Social Work 366 - BYU Sociology

Social Welfare Policy
Winter 2010
Class: MW @ 11:00am to 12:15 in 2002 JKB
Instructor: Dr. Shirley E. Cox, 2179 JFSB
Phone: 422-4320
Office Hours: W 8:00 to 10:00 am
Th 12:30 to 2:00 pm
Text: (Required) Segal, Elizabeth A. (2010) Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs: a
Values Perspective (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thompson Brooks/Cole.
(Optional) Gilbert, N. & Terrell, P. (2004). Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy (6th ed)
Boston, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon.
Because every day of our lives we are confronted with social welfare issues such as crime,
poverty, hunger, unemployment, homelessness, and mental illness, it is important that those
studying the foundations of our society understand what drives social welfare policy, designed to
cope with these issues and how that policy affects people’s lives. In that pursuit it is important to
gain insight into key issues of social concern and the often conflicting values and beliefs upon
which these policies and programs are founded.
This course is designed to help students understand how social welfare policies affect people’s
day to day lives in the United States and throughout the world. Because the American and world
system of social welfare is so broad, it is impossible to provide an in-depth coverage of every
policy issue. As a result, this course strives, instead, to provide a comprehensive overview of the
institutional forces and values affecting the development and implementation of major social
welfare policies and programs designed to meet the physical and mental health, habilitation/
rehabilitation, cultural, employment, housing, education, child welfare, correctional, and security
needs of families and children, locally, nationally and throughout the world.
The cognitive and affective understanding of these programs is approached through a discussion
of highly interrelated social policy issues in all of the above areas of need. Students will utilize
Systems Theory and Ecological Theory to facilitate their understanding of the complexities of
social choice and to evaluate and develop their own thoughts about various social welfare policy
issues. A policy analysis framework (organized around the problem-solving model) is developed
and various policy analysis papers are critically reviewed. Students are expected to utilize their
critical thinking skills to prepare their own policy analysis papers and are assisted to critique
existing policies and effectively advocate for community groups by targeting the specific areas of
policy required for change. Further students are assisted to prepare a strategy for accomplishing
the changes required, from lobbying social agencies to proposing legislative change.
Upon completion of the course the student will:
Be able to identify values affecting the development of major social welfare policies.
Have gained increased understanding of the impact of social policies on the nation’s
minorities and most vulnerable populations.
Have developed informed personal values and attitudes regarding the various social
welfare policy issues discussed.
Be prepared to research, analyze, and present in detail and within a framework for
analysis, a social welfare policy, as implemented in the USA or other
governmental or social system.
Create alternative policy proposals aimed at supporting the same or different objectives,
specifying the focal issues and policy areas to be addressed.
Demonstrate the skills necessary to advocate for vulnerable community groups and to
promote equity, social justice, and fairness within our contemporary society.
A variety of educational techniques will be utilized to achieve course objectives, e.g., classroom
lectures, class discussions, breakout policy-discussion groups, case and policy paper exercises, film
excerpts, student presentations, guest speakers, audio tapes, outside readings and research in
newspaper and periodicals, and attendance at state and local political meetings, including legislative
sessions and sub-committee meetings.
Read or review material in the assigned topic area BEFORE each class.
Complete Pre and Post Tests and Course Evaluations as requested.
Attend class regularly and on time and contribute to meaningful discussion.
Demonstrate respect for the ideas, feelings, and beliefs of others.
Submit on time, activity sheets, exams, and the policy analysis paper.
The final grade for the course will be based upon a percentage of total points:
Grading Scale:
Activity Work Sheets
C+ 75-79
Policy Analysis Paper (see outline) 25%
A- 90-95
Midterm Exam
B+ 87-89
C- 65-69
Final Exam
B- 80-82
Below 60
* “Professionalism” is determined by the student’s level of class attendance, preparation for and participation in class
discussions, respect for peers, integrity, honesty, and promptness in completing projects, scientific curiosity, openmindedness, and creativity, along with the completion of the requested pre/post tests and course evaluations.
If you believe you already have the knowledge, skills, and abilities specified in the objectives listed
above and receive a score of more than 82% on the Final Exam from a previous class you may
request a special course contract to revise or waive any or all major requirements for this course.
All required readings are from the text, distributed during the previous class, or available on library
or electronic reserve. Extra readings and films are available in the BYU library or Orem city library.
Please see the directions for submitting the reading reports listed in Section H below in this syllabus.
Important Dates:
Take home Midterm Exam is due back to Dr. Cox by Wednesday, March 1st at 11:00am
Final Policy Paper Submission is due Wednesday, April 7th at 11:00am.
Take Home Final Exam is due in Dr. Cox’s Office Monday, April 19th at or before
January 4th:
Overview of Course Requirements & Underlying Theories
Review Syllabus, Discuss Paper Requirements
Major Topics Discuss Activity Log Outline and Submission Process
Social Welfare Policy Research: A Framework for Policy Analysis
Introduction of Policy Analysis Paper Requirements
Why Study Social Welfare? Text pp. 1-9.
January 6th:
Major Topics
Course Overview (continued)
Social Welfare Policy and Underlying Values
Politics & Social Welfare Policy--Systems Theory & Ecological Theory
The American Public and Social Welfare
Politics and Social Welfare Policy
The Policymaking Process
The Public and Social Welfare
The Gilbert and Terrell Model of Policy Analysis
Required Readings: Segal Text: Chapter One, pp. 10-24.
Optional Reading: Gilbert and Terrell: Chapter 3, “A Framework for Social Welfare Policy Analysis”
Optional Movies: Cinderella Man and Man Without A Past (a Finnish Man dependant on the Red Cross)
Extra Readings: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns)
Gilbert and Terrell: “Preface” and Chapter 1, “The Field of Social Welfare Policy”.
DiNitto, Diana. (2007) Social Welfare Politics and Public Policy, “Chapter 1: Politics, Rationalism, and Soc Welfare”
Encyclopedia of Social Work (1997) “Ecological Perspective” from reserve library electronic course material.
Linhorst, Donald M. (July, 2002) “Federalism and Social Justice: Implications for Social Work,” Social Work, Volume
47, Number 3. Washington, DC: NASW. Pp. 201-208.
Sherraden, Margaret & Slosar, Betsy (July, 2002) “Innovation in Social Policy: Collaborative Policy Advocacy,”
Social Work, Volume 47, Number 3. pp. 209-221.
Dear, Ronald B. (1997). Social Welfare Policy. Encyclopedia of Social Work. (19th ed.) Wash. DC: NASW. Vol.3,
pp. 2226-2237.
Gil, David (1992). Unraveling Social Policy. Cambridge, Mass: Schnekmann, pp. 3-10.
Huff, Daniel D., & Johnson, David A. (1993). “Phantom Welfare: Public Relief for Corporate America.” Social Work
38(3), pp. 311-316.
Morris, Robert (1987). “Social Welfare Policy: Trends and Issues”. Encyclopedia of Social Work (18th ed.). Silver
Spring, MD: NASW, Vol. 2, pp. 664-681.
