DIODES & TRANSISTORS AIMS The aims of this unit are: . To introduce the physical operation of semiconductors. . To explain the operation of diodes and transistors. INTRODUCTION The last 40 years or so have seen very significant advances in electronics. In that time it has become possible to manufacture electronic circuits containing millions of electronic devices such as diodes, transistors, resistors, etc. - on a single, small piece of silicon, only a few millimetres square. The net result has been that electronic equipment has become smaller, more reliable, and cheaper to buy and operate. In this unit we will be studying the physical operation of the basic semiconductor devices, diodes and transistors, which are the fundamental building blocks of electronic circuitry. BASIC SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES OBJECTIVES After studying this sub-unit, you should be able to: 1. Define or explain the meaning of the following terms: . . . . . . . . . . . . acceptor atom atomic number atomic weight covalent bond donor atom dopants doping energy bands energy band diagram extrinsic semiconductor free electron hole intrinsic semiconductor majority carrier minority carrier negative ion n-type semiconductor pentavalent atom 1 . . . . . periodic table positive ion p-type semiconductor semiconductor tetravalent atom trivalent atom valence electron valency 2. Define the properties of a semiconductor in relation to conductors and insulators. CONDUCTORS, INSULATORS AND SEMICONDUCTORS A complete understanding of the operation of semiconductor devices such as diodes, transistors and integrated circuits requires some knowledge of atomic theory. We already know from our previous study that the atom consists of a central nucleus, containing protons and neutrons, around which electrons orbit, as shown in Figure 1. - + - + + - + - Electron + Proton Neutron Nucleus - Figure 1 Atomic Structure In a given element, each atom has a specific number of protons and electrons. For example, the simplest atom is that of hydrogen has one proton and one electron, whereas the semiconductor material silicon has 14 protons in its nucleus and 14 orbiting electrons. Each electron possesses a negative charge of 1.6 × 10-19C, while each proton possesses an equal positive charge. A single atom is therefore electrically neutral. The forces of attraction between the positive and negative charges hold the atom together. The forces of attraction on electrons become progressively weaker as their distance from the nucleus increases. All elements can be arranged in a so-called periodic table according to the number of orbiting electrons in an electrically neutral atom of the element. This is referred to as the atomic number. The elements can also be arranged by their atomic weight, which is approximately the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. For example, hydrogen has an atomic number of 1 and an atomic weight of 1, whereas silicon has an atomic weight of 28 (14 protons + 14 neutrons). 2 The electrons revolve around the nucleus in a number of fixed ‘orbits’ or ‘shells’, as shown in Figure 2. A given atom has a fixed number of shells. The shells are designated K, L, M, N and so on with K being closest to the nucleus. Each shell has a fixed maximum number of electrons at permissible energy levels (orbits). The differences in energy levels within a shell are substantially smaller than the energy difference between shells. Energy level 2nd shell W6 W5 W4 W3 Electrons r3 1st shell W2 W1 r4 r1 r6 r2 r5 W = energy Nucleus K shell L shell R = distance from nucleus Figure 2 Energy Shells for Orbiting Electrons In An Atom The electrons in any particular orbit or shell have a kinetic energy, which lies within a certain range or band. Electrons in orbits closest to the nucleus have the least energy. Those electrons in the outermost orbit have the greatest energy and are known as valence electrons, and the number of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom determines its valency. Electrons farthest from the nucleus are less tightly bound to the atom since the force of attraction between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electron decreases with increasing distance. An electron may change orbits if it absorbs sufficient additional energy from an external source. When an atom absorbs energy from a heat or light source, for example, the energy levels of the electrons are increased. If the energy gain is sufficient they may move to a different orbiting shell. Since the valence electrons possess more energy and are less tightly bound to the nucleus, they can more readily jump to higher orbits. If a valence electron acquires a sufficient amount of energy, it can be completely removed from the outer shell and the atom’s influence. This causes a previously neutral atom to have an excess of positive charge. Such an atom is referred to as a positive ion. The escaped electron is referred to as a free electron. If this free electron falls into the outer shell of another neutral atom then we have a negative ion. We have seen that the electrons of an atom can only orbit within prescribed energy bands. Each shell around the nucleus corresponds to a certain energy band and is separated from adjacent 3 shells by energy gaps in which no electrons can orbit. This is illustrated in the energy band diagram of Figure 3, in which the highest energy band is called the conduction band. These energy levels contain electrons which have gained sufficient energy to escape the forces of attraction of the nucleus and are free to migrate through the material, i.e. available for the conduction of electricity through the material. Energy Conduction band Energy gaps (no electrons) Valence band 2nd band 1st band Figure 3 General Energy Band Diagram for a Material In insulators, the valence electrons are very tightly bound to the nucleus. Even large amounts of external energy will fail to free electrons in sufficient numbers for the conduction of electricity. In conductors, the valence electrons