Theodore Roosevelt and the National Parks Unit: History, Science

Theodore Roosevelt and the National Parks
Unit: History, Science and Conservation: Teddy Roosevelt
Lesson: Theodore Roosevelt’s Contribution to Conservation in America : The Antiquities Act of
Grade Level: 5th Grade
Time Frame: 6 Class Periods (75 minutes each)
Curriculum Areas: History, Social Studies Skills and Language Arts (Reading and Writing)
Students will:
 Demonstrate knowledge of National Parks history with completion of National Parks:
Shaping the System (Harpers Ferry Center:National Park Center, 2005) worksheet at
90% accuracy
 Write an expository essay (with a minimum of three paragraphs) that includes:
o Roosevelt’s biographical information (birth, death, family, education and career)
with 90% accuracy;
o A description of Roosevelt’s contribution to conservation by correctly naming,
with 90% accuracy, the Antiquities Act, the date of passage, and the critical part
of the act (increasing Presidential Power to create National Landmarks);
o An analysis that examines how Roosevelt’s decision to enact the Antiquities Act
affects the lives of Americans today. Analysis must include at least two examples
that demonstrate how National Parks and National Landmarks are used for
recreation, health, environmentalism and/or education in the United States. Each
example must be comprised of at least two sentences.
o A drawing or watercolor painting of a student-selected National Park or National
Landmark to be used as an illustration with park/landmark name and date of
establishment as park/landmark identified with 100% accuracy. This will be
attached to written essay and displayed.
 Construct sentences by correctly identify meanings and spellings of fifteen new
vocabulary words at 90% accuracy
TEKS Standards Addressed:
§113.7. Social Studies, Grade 5
5(B) History :
The student understands important issues, events, and individuals of the 20th century in the
United States; (B) identify the accomplishments of notable individuals such as Carrie Chapman
Catt, Dwight Eisenhower, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Colin Powell, and Franklin D.
Roosevelt who have made contributions to society in the areas of civil rights, women's rights,
military actions, and politics.
(26) Social studies skills:
The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to:
(B) incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication; ((D) create
written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and
bibliographies; and (E) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation.
§110.16. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 5
2(E) Reading/Vocabulary Development:
Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students are expected
to: use a dictionary, a glossary, or a thesaurus (printed or electronic) to determine the meanings,
syllabication, pronunciations, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words.
(7) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Literary Nonfiction:
Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the varied structural patterns
and features of literary nonfiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.
Students are expected to identify the literary language and devices used in biographies and
autobiographies, including how authors present major events in a person's life.
18(A) Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts:
Students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and
information to specific audiences for specific purposes. (A) create multi-paragraph essays to
convey information about the topic
Anticipatory Focusing:
Show a five minute preview of Episodes One The National Parks: America’s Best Idea
(Burns, 2009)
Powerpoint to include TR pictures from:
KWL Chart : Teddy Roosevelt and National Parks
Setting Clear Expectations:
 Teacher will explain that this is an integrated unit, and that it will require reading, writing
and small group work. Also, we will be able to watch an amazing film and will be able to
do research on some very interesting science/nature websites.
Input :
 Discussion Questions posed during Read Aloud sessions. For example:
o How did Theodore Roosevelt’s interest in animals and plants affect his
o Are there any similarities between President Roosevelt’s interest in conservation
and the environmental/green movement that we experience today?
Small Group Collaboration to complete Biographical Information on Graphic Organizer
Lecture using Visual Media - The National Parks: America’s Best Idea (Burns, 2009)
Discovery: Student research with preselected sites (i.e. ) to locate and document
information related to the Antiquities Act of 1906 in order complete sections of Graphic
Organizer (2)
Small Group Discussion and Brainstorming to determine how Antiquities Act signed by
Roosevelt affects the lives of Americans lives today and complete remaining sections of
Graphic Organizer (2)
Whole class discussion and exploration of three new vocabulary words daily. Students
use context and root/prefix clues to determine meaning. Teacher clarifies meaning and
students use new words to write original sentences. Daily vocabulary activity is
documented in Vocabulary Journal.
Lecture to remind students/review research process in regards to plagiarism and citation
of sources.
 Display copy of Guided Note Template on Document Camera, and pause film after 1st
segment to complete first section of notes. Teacher will write notes on teacher copy to
illustrate which points are most critical and how to include main ideas, while not writing
down everything .
 Teacher will show teacher copy of Graphic Organizers (1) and (2) to illustrate/review
how use the notes in graphic organizers to begin writing complete sentences and
organized paragraphs.
Checking for Understanding:
 During Read Aloud sessions, teacher will use oral discussion questions posed to the
whole class after each student completes his/her section, and ‘Exit Cards’ to assess
understanding after all have finished reading. Each student will be given an index card,
and on the board, teacher will write two questions. Students will write responses, and
teacher will use these to check for understanding, and review the prior to the next read
aloud session.