Baumheier, Edward & Schorr, Alvin (1977). “Social Policy.” Encyclopedia of Social Work. (17th ed.) Silver Spring,
MD: NASW. Vol. 2, pp. 1453-1463.
Trattner, Walter (1994). “The Background.” From Poor Law to Welfare State. New York: Free Press. pp. 1-9
Ginsberg, Leon (1994). “Analyzing Social Policy and Models for Policy Analysis” Understanding Social
Problems. Columbia, SC: Uof South Carolina Press. Chapter 8.
Einbinder, Susan D. (1995) “Policy Analysis” Encyclopedia of Social Work, 19th ed.Vol.3. Wash, DC:NASW
Chambers, Donald E. (1993). Social Policy and Social Programs (2nd ed.) New York: Macmillan. Ch. 3-7.
Titmus, R.M. (1974). Social Policy: An Introduction. New York: Pantheon Books.
January 11th: Historical Foundations of Social Welfare in America
Colonial Period including First Nations
Pre-Civil War Period through The Great Depression and the New Deal
Major Topics World War II and the Postwar Era
Conflicting Beliefs of the 1970s and 1980s
The Economic Shifts of the 1990s
The New Century
Required Readings: Segal Text: Chapter Two, pp. 25-52.
Films & Videos: Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech. (August 28, 1963) video.
Extra Readings: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns)
Abramovitz. M. (1996). Regulating the lives of women, Revised edition. Boston: South End Press.
Axinn. J., & Stern, M.J. (2008) Social Welfare: A history of the American response to need, 6th ed. Boston:
Allyn & Bacon.
Berkowitz, E., & McQuaid, K. (1988) Creating the welfare state. 2nd ed. New York: Praeger.
Boulding, E. (1992) The underside of history. Vol. 2. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Boyer, P. (1989) “Building character among the urban poor: The Charity Organization Movement”. In I.C. Colby
(ed.). Social welfare policy: Perspectives, patterns, insights. Pp. 113-134. Chicago: Dorsey.
Day, P.J. (2006). A new history of social welfare, 5th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Garreau. J. (2001). “Hinge moments in history”. Washington Post National Weekly Edition 18(52):6-7.
Patterson, J. T.(2000) America’s struggle against poverty in the twentieth century.Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press.
Trattner. W.I. (1999) From poor law to welfare state, 6th ed. New York: Free Press.
January 13th:
Major Topics
Conceptual Foundations of Social Welfare Policy
Ideologies of the Social Welfare System
Theories of the Evolution of the Social Welfare System
Paradigms of the Social Welfare System
Required Readings: Segal Text: Chapter Three pp. 53-73.
Extra Readings: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns or areas of interest.)
Agger, B. (1991). A critical theory of public life: Knowledge, discourse, and politics in an age of decline.NY: Falmer.
Dressel, p. L., Carter, V., & Balachandran, A. (1995). “Second-order victim-blaming”. Journal of Sociology & Social
Welfare 21(2), 107-123.
Myles, J., & Quadagno, J. (2002). “Political theories of the welfare state” Social Service Review 76(1): 34-57.
Schneider, A. L. & Ingram, H. M. (2005). “Public policy and the social construction of deservedness”. In Schneider,
A. L. & Ingram, H. M. (eds.), Deserving and entitled Social constructions and public policy (pp. 1-28). Albany,
NY: State University of New York Press.
Segal, E. A. (2006). “Welfare as we should know it: Social empathy and welfare reform.”In Kilty, K. M. & Segal, E.
A., (eds.), The promise of welfare reform; Rhetoric or reality?. (pp. 265-274). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
Titmuss, R. M. (1968). Commitment to welfare. New York: Pantheon.
January 18th: No Class. National Holiday.
January 20th:
Major Topics
The Delivery of Social Welfare Services
The Professionalization of Social Welfare Services
Public and Private Providers of Social Welfare Services.
Forms of Social Welfare Assistance
Required Readings: Segal Text: Chapter Four pp. 74-91.
Extra Readings: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns or areas of interest.)
Addams. J. (1937). Twenty years at Hull House. New York: Macmillan.
Boyer, P. (1989). Building character among the urban poor: The Charity Organization Movement. In I. E. Colby (ed.),
Social welfare policy: perspectives, patterns, insights. pp. 113-134. Chicago: Dorsey.
Social Security Administration. (2008). Annual statistical supplement to the Social Security Bulletin, 2007.
Washington, DC:
January 25th:
Major Topics
Analyzing Social Welfare Policies
Influencing the Legislative and Administrative Process
Technology and Social Policy
What is Policy Analysis?
Models of Social Welfare Policy Analysis
A Critical Analysis of the Policy Process: Non-Decision Making
Social Welfare Policy Research
Consideration of Choices in the Process of Policy Formulation
Finding Data and Political Advocacy on the Internet
Required Readings: Segal Text: Chapter Six, pp. 120-149.
Handout Materials on the Legislative Process
Any topic related to social welfare political issues from the internet. (Bring for class discussion.)
Films & Videos: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns)
Ghandi (1982); How Green Was My Valley; Matewan (1988) Mine labor organizers tactics;
Mr.Smith Goes to Washington(1939) A small town Boy Scout leader (Jimmy Stewart) finds himself appointed Senator
Silkwood (1983), about a whistle-blower and reporter, Meryl Streep;
Norma Rae (1979) Sally Fields attempts to unionize plant;
Harlan County, USA (1977) Documenting the lives of Kentucky Miners working conditions that led to unionization;
Holding Ground: The Rebirth of Dudley Street (1996) Boston Documentary; Audio Tape: A Matter of Principle
Extra Readings: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns)
Gilbert and Terrell: Chapter 9, “Who Plans? Choices in the Process of Policy Formation”.
DiNitto, Diana M. (2005). “Implementing and Evaluating Social Welfare Policy. ” Social Welfare Politics and Public
Policy (6th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, MF: Prentice-Hall. Chapter 12.
Hatch, Orrin. (2002) “Square Peg: Confessions of a Citizen Senator”. New York, NY: Basic Books.
(Chapter 4 – Three ways to pass legislation. Pp. 67-96.)
NASW National Association of Social Workers. “PACE: Building Political Power for Social Workers” Retrieved from
the World Wide Web, January 18, 2006:
The Library of Congress. “How Our Laws Are Made”, in THOMAS, legislative info from the Library of Congress
Retrieved from the World Wide Web, January 25, 2006:
U.S. Congress, U.S. Congress Handbook (1992). McLean, VA: Barbara Pullen.
Stoesz, David (2000). A Poverty of Imagination. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
ALL American League of Lobbyists. “What is Lobbying?” Retrieved from the World Wide Web, January 18, 2006:
Peters, Charles (1983). How Washington Really Works. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Mahaffey, Maryann (1987). “Political Action in Social Work,” Encyclopedia of Social Work, 18th ed. Silver
Spring, MD: NASW.
