April 20, 2004

April 20, 2004
Commissioners' Meeting
The Board of Commissioners, Town of Wingate, met in regular session on April 20, 2004, at
the Jesse Helms Center, at 7:00 p.m. The following persons were present:
Mayor Tony E. Maye
Commissioners Bill Braswell, Nathel Hailey, Johnny Jacumin,
John Mangum, and Jarrod McCraw
Dryw Blanchard
John Edmondson, Home News
Donald C. Perry, Town Attorney
Trent Mereth (new p.w. emp.) and his son Rick
Scott Stroud
Sandra Thomas
Mike Brower
Pat Edwards
Mildred Parks
Mayor Maye called the meeting to order and invited everyone to stand for the pledge of
allegiance to the American flag.
A moment of silent reflection was observed, remembering those members of our armed forces and all
emergency personnel risking their lives to protect us at home and abroad and the family of a threemonth-old child at Wingate Manor who had died during the past week.
Approval/Correction of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Commissioner Hailey made a motion that the minutes of the April 6, 2004, meeting be
approved. Commissioner Mangum seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
Agenda Approval/Amendment(s)
Commissioner Jacumin made a motion to approve the agenda, giving the Chair the authority
to adjust as he sees fit. Commissioner Braswell seconded the motion, which was
unanimously approved.
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April 20, 2004
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Comments from the Public
Mayor Maye asked for any comments from the public, and there were none.
Town Attorney Don Perry was recognized at this point in the meeting. He gave board members copy
of a resolution regarding on-premises sale of beer and wine approved by Shirley Secrest of the Union
County Board of Elections. He stated that the resolution was prepared as directed by the General
Statutes. Upon passage of the resolution by the board, he will submit it to the Department of Justice
for approval. He explained that passage or failure of the referendum will have no adverse affect on
the current “off premises” sale of beer and wine.
Mayor Maye suggested the handling of item 8(d) under Continuing Business from the agenda at this
Adopt Resolution Calling for On-Premises Consumption of Beer and Wine
Commissioner Jacumin made a motion to adopt a resolution (copy attached) calling for a
referendum regarding on-premises consumption of beer and wine. Commissioner Mangum
seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
Dryw Blanchard reported on the following:
He had met with Duke Power regarding street lights in the park and on Polaris Drive
and Big Dipper Court. The lighting should be installed this summer.
The survey for the walkway along E. Wilson Street at College Park has been
completed -- should be able to proceed on completion of the walkway now.
He has received a response from NC DOT regarding speed limits on E. Wilson – they
will consider the matter at a meeting soon.
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April 20, 2004
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Reports (cont.)
Administration (cont.)
A letter received from NC DENR gave notice of a sewer violation. The spill
occurred because one of the pumps at the Diane Street pump station was out for
repairs during a heavy rain. A third pump is needed in case one of the two pumps
already on line is out for repairs. Dryw said that the purchase of an additional pump
was planned for next year’s budget, but recommended going ahead with the purchase
at this time. He gave board members copy of a bid for the needed pump from
Carotek, Inc. for the price of $11,204. He stated that it is unlikely that the spill would
have occurred if a second pump had been in operation at the time.
Commissioner Braswell made a motion to purchase the pump from Carotek for
$11,204 at this time. Commissioner Jacumin seconded the motion, which was
unanimously approved.
On Thursday, April 22, he and Commissioner Hailey and anyone else who would like
to go will go to Troy to hear about a rent-to-own program regarding housing. The
project has created a great improvement in blighted communities and helps with the
problem of absentee landlords.
Public Works
Mike Brower reported on the following:
He introduced a new public works employee Trent Mereth who has experience in
construction and public works.
Needed patching has been completed on several streets.
A water leak has been repaired on N. Main Street.
A tractor-trailer truck took out a hydrant on the northwest corner of Hwy 74 and
Main. The cost to the trucking company will be $150 to $200 plus labor.
A few more pine trees will be taken out at the park.
Athletic fields will be locked for 1-1/2 to 2 weeks for fertilizing and seeding.
Work to get the new public works building on Edgewood ready continues – phones
will be installed on Thursday. Some equipment has already been moved in.
His crew has been doing some mowing and drainage work.
He thanked the Police Department for their help and quick response when needed.
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April 20, 2004
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Reports (cont.)
Police Report
Scott Stroud reported on the following police department activities:
His department has been working lots of domestics and assaults.
He has been working on Community Watch and Business Watch Programs.
He has been working with Mike to clarify parking markings.
He has been working with Wingate Elementary on the problem regarding the oneway aspect of W. Elm Street during school hours.
DEA had federal drug warrants for a suspect at 114 Colonial who has given his
department many problems. The subject will now be serving a life sentence.
DEA will help with other drug problems with which the Wingate Police Department
has been having problems.
Continuing Business
North Camden Street Realignment
Residents of the North Camden/N. Main Street area were invited to an informational meeting
prior to the last board meeting. Board members present at the meeting were Mayor Maye,
Commissioner Jacumin, and Commissioner Mangum. DOT’s proposed realignment of the
intersection was discussed. Notes on the discussion were taken and all commissioners have
had access to them.
Mayor Maye explained that any decision about a recommendation to DOT would not satisfy
everyone. Originally, the board had favored the proposed northern intersection because it
impacted fewer property owners.
Commissioner Jacumin asked if the board could take the position that neither of the proposed
intersections was recommended and let DOT make the decision without the town board’s
input – most of the property owners who had attended the meeting had favored “no action”
on the realignment.