are very loosely bound and are free to move under the influence of an applied emf, thereby giving rise to an electric current. You will recall that the resistance of a piece of material to the flow of electric current is indicated by its resistivity value, i.e. the higher the resistivity, the greater the resistance. Materials with resistivity values which lie between that of a good conductor and a good insulator are called semiconductors. The best-known semiconductor material is silicon, which is used in the manufacture of a large proportion of electronic components such as diodes, transistors and integrated circuits (ICs). Other materials used as semiconductors include germanium, galliumarsenide, cadmium-sulphide and lead-sulphide. Typical resistivity values for conductors, insulators and semiconductors are as shown in Table 3.1. Material copper (Conductor) pure silicon (Semiconductor) mica (Insulator) Resistivity ( m) 1.7 × 10-8 103 1012 Table 3.1 Resistivity values for a conductor, insulator and semiconductor Figure 4 gives typical energy band diagrams for conductors, insulators and semiconductors. The energy gap for an insulator is so large that very few electrons can acquire sufficient energy to reach the conduction band. The valence band and the conduction band in a conductor, e.g. 4 copper, overlap so that there is always an abundance of electrons available for conduction. Even without the application of external energy a large number of valence electrons in a conductor have sufficient energy to jump into the conduction band. In a semiconductor there is an energy gap between the valence and conduction bands but it is much narrower than that of an insulator. Energy Energy Energy Conduction band Conduction band Energy gaps Conduction band Energy gaps Valence band Overlap Valence band Valence band (a) Insulator (b) Semiconductor (c) Conductor Figure 4 Energy Band Diagram for Conductors, Insulators & Semiconductors Another difference between conductors, insulators and semiconductors is the way in which their resistance changes with temperature. This is summarised by the graphs of Figure 5. As the temperature of a conductor is increased, its resistance increases slightly, due to the increased vibration (random motion) of its free electrons. See Figure 5(a). An insulator, in contrast, shows a very slight reduction in resistance as temperature is increased, as illustrated in Figure 5(b). This is due to the production of a small number of free electrons, which acquire sufficient energy to overcome the forces of attraction of the nucleus. As the temperature of a semiconductor is increased, its resistance decreases very significantly. See Figure 5(c). A rise in temperature causes large numbers of valence electrons to break free and become available for conduction. resistance R resistance R resistance R temperature (a) Conductor temperature (b) Insulator temperature (c) Semiconductor Figure 5 Variations of resistance with temperature in Conductors, Insulators & Semiconductors The properties of a semiconductor may be summarised as follows: A pure semiconductor has a resistivity between that of conductor and an insulator. Its resistivity falls steeply with an increase in temperature. 5 INTRINSIC (PURE) SEMICONDUCTORS Consider the structure of a silicon atom, as shown in Figure 6. Its nucleus contains 14 protons and 14 neutrons. Nucleus 14 P 14 N Figure 6 Structure of a silicon atom 2 8 4 Valence Electrons There are 14 electrons, 4 of which are valence electrons. Any element which has 4 valence electrons is referred to as a tetravalent element, where tetravalent means having 4 valence electrons. Atoms which combine to form a solid arrange themselves into an orderly pattern called a lattice. Such a lattice is illustrated in Figure 7(a), in which only the valence electrons are shown. Each atom shares a valence electron with its neighbour, so that there are forces of attraction between atoms, holding them together. These forces of attraction are called covalent bonds. A more simplified schematic of covalent bonding is shown in Figure 7(b). - - - - (a) Covalent bonding (b) Simplified Schematic of Covalent bonding Figure 7 Lattice structure of silicon In semiconductors the covalent bonds are fairly weak. At room temperature, a small proportion of electrons in these bonds acquire sufficient thermal energy to escape and become available for conduction. Consider Figure 8. When an electron acquires sufficient thermal energy and leaves a bond, such as at A, a neighbouring valence electron, for example B, can transfer into the vacant bond or hole, without acquiring extra energy. The new hole at B can similarly transfer to C and thus wander throughout the bulk of the 6 material. Therefore, the actual series of electron displacements in one direction gives rise to the apparent motion of a hole in the opposite direction. Holes can be treated as particles of positive charge and a certain effective mass. When a hole-electron pair is created by an electron with sufficient thermal energy to break a covalent bond, the hole and free electron are said to be thermally-generated. If there is no potential difference across the semiconductor, the movement of the electrons and holes is random. However, when an emf is applied across the material, the electrons will flow to the positive terminal and the holes will appear to flow to the negative one. Therefore, the flow of current in a pure semiconductor material is due to both electron and hole conduction. This is known as intrinsic conduction. A - - - B - - - C - - - - - - - - - - Figure 8 Electron/hole conduction in a semiconductor SAQ 1 (a) State whether the following statement is true or false: ‘Holes in a semiconductor material appear to move’. (b) The temperature increase in an intrinsic semiconductor will cause an intrinsic current to: (i) remain unchanged (ii) decrease (iii) increase. EXTRINSIC (DOPED) SEMICONDUCTORS The only current carriers in a pure semiconductor are the thermally-generated electron-hole pairs. For most applications, an insufficient number of these exist to produce a usable current. Higher current levels can be achieved only by adding small quantities of other elements into the lattice structure, in order to increase the number of charge carriers. The added atoms form covalent bonds with their silicon neighbours. The number of covalent bonds formed, and hence the type of charge carriers produced, depends on the number of valence electrons or valency of the added atoms. The process of adding extra atoms is known as doping and the impurities are called dopants. A doped semiconductor is called an extrinsic semiconductor. 