Birbaum, Jeffrey H. (1992). The Lobbists: How Influence Peddlers Work Their Way in Washington. NY:Random
Amidei, Nancy (1991). So You Want to Make a Difference: A Key to Advocacy. Wash, DC: OMB Watch.
Linblom, Charles (1993). The Policy Making Process (3rd. ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Yaffe, JoAnne, (1998). Quick Guide to the Internet for Social Work. Berkeley: NcGraw-Hill.
PowerUP, “About the Digital Divide.” Retrieved 2004 From the World Wide Web:
National Telecommunications and Information Administration, “Fact Sheet: Americans Using Internet for
Many Tasks,” in Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide. Retrieved January 18, 2006 from
World Wide Web:
Walsh, Ekaterina; Morrisette, Shelley; and Maraganore, Nicky. “The Digital Melting Pot,” in The Forrester
Review. Retrieved December 3, 2004, from the World Wide Web:,1317,5703,FF.html
January 27th: Trip to the Utah State Legislature.
February 1st & Poverty and Economic Inequality
February 3rd:
The Impact of the Economy
Who are the Poor?
Antipoverty Policies and Programs
Social Insurance
History of Social Security
The Twofold Purpose of the Social Security Act
The Future of Social Security
Required Readings: Segal Text: Chapter Eight, pp. 172-197 and Chapter Seven, pp. 152-171.
Extra Readings: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns or areas of interest.)
Center for Policy Alternatives. (2007). Progressive agenda for the states 2008: Leadership for America. Wash.DC.
Department of Health and Human Services. (2007). Indicators of welfare dependence: Annual report to Congress
2007. Wash., DC: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.
Food and Nutrition Service. (2008). National level annual summary Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Wash. DC: US Department of Agriculture.
Gilens, M. (1999). Why Americans hate welfare: Race, media, and the politics of antipoverty policy. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Gordon, L. (2001). Who deserves help? Who must provide? Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science 557: 12-25.
Holzer, H. J., Schanzenbach, D. W., Duncan, G. J., & Ludwig, J. (2007). The economic costs of poverty in the United
States: Subsequent effects of children growing up poor. Wash. DC: Center for American Progress.
Jenkins, C. L. (2008), June 2-8). Food Stamps must stretch even further. Washington Post National Weekly Edition
25(3): 33.
Jennings, J. (1999). Persistent poverty in the United States: Review of theories and explanations. In L. Kushnich, & J.
Jennings (eds.). A new introduction to poverty: The role of race, power and politics, pp. 1338. New York: New York
University Press.
Mishel, L., Bernstein, J., & Allegretto, S. (2007). The state of working America 2006/2007. New York: Cornell
University Press and Economic Policy Institute.
National Coalition for the Homeless. (2007). How many people experience homelessness? NCH Fact Sheet #2. Wash.
National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness . (2005). Survey of hunger and homelessness in
America 2004. Wash. DC: Author.
Parrott, S. & Sherman, A. (2006). TANF at 10: Program results are more mixed than often understood. Wash. DC:
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.
Pew Research Center. (2008). Inside the middle class: Bad times hit the good life. Wash, DC: Author.
Pew Research Center. (2007). Trends in political values and core attitudes: 1987-2007. Wash., DC: Author.
Segal, E. A. (2006). Welfare as we should know it: Social empathy and welfare reform. In K. M. Kilty, & E. A. Segal
(eds.) The promise of welfare reform: Rhetoric or reality? Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
Social Security Administration. (2008). Annual Statistical Supplement, 2007. Wash., DC: Author.
Social Security Administration, (2008). The Future of Social Security. Wash., DC: Author.
U.S. Census Bureau. (2007). Statistical abstract of the United States: 2008. 127th ed. Wash., DC: U.S. Goverment
Printing Office.
U.S. Conference of Mayors. (2008). Hunger and homelessness survey: A status report on hunger and homelessness in
America’s cities – a 25-city survey. Wash., DC: Author.
February 8th
& Feb. 10th:
Major Topics
The American Healthcare System
Physical Disabilities
Health Disparities and “Uninsurance”
Overview of Health Care Policy in the United States
Healthcare in an International Perspective
Overview of Mental Health Care Policy
Major Health Programs
Emerging Concerns and Ethical Dilemmas (HIV/AIDS, Assisted Suicide etc.)
Physical Discrimination in American Society
Affirmative Action & The Americans with Disabilities Act
Required Film & Readings: Segal Text: Chapter Eleven, pp. 255-276 & Regarding Henry: with Harrison Ford
Films & Videos: Through Deaf Eyes (Provo Library #362.4209); Sicko (Michael Moore) 90754WRP1)
John Q w/Denzel Washington. Son needs a heart transplant.; What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (Provo Library)
The Rainmaker. Insurance Company’s refusal to pay for Lukeima Tx;. I Am Sam; Cyrano deBergerac;
Rainman (1986) by Barry Morrow w/Dustin Hoffman; Radio (2003) M. Tollin, USA Revolution Studios;
Bill (1981) TV Document about Bill Sackter, an institutionalized retarded man/later made into Bill on His Own (1983)
If I Can’t Do It .(Documentary VC 5314) BYU LRC; The Boys: reactions to death from cancer;
Dominick & Eugene (1988): one “slow” brother (Tom Hulce) supports his brother in Medical School
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1940): by Carson McCullers; a deaf man’s contribution to others
To Kill a Mockingbird w/ Gregory Peck; Fried Green Tomatoes
Extra Readings: Allen Susan M. and Mor, Vincent eds. (1998) Living in the Community with Disability: Service Needs,
Use, and Systems. New York: Springer.
Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center. (2008). Alzheimer’s disease: Unraveling the mystery. NIH Pub.
No. 08-3782. Wash., DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Freeman, Edith M. (1995)
Anderson, Gerard F. (October 1998) “Multinational Comparisons of Health Care,” The Commonwealth Fund.
Retrieved December 18, 2004 from the World Wide Web: (See below and connect to new www site)
Appleby, Julie (December 8-10, 2000) “What Happens after the Band-Aids Run Out?” USA Today. pp. 1-2
Asch, Adrienne and Mudrick, Nancy R. (1995) “Disability” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.)
Washington, DC:NASW. pp. 752-761,
Center for Policy Alternatives. (2007). Progressive agenda for the states 2008. Leadership for America. Wash., DC.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2008). National diabetes fact sheet. 2007. Atlanta, GA: Author.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007b). HIV/AIDS Surveillance report. Atlanta, GA: Author.
Congressional Quatertly. (2004). A case of neglect: Why health care is getting worse, even though medicine is getting
better. Governing, February.
DeNavas-Walt, C., Proctor, B. D., & Mills, R. J. (2004). Income, poverty, and health insurance coverage in the United
States: 2007. Current Population Reports, P60-235. Washington. DC: U.S. Census Bureau.
