confident tone. 3-4
pages. Double spaced. 3 sources properly quoted and cited.
________/ 10 pts. - Work Cited
Creative Presentation: 40 points
________/ 40 pts.- Some of your information (not all) must be
presented in a creative way: Consider a movie, skit, prezi,
how-to guide, infomercial, etc.
________ TOTAL Grade