7 For use in diodes, transistors and integrated circuits, silicon is first purified to impurity concentrations of less than 1 part in 1010. It is then doped with either pentavalent (valency 5) or trivalent (valency 3) atoms, to concentrations of about 1 part in 105. This increases the number of either free electrons or holes respectively. Common materials used for doping are listed in Table 3.2. Pentavalent Elements Trivalent Elements Arsenic Antimony Phosphorous Boron Aluminium Indium Gallium Table 3.2 Some common dopants N-TYPE SEMICONDUCTOR Consider Figure 9. An n-type semiconductor is formed by adding pentavalent impurity atoms (valency 5). Pentavalent dopants have 5 outer electrons, and hence there is one spare, when the covalent bonds are full. This electron is not tightly bound and is available for conduction. At the impurity concentrations normally used, these electrons far out-number the thermally-generated electron-hole pairs. Therefore, in an n-type semiconductor the electrons are referred to as the majority carriers, while holes are called the minority carriers. Pentavalent impurities are often called donor impurities, since they ‘donate’ electrons for conduction. - - - - - - Impurity Atom (5 Valence electrons) - - - One free electron from impurity atom Figure 9 Doping of silicon with pentavalent impurity atoms 8 P-TYPE SEMICONDUCTOR A p-type semiconductor is formed when it is doped with trivalent atoms (valency 3), as shown in Figure 10. - - - - - - Impurity Atom (3 Valence electrons) - Hole Figure 10 Doping of silicon with trivalent impurity atoms Some atoms are now a bonding electron short, causing the presence of a hole. In this case, the holes far out-number the free electrons. Thus in a p-type semiconductor the holes are the majority carriers, while the electrons are the minority carriers. Trivalent atoms are also known as acceptor atoms, because each hole they contribute may ‘accept’ an electron, to complete the bond. SAQ 2 Fill in the missing words in the following statements: (a) Valency 5 atoms are called ............. atoms. (b) ........... atoms are called acceptor atoms. (c) In an n-type semiconductor electrons are ........ carriers and holes are .......... carriers. (d) In a p-type semiconductor ........ are majority carriers and ......... are minority carriers. SUMMARY 1. A semiconductor is a material which is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator. 2. With an increase in temperature, the resistance of a conductor increases slightly, while the resistance of an insulator decreases slightly. The resistance of a pure semiconductor decreases dramatically with an increase in temperature. 3. The sharing of valence electrons by atoms in the lattice of a solid material creates forces of 9 attraction between atoms, which are called covalent bonds. 4. In an intrinsic (pure) semiconductor, there are equal numbers of free electrons and holes, and both take part equally in conduction. At room temperature, these thermally-generated electron-hole pairs are insufficient in number to form a usable electric current. 5. In an extrinsic (doped) semiconductor, small quantities of impurities are added, producing a surplus of either free electrons or holes. These far exceed the number of thermally-generated electron-hole pairs, and, if an emf is applied, will form an electric current. 6. An n-type semiconductor is formed by adding pentavalent (5-valence electrons) impurity atoms, which results in an excess of free electrons. The electrons are majority carriers, while holes are minority carriers. 7. A p-type semiconductor is formed by adding trivalent (3-valence electrons) impurity atoms, which results in the material containing an excess of holes. The holes are majority carriers, while the electrons are minority carriers. ANSWERS TO SAQS SAQ 1 (a) true (b) increase SAQ 2 (a) donor (pentavalent) (b) valency 3 (trivalent) (c) majority, minority (d) holes, electrons 10 THE P-N JUNCTION OBJECTIVES After studying this sub-unit, you should be able to: 1. Define or explain the meaning of the following terms: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anode avalanche effect base bias breakdown voltage cathode depletion layer forward-biased forward characteristic junction potential leakage current peak inverse voltage (PIV) p-n junction reverse-biased Zener effect Zener voltage 2. Draw a p-n junction diode connected in forward-biased and reverse-biased modes, indicating the direction of current flow in the diode and the external circuit. 3. Explain the principle of operation of the following diodes: . . . . . junction diode Zener diode light emitting diode (LED) photodiode varicap (varactor) diode UNBIASED JUNCTION When a semiconductor material changes from p-type to n-type somewhere along its length, the boundary where the p-type and n-type regions meet is called the p-n junction. Consider Figure 11. The p-side has many holes and the n-side many conduction electrons. To avoid confusion, no minority carriers are shown. But it is important to realise that there are a few conduction electrons on the p-side and a few conduction holes on the n-side. The p-n junction shown in Figure 11 is unbiased; that is, there is no external voltage applied to it. 11 Virtual Battery (barrier potential) Holes Junction Electrons N P + + + + + + + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + - + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + - + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + - + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + - + - - - - - - - P N Negatively-charged Ions Protons > Electrons Positively-charged Ions Protons < Electrons Depletion Layer Ii Io (a) Before diffusion (b) After diffusion Figure 11 p-n junction The conduction holes in the p-region and conduction electrons in the n-region are mobile, and can migrate (diffuse) across the junction to recombine with majority carriers on the opposite side. This process cannot continue indefinitely, as the migration causes the build-up of positive charge in the n-region and negative charge in the p-region, in the vicinity of the junction. In other words, every electron which moves away from the n-region leaves a positively charged ion behind, and every hole which move away from the p-region leaves a negatively charged ion behind. This disturbs the electrical balance of the material, which normally has equal numbers of negative (electrons) and positive (holes) charges (but with only one type free to move). There is now a voltage, called the junction potential, between the n-type and p-type material at the junction. This potential opposes the movement of more majority carriers and an equilibrium position is reached. It might be thought that this potential should cause the p-n junction to act as a battery, but once the circuit is completed externally, the total emf around the circuit is zero. Minority carriers (holes on the n-side, electrons on the p-side) are helped across by the junction potential, giving rise to a current I0, but this current is exactly balanced by the current Ii, due to the small proportion of majority carriers that have sufficient energy to cross in spite of the junction potential. The region near the junction, which is emptied of movable charges, is called the depletion layer. FORWARD-BIASED JUNCTION Bias refers to the application of a voltage between the p and n layers of the junction. If the applied voltage is connected as shown in Figure 12(a), with the positive terminal connected to the p-type material and the negative terminal connected to the n-type material, the junction is said to be forward-biased. The junction potential (potential barrier) is lowered, allowing more majority carriers to cross, giving a net current flowing from p-type to n-type. 12 Original depletion layer Reduced depletion layer Current flow across junction due to majority carriers P N I I Current flow in external circuit Current I (mA) 40 30 20 10 V 0.5 (a) Bias Arrangement Voltage 1.0 (volts) (b) Forward Characteristic Figure 12 Forward-biased p-n junction Consider Figure 12(b). As the applied voltage is increased, the size of the depletion region becomes smaller, until the amount of forward bias equals the junction potential - about 0.6V for silicon, when there is no longer any depletion and the junction can conduct. At slightly higher forward bias, carriers will move across the junction, so that current flows in the circuit. A p-n junction is the basis of an important electronic device known as a diode. Note that a diode does not obey Ohm’s law: the ratio of voltage to current is not constant. The sketch of Figure 12(b) is referred to as the forward characteristic of the diode. REVERSE-BIASED JUNCTION If a voltage is applied with the positive terminal connected to the n-type material and the negative terminal to the p-type material, as shown in Figure 13(a), the junction is said to be reversebiased. As the junction potential is increased, the depletion layer widens, reducing the number of majority carriers crossing. If the applied voltage is sufficient, the number of majority carriers crossing effectively becomes zero, leaving a very small net current (leakage current) from n to p of I, due to minority carriers. See Figure 13(b). When the reverse voltage is increased to a critical value, known as the breakdown voltage, the junction suddenly begins to conduct and the current level increases very rapidly. This breakdown of the junction may be caused by one of two mechanisms: (a) Zener effect, in which some of the covalent bonds are broken, due to the high value of the applied electric field. (b) Avalanche effect, in which the charge carriers are accelerated by the electric field to such an extent that they break covalent bonds through collision, thereby releasing more charge carriers, which are in turn accelerated. 13 The maximum value of reverse voltage that can be applied across a p-n junction without causing breakdown is called the peak inverse voltage (PIV). Small current flow across junction due to majority carriers Increased depletion layer Breakdown voltage Original depletion layer Voltage V (volts) -30 -20 -10 10 20 I Small Current flow in external circuit 30 I Current I (μA) V (a) Bias Arrangement (b) Reverse Characteristic Figure 13 Reverse-biased p-n junction JUNCTION DIODE A p-n junction, in which the two semiconductor regions have leads for connection to an external electric circuit, is called a junction diode. The standard circuit symbol for a diode is shown in Figure 14. (The word diode is a contraction of di electrode, where di means two.) Anode Cathode Figure 14 Junction Diode Symbol The p-region is called the anode and the n-region the cathode. The arrowhead indicates the direction of conventional current flow through the diode, from the positive to the negative of the supply. 