2014-15 budget 2014-15 budget decision-making and estimates update process This information request provides guidance material for the 2014-15 budget decision-making and estimates update process and outlines the key dates and requirements, including: updating the forward estimates within the State Resource Information Management System (SRIMS); and the requirements for lodging asset, output and revenue submissions for consideration by the Budget and Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet (BERC). Key dates: 10 January 2014 (5pm) – Coordinating Ministers to submit draft High Value/High Risk (HV/HR) full business cases for existing initiatives that have been presented at previous Budgets. Business cases are to be submitted to DTF for review and Treasurer’s assessment of full business case deliverability. 31 January 2014 (5pm) – Coordinating Ministers to lodge an electronic copy in SRIMS and a hard copy with DPC’s Cabinet Secretariat of the BERC asset, output and revenue submissions for funding consideration as part of the 2014-15 budget. 31 January 2014 (5pm) – departments to return the Commonwealth grant revenue tracking spreadsheet to DTF Departmental Relationship Managers. 31 January 2014 (5pm) – the final date for the submission of non-policy adjustments to the forward estimates held within SRIMS. This will be the only opportunity to adjust for non-policy items prior to publication of the 2014‐15 budget. All adjustments must be agreed with your relevant DTF Departmental Relationship Manager prior to entry into SRIMS, and all relevant supporting documentation must also be provided by this date. February-March 2014 – BERC deliberates to determine funding for initiatives for the 2014-15 budget. 1. Background Asset submissions In October 2013 BERC considered the asset investment proposals brought forward to the asset filtering process. In November 2013, the Treasurer wrote to Coordinating Ministers advising of BERC’s decisions on which asset investment proposals will be considered for funding as part of the 2014-15 budget. Treasurer’s advice regarding outputs In September 2013 BERC approved a number of program areas that would be considered for additional growth and demand funding as part of the 2014-15 budget. A number of the Government’s outstanding election commitments were also approved to be brought forward for consideration for funding as part of the 2014-15 budget. 2. Estimates updates in SRIMS Departments are required to enter revised financial forecasts in SRIMS no later than 5:00pm on 31 January 2014. Any new event or information after this time that may require an estimates variation will need to be discussed with your DTF Departmental Relationship Manager and will only be incorporated into the 2014-15 budget by exception. The estimates update is important to ensure that when BERC reviews the budget position as part of its deliberations for the 2014-15 budget, it is based on the most up-to-date information. These revised estimates will then form the basis of government resource allocation decisions and the financial information published in the 2014-15 budget. Given expectations around financial management across the Victorian Public Sector, it is particularly important that departments and agencies have appropriate internal review and quality assurance processes in place to assure themselves of the robustness of their budget estimates, and to identify and advise DTF on risks impacting on the estimates and any financial implications (and/or uncertainty) around major/contentious expected transactions (for example, new financing arrangements). Departments and agencies should review their estimates in SRIMS and update these for the impacts of all post 2013-14 Budget Update variations by loading estimate variation journals into SRIMS. All journals should be clear and have a justified explanation for the change. Guidance material to assist in completing these updates is provided in Attachment A. Departments and agencies should update SRIMS progressively as items impacting the estimates become known, and be in regular contact with their relevant DTF Departmental Relationship Manager regarding proposed material variations. Once received, DTF will review and consolidate all data prior to BERC meetings. Over this period DTF will regularly liaise and provide feedback to departments. The estimates update should incorporate all variations to ensure that a department’s estimated financial statements accurately reflect the expected outcome for each year of the budget and forward estimates years (i.e. 2014-15 through to 2017-18) as well as any changes to the revised outcome for the 2013-14 financial year. This process must incorporate: a rigorous review of expected third-party revenue, with any substantiated variations to current estimates incorporated into SRIMS; thorough analysis of each expense line to ensure estimates for each budget and forward estimates year are in line with the expected outcome for each year. Expense estimates must also be consistent with the Government’s policy to constrain both wage and non-wage costs, and allocate savings appropriately across expenses; Page 2 careful consideration of employee, contractor and temporary staff expenses as Government will be closely scrutinising these forecasts to ensure labour costs