DeWeaver, Kevin L. (1995) “Developmental Disabilities: Definitions and Policies” in Encyclopedia of
Social Work (19th ed.) Washington, DC: NASW. pp. 712-720.
Hochman, M. E. (2006). Children of depressed parents are more vulnerable. Health Science, June 5:C3.
Jansson, B. S. (2009). The reluctant welfare state, 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.
Moffitt, Robert E. (1993) “Should the Federal Government Finance Health Care for All Americans? No.” in
Howard J. Karger and James Midgley (eds.). Controversial Issues in Social Policy. Boston. Allyn & Bacon.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adm. (2008). National findings, Wash., DC: U. S. Dept of HHS.
Whelan, D. (2008). Unfilled prescription. Forbes 181(8): 40-46.
World Health Organization. (2007). AIDS epidemic update. Geneva, Switzerland: UNAIDS.
World Bank, “World Bank Responds to HIV/AIDS Crisis in Africa; New Strategic Plan Calls for International Action
on African AIDS Epidemic,” News Release No. 2000/039/S. Retrieved December 20, 2000 from the World Wide
Web: http:/
February 16th
& February 17th :
Economics: Employment, Budgets, and Taxes
Ideological Differences between Social Work and Economics
Key Economic Concepts
Major Economic Social Welfare Programs Tied to Economic Conditions
United States Social Welfare Policies and International Comparisons
Forced Relocation and Enslavement, Immigrants and Refugees
Border Policies
Required Readings: Segal Text: Chapter Nine, pp. 197-227 and Chapter Thirteen, pp. 297-316.
Extra Readings: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns or areas of interest.)
Bilmes, L. J. & Stiglitz, J. E. (2008). Day of reckoning: The Iraq war will cost us $3 trillion—and it’s the root of our
economic problems too. Washington Post National Weekly Edition 25(22): 27.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2009). Employment situation summary-February. Wash., DC: US Dept of Labor.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2002). Value of the federal minimum wage 1938-2000. Wash., DC: U.S. Dept of Labor.
Center for Policy Alternatives. (2007). Progressive agenda for the states 2008 Leadership for America.: Wash., DC.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. (2007). Federal tax burdens in historical perspective. Wash., DC: Author.
Cho, D. & Irvin, N. (2008, August 18-24). An unexpected rescue. Washington Post National Weekly Edition
Congressional Budget Office. (2008). The budget and economic outlook: Fiscal years 2008-2018. Wash., DC:
Government Printing Office.
Economic Policy Institute. (2008). The real value of the minimum wage, 1947-2008. Wash., DC: Author.
Economic Policy Institute (2009, March 6). Jobs picture: Unemployment at highest rate in over 25 years. Wash., DC.
Environmental Working Group. (2008). Total USDA subsidies in the United States. Retrieved 12-28-09.
Joint Committee on Taxation. (2008). Overview of the federal tax system in effect for 2008. JCX-32-08. Wash., DC:
Senate Committee on Finance, U.S. Congress.
VandeHei, J. (2005). So much for limited government. Washington Post National Weekly Editioin 22(17):11.
International Comparison:
American Civil Liberties Union. (2007, January 24). ACLU sues immigration officials and for-profit corrections
corporation over dangerous and inhumane housing of detainees. New York: Author.
Bivens, L. J. (2007). Globalization and American wages: Today and tomorrow. Wash. DC: Economic Policy Institute.
Camarota, S. A. (2007). Immigrants in the United States, 2007: A profile of America’s foreign-born population.
Wash., DC: Center for Immigration Studies.
Faioila, A. (2008, May 5-11). The economics of hunger: A brutal convergence of events has hit an unprepared global
market. Washington Post National Weekly Edition 25(29):6-8.
Garreau, J. (2008, March 3-9). The whole world’s talking: Cellphones have fueled the fastest revolution in human
history. Washington Post National Weekly Edition 25(20):11.
Gonzalez, D. (2008, February 17). U.S. immigration law drives husband, wife apart. Arizona Republic, p. A1, A18.
Hokenstad, M. C. & Midgley, J. (2004). Lessons from abroad: Adapting international social welfare innovations.
Wash. DC: NASW Press.
Hsu. S. S. (2008, May 26-June 1). Raid on a small town: In Iowa illegal workers are arrested. Washington Post
National Weekly Edition 25(32):33.
Landers, J. (2007, November 16). Canadian health system may be cure for U.S. Arizona Republic, p. A28.
Massey, D. S., Durand, J., & Malone, N. J. (2003). Beyond smoke and mirrors: Mexican immigration in an era of
economic integration. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
National Immigration Law Center. (2007). Overview of Key immigration issues facing the immigrants’ rights
movement. Wash., DC: Low-Income Immigrant Rights Conference.
Nugent, C. (2007, November 8). Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees,
Border Security, and International Law , H.R. 750, the “Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2007.”
Washington, DC.
Passel, J. S. (2006). The size and characteristics of the unauthorized migrant population in the US. Wash., DC: Pew
Hispanic Center.
International Comparison (Information continued)
Pew Global Attitudes Project. (2008). 24-nation Pew global attitudes survey. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center
for the People and the Press.
Reid, T. T. (2002). Buying American? Many brands that look homegrown are actually European-owned. Washington
Post National Weekly Edition 19(31): 20.
United nations. (2008). World economic and social survey 2008: Overcoming economic insecurity. New York: United
Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
United Nations Development Programme. (2007). Human development report 2007/2008—Fighting Climate Change.
New York: United Nations.
United Nations. (2007). The millennium development goals report. New York: United Nations Department of
Economic and Social Affairs.
U. S. Census Bureau. (2007). Statistical Abstract of the United States, 127 th ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Government
Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2008). U.S. legal permanent residents: 2007< Annual Flow Report (March,
2008). Washington, DC: DHS Office of Immigration Statistics.
World Bank. (2008). Poverty analysis.
Distribute the Study Guide for the Take Home Mid-Term Exam.
February 22nd: Aging and Social Welfare Policy
History and Services for Promoting and Protection the Elderly
Major Topics
The Older Americans Act
Financial Security
Political Power
Required Reading & Film: Segal Text: Chapter Twelve, pp. 277-296.
Stone Pillow (1976): with Lucille Ball as homeless senior Available for free (5-12-2008) at:
Extra Readings: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns or areas of interest.)
Administration on Aging. (2008a) Assisted Living. (2008b) National Family Caregiver Support Program. (2008c) A
statistical profile of older Americans ages 65+. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.
Dunkle, Ruth E. and Norgard, Theresa (1995) “Aging Overview” in Encyclopedia of Social Work
(19th ed.) Washington, DC: NASW. pp. 142-152.
Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics. (2008). Older Americans 2008: Key indicators of well-being.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Kaiser Family Foundation. (2007). The burden of out-or pocket health spending among older versus younger adults.
Menlo Park, CA: Author.
National Center on Elder Abuse. (2006). Abuse of adults 60+ 2004 survey of adult protective services. Wash., DC.