14 SAQ 3 State whether the following statements are true or false: (a) In a forward-biased p-n junction diode, the cathode is positive with respect to the anode. (b) In a reverse-biased p-n junction diode, the anode is negative with respect to the cathode. (c) The current in a forward-biased p-n junction diode is independent of the voltage across it. (d) The current through a reverse-biased p-n junction diode is zero. SAQ 4 The current in a p-n junction diode consists of the movement of: (a) (b) (c) (d) electrons only holes and electrons holes only atoms ZENER DIODE We have already seen that if the reverse-bias voltage across a diode is increased above a certain critical value, the current flowing through it increases rapidly. This causes breakdown of the junction and results in damage to the diode. A Zener diode is specially manufactured so that it remains undamaged when operating in the breakdown region - provided that the current is kept within a certain limit. The construction and symbol for a Zener diode, together with a typical current/voltage (reverse) characteristic, is shown in Figure 15. Its forward characteristic is similar to that of an ordinary, junction diode. The principal feature of the reverse characteristic is that it has an almost constant voltage drop (Zener voltage) across it for a wide range of different current levels through it. It is this property which makes it very useful for keeping steady (stabilising) the voltage output of a power supply. By controlling the doping, Zener diodes with specific Zener voltages can be manufactured, for example, 3.0V, 3.9V, 5.1V ..... and so on. To avoid damaging a Zener diode, the current through it must be kept below a certain limit. This limit is normally indicated by the specified power rating of the diode. Thus, the maximum reverse current IR (max) can be determined from the formula: IR (max) = power rating/Zener voltage SAQ 5 A 5.6V Zener diode has a maximum power dissipation of 400mW. Determine the maximum reverse current that can be safely passed through the diode. 15 Breakdown (Zener) voltage Reverse voltage V Reverse current I (a) Symbol (b) Characteristic Figure 15 Zener diode LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE (LED) Recombination of electrons and holes occurs in a forward-biased p-n junction when electrons travel from the n-type region to the p-type region and vice versa. This recombination (free electrons entering into covalent bonds) results in the release of radiant energy which, in the case of silicon, is low and causes a small temperature rise in the material. However, if the p-n junction is manufactured of a compound semiconductor material, such as gallium-arsenide-phosphide, and the junction is formed close to the surface of the material, the amount of radiant energy released on recombination in the forward-biased junction is increased to a visible level. This is the principle used in the manufacture of diodes designed to give out light. These are called light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The colours of light (red, yellow or green) emitted depends on the relative composition of gallium, arsenide and phosphide used. The structure, symbol and typical characteristic of an LED is shown in Figure 16. Coloured translucent plastic case Cathode lead Current I (mA) Lens 20 15 Anode lead (a) Physical Structure 10 5 (b) Symbol Voltage (volts) (c) Characteristics Figure 16 Light-emitting diode (LED) 16 In a practical situation, a LED must be connected in series with a resistor, as shown in Figure 17, in order to limit the amount of current flowing through it. resistor R I V Figure 17 Circuit to operate an LED For a typical LED sufficient light output can be obtained with a forward current, IF, in the range 5 - 25mA. A typical forward current is IF = 10mA, which corresponds to a voltage drop across the LED of 2V. We will return to perform simple calculations on the circuit of Figure 17 in the next sub-unit. PHOTODIODE As its name implies, a photodiode (Figure 18(a)) is a diode which is sensitive to light. It consists of a normal p-n junction with a transparent ‘window’, through which light can enter. The device is normally operated in the reverse-bias mode, so that when no light falls on it, a very small current (dark current) flows. See Figure 18(b). Reverse voltage Dark current Breakdown voltage Increasing light intensity on diode (a) Symbol Reverse current (b) Characteristics Figure 18 Photodiode As the intensity of the light falling on the device is increased, the number of electron-hole pairs rises as a result of the light energy breaking covalent bonds in the crystal lattice. Thus, the magnitude of the reverse current in the device increases in proportion to the intensity of the incident light. 17 The symbol for a photodiode together with a typical set of characteristics is shown in Figure 18. The forward characteristic is that of a normal diode. VARICAP (VARACTOR) DIODE In our discussion of the p-n junction earlier, we noted the existence of a region depleted of charge carriers (depletion region) in the vicinity of the junction. This means that there are effectively two conductors separated by an insulator, which gives rise to a capacitive effect across the junction. As the bias voltage varies, the width of the depletion region, and hence the capacitance, varies. Diodes which are manufactured specifically to exhibit a marked variation in their junction capacitance with bias voltage are called variable capacitance diodes or, more generally, varicap or varactor diodes. For a reverse-biased junction, the junction capacitance, C, is inversely proportional to the square root of the bias voltage, V. Mathematically: C 1 V or C k V Where k is a constant The symbol and typical characteristic for a varicap diode are shown in Figure 19. Capacitance C C max Reverse voltage (V) (a) Symbol -20 -15 -10 -5 0 (b) Typical Characteristic Figure 19 Varicap diode SAQ 6 A varicap diode has a capacitance of 6pF when its bias voltage is 9V. Calculate the value of capacitance when the reverse bias voltage is decreased to 4V. 18 SUMMARY 1. A p-n junction is the boundary between the p-type and the n-type region in the same semiconductor material. 2. When a p-n junction diode is forward-biased, a high level of current flows, due mainly to majority carriers. 3. When a p-n junction diode is reverse-biased, current flow due to majority carriers is inhibited. There is, however, a very small leakage current due to minority carriers. 4. Breakdown of a p-n junction diode occurs if the reverse voltage is increased beyond a critical level called the breakdown voltage. 