are constrained and accurately reflect the expected outcome for each budget and forward estimates year. revisions to fees and fines revenue estimates associated with the current Consumer Price Index indexation rate; revisions to commonwealth funding and associated expenditure implications; altered or new Section 29 agreements; the projected amount of appropriation funding expected to be carried over; ministerial approvals and approvals in principle for variations to estimates, for example, Treasurer’s Advance and Financial Management Act 1994 (FMA) provisions including Section 35 advances, and Section 30 appropriation transfers; changes to estimated capital spending profiles, such as the impact of estimated carryover on expenditure and resulting cashflow adjustments across the forward estimates. With regard to forward estimate cashflow adjustments, departments will need to provide detailed supporting information to their DTF Departmental Relationship Manager so that approval can be sought from the Treasurer prior to publication; balance sheet accounts should be reviewed, and modified where needed, to ensure closing balances are an accurate reflection of expected end-of-year outcomes; a robust review of all static balances across years (across the entire trial balance) to ensure final balances appropriately represent the Departments’/Agencies’ actual expectations for each respective period. Where balances remain static between years, Departments must ensure there is appropriate/robust evidence/rationale supporting these positions; the impact of any estimated revaluations over the forward estimates, consistent with Financial Reporting Direction 103D; all other non-policy adjustments to the estimates. These adjustments should reflect all post budget update developments affecting the composition of departmental estimated financial statements; and in reviewing the estimates, departments and agencies need to ensure the appropriate related party entity is used for related party transactions. Following the finalisation of decision making for the 2014-15 budget, the financial estimates within SRIMS will need to be updated to reflect BERC decisions. This is separate to the process for updating output performance data. A further DTF Information Request will be issued advising of this process. Commonwealth grants entity tracking spreadsheet DTF will provide departments with a spreadsheet by 15 January 2014 to capture changes to Commonwealth grants revenues received through DTF, as per the process used in the 2013-14 Budget Update. Departments should return this spreadsheet to DTF Departmental Relationship Managers by 5.00pm on 31 January 2014. Page 3 3. Information requirements for BERC asset, output and revenue submissions for 2014-15 budget deliberations Information requirements for all submissions Submissions should contain a completed: 1. Cabinet BERC submission template (as per the standard template issued by DPC’s Cabinet Secretariat). 2. Summary tables (template at Attachment B): a. summary of departmental initiatives (asset, output and revenue); b. summary of programs lapsing during the 2013-14 financial year; and c. summary of programs lapsing during the 2014-15 financial year. 3. The following documents for each individual initiative (asset, output and revenue): a. Part A of the of the initiative submission template (refer to Attachment C for the template); b. full business case (template available at http://www.dtf.vic.gov.au/Investment-Planningand-Evaluation/Investment-professionals-toolkit/Investment-lifecycle-and-High-ValueHigh-Risk-products) OR Part B – ‘short form business case’ (Attachment C) of the initiative submission template. Part B is only required where a full business case has not been prepared for the initiative, as outlined in table 1 on page 5 of this DTF Information Request; and c. other supporting documents as appropriate (e.g. detailed costings spreadsheet, lapsing program evaluation1, report back requested by BERC). In line with guidance issued by DPC’s Cabinet Secretariat, ‘Cabinet-in-Confidence’ should appear on every page of the submission, including attachments, and pages should be numbered sequentially throughout the submission, with attachments having their own individual page numbers. Further details of Cabinet Committee submission requirements can be obtained by contacting your relevant departmental Cabinet services area. Guidance on filling out Part A of the initiative submission template Guidance is provided in Attachment D to assist departments in completing Part A of the individual initiative template. This guidance includes the following: an example of how to complete question A.7 – Performance measures; and standard costings and function categories to be used for VPS staff impacts to assist in the completion of question A.9 – Staffing requirements. 