Vocabulary Instructions

English 11 Academic
Name ______________________________
Cooperative Vocabulary
To get the most from vocabulary study without wasting our time and effort, each of us will be
responsible for researching a few words from the vocabulary list and presenting them to the class. You
will complete a Google form with information about your assigned vocabulary word.
We will go through the list in order, with two students presenting their words each day, so you
will always know when it is your turn. Because we may have absent presenters, you will be asked to
turn in your work in advance of your presentation.
After each list of 10 words has been presented, we will have a short vocabulary quiz. You will
be responsible for knowing the definition and form of the word, recognizing synonyms and antonyms of
the word, and being able to use the word in a sentence.
Here’s how vocabulary will work in our English 11 class:
1. On the attached vocabulary list, circle the words you are responsible for presenting and note
the date that each word is due.
2. To complete an assigned word, access the vocabulary Google form on our class website.
This can be found on the “Vocabulary” page.
3. Fill out the required information and submit it. You do not need to print your information!
4. Be prepared to present your word on your assigned date!
As a reminder, fill in your information below:
First Word
Word #______
Due ____________________
Second Word ____________________________
Word #______
Due ____________________
Third Word
Word #______
Due ____________________
Fourth Word ____________________________
Word #______
Due ____________________
English 11 Academic
Helpful Hints for Vocabulary Success
When you complete the word sheet, keep the following in mind:
1. Since some words may have many definitions—too many for you to copy—record only those
that would be used most often in writing and speaking. Ask Ms. Cook if you aren’t sure which
definitions are best.
2. Consider using Ms. Cook’s Cobuild dictionary for your definitions. It may be easier to
understand than your regular dictionary.
3. If the word’s definitions are not similar to each other, make sure you understand each so you can
better and more accurately use the word.
4. Use a reliable thesaurus to find your synonyms and antonyms.
5. Your sentence should be grammatically correct and only one sentence long. It may not
incorporate the definition, but it should have context clues that reveal the meaning. See below
for examples of weak and strong sentences.
6. You must attribute your sentence to its original source—this may be accomplished by simply
copying and pasting the website URL. Do not risk being penalized for plagiarism!
Sentence Quality Examples
Indulge – (verb) to yield to an inclination or desire; allow oneself to follow one’s will
John always indulged himself.
There is no context here, so we cannot tell what “indulged” means.
Although he ruined his diet, John indulged in an ice cream sundae.
This sentence gives us some indication that John “gave in” to something which violated
his diet, but still could be clearer.
To stop him from screaming, John’s parents indulged him by buying all the toys he
This sentence offers a clear context by showing the situation and how the parents “gave
in” to satisfy John’s wishes.
English 11 Academic
Name ________________________
Vocabulary Word: __________________________________
Word Number: ___________
Pronunciation: _____________________________________
Part of Speech: ___________
Other Word Forms (include part of speech):
Definition(s), by part of speech:
3 Synonyms (same part of speech as word; do not repeat words in definition):
3 Antonyms (same part of speech as word):
Example Sentence (should accurately convey meaning in context):
Source: _____________________________________________________________________________
English 11 Academic
Vocabulary Lists
List 1
1. Abstain
2. Baleful
3. Circumscribe
4. Discrete
5. Expostulate
6. Imbue
7. Laudable
8. Ponderous
9. Recompense
10. Surmise
List 5
41. Assail
42. Bigoted
43. Countenance
44. Emulation
45. Garner
46. Indolence
47. Malady
48. Precipitous
49. Rudimentary
50. Upbraid
List 9
81. Attenuate
82. Castigate
83. Deign
84. Entreaty
85. Heretic
86. Interloper
87. Penitence
88. Rebuke
89. Sovereignty
90. Voluble
List 2
11. Accrue
12. Benevolent
13. Conjecture
14. Dissent
15. Feign
16. Irreverent
17. Livid
18. Posterity
19. Remonstrate
20. Temporal
List 6
51. Astute
52. Burnish
53. Crone
54. Enamored
55. Gorge
56. Iniquity
57. Naïve
58. Purge
59. Scrupulous
60. Usurp
List 10
91. Avarice
92. Celestial
93. Censure
94. Desist
95. Euphemism
96. Homage
97. Lament
98. Plunder
99. Redress
100. Supplant
List 3
21. Animosity
22. Benevolent
23. Concord
24. Doctrine
25. Foment
26. Implacable
27. Loathsome
28. Prodigious
29. Resolute
30. Uncanny
List 7
61. Atrocity
62. Capricious
63. Debase
64. Encumber
65. Guffaw
66. Inscrutable
67. Ominous
68. Provocative
69. Sedate (adj)
70. Vehement
List 4
31. Apathetic
32. Bequeath
33. Convivial
34. Dogged
35. Garish
36. Implore
37. Lucrative
38. Propound
39. Respite
40. Unctuous
List 8
71. Atrophy
72. Careen
73. Defile
74. Enmity
75. Guile
76. Implore
77. Oracular
78. Rapacious
79. Semblance
80. Vindicate