5. The maximum value of reverse voltage that can be applied across a p-n junction diode without causing breakdown is called the peak inverse voltage (PIV). 6. A Zener diode is designed to operate in the breakdown region without being damaged. Its principal feature is that it has an almost constant voltage drop (Zener voltage) across it for a wide range of different current levels through it. 7. A light emitting diode (LED) produces light energy when forward-biased. 8. A photodiode has the following property: its reverse leakage current increases in proportion to the light intensity falling on the diode. 9. A varicap or varactor diode has the following property: the capacitance across its junction varies with the reverse-bias voltage. ANSWERS TO SAQS SAQ 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) False True False False SAQ 4 (b) Holes and electrons SAQ 5 Power dissipation = voltage across device current through device P = V×I 19 I = = = = P/V (400 ×10-3)/5.6 71.4 × 10-3 A 71.4mA Therefore, the maximum current through Zener = 71.4mA. SAQ 6 k V C 6 10 12 k 9 k 3 k 18 10 12 When V = 4V: C 12 18 10 4 12 18 10 F 9 pF 20 THE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR OBJECTIVES After studying this sub-unit, you should be able to: 1. Define or explain the meaning of the following terms: . . . . . bipolar transistor collector emitter base n-p-n transistor p-n-p transistor 2. Sketch n-p-n and p-n-p junction transistors, showing normal bias conditions, and indicating the direction of current flow in the transistor and the external circuit. 3. State the equations governing the current relationships in a bipolar transistor, given the appropriate data. 4. Perform simple calculations on the current relationships in a bipolar transistor, given the appropriate data. 5. Understand and describe the operation of a bipolar transistor amplifier. INTRODUCTION Transistors are the most important semiconductor devices. They are manufactured both as discrete (separate) components, and as part of complex integrated circuits (ICs) such as amplifiers, memories, microprocessors, etc. These ICs may contain many thousands of transistors on a small piece of silicon called a ‘chip’. There are two basic types of transistor: (a) the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) (b) the unipolar or field-effect transistor (FET) In this sub-unit we will be studying the basic construction and characteristics of the bipolar transistor. We will be studying the field-effect transistor in the next sub-unit. CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION Bipolar junction transistors or BJTs consist of a thin region of either n-type or p-type silicon, sandwiched between two thicker regions of the other type, as shown in Figure 20. When a p-type region is sandwiched between two n-type regions, as shown in Figure 20(a), it is called an n-p-n transistor. When an n-type region is sandwiched between two p-type regions, as 21 in Figure 20(b), it is called a p-n-p transistor. Emitter N Base P Collector N Emitter P (a) N-P-N transistor Base N Collector P (b) P-N-P transistor Figure 20 Types of bipolar transistor The thin region is lightly doped and is called the base (B). The two thicker regions are much more heavily doped and are known as the emitter (E) and collector (C). The difference between the collector region and the emitter region is mainly in terms of size and shape. The collector region is made physically larger in most transistors, since it normally has to dissipate a greater power. The symbols used to represent n-p-n and p-n-p transistors are shown in Figure 21. Note that the two types of transistor are distinguished by the direction of the arrowhead on the emitter lead. Collector C Base B Collector C Base B Emitter E (a) N-P-N Emitter E (a) P-N-P Figure 21 Bipolar transistor symbols In the n-p-n type, it points from B to E; in the p-n-p, it points from E to B. As we will shortly see, the arrowhead indicates the direction of conventional current flow in the emitter. Let us now consider the operation of an n-p-n transistor. The transistor consists of two p-n junctions. Normal transistor operation occurs when the base-emitter junction is forward-biased and the collector-base junction is reverse-biased. This is shown in Figure 22 where the directions of the various currents which flow in the transistor are also indicated. 22 E Electrons Electrons N P N C Ic Vcb C B A few holes B Ie Ic Holes Ib Vbe Ib Vbe E Ie Vcb (a) Physical circuit (b) Symbolic circuit Figure 22 Operation of an n-p-n transistor Initially, consider the case where the base-emitter voltage Vbe is zero. There will be no net current flow across the base-emitter junction. Since the collector-base junction is reverse biased, the only current flowing across it is a very small leakage current, due to minority carriers, which we can ignore. In other words, when Vbe = 0, all currents in the transistor are zero and the transistor is said to be ‘off’. When the base-emitter voltage Vbe is increased to about 0.7V, the base-emitter junction becomes forward-biased. Electrons from the emitter cross the base-emitter junction into the base. The loss of these electrons is replenished by electrons flowing from the external circuit through the emitter lead, giving rise to the emitter current, Ie. This current also consists of holes from the p-type base. However, since the base is lightly doped, this current is small compared with the electron flow in the opposite direction. In short, electrons are the majority carriers in an n-p-n transistor. The loss of a small number of holes in the p-type base region is replenished by a flow of holes from the external supply giving rise to a small base current, Ib. Because of the relatively small physical size of the base region, large numbers of electrons flowing into the base from the emitter reach the vicinity of the collector-base junction where they are attracted into the collector region by the positive bias on the collector, giving rise to the collector current Ic. The operation of a p-n-p transistor is very similar to that of the n-p-n type, except for the following: in a p-n-p transistor holes are the majority carriers. The polarity of the bias supplies and the directions of the currents are as shown in Figure 23. SAQ 7 Fill in the blanks in the following statements: (a) In a normally-operating transistor, the collector-base junction is ......... and the ...... junction is forward-biased. (b) In an n-p-n transistor, the majority carriers are ........ whereas in a p-n-p transistor, the majority carriers are ...... 23 E Holes Holes P N P C A few electrons B Ie Electrons Ic Ib Figure 23 Operation of a p-n-p transistor Vbe Vcb SAQ 8 Using the transistor symbols, sketch an n-p-n and p-n-p transistor, showing the forward-biased base-emitter junctions and reverse-biased base-collector junctions. Also indicate the direction of conventional current flow in the circuit. CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS Studying again the transistor circuits in Figure 22 or Figure 23, we can say that the current flowing into the transistor must be equal to the current flowing out of it. Hence the emitter current Ie is equal to the sum of the collector and base currents, Ic and Ib respectively. That is: Ie = Ic + Ib From the previous description of transistor operation, we have seen that a large fraction (typically 99%) of the emitter current Ie constitutes the collector current, Ic. Mathematically: Ic = Ie where is typically 0.99. Therefore: Ib = Ie - Ic = Ie - Ie = (1 - )Ie Typically, = 0.99, (1 - ) = 0.01 and Ib = 0.01Ie. Therefore Ib is very very small compared to Ie or Ic. If we regard the small base current Ib as the input current to the transistor, and the larger collector current Ic as the output current, then the circuits of Figure 22 and Figure 23 are essentially current amplifiers. As we shall see shortly, this is basically how signal amplification occurs in a transistor amplifier. 24 The DC current gain (sometimes called hFE) is an important quantity for a transistor and is defined by the equation: = Ic /Ib Since Ic = Ie and Ib = (1 - )Ie = Ic /Ib = Ie /(1- )Ie = /(1 - ) For = 0.99 = 0.99/(1 - 0.99) = 0.99/0.01 = 99 Although this is a typical value for , it is important to realise that for a wide range of transistors, the value of may be anywhere in the range 10 to 1000. Since Ic = Ib, it follows that when Ib = 0, Ic = 0. Thus, the small base current Ib ‘turns on’ and†controls a large collector current Ic. A junction transistor is therefore a current-operated device. SAQ 9 In a transistor, the DC emitter and collector currents are 1mA and 0.99mA respectively. Determine: (a) the DC base current (b) the DC current gain TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER The circuit diagram of a single-stage bipolar transistor amplifier is shown in Figure 24. The resistors R1, R2, RC and RE are dc biasing components, i.e. their values are such that they cause the base-emitter junction of the transistor to be forward-biased, the collector-base junction to be reverse-biased, and establish suitable values for the dc emitter, collector, and base currents. Capacitors C1 and C2 are coupling capacitors which block the dc voltages on the base and collector of the transistor from the input ac signal source and the output load respectively. Capacitor CE is a bypass capacitor and is a short circuit to ac signals and eliminates the detrimental effect of resistor RE on the ac amplification ability of the amplifier. The small input voltage signal to be amplified causes the base current to vary proportionately about its nominal dc value, i.e. the ac variation is superimposed on the dc value. This variation in ac base current causes a corresponding amplified ac variation in the emitter and collector currents due to the transistor action described above. The amplified ac variation in collector current is 25 converted into a corresponding amplified voltage variation across the collector resistance R c which in turn causes an amplified ac voltage to appear at the output of the amplifier. +VCC = + 15 V RC R1 5 k C2 100k C1 Input signal .1μF Vi amplified output signal .22μF 47μF 50k R2 Vo CE RE 4.7k Figure 24 Bipolar Transistor Amplifier SUMMARY 1. A bipolar (junction) transistor or BJT consists of three semiconductor regions, called the base, emitter and collector. 2. Bipolar transistors may be of the n-p-n or p-n-p type. 3. In normal operation, a bipolar transistor has its collector-base junction reverse-biased and its base-emitter junction forward-biased. 4. The following current relationships apply to bipolar transistors: Ie = Ic + Ib Ic = Ie Ic = Ib = /(1 - ) where Ie = emitter current Ic = collector current Ib = base current = fraction of emitter current which flows in the collector (typically 0.99) = the collector-base current gain (typically 100) 26 ANSWERS TO SAQS SAQ 7 (a) reverse-biased, base-emitter (b) electrons, holes SAQ 8 Your answer should be as shown in Figure 25. Vcb Vcb Ic Ic Ib Ib Vbe Vbe Ie (a) n-p-n transistor Ie (b) p-n-p transistor Figure 25 SAQ 9 (a) Emitter current = collector current + base current Ie = Ic + Ib Ib = Ie - Ic = 1 - 0.99 = 0.01mA = 10µA (b) DC current gain = Ic /Ib = 0.99/0.01 = 99. 27 THE FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR OBJECTIVES After studying this sub-unit, you should be able to: 1. Define or explain the meaning of the following terms: . . . . . . . . channel drain field-effect transistor (FET) metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) n-channel MOSFET p-channel MOSFET threshold voltage source 2. Sketch the structure of a n-channel metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFET), showing normal bias conditions and indicating the directions of current flow in the MOSFET and its external circuit. 