一.Columbia University 1. sp 2. deadline 12.15 3. 接下来,在 11 月 15 日前,读完所画出来的文章。 development economics 1.Donald R. Davis(研究国际经济和劳动市场和发展经济) How does trade liberalization affect wages? http://www.columbia.edu/%7Edrd28/Research.html (international trade and wage and industry structural 特别 match)(和 university of virginia 一起 合作) How do labor markets adjust to trade liberalization? 2.Ronald Findlay (没有个人网页,已发信问) 3.Sunil Gulati (同上) 4.Leigh Linden (labor economics, development economics, political economics) 有一篇关于印度初等教育的文章,用 randomized experiment 这个方法有个综述有时间就学 学 这个教授主要就是做教育方面的。 match 度一般,但是勉强能扯上关系 5.Xavier Sala-i-Martin(基本上研究了发展经济学关于增长的所有问题,包括 converge 和 inequality 和技术进步,人力资本投资太多了,很想 David Weil,就是不知道现在在做什 么,好像很热情看完文章发邮件) Is economic inequality around the world getting better or worse? The world distribution of income 6.Joseph Stiglitz(各个发展中国家的主题包括全球化等都有,看重他那片金融发展的文章) 7.Miguel Urquiola(他自己的描述,并且主要是研究教育的) My research focuses on the Economics of Education, drawing on Development and Public Economics to study school markets and educational policies. Speci cally, my papers consider three ways in which policymakers have sought to improve school performance: i) by introducing school choice and competition, ii) by increasing inputs or funding, and iii) by relying on information to hold schools accountable. In each of these areas, my work makes two contributions: i) it uses novel research designs that attempt to credibly isolate e ects that have been di-cult to quantify, and ii) it analyzes how sorting or strati cation (the tendency for individuals to attend school with others similar to themselves) a ects the way in which interventions should be evaluated and designed. 8.ERIC VERHOOGEN working paper 就有 export and wage premia 太好了 (重点看)这个还是我的 future plan 呢 哥大的教授研究教育方面的和国际贸易方面的很多,可以从这两个角度写 future plan 二.MSU 1. 关于 ps 的要求: We are assessing your potential to benefit from and to contribute to the MSU graduate program in economics. Your statement of purpose should explain your interest in graduate study. What are your particular interests? How do your interests fit with our faculty’s research interests or department strengths? Why do you believe you have the capacity to make a distinctive professional or scholarly contribution to our field? Can you provide evidence of leadership potential that would be helpful in a diverse educational community? Please include relevant personal history that has shaped your interests and outlook, including evidence of overcoming social, economic, or personal obstacles. 2. 材料 A. Personal Statement - Include information about how your background and life experiences, including social, economic, cultural, familial, educational, or other opportunities or challenges motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree. ? Limited to 1 page ? No minimum word count ? Either single or double spaced B. Academic Statement - Provide a concise academic statement of your plans for graduate study, your career goals, and how Michigan State University’s graduate program will help you meet your career and educational objectives. ? Limited to 1 page ? No minimum word count ? Either single or double spaced 3. Deadline 1.1 Christian Robert Ahlin 做金融发展的,其中有有关于 microfinance 的。这个看完了 osu 教授的那篇,在研究。 John Giles Income inequality During Cina's economic transition 三.Duke University 有 ms Deadline 1.31(Fall) Michelle Connolly (把 international trade 和 development 联系起来的,算是比较 match) How much of south Korea's Growth Miracle Can be explained by trade policy? North South Technological diffusion: A new case for dynamics gains from trade. Edward Tower(international trade) trade protection 申杜克就要往 international trade 里面靠了,想主申杜克的春季 University of pittsburgh 1. deadline 1.15 1. Marla Ripoll(发表过:skill premium and trade liberalization 也有研究收入不平等的,非常 match) The role of education in development life expectancy and the wealth of nathion 2. Thomas Rawski 研究的都是中国问其中有一个正研究的是关于制度缺陷下能否实现持续经济发展的 3. James Cassing 从各个角度去研究 trade 的教授 四.University of virginia 1. 