-University of Texas at El Paso- LIBRARY INSTRUCTION SESSION Date: Tuesday, 09/19/06 (12:00 noon – 1:20 p.m.; 1:30 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.) Location: Room #204B, University Library For: Communication 1301 – Public Speaking (Fall 2006) Instructor: Kim Klorer (E-Mail: kklorer@utep.edu) Librarian: Lisa Borden, Electronic Resources Librarian Subject Specialist: Communication/Women’s Studies Phone: (915) 747-6709 E-Mail: lmborden@utep.edu Phone: x5914 UTEP Library Resources: For all Library Information, see the home page at http://libraryweb.utep.edu Learn how to do research by clicking on How to do Research http://libraryweb.utep.edu/start/getting_started.cfm Learn about the Library’s electronic resources and how to access them at http://libraryweb.utep.edu/electronic/electronic.cfm (*NOTE: Includes information regarding access from home, how to set up your library patron record) View your patron record, renew books online, track ILL requests, and review library holds at https://lib.utep.edu/patroninfo~S0 Locate course materials on reserve (placed there by your instructor) at http://lib.utep.edu/screens/course.html Request materials from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) at http://libraryweb.utep.edu/departments/ill.cfm Look at our listing of online electronic citation style guides at http://libraryweb.utep.edu/db/citing.cfm (*NOTE: Printed copies of both the APA and MLA style manuals can be located at the Reference Desk) Ask a librarian questions using the virtual reference and chat services at http://libraryweb.utep.edu/avc/avc.cfm?page=asklib Library Instruction for COMM 1301 - Klorer (Fall 2006) 2 Research Strategies – A General Approach 1) Plan based on your time frame. Ask yourself the question, “how much time do I have to get the materials I need?” This is important to note because some document delivery services, such as Interlibrary Loan, can take up to two weeks or longer, so plan accordingly. 2) Start off by finding out what’s easily available within the UTEP Library, either in printed format or in electronic format. Check Nugget, the UTEP Library Catalog, along with any electronic databases relevant to your search. Look for links to full text items, if available, but don’t overlook the fact that many items are still provided in printed format. If you limit your searching to electronic full text items only, you will certainly miss many just as relevant and valuable printed resources. Please don’t hesitate to ask at the Reference Desk for help if you’re not sure how to find something. 3) If some of the items you need aren’t available in the UTEP Library, check other libraries in the immediate local area (i.e. within easy driving distance) to see if they can be obtained there. Note that the UTEP Library has a reciprocal checkout agreement with the NMSU library: UTEP students, faculty, and staff can check books out at NMSU, and vice versa. Links to other libraries may be found at http://libraryweb.utep.edu/db/otherlibs.cfm. 4) In the event that some of the materials you need are available neither at the UTEP Library nor at other libraries in the immediate local area, you will have to order these via Interlibrary Loan or another document delivery service, if time permits. A good resource for checking overall availability of Interlibrary Loan materials is the international database OCLC WorldCat (a link to this product appears on the “Other Libraries” web page above). When looking for journals, remember to always double-check each library’s holdings for that title to verify that the volume/issue you need is, in fact, held by that library. 5) If time or convenience are pressing factors, you may want to employ special strategies such as fee-based document delivery services or by networking with friends or colleagues at other universities to obtain your materials. Feebased document delivery services such as Ingenta Connect may come in handy if you don’t have the luxury of time to wait for Interlibrary Loan. Be sure to double-check for any local rules, copyright, or licensing restrictions that may apply. Some authors are most cooperative about sending out copies of article reprints, reports, and the like, upon request. It’s a good way to practice networking with colleagues or peers in your field. 6) If you’re not sure what to do or how to begin, PLEASE don’t hesitate to ask for help either in person, via phone, or by e-mail. The UTEP Library staff are always willing to help out whenever they can. Library Instruction for COMM 1301 - Klorer (Fall 2006) 3 Locating Materials in the UTEP Library Related to Speech Topics How to locate books, journals, government documents, etc. Strategy: Perform a search for these materials in Nugget, the UTEP Library’s Catalog. Links to the catalog are available from the UTEP Library’s home page. Various types of searches can be performed as needed, including keyword, author, title, subject, call number, etc. Note that many searches can be limited by language, material type, location, and the like. Records may be printed out, e-mailed, or saved to diskette as appropriate (See “Save Marked Records,” “Save all on Page,” and “View Saved” buttons). Make sure to “Clear Saved Records” after printing, e-mailing, or saving each batch otherwise Nugget will cache or append each successive batch of records to the group, resulting in duplication. Some of the Library’s subscription databases provide a direct link to Nugget right from their search interfaces to make it easier to verify our holdings information. FYI: Do not use Nugget to search the content of a journal! New feature: It is now possible to save “preferred searches” when logged into Nugget from the patron record (“View Your Records”) screen! NOTE: Many of the bibliographic records in Nugget, the UTEP Library Catalog, are very brief and don’t contain much detailed information regarding what the book, journal, government document, or other item, is about. Some records will contain a note showing the book’s “table of contents,” for example, but not the full text. Those that are “electronic books” will include a link to the complete full text that can be viewed online through a database called netLibrary. Setting up a free, personal account in netLibrary will allow you to set up preferences, create a list of favorites, and take notes on the EBook. In most cases, however, the book, journal, or other item, must be retrieved and examined to determine its actual subject content. Brief in-class demonstration (see Nugget handout for additional help) Sample searches by KEYWORD Public speaking (phrase) Debates AND Debating NOTE: The differences between phrase searching and combining search terms