3. Understand and describe the operation of a MOSFET amplifier. INTRODUCTION The bipolar (junction) transistor or BJT is very widely used in electronics. However, there are certain applications when another type of transistor, the unipolar or field effect transistor (FET), is preferred. In a BJT the input (base) current controls the output (collector) current. In an FET the input voltage controls the output current. The input current is virtually negligible and the FET therefore has a very high input resistance (ri =1010). This is a desirable feature if the input signal source, for example a crystal pick-up in a record player, cannot supply much current. There are two basic types of field effect transistor - the junction field effect transistor (JFET) and the metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). The MOSFET, which is used mainly in digital integrated circuits, can be subdivided into two different types - the depletion MOSFET and the enhancement MOSFET. The JFET and both types of MOSFET differ slightly in construction and operation. Only the enhancement MOSFET will be considered here. OPERATION OF ENHANCEMENT MOSFET The basic structure of an n-channel enhancement metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor is shown in Figure 26(a). The main bulk of the device consists of a substrate doped with p-type charge carriers. The left-hand-side of the substrate consists of three distinct regions. At the top and bottom left hand corners there are two very heavily doped n-type regions, at the edges of which metal electrodes are attached. External wire connections to these electrodes are called the drain (D) and the source (S) respectively. At the left-hand-side of the device, there is a also a third, larger, metal electrode, to which another external wire connection called the gate (G) 28 is attached. Between the gate electrode and the edge of the p-type substrate there is a thin insulating layer of silicon oxide. It is this structure of metal, oxide and semiconductor which gives the device its name, that is metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). When a positive dc voltage VGS is applied between the gate and the source, then the properties of the surface layer are changed. The holes in this layer are repelled and electrons are attracted into it creating an n-type channel between the gate and the source as shown in Figure 27. The value of the dc voltage at which this channel begins to be created is typically 1 to 2V and is called the threshold voltage Vt. When a channel is in existence, a voltage applied between the two heavily diffused regions causes current to flow between the drain and the source. Since the created channel consists of n-type charge carriers (electrons), the device is referred to as an n-channel MOSFET. It is also possible to construct a MOSFET in which the substrate is made from n-type semiconductor material, the heavily diffused drain and source regions consist of p-type charge carriers (holes) and the created channel is p-type. This device is referred to as a p-channel MOSFET. Source (S) Gate (G) Drain (D) Oxide (SiO2) Metal Channel region L p-type substrate (body) n+ Figure 26 Structure of a MOSFET n+ Body B Figure 27 shows the way in which an n-channel MOSFET is biased for normal operation. VDS Very small gate current S Is Gate electrode + VGS Oxide (SiO2) G Ig n+ Induced n-type channel D Id n+ L p-type substrate Depletion region Figure 27 Normal biasing of a N-channel JFET B 29 A positive voltage VGS (typically 1 to 5V) applied between the gate and the source junctions creates the n-type channel. Because of the insulating silicon oxide layer a negligibly small current flows in the gate lead. The greater the gate voltage the greater the number of charge carriers the channel contains. Hence the conductivity of the device between the drain and the source increases. Thus, the gate voltage controls the current between the drain and source. The MOSFET is therefore a voltage-controlled device. The current from drain to source through the channel gives rise to a drain current Id flowing in the external circuit, as shown. The schematic symbols normally used to represent n-channel and p-channel enhancement MOSFETs are shown in Figure 28. D Channel S Channel G G S D (a) n-channel MOSFET Figure 28 MOSFET Circuit Symbols (a) n-channel MOSFET The thin vertical line represents the channel, to which the drain (D) and source (S) leads are connected. In each case, the arrowhead on the source points in the direction of conventional current flow. The circuit of a complete MOSFET amplifier is shown in Figure 29. You can see that the structure is very similar to that of the bipolar amplifier in Figure 24. Indeed its operation is very similar, except that, since the MOSFET is a voltage operated device, the ac input voltage causes a corresponding variation in the gate-source voltage Vgs which in turn causes a corresponding variation in the drain and source currents, with the variation in drain current being converted into an amplified output voltage through the drain resistor RD. Compared to the single-stage bipolar transistor amplifier though, the MOSFET amplifier has a lower voltage gain, but has a higher input resistance because of the very small current which flows in the gate terminal. RD R1 2 M 5 k C2 C1 Input signal .1μF Vc amplified output signal .22μF R2 1 M Vo Rs 22μF 1 k Figure 29 MOSFET Amplifier 30 SAQ 10 Show how the normal biasing of a p-channel MOSFET would be arranged. SAQ 11 Fill in the blanks in the following statements: (a) A BJT is a ...... -controlled device, whereas a FET is a ....... - controlled device. (b) In an n-channel MOSFET, the more positive the gate-source voltage, the ........... the draincurrent. SUMMARY 1. A field-effect transistor (FET) is a voltage-operated transistor with a very high input resistance. 2. There are two basic types of field effect transistor - the junction field effect transistor (JFET) and the metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET). 3 In a MOSFET the value of Vgs which just causes a channel to be produced is called the threshold voltage Vt, which is a constant for a particular transistor. ANSWERS TO SAQS SAQ 10 The biasing arrangement for a p-channel MOSFET is as shown in Figure 30. Vgs - sis = id + 0 + Vds id Figure 30 Biasing of p-channel MOSFET SAQ 11 (a) current, voltage (b) greater 31