12.1 1.John Mclaren International trade, political economy, industrial organization, economic developement, effects of economic globalization 2.Bruce Reynolds(比较 match) inequality development and institutional change in transition economics. credit sector (financial sector) 3. Gauri Shastry(非常 match) development economics public economics labor economics India 的 其中有 outsourcing 的问题 Trade, employment, and inequality in post reform China 4. James Harrigan Good jobs, bad jobs, and trade liberalization China's local comparative advantage 5. Sanjay Jain development economics, political economy, applied microeconomics theory 6. William Johnson basic skills and black white earning gaps outsourcing and international labor mobility optimal technology and development 8.Ariell Reshef(只可惜是 assistant) Technological Change, Labor Economics, International Trade, Development Economics. 研究 skill biased technological change 的,很 match 的 skill biased financial development Big hits in manufacturing export and development 哇塞,不要太合适 HO and global increase of skill premia 9. Sheetal Sekhri 研究印度的,好像还可以吧。主要是研究水资源的 10. Toshihiko Mukoyama 研究收入分配的 五.PSU 1. deadline 1.15 1.Kala M. Krishna(比较 match) international economics, industrial organization, game theory, development economics applied microeconomics 2.Bee-Yan Roberts development economics, international trade and industry organization R&D investments, exporting and the evolution of productivity Firm-level prductivity and foreign direct investments in Taiwan working paper: two papers: FDI and productivity spillovers from physical proximity in manufacturing industries 3.Andrés Rodríguez-Clare 小 match,研究 gains from trade 还有一些 trade 模型 4. Stephen Yeaple international trade,industry organizaiton multinational enterprises,international trade and technology diffussion 主要研究台湾 六.Vanderbilt University 1. 有 ms,并且是 development economics,international development 2. The GPED has rolling admissions with no specific deadlines. (有春季和秋季) 3. sp 4. limited aid 1. Kathryn Anderson 研究领域:labor, health, economic development 2. Ana Regina Andrade Field: labor economics, econometrics, economic development 3. William Collins Fields: economic history, labor 5. Hyeok Jeong(超级 match) (发邮件去确认) Fields:growth & development, income distribution dynamics, international trade 怎么发现和我比较 match 的都是 assistant Growth and inequality Work in progress: selection and income distribution dynamics Complementary and US wage inequality General equilibrium explanation of international trade and exchange rate disconnect Sectoral TFP under differential capital Market Segmentation 6.Anderea Maneschi Fields: international trade, economic though, development 研究过一些收入分配的问题 7. Anderea Moro Fields: labor economics, public economics 研究主要集中在性别和宗族之间的工资不平等 七.Indiana University—Bloomington 1. Deadline: 12.1 2. state of intent 3. MA 和 PHD 1. Rubiana Chamarbagwala(非常 match)(不过还是 assistant)(先读他的文章在发信) Focus on the impact of economic reform and liberalization on poverty, inequality and human capital investments in India 2. GERHARD GLOMM(完全从 public 角度研究,比较 match) Research and teaching interests include macroeconomics, economic growth, income distribution and political economy. 3.Lopez Richardo Progress:trade liberalization and industry dynamics 另一篇 impact of intermediate inputs and spillover effects 八.Iowa State University 1. 有 ms (The M.S. program is designed primarily for students who have the desire and the aptitude to pursue a Ph.D. in Economics or Agricultural Economics, but require additional coursework background before beginning Ph.D.-level studies.) 2. deadline: 12.15 只有两个教授是申 economic development and growth 的,主要还是做农经的 九.Syracuse University 十. Fordham University 1. Deadline: PHD 1.4 MA 4.6 十一.Georgia Institute Technology 十二.Lehigh University 1. Deadline: 1.15 十三. University of Pittsburgh 1. Deadline 1.15 PHD 十四. Ohio State University 1. Deadline 11.18 PHD