Toseland, Ronald W. (1995) “Aging: Direct Practice” in Encyclopedia of Social Work, Vol. 1 (19th ed.)
Wash, DC: NASW. pp. 153-159.
Torres-Gil, Fernando and Puccinelli, Michele (1995) “Aging: Public Policy Issues and Trends” in
Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.) Washington, DC: NASW. pp. 159-164.
Bellows, Neal S. and Ruffolo, Mary Carmen (1995) “Aging: Services” in Ency.of SW (19th ed.). pp. 165-173.
Zuniga, Maria E. (1995) “Aging: Social Work Practice” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.)
Washington, DC: NASW. pp. 173-183.
Films & Videos: On Golden Pond: with Jane & Henry Fonda
Summer Solstice (1983): with Henry Fonda and Myrna Loy
To Live Until You Die (1983): Elizabeth Kubler-Ross about stages of dying
An Alzheimer’s Story (1985): Documentary about the decision of a nursing home
Lila (1980): Lila Bonner-Miller (age 80) discusses her life
February 24th:
Major Topics
Review for Mid-Term Exam
Social Justice and Civil Rights
Barriers to social Justice and Civil Rights
The constitution: Cornerstone of Civil Rights
The History of Voting Rights in the United States
Protection from Discrimination and Oppression
Conflicting Values and Beliefs
Required Readings: Segal Text: Chapter Five, pp. 92-123.
Extra Readings: Any topic related to social welfare political issues from the internet. (Bring for class discussion.)
The Constitution of the United States. (1986). Washington, DC: BiCentennial Productions.
Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2007). Uniform crime report: Hate crime statistics, 2006. Wash. DC: US Dept of
National Coalition for Women and Gills in Education. (2008). Title IX at 35: Beyond the headlines. Wash., DC:
American Association of University Women.
Olezek, W. J. (2007). Congressional procedures and the policy process, 7th ed. Wash., DC: Congressional Quarterly.
Smedley, A., & Smedley, B. D. (2005). Race as biology is fiction, racism as a social problem is real: Anthropological
and historical perspectives on the social construction of race. American Psychologist 60(1):16-26.
Tatum, B. D. (2007, October 1-7). Still no refuge: Fifty years after Little Rock, it’s the same old story in Jena today.
The Washington Post National Weekly Edition 24(50):26.
March 1st:
March 1st &
March 3rd
Major Topics
Take Home Mid-Term due in class today at 11:00am.
School Social Work Services
Child Welfare Services: Child Protection and Shelter Care
Head Start and School Social Work Services
The Child Welfare System and Policy Development
Learning Disabilities (504 Requirements)
Protective Services for Children: Discovering Child Abuse
Major Federal Programs Providing Aid to Children and Families
Preserving Families & Shelter Care for Children
Emerging Issues and Social Concerns
Required Films & Readings: Segal Text: Chapter Ten, pp. 228-254 and
After the Promise w/ Mark Harmon (On reserve in the LRC, Lee Library)
Films & Videos: Summer School; Freedom Writers English Teacher’s work (Provo Library);
Losing Isaiah with Jessica Lange and Halle Berry; Stand and Deliver Calif. School System
Drug Babies. (VC 8961) Regarding Crack Babies; A child Called It by Dave Pelser;
I Am Sam CPS Removal from a mentally retarded father; Malcolm X African Am. Mother loses her child
Something About Amelia (1984) w/ Ted Danson & Glenn Close, TV Movie about incest
Desert Bloom (1986) Young girl and her abusive stepfather in Las Vegas of 1950s
Extra Readings: I know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou’s biography about survival from child abuse
Freeman, Edith M. (1995) “School Social Work Overview” Encyl of SWK 19th ed. Wash, DC: NASW. pp. 2087-2099.
Hare, Isadora (1995) “School-Linked Services” Ency of Social Work 19th ed. Wash, DC: NASW. pp. 2100-2109.
Liederman, David S. (1995) “Child Welfare Overview” Encyclopedia of SW 19 th ed. Wash DC: NASW. pp. 424-453.
Giovannoni, Jeanne (1987) “Children” Encyclopedia of SW 18 th ed. Silver Spring, MD:NASW. P. 247.
Wells, Susan J. (1995) “Child Abuse and Neglect Overview” Encyl of SW 19 th ed. Wash DC: NASW. pp.346-353
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Kanerman, Sheila B. (1995) “Families Overview” Encyclopedia of SW 19 th ed. Wash DC: NASW. pp. 927-935.
Hohnson, Geneva and Wahl, Maureen. (1995) “Families: Demographic Shifts” Encyclopedia of Social Work 19 th ed.
Washington, DC:NASW. pp. 936-941
Tracy, Elizabeth M. (1995) “Family Preservation and Home-Based Services” Ency of Social Work 19th ed. 973-981.
March 8th:
Major Topics
Child Welfare Services: Adoption & Permanency Planning
Child Welfare Services: Foster and Group Care
Adoption & Permanency Planning
Emerging International Adoption Issues
Deinstitutionalization & Family Reunification
Foster Care for Children
Required Films & Readings: Losing Isaiah w/Jessica Lange and Halle Berry
Extra Readings:
Barth, Richard P. (1995) “Adoption” Encyclopedia of Social work 19 th ed. Wash DC:NASW pp. 48-59
Everett, Joyce E. (1995) “Child Foster Care” Encyclopedia of Social work 19 th ed. Wash DC:NASW pp. 375-389.
Wineman, David (1995) “Children’s Rights” Encyclopedia of Social work 19 th ed. Wash DC:NASW pp. 465-475.
Kanerman, Sheila B. (1995) “Families Overview” Encyclopedia of SW 19 th ed. Wash DC: NASW. pp. 927-935.
Hohnson, Geneva and Wahl, Maureen. (1995) “Families: Demographic Shifts” Encyclopedia of Social Work 19 th ed.
Washington, DC:NASW. pp. 936-941
Cnaan, Ram and Boddie, Stephanie. (July, 2002) “Charitable Choice and Faith-Based Welfare: A Call for Social
Work” Social Work Volume 47, Number 3. Wash, DC: NASW. pp. 224-235.
Films & Videos: August Rush Talented child removed for adoption and not placed, finds his parents.
A Place To Be, TV documentary about adoption; Samantha’s Choice (1997) 48 Hrs. BYU Video on Adoption
Single and Pregnant (VC 103R) LDS Family Services Video + Other LDS Church Viedos on Adoption
Pursuit of Happiness (2007) Black father attempts to raise his son alone; Martian Child (Adoption)
Other Films & Videos: Who are the Debolts? (VC 9268) The adoption of Handicapped Children;
No Reservations (2007) A chef becomes guardian for her niece;
Second Hand Lions, Film about two older uncles and their care of a young nephew
White Oleander Film about the Foster Care System
The Orphan Trains a documentary on how the orphanages in the US changed into foster care as a results of the work
by Charles Loring Brace and the Children’s Aid Society. [Video recordings] produced and directed by Janet
Graham and Edward Gray; written by Edward Gray; a production of Edward Gray Films, Inc. Also found at:
Orphan train and Baby train movement information. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on January 20, 2006: or
Antwone Fisher, Film about Foster Care; Rabbit Proof Fence. BYU Int’l Film/Cinema Director: Phillip Noyce.