Dryw commented that DOT has funds available for road improvements and might spend the
funds elsewhere if the board expresses no position on the matter.
Mayor Maye said that he understands the property owners’ feelings but that he thinks the
current intersection will be more dangerous when the by-pass is completed.
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April 20, 2004
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Continuing Business (cont.)
North Camden Street Realignment (cont.)
Commissioner Hailey commented that redesigning the intersection may help the problem of
truck going through the campus.
Mayor Maye added that he thinks the least impact will be felt by the surrounding property
owners if the proposed northern intersection is put in place provided the hill north of it on
Austin-Chaney/N. Main is cut down.
Commissioner Mangum commented that his understanding is that the university has no
problem with the northern intersection (which crosses university property) – just want the
intersection improved.
Commissioner Jacumin reminded the board that Mrs. Ryan doesn’t like the northern route
because it comes out at her driveway.
Commissioner Hailey remembered that Jack Watson said he would not give a right-of-way
for the proposed intersection.
Commissioner McCraw commented that he feels that restricting truck traffic through the
campus is important.
Dryw said that he had talked with Mike Shalati who said he would do his best to reroute solid
waste transfer trucks that have been traveling through the campus.
Commissioner McCraw said that he likes the northern route best because it affects only one
property owner, the university.
Commissioner McCraw made a motion to recommend the northern route for the intersection
of N. Camden and N. Main Streets along with a recommendation that the hill on Austin
Chaney be graded down. Commissioner Hailey seconded the motion.
Commissioner Braswell said that he favors the southern intersection because it is further from
the intersection of N. Main and McIntyre and from the by-pass.
Commissioners McCraw, Hailey and Mangum voted (on the motion) in the affirmative;
Commissioners Braswell and Jacumin, in the negative.
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April 20, 2004
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Continuing Business (cont.)
Resolution in Opposition to Completion of the Western Link of the
Monroe Bypass as a Toll Road
Commissioner Braswell and Mayor Maye had each drafted resolutions in opposition to
completion of the western link of the Monroe Bypass as a toll road.
Commissioner Braswell made a motion to adopt a resolution (the wording of which will be
worked out between him and Mayor Maye at the board’s suggestion) in opposition to
completion of the western link of the Monroe Bypass as a toll road. Commissioner McCraw
seconded the motion.
Commissioner Jacumin suggested deletion of any reference to the Town of Marshville in a
Commissioner Mangum commented that he had seen a recent survey in which 59% of the
people in Charlotte expressed disapproval of toll roads.
Mayor Maye said that the bypass is not merely a convenience but is a necessary artery in
travel from the eastern section of the county.
Commissioner Jacumin said that he might be in favor of the concept if the amount of the toll
and information on how long the payback would take were made known.
Mayor Maye commented that the toll would affect folks on the east side of the county much
more than it would affect those on the west side.
Commissioners Braswell, Jacumin, Mangum and McCraw voted in favor of the resolution;
Commissioner Hailey, against.
Church Street Traffic Flow – One Way vs. Two Way
It was remembered that his matter was taken care of at the prior board meeting.
Commissioner Braswell asked a question about which body of the Baptist Church had made
this request (he had not been present at the last meeting).
Dryw said that he had a letter from Pastor Derrill Smith and that Tom Crooke, who had
attended the March 16 meeting, had indicated that the church would like the change.
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April 20, 2004
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New Business
Select Design Firm to Submit Proposal for TEA-21 Streetscape Project
Dryw explained that because federal funds will be used on the TEA-21 Streetscape Project
that the method of selecting a design firm is somewhat different from the usual way of
employing a contractor. He explained that the board must decide which firm is most
qualified and then if their price is outside our price range or exceeds budgetary constraints,
that firm can be rejected for the work.
Personnel from the firms of HadenStanziale and Site Solutions had made presentations about
their qualifications to do the streetscape project. Mayor Maye polled the commissioners who
had been present for the presentation (all except McCraw) and each said he favored or gave
an edge to HadenStanziale. Mayor Maye said that he agrees.
Commissioner Jacumin made a motion that the firm of HadenStanziale be engaged to design
the TEA-21 Streetscape Project. Commissioner Hailey seconded the motion, which was
unanimously approved.
Annexation of New Public Works Property at 210 Edgewood Drive
Mayor Maye requested that this item be tabled again.
Request Proposal from Frazier Engineering for Sewer Rehabilitation Project
Dryw made the recommendation that the Town begin taking the necessary steps to
rehabilitate the Diane Street pump station drainage basin. Heavy inflow and infiltration
problems occur during and after heavy rains. He had been working with Bo Moorefield to
identify a firm that he (Bo) feels is capable of designing the work. Bo had recommended
Frazier Engineering as having the capability to design and oversee the project.
Dryw commented that the Diane Street Pump Station problems are solely the town’s whereas
Meadow Branch problems involve Marshville and Union County. He stated that he believes
that a firm such as Frazier Engineering can look at the problem and tell us what we need to do
to repair it. He asked whether the board would prefer that Frazier be asked to look at the
problem and suggest how to solve or that he do rfps and find other firms who could do the
Commissioner Jacumin stated that we have done business with Bo Moorefield for a long time
and should trust his judgment. He (Jacumin) made a motion that the town get a proposal
from Frazier Engineering. Commissioner Braswell seconded the motion, which was
unanimously approved.
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April 20, 2004
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Mayor Maye requested a brief closed session to discuss a real estate matter.
There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p. m.
Tony E. Maye, Mayor
Mildred R. Parks, Town Clerk