with the Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT. Use a keyword search to determine the appropriate subject heading for your topic. Sample searches by SUBJECT Public speaking (NOTE: “Forensics” is an older subject heading) Debates and debating (NOTE: Use in place of “Forensics”) Library Instruction for COMM 1301 - Klorer (Fall 2006) 4 Experimentation strategies with student speech topics: Male Contraceptives e-Skin (Artificial Touch – Robots) Identity Politics Poems about “Rivalry” Diffusion (Communication Theory) Augmented Reality (AR) Goggles Special search strategies: Note that for some of the topics listed above, it may be difficult if not impossible to locate a book specifically or exclusively devoted to that topic within Nugget – unless it is physically or virtually owned by the UTEP Library. A search of WorldCat (OCLC/FS), an international book catalog, is highly recommended to verify whether any published book exists on a specific, related, or broader topic. That book can then be obtained via Interlibrary Loan (ILL). To locate relevant material in Nugget in book format, special search strategies by broad or related subject may need to be employed if nothing is found on the more specific topic. It is recommended that a working thesaurus or list of synonymous subject terms be constructed, including all broader and narrower terms as well as related terms. Since the bibliographic records within Nugget are typically brief and do not include any full text, it is usually likely that viable information on a topic can be located by examining the table of contents and/or index of a book whose bibliographic record displays a much broader or related subject term than the one specifically desired. For topics of fairly recent vintage or those that are considered “cutting edge,” a search of the journal literature specific to the topic area is typically much more rewarding due to the longer publishing cycle required by most books. Also, the scholarly literature of some disciplines is much more prevalent in journal format than in book format. Topics that need to be “localized” or focused on the immediate local area or community involved will require a search of publications such as newspapers, newsletters, magazines, and manuscript materials that were published or created locally. Conducting personal interviews or contacting local media outlets are other ways to “localize” topics. How to locate journals Strategy: Determining whether or not specific journals are available at the UTEP Library is a twostep process. It involves to checking to see if the UTEP Library has the journal in its holdings, in either print or electronic format. Bear in mind that the Library may have the journal available in print format, in electronic format, in both print and electronic Library Instruction for COMM 1301 - Klorer (Fall 2006) 5 formats, or it may not carry the journal in either format and you will need to locate the item in a neighboring library or request an article via InterLibrary Loan. To check the UTEP Library’s print holdings for a specific journal, perform a title search in Nugget, the UTEP Library Catalog. If you find a match for your title, the Nugget record for the journal will indicate what years/volumes/issues are held by the Library. Check the information in your bibliographic citation to determine if the article you need is included in the Library’s holdings for that journal title. If you’re just interested in browsing that journal and have no specific subject focus, you’ll need to decide if you want to browse current or older issues, based on availability indicated in the Nugget record. To do that, write down the call number for the journal and go to the location in the Library (either M&M or Main Stacks) where those issues are shelved. FYI: Use the Library’s electronic databases to search the contents of a journal. This is usually easier and faster than searching each volume and issue on the shelves by hand. To check the UTEP Library’s electronic holdings for a specific journal, note that many of the journal records in Nugget contain links to full text content for that journal in various other subscription databases. Because some of the Nugget record links aren’t as up-to-date as those on the Library’s web page listing for these items, please follow the guidelines below for locating journals in electronic format. How to locate a current listing of all of the Library’s electronic journals Strategy: As a general rule, most materials that are physically or virtually owned by the UTEP Library can be found in Nugget, the UTEP Library Catalog. Because UTEP’s electronic journals inventory is constantly changing, the Library maintains a separate listing of these items at http://fu5wr4ks6k.search.serialssolutions.com/. NOTE: Electronic journals not included on this list cannot be accessed online through UTEP. The electronic title must be on subscription through the Library for online access to occur, with very few exceptions. This list is completely ACCESSIBLE FROM HOME. Remember to set up your library patron record FIRST!!! Note that titles may be searched or browsed both alphabetically and by subject. Some of the links will take you directly to the journal’s table of contents page where you can access your journal by volume and/or issue number. Others will take you only to the search interface of the database in which the journal is contained and you will have to reperform your search in order to locate the needed article. Many of these titles are indexed or tracked for content in the electronic databases listed below. IMPORTANT: Use the Library’s E-Journal Portal as a COUNTERPART to Nugget and not in place of the electronic indexing and abstracting databases (*below*). If the database you’re searching doesn’t provide the full text article or a direct link to it, check Library Instruction for COMM 1301 - Klorer (Fall 2006) 6 Nugget or the E-Journal Portal to see if UTEP has either a printed copy or an electronic copy of the one you need. How to search electronic databases for journal articles Strategy: The best and most efficient way to look for journal articles and other information dealing with various topics is to use online bibliographic indices or abstracting databases. These powerful, Internet-based tracking tools are rapidly replacing indices in both print and CD-ROM formats. They are very helpful for sorting through and manipulating large quantities of literature in one or more subject areas. Use these tools primarily to learn what kind and how much information has been published with respect to your area of interest. Start by searching the indexing and abstracting database that covers or tracks the bulk