March 10th:
Major Topics
Juvenile Justice
Adult Criminal Justice
Juvenile Justice
Adult Corrections
The “New Penology”
The Future of Criminal Justice
Required Readings: See course handout.
Films & Videos: The Cutting Edge (1983) Southeast Asian Youth’s attempt to adapt to US culture
Women’s Prison (Iranian Movie) Orem Public Library FL 14017; Papillion Man wrongly accused sent to penal colony
Picote (Brazilian 1980) 10 yr old street child in Sao Paulo; Rebel Without a Cause & Most James Dean pictures;
400 Blows (1952) by Francois Truffaun. Chronicles boy’s survival and legally deviant behavior;
PBS Crime and Punishment in America Orem Public library #364.973;
The Great Santini (1979) Air Force father’s confrontation with his son;
Bird Man of Alcatraz w/ Burt Lancaster & Dustin Hoffman; Shawshank Rebellion
Sounder (1972) Cicily Tison and Paul Wingfield, sharecropper father sent to Prison
Extra Readings: Miller, Jerome G. (1996) Search and Destroy: African-American Males in the Criminal Justice System.
New York: Cambridge University Press
Miller, Jerome G. (1995) “Criminal Justice: Social Work Roles” Ency. of SW 19th ed. Wash
DC:NASW pp. 653-659.
Barton, William H. (1995) “Juvenile Corrections” Ency. of Social Work 19th ed. Wash DC:NASW pp. 1562-1575.
McNeece, C. Aaron. (1995) “Adult Corrections” Encyclopedia. of SWK 19th ed. Wash DC:NASW pp.60-68.
Inglehart, Alfreda P. (1995) “Criminal Justice: Class, Race, and Gender Issues” Encyclopedia. of Social Work 19th ed.
Wash DC:NASW pp. 647-653.
Ezell, Mark. (1995) “Juvenile and Family Courts” Ency. of Social Work 19th ed. Wash DC:NASW pp. 1553-1562.
Gottfredson, Denise & Barton, William (1993) “Deinstitutionalization of Juvenile Offenders,” Criminology 31, No.4.
Mackenzie, Doris et. Al.(1995) “Boot Camp Prisons and Recidivism in Eight States,” Criminology 33, No. 3. p. 78.
Talbot, Margaret (September 10, 2000) “The Maximum Security Adolescent,” The NY Times Magazine. p. 42.
Harden, Blane (October 23, 1997) “Boston’s Approach to Juvenile Crime Encircles Youths, Reduces Slayings,”
Washington Post. p. A3.
Walters, Glenn (1992) “A Meta-Analysis of the Gene-Crime Relationship.” Criminology 30, No.4. pp. 8-16.
Belluch, Pam (May 29, 2000) “Blighted Areas Are Revived as Crime Rate Falls in cities,” The NY Times. P.1.
Masci, David (2000) “Prison-Building Boom” Issues in Social Policy. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly. P. 138.
Herbert, Bob (February 14, 2000) “Criminal Justice Breakdown” The NY Times Magazine. p. 42.
Masters, Brooke (June 19, 2000) “A Death Sentence, Then a Reversal,” Washington Post Weekly. p. 34.
Slevin, Peter (April 24, 2000) “Life After Prison,” Washington Post. p. A1.
March 15th:
Major Topics
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Policy
Mental Health Reform: Achieving Treatment Parity
The Community Mental Health Centers Acts
Deinstitutionalization/The Revolving Door: Treatment and Civil Rights
CMHCs Under Siege
War on Drugs or on Drug Addicts?
Required Readings: :DiNitto: “Chapter 10. “ pp. 384-410.
Segal, Steven. (1995) “Deinstitutionalization.” Encyclopedia of SWK, (18th ed.) Washington, DC: NASW. P. 704-712.
Films & Videos: Ordinary People (1980); Happy Valley (2008) Drug use in Utah;
A Beautiful Mind. Story of John Nash’s Schizophrenia; It’s A Wonderful Life w/ Jimmy Stewart;
The Constant Gardner (Rated R) Rx Drug Testing on native peoples in Africa; The Meth Epicemic (2005) Provo Lib;.
Benny and Joon (MI) w/ Johnny Depp; Lars and the Real Girl (2007); Addiction (HBO Docum) 5 hrs long, Provo Lib.
The Awakening w/ Robin Williams; When a Man Loves a Woman w/ Meg Ryan; Groundhog Day w/ Bill Murray;
28 Days (Drug Rehab); Garden State (Cougar Video-Edited) Boy goes off Depression meds;
Maria full of Grace (Orem Lib. FL1159) Columbian story (Spanish) regarding drug trafficking;
Freud (1962) Cable TV production w/ Montgomery Clift, showing Freud’s work with a young man;
As Good As It Gets w/ Jack Nicholsen; The Snakepit Orem Public Library; The Glass Castle (2006);
Three Faces of Eve (1957) with Joanne Woodward; Jupiter’s Wife, Homeless Mentally disturbed women in NYC;
The Stone Boy (1984) Robert Duvall as the father of a boy who accidentally shoots his brother and loses touch w/ reality;
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) w/ Jack Nicholson, film about institutionalization;
The Boys. One writing partner’s death from cancer, caused by second-hand smoke;
Smoke Signals. First Nations’ experience with alcoholism; What About Bob, Obsessive Compulsive Tx Process.
Extra Readings:
Torrey, E. Fuller and Zdanowicz, Mary T. (July 9, 1999) “Deinstitutionalization Hasn’t Worked.” Wash Post. p. A29
March 17th:
Policies for Housing
Social Work Policies in Employment Settings
Major Topics
Public Domain
Unions and the Private Sector; The Corporate Sector
The Scope of Human Service Corporations
Employee Assistance Programs
Growth of Social Work in Human Service Markets
Required Films & Videos: Holding Ground: The Rebirth of Dudley Street (1996) Boston Documentary and
Its a Wonderful Life, with Jimmy Stewart
Dluhy, Milan (1987). “Housing,” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (18th ed.) Silver Spring: NASW. pp. 821-835.
Van Den Bergh, Nan (1995) “Employee Assistance Progr.s” in Encl. SWK” (19th ed.). Wash. DC: NASW pp. 842-849.
Tambor, Milton (1995) “Unions” in Encyclopedia of Social Work. Wash, DC: NASW pp. 2418-2426.
Films & Videos: Norma Rae w/Sally Field: Woman attempts to support incoming unionization;
Two Weeks Notice, Legal attempts to save a Community Center; Batteries Not Included, Intimidation of residents.
Extra Readings:
Cozic, Charles P. (ed.) (1993). “What Measures Would Improve Urban Housing?” America’s Cities: Opposing
Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. pp. 146-190.
