French Revolution Study Guide: Test Prep for High School

Name: __________________________________________________ Period: ________ Date: ______________
French Revolution Study Guide - Test on Monday, November 21
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________Current Grade in class: ____________
Directions: Use your class notes, assignments, and quizzes to answer the questions below.
Please use COMPLETE SENTENCES and restate the question.
What did John Locke say was the job of government? John Locke said that the government’s job is to protect the rights
of the people.
According to Locke, what do people get to do if the government does not do their job? According to Locke, if the
government does not do their job, the people get to overthrow the government.
What did Locke say were the three natural rights that people were entitled to? Locke said that the three natural rights
that all people were entitled to were life, liberty, and property.
Explain two ways that the American Revolution influenced the revolution in France. Two ways that the American
Revolution influenced the French were that the war cost a lot of money which meant that the people had higher taxes,
and the American Revolution made the French people desire liberty even more.
What kind of people were in each of the three Estates (First, Second, Third)? In the First Estate, the people were clergy
(church people). In the Second Estate, the people were the nobles (rich people), and in the Third Estate, the people were
peasants (poor people).
Paraphrase what life was like in the Third Estate using three details. Life for the people in the Third Estate was hard.
They had to pay taxes, they had to serve in the military, and they were under the control of the nobles.
Describe what life was like for the First and Second Estates. Life for the First and Second Estates was pretty easy and
good. They did not have to pay taxes or serve in the military. Also, they had complete control over the Third Estate
Describe at least four reasons that Louis XVI was a bad king. Louis was a bad king because he was young and
inexperienced, and he was shy and awkward with people. In addition, Louis spoiled his wife which cost the French
people lots of money, and he was not good at making decisions.
Summarize four reasons why the French people came to hate Marie Antoinette. The French people hated Marie
Antoinette because she was spoiled, and she spent a lot of money on clothes and jewelry. Also, she was from Austria,
and they were France’s enemies. Lastly, Marie she ignored her queenly duties and gambled and partied instead, and she
ignored the peasants’ problems.
Describe what happened at the Bastille on July 14, 1789. The Bastille was a symbol of the king and the terror he caused
the people. On July 14, 1789, the French people attacked the Bastille, tore it down, and killed the guards.
Explain what it means if a person is “conservative”. If a person is conservative, they usually have traditional values (“old
school”) and don’t like change.
Explain what the guillotine was. The guillotine was a machine that the French people used to behead people.
Describe Maximilien Robespierre’s beliefs about the French government and people. Maximilien Robespierre believed
that the best kind of government was a republic; he hated the absolute monarchy. As for people, Robespierre believed
that “traitors” to the revolution should be executed!
Explain how Robespierre impacted the French Revolution. Robespierre impacted the French Revolution because was the
leader of the Committee of Public Safety. Even though the name suggests it keeps people safe, it was actually used to
execute thousands of innocent people.
Describe three ways that Napoleon positively impacted the French people. Napoleon did many things that positively
impacted the French such as balancing the budget and making bread affordable. Also, he built roads and bridges and
expanded France’s territory. I think his best contribution was that he came up with the Napoleonic Code which allowed
the French people to practice whatever religion they chose.
Describe three ways Napoleon negatively impacted France. Napoleon negatively impacted France when he became an
emperor/dictator because he ended the French republic and took the people’s political rights away. Also, his invasion of
Russia was a disaster, and many of his men died. Additionally, the Russia disaster cost the people of France a lot of
Explain what happened when Napoleon invaded Russia. When Napoleon invaded Russia, his men were totally
unprepared for the weather. They ended up getting stuck in Russia during the cold winter, and most of his men froze or
starved to death.
Compare and contrast Napoleon and Louis XVI – what was one thing they had in common? What were three ways that
they were different? Napoleon and Louis XVI were very different leaders; in fact, one of the only things they had in
common was that they were both dictators in France. Mostly, the two men were very different. Napoleon wanted
power and Louis didn’t. Napoleon was a very persuasive, popular leader, and Louis was shy and awkward. Also,
Napoleon was a military genius, and Louis was not particularly bright, talented, or bold.