of the primary literature for your subject area. A certain amount of subject or content overlap exists among databases based on each one’s primary function: subject awareness and/or full text content support. Content overlap among databases is also dictated by what types of materials each one is assigned to track or provide awareness for. Search in secondary indices or specialty products only for unique literature that is not already covered or tracked in the primary index. NOTE: A thorough literature search will always involve more than one indexing and abstracting database. Since no single electronic resource will cover all of the published literature on a topic, plan on using a flexible search strategy that will encompass several electronic database resources. Be prepared to do a little navigating through the various search interfaces or platforms you’ll encounter in the process, since they will all be somewhat different in terms of design and content. Features and functionality, however, will show much more similarity and will allow you to determine patterns that will increase your information literacy with respect to electronic resources. Once you’ve established what’s potentially available on your topic, you can then start the process of locating the actual documents. The full text of some of these documents may actually be included within the interface of the primary indexing database you used to perform your initial search. Certain indexing or tracking databases provide links to other databases to help you locate full text documents in either print or electronic formats. These other databases provide full text content or support for the indexing or tracking databases. Some databases provide no external linking mechanisms whatsoever to assist you in your search for the documents themselves. The best way around this is to familiarize yourself with each online resource to determine its function and usefulness. NOTE: A wide range of online indexing and abstracting databases, grouped together by subject or category, can be located on the Library’s “Electronic Databases” web page at http://libraryweb.utep.edu/db/index.cfm. From this page, specific online databases can be located alphabetically by title and also by keywords in the database title. Each of the Library Instruction for COMM 1301 - Klorer (Fall 2006) 7 online products discussed below will be demonstrated during class using student topics, as time permits. Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) -- Comprehensive, multidisciplinary index complete with citations, abstracts, and some full text. Formats indexed include books, newspapers, and magazines, as well as scholarly and peer-reviewed journals. Subject coverage includes social sciences, arts and humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, health sciences, multicultural studies, and many more. Coverage: 1975 - present (updated daily). Sample KEYWORD search 1st Search Box = smoking 2nd Search Box = vaccine NOTE: You can set limits for retrieval of either periodicals or scholarly/peerreviewed journals Sample SUBJECT search Smoking (NOTE: Also try “Tobacco habit”) NOTE: Click on the “subject terms” button from the green navigation bar at top of screen and choose “relevancy ranked.” Enter the terms of your choice, then click on the “browse” button at top/right of screen to view results. After selecting the most relevant subject heading by marking it with a check, add it to your search so the term (prefix DE=Descriptor) appears in the “find” box above. View the bibliographic citations for that term by clicking on the “search” button. You can combine several subject descriptors using the Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT. MEDLINE (EBSCO) -- Comprehensive index for international literature in biomedicine, bioengineering, and health. Includes those areas of the life, behavioral, and chemical sciences needed by health professionals and others engaged in basic research and clinical care, public health, health policy development, or related educational activities. Subject coverage includes medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the pre-clinical sciences. Materials indexed include scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, and newsletters. Many citations include abstracts and some include full text or links to full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1966 - present. Sample KEYWORD search 1st Search Box = male 2nd Search Box = contraceptives Library Instruction for COMM 1301 - Klorer (Fall 2006) 8 NOTE: You can set limits for retrieval of either peer-reviewed journal articles, population group, gender, intended audience, and more. Sample SUBJECT search Male contraceptives = Contraceptive Agents, Male NOTE: Click on the “thesaurus” button from the green navigation bar at top of screen. Enter the terms of your choice, opt to rank results according to relevancy, then click on the “browse” button at right of screen to view results. After selecting the most relevant subject heading by marking it with a check, add it to your search so the term (prefix DE=Descriptor) appears in the “find” box above. View the bibliographic citations for that term by clicking on the “search” button. You can combine several subject descriptors using the Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT. Examine the “scope” notes for definitions of terms. Engineering Village 2 (Compendex) -- Comprehensive index for engineering and applied science literature from journal articles, conference papers, and technical reports. Includes abstracts and links to some full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1970 - present (updated weekly). Provides access to two independently searchable sources for patents: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) full text/full image databases and esp@acenet for patents (some full text) produced by national patent offices in Europe, the European Patent Office (EPO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and Japan. Sample KEYWORD search 1st Search Box = artificial touch (NOTE: Try “tactile sensors”) 2nd Search Box = robots Sample SUBJECT search Robotics Contact sensors Robots, Industrial – Contact sensors NOTE: Click on the blue “thesaurus” tab at the top of the screen, enter your desired search terms, and click on the gold “submit” button. Select the term that best matches what you’re looking for from the list given (it will automatically be entered into the “search” box below) and then click on the “search” button at the bottom of the screen to bring up a list of the bibliographic citations for that term. NOTES:_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________