Torrey, E. Fuller (1989). Nowhere to Go. New York: Harper and Row.
Turner, M. (1990) Housing Market Impacts of Rent Control. Wash, D.C.: Urban Inst.
Welfeld, I. (1988). “Poor Tenant, Poor Landlord, Poor Policy.” Public Interest, 92:1988. pp. 110-120.
Gilderbloom, J. (1986). “The Impact of Rent Control on Rent in New Jersey Community.” Sociology and Social
Research. 71, 1986. pp. 11-14.
Popple, Phillip R. & Leighninger (2002). “Housing and Homelessness.” Social Work Social Welfare and American
Society.(6th ed.) Boston:Allyn and Bacon. pp.509-567.
Fisher, Dena (May-June 1987) “Problems for Social Work in a Strike Situation,” Social Work 32.pp.253-254.
Kurzman, P. & Akabas, S. (1993) Work and well-being: The occupational social work advantage. Washington, D.C.:
NASW Press.
Akabas, S. & Kurzman, P. (Eds) (1982) Work, workers, and work organizations: A View from social work. Englewood
Cliffs, J.J: Prentice Hall.
Dickman, R. & Challenger, R. (1988). “Employee assistance programs: An historical sketch”. In F. Dickman, R.
Challenger, W. Emener, & W. Hutchinson (EDS.) Employee assistance programs (pp. 48-53). Springfield, IL:
Charles C. Thomas
March 22nd:
Major Topics
International Social Welfare, Community Development & NGO Issues
International Disaster Relief
Refugees, Slavery and Religious Oppression
Contemporary Nonprofit Human Service Organizations (NGOs)
The Future of the International Voluntary Sector
Working Amidst Smoldering Violence
Immigrants and Immigration
Immigration in a Post-September 11th Environment
How Much Immigration
The Holocaust and Holy Wars
Required Readings and Films: Midgley, James (1995) “International and Comparative Social Welfare” in Encyclopedia of
Social Work.(19th ed.) Wash, DC: NASW pp. 1490-99.
Healy, Lynne (1995) “International Social Welfare: Organizations and Activities” in Ency of Social Work.(19th ed.)
Wash, DC: NASW pp. 1499-1510 and DiNitto: “Chapter 11 pp. 492-501
The films: Hotel Rwanda (2007) and Green Card (w/ Gerard Depardieu & Audie MacDowell)
Films & videos: Blood Diamonds (Rated R) and The Kite Runner (2007) Afghan Immigrant (Red Box)
Children Under Guard; Lost Boys of Sudan (2003) Aylan & Shenk (BYU LRC): Babel (edited version) Mexican Imm.
Flight Plan (2005) Engineer’s body is returned to US (Orem Puplic Library); The Namesake Immigrants from India;
The Chosen–One Boy, Two Worlds: A time to choose. Orem Public Library (DR 10815) Jewish Issues.
Life is Beautiful (BYU HBLL); Legacy (1990) & the Testaments (2000) LDS Church Distribution Centers.
Extra Readings: Burkey, Stan (1996). People First: A Guide to Self-Reliant, Participatory Rural Development.
London: Zed Books Ltd.
Gilbert & Terrell. “Chapter 9: Policy Dimensions: International Trends in the Twenty-first Century” pp. 276-287/
Vargus, Ione D. (1995). “Charitable Foundations and Social Welfare” Encyclopedia of Soc Work 19th ed.
Washington, DC: NASW. pp. 340-346.
Drucker, Peter (December 19, 1991). “It Profits Us to Strengthen Nonprofits,” Wall Street Journal. p. 18.
Boris, Elizabeth (1999). “Nonprofit Organizations in a Democracy,” in Elizabeth Boris and Eugene Steuerle (eds),
Nonprofits and Government. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.
Rosin, Hanna (May 5, 2000). “Putting Faith in a Social Service Role,” Washington Post. p. A1.
“High Tech at the Grassroots,” (Summer, 1999). Responsive Philanthropy. p. 12..
Attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policy: Surveys among Latinos in the US & Mexico.
Retrieved from the World Wide Web January 18, 2006:
U.W. Committee for Refugees, “The Statistical Issue,” Refugee Reports, Vol. 23, No. 9, Dec. 31, 2002 from
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, “Fact Sheet: US-VISIT” (Washington, DC), retrieved April 29, 2004, from
U.W. Department of Homeland Security, Fiscal Year 2002 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (Wash, DC, Jan 2003),
retrieved April 29, 2004, from
“Immigration Before and After: Putting It in Perspective,” Library Weekly, April 26, 2002,retrieved April 29, 2004 from
March 24th
March 29th &
March 31st
Major Topics
Racial Equality: African Americans
Racial Equality: Native Americans
Racial Equality: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Racial Equality: Hispanic/Latino Americans
The Challenges of a Diverse Society
The Civil Rights Act
Affirmative Action & Voting Rights
Racial Profiling
Civil rights and the War on Terror
Racism: Separate but Not Equal
Discrimination Against African Americans
Policies Regarding Native American Social Welfare Services
Asian American Policy and Issues
Pacific Islanders: Policy and Image
Hispanic/Latino Americans
Required Readings: DiNitto: “Chapter 11 pp. 474-490.
Leashore, Bogart R. (1995) “African Americans Overview” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.)
Washington, DC: NASW. pp. 101-115.
White, Barbara and Hampton, Dianne (1995) “African American Pioneers in Social Work” in Encyclopedia
of Social Work (19th ed.) Washington, DC: NASW. pp. 115-121.
Allen, Josephine (1995) “African Americans: Caribbean” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.)
Washington DC: NASW. pp. 121-129.
Ross-Sheriff, Fariyal (1995) “African-Americans: Immigrants” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.)
Washington DC: NASW. pp. 130-136.
Lewis, Ronald G. (1995) “American Indians” Encyclopedia of Soc Work (19th ed.) Wash, DC: NASW pp. 216-225.
Lum, Doman (1995) “Asian Americans, Chinese” in Ency of SWK(19th ed.) Wash, DC: NASW pp. 238-241.
Murase, Kenji (1995) “Asian Americans: Japanese” Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.) Washington, DC:
NASW. pp. 241-248.
Mokuau, Noreen (1995) “Pacific Islanders” Ency of Social Work (19th ed.) Washington, DC: NASW pp. 1795-1801
Balgopal, Pallassana R. (1995) “Asian American Overview” and “Asian Indians” in Ency of Social Work (19th ed.)
Washington, DC: NASW pp. 231-238 & 256-260.
Longres, John F. (1995) “Hispanics Overview” in Ency of Social Work (19th ed.) Wash, DC: NASW. pp. 1214-1222.
Jimenez-Vazquez, Rosa (1995) “Hispanics: Cubans” Ency of SWK (19th ed.) Washington, DC: NASW pp. 1223-1232.