1 In accordance with the Evaluation policy and standards for lapsing programs, a lapsing program evaluation is required to be completed for all lapsing programs that are seeking further funding. Page 4 When to prepare a full business case All initiatives approved to seek funding as part of the 2014-15 budget must submit an individual initiative business case submission. As noted earlier, departments are required to submit either a ‘full business case’ OR complete Part B ‘short form business case’ for each initiative. Departments should refer to Table 1 below, which explains whether a full business case OR Part B only of the individual initiative template (i.e. a ‘short form’ business case) template should be completed. Table 1: Completing business cases and templates for output and asset submissions Outputs Where appropriate, the full business case template may be completed for output initiatives. The recommended template is available at Investment Lifecycle and High Value High Risk Guidelines website (Stage 2: Prove). Assets All investments classified as high risk or with a TEI over $10 million are required to complete a full business case. The recommended template is available at Investment Lifecycle and High Value High Risk Guidelines website (Stage 2: Prove). In deciding whether to complete a full business case or Part B only of the individual initiative template (i.e. the short form business case) for output submissions, Ministers and departments should consider the size and complexity of the initiative. All asset investments with a TEI under $10 million (unless they are classified as high risk) are required to complete Part B only of the individual initiative template. Part B is a ‘short form’ business case for smaller investments. The full business case template is based on the investment assessment checklist available on the Investment Lifecycle and High Value High Risk Guidelines website (Stage 2: Prove), which poses key questions that need to be addressed in developing a full business case. Additional requirements for HV/HR proposals HV/HR projects are required to undertake a two stage process for submitting full business cases. 1. Step one – submission of draft HV/HR business case for Treasurer’s deliverability assessment: For HV/HR projects, departments must seek the Treasurer’s approval of the business case before it can be submitted to DPC’s Cabinet Secretariat for BERC funding consideration as part of the 2014-15 budget. To facilitate this, departments must ensure: a Gateway review of the full business case has been completed (Gate 2); and Recommended Action Plans (RAPS) for any red flag recommendations arising out of Gate 2 Gateway reviews and a full business case (or at least a substantial draft full business case) have been completed and submitted to DTF for the Treasurer’s assessment of the business case robustness and deliverability. The date for submission of the draft HV/HR submission to DTF is 10 January 2014 (5pm) to ensure adequate time for DTF assessment of the business case and to obtain the Treasurer’s approval of business case robustness and deliverability. This also allows for time that may be needed to make any changes to the business case required to secure the Treasurer’s HV/HR approval. Consistent with DTF’s project budgeting technical guidelines, Page 5 departments should and DTF may request departments to undertake an independent/ external review of costing estimates. DTF may also commission an independent external review of significant or technical issues in a business case, including costing estimates to inform its deliverability assessment. Draft business cases should be submitted to the relevant DTF Infrastructure Advice and Delivery Assistant Director. Departments are strongly encouraged to actively consult relevant DTF staff as business cases are being developed to facilitate and expedite the HV/HR approval process. 2. Step two – submission of final asset business cases and cabinet submissions to be submitted to DPC’s Cabinet Secretariat by 5pm on 31 January 2014. Note, proposals will be assessed under the HV/HR process if: a. they have a TEI greater than $100 million; OR b. they are rated as ‘high-risk’ using the Gateway Project Profile Model; OR c. BERC has determined that they warrant extra rigour; OR d. departments agree with their DTF contact for assets (refer below) that the project should be classified as HV/HR. Resources to assist with full business case preparation Please refer to DTF’s Investment Lifecycle and High Value High Risk Guidelines website (Stage 2: Prove) for links to useful resources, including templates, guidance and tools for completing full business cases. 4. Lodgement information Lodgement of hardcopy and electronic asset, output and revenue submissions For each department, asset, output and revenue submissions are to be lodged no later than 5:00pm on 31 January 2014. Submissions must be lodged electronically in SRIMS and in hardcopy. Electronic submissions must be lodged at the same time as hard copy submissions. It is important that electronic submissions are lodged by the due date as the budget briefings for BERC will be produced from SRIMS. Sixteen hard copies of the signed submission (by the relevant Coordinating Minister), are required to be lodged with DPC’s Cabinet Secretariat along with four compact disk or memory stick copies containing the submission and all attachments. If the submission and attachment/s together total over 500 sheets of paper, only six copies of the attachment/s are required to be lodged. Questions in relation to BERC submissions: Questions related to business case requirements for asset proposals and business cases requirements for output proposals should be directed to the relevant DTF Relationship Manager. Page 6