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Synonym Vocabulary Worksheet

The boys were exhausted after their game of squash.
1 lifeless
2 unconscious
3 weak
4 tired
When we arrived at the station, the train had already left.
1 approached
2 reached
3 sighted
4 departed
He went to the market to purchase some fruits.
1 buy
2 obtain
3 get
4 collect
She drove her new car cautiously on the road.
1 recklessly
2 speedily
3 carefully
4 skillfully
The magician made the rabbit disappear into thin air.
1 depart
2 vanish
3 leave
4 flee
My friend and I took a brisk walk to the post office.
1 quick
2 slow
3 long
4 energetic
We were shocked to learn that he was a thief.
1 excited
2 thrilled
3 amused
4 surprised
The officer ordered his men to cease firing at the targets
1 start
2 pause
3 continue
4 stop
The courageous warrior was praised by the king.
1 famous
2 brave
3 great
4 skillful
At last, she confessed that she had stolen the purse.
1 replied
2 accepted
3 admitted
4 denied
The workers will complete the project in a fortnight.
1 two days
3 two weeks
2 two months
4 two years
The student has been warned again and again not to be late for school.
1 immediately
2 spontaneously
3 instantly
4 repeatedly
The birds were released from their cages.
1 unfastened
2 freed
3 unleashed
4 cleared
The nurse assisted the doctor in the operation
1 helped
2 instructed
3 examined
4 accompanied
Elephants are enormous animals.
1 savage
2 gentle
3 huge
4 timid
There was a long line of people waiting at the taxi stand.
1 queue
2 row
3 file
4 gang
It was fortunate that no one was killed in the accident.
1 good
2 lucky
3 auspicious
4 wonderful
Nobody was permitted to see the patients after visiting hours.
1 allowed
2 requested
3 conceded
4 indulged
The children took no notice of my advice.
1 followed
2 refused
3 avoided
4 ignored
Francis was not willing to lend me his bicycle.
1 certain
2 opposed
3 reluctant
4 resisting