 Informal assessment by observing small groups collaboration to complete Graphic
Guided Practice:
 Read Aloud sessions: Students take turns reading aloud to teacher and classmates during
class: Theodore Roosevelt: The Adventurous President (deMauro, 2005).
Social Studies Journal: Students will be given guided note template to tape into journals.
They will read the questions/outline titles prior to viewing, so they will know what to
look for. During each viewing segment, students will take notes and answer questions in
their journals.
Independent Practice:
 Independent reading of selections from The National Parks: Shaping the System
(Harpers Ferry Center:National Park Center, 2005) and completion of teacher created
worksheet with short answer questions;
 Student will use in class and/or homework time to use begin draft stage of writing
process by completing first paragraph(s) of written essay (biographical information);
 Student will create his/her sketch, drawing or watercolor painting of a National
Park/Landmark as seatwork or homework
Mastery Check (Assessments):
 Completion of The National Parks: Shaping the System worksheet at 90% accuracy;
 Review History Journal notes after both film watching periods for completeness and
accuracy at 80%;
 Vocabulary Quiz of fifteen new words at 90% accuracy;
 Rubric to assess/grade written essay with points assigned based on parameters set in
Objective section of Lesson Plan (that includes illustration).
Student Vocabulary Journals
Social Studies Journals
Access to Library Computers for scheduled time periods
Document Camera
Internet access on Teacher Desktop
Guided Notes Template
US Map outline with State Delineations
Pens/Colored Pencils (for maps) and Pencils
DVD: The National Parks: America’s Best Idea (Burns, 2009)
Theodore Roosevelt: The Adventurous President (22 Copies)
Hardcopies of Parks: Shaping the System (Harpers Ferry Center:National Park Center, 2005)
 Print and give to each student a copy of The Clean Air Activity Booklet. Produced in
conjunction with the The National Parks: America’s Best Idea (Burns, 2009) and by the
National Parks Conservation Association, this booklet contains fun activities and
information in a kid friendly format regarding conservation and climate change in
National Parks. The booklet will be printed from the following site:
Input and/or Guided Practice activities are listed, with the medication listed immediately below
in bold.
Students read aloud in class: Theodore Roosevelt: The Adventurous President. After book is
completed, students will work in groups of four to complete Graphic Organizer (1) (Biographical
Modification 1: Locate this book on tape, or find an internet source to create an oral
version of this book.
Modification 2: Use worksheets and graphic organizers without a lot of pictures or varied
text styles. Provide headings for each section and an example of how text is written on
Graphic Organizers. Also, make sure the area that the student works in does not have a lot
of wall art or posters that can be distracting.
Watch Episode Two: The Last Refuge (1890 – 1915) from The National Parks: America’s Best
Idea (Burns & Duncan, 2009) over two class periods to gain students an understanding of
Roosevelt’s passion about conservation, and to provide visual stimulation and enthusiasm for the
subject matter.
Modification 3: Teacher provides a written outline that highlights critical information from
the film which the student will use to complete his/her Graphic Organizer. Student may not
be able to sit through the entire film. He/she will be permitted to stand or sit on an exercise
ball for movement.
Students will use Library computers to research preselected sites to identify specific information
Antiquities Act and complete Graphic Organizer Two (Antiquities Act data).
Modification 4: Student(s) will not perform search for article on his/her own. Teacher will
select specific article, and will highlight/underline important information. Depending on
level of student, selected paragraphs can be read to the student rather than the student
reading for research.
Small Group Collaboration: Using Map delineated only by state, students work together to label
states and divide each state into quadrants (North East, North West, South East and South West)
Using National Park Book, students work collaboratively to complete worksheet with location by
state quadrant of National Park and National Landmark locations by state.
Modification 5: Map for student(s) with IEP will have states and quadrants labeled.
Landmarks will be marked on map, but not labeled. Student will label.
Students will research or to identify various career opportunities…..
Modification 6: Students will complete only the first section of this activity – looking at
career opportunities or student jobs within the National Park and document the names of
jobs and job descriptions. Additionally, they will document the web address so that they
can take home if they are interested in exploring more.
Whole class discussion and completion of KWL chart to determine what students knew about
Roosevelt and the National Park System prior to lesson, and what they have learned as a result of
the lesson.
Reflective Critique: Students enjoyed the online research and wanted to spend much more time
investigating many national park sites. Will need to work with Science teacher to consider
expanding time spent on environmental issues.
Burns, K. (Producer), & Burns, K. (Director). 2009. The National Parks: America’s Best Idea
[Motion picture]. United States: PBS.
deMauro, L. (2005). Theodore Roosevelt: The Adventurous President. New York, NY: Harper
Harpers Ferry Center:National Park Center. (2005). The National Parks: Shaping The System.
Washington: Department of the Interior.