Curiel, Herman. (1995) “Hispanics: Mexican Americans” Ency of SWK (19th ed.) Wash, DC: NASW. pp. 1233-1244.
Campos, Angel P. “Hispanics: Puerto Ricans” in Ency of Social Work (19th ed.) Wash, DC: NASW. pp. 1245-1252.
Films & Videos: I Have a Dream (1986): Martin Luther King’s Speech.
Cry Freedom: Film about South Africa during Apartheid; Amazing Grace (2006) English and Black Slavery Issues.
On Promised Land: African American family’s fight for their land; To Kill a Mockingbird, Af. Am. Legal Defense
Malcolm X; The Rosa Parks Story; A Raisin in the Sun (Provo City Library)
Perfect Harmony Racial Prejudice in South Carolina Academy during the 1950s. Orem Public Library (DR 7125)
Powwow Highway (1989): Contemporary American Indian culture interacts with US.
Smoke Signals (1997): Documentary by Native Americans
Farewell to Manzanar (1976): Documentary for TVon interment of Japanese-Americans
Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart (1985): Chinese-American mother and daughter in San Francisco
The Cutting Edge (1983): Southeast Asian youth’s adaptation to USA
West Side Story. Latino Gangs in NYC.
Milagro Beanfield War (1988): Battle with large landowners for water
Extra Readings: End Racial Profiling Act Library of Congress, THOMAS, Legislative Information on the Internet: Retrieved April 27, 2004.
Tidwell, Billy (1987) “Racial Discrimination and Inequality” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (18th ed.) Silver
Spring, MD: NASW. pp. 448-454.
Billingsley, A. (1993) Climbing Jacob’s ladder: The Enduring Legacy of African-American Families. New
York: Simon & Schuster.
Chavez, L. (1991) Out of the Barrio: Toward a New Politics of Hispanic Assimilation. NY:Basic Books.
Plessy v. Ferguson. (1896) U.S. 537.
April 5th:
Major Topics
Gender Inequities
Gay Rights
Women and Society
Male Roles
Violence against Gays and Lesbians
Expanding the Gay Rights Agenda
Gay and Lesbians in the Military: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Gay and Lesbian Family Life; AIDS and the Gay Community
The Rights of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLTB)Youth
Required Reading: DiNitto “Chapter 11 pp. 441-474.
Gottlieb, Naomi (1995) “Women Overview” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.) Wash DC: NASW pp. 2518-28.
Brandwein, Ruth A. (1995) “Women in Social Policy” in Encyclopedia of SW (19th ed.) Wash DC:NASW pp.2552-70.
Lichtenberg, Philip (1995) “Men Overview” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.) Wash DC: NASW pp.1691-97.
Chestang, Leon W. (1995) “Men: Direct Practice” in Encyclopedia of SW (19th ed.) Wash DC: NASW pp. 1698-1704.
Films & Videos: (Gender Specific Issues)
Enough (2002) Spousal Abuse (Netflix);Mona Lisa Smile, Rights of Women
Where the Heart Is (2000) M. Williams, USA Winddancer Productions.
OSAMA (Arabic Movie) Afghan Women’s rights (Orem Library FL 11523)
Sacrifice, Burmese Girls sent to Thailand to work; China’s Lost Girls (Provo Lib & HBLL LRC)
Fried Green Tomatoes: Story of domestic violence and a woman who stands up to Klan
Still Killing Us Softly (BYU VC10329): Violence against women esp. in the media
Enchanted April: Four women from England travel to Italy on their own
Clotheslines (1982): Documentary on “Women’s Work”; About a Boy (2006)
Maids and Madams (1986): Implications of change in households during Apartheid
Films & Videos: (Gay/Lesbian Issues)
Philadelphia: Gay lawyer loses his job due to discrimination
Welcome Home Bobby: parents accept their son who has AIDS
Trembling Before G-D, Jewish Homosexuals (Orem Library # 305.8929 + 7218)
And the Band Played On: documentary showing impact of ignoring the AIDS crisis
Personal Best (1982): Lesbian athlete resents abuse within the system
Just Because of Who We Are (1986): Lesbian harassment and violence from culture
The Smith Family (Documentary VC11203) BYU LRC
Extra Readings: (Gay/Lesbian Issues)
(Gays) Berger, Raymond and Kelly, James J. (1995) “Gay Men Overview” in Encyclopedia of Social Work
(19th ed.) Washington, DC: NASW. pp. 1064-1075.
Morales, Julio (1995) “Gay Men: Parenting” Encyclopedia of SW (19th ed.) Wash DC: NASW pp. 1085-1094.
(Lesbians) Tully, Carol Thorpe (1995) “Lesbians Overview” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.)
Washington, DC: NASW. pp. 1591-1596.
Laird, Joan (1995) “Lesbians: Parenting” in Encyclopedia of SW (19th ed.) Wash DC: NASW. pp. 1604-1616.(GAT)
Oaks, Dallin H. (October 1995) “Same-Gender Attraction” The Ensign. Salt Lake City, UT: Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints. pp. 7-14.
Cox, Shirley and Dant, Doris (1996) Answers to your Questions about Homosexuality: for Parents, Spouses,
Friends and Ecclesiastical Leaders. Salt Lake City, UT: Evergreen, Intl.
Byrd, A. Dean A. (2001) Homosexuality and the Church of Jesus Christ. Springville, UT: Bonneville Books.
April 7th:
Final Policy Paper must be submitted by 11:00am.
April 7th &
April 12th:
Military Social Work
Rural Social Welfare Services (i.e. The Wendover Projects)
The Long Range Impact of Policy Implementation and Analysis
Required Readings: Garber, David & McNelis, Peter. (1995) “Military Social Work” in Encyclopedia of Social Work
(19th ed.) Wash DC:NASW pp. 1726-36.
Extra Readings: (Select from the following, any items which address your particular concerns)
Bilmes, L. (2007). Soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan: The long-term costs of providing Veterans Medical
Care and Disability Benefits. Faculty Research Working Paper RWP 07-001. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University,
John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Davenport, Judith and Joseph III. (1995). “Rural Social Work Overview” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.)
Wash DC:NASW pp. 2076-85.
Morris, Lynne. (1995) “Rural Poverty” in Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.) Wash DC:NASW pp. 2068-75.
Priest, D. & Hull, A. (2007, June 25 – July 8). The war inside: Veterans encounter a mental-health system that makes
healing difficult. Washington Post National Weekly Edition 24(36 & 37): 6-8.
Zoroya, G. (2008, March 7). A fifth of soldiers at PTSD risk: Rate rises with tours. USA Today, p. 11A.
Films & Videos: A Few Good Men; The Four Feathers (2002) 1884 Sudanese/British Conflict; Saints and Soldiers;
The Ground Truth (Orem Lib. # 956.7044 G 9 181) Documentary on Iraq War;
The Scarlet and the Black (Provo City Library) An Irish Priest hides Allied Soldiers; The Great Escape (HBLL);
Milagro Beanfield War (1988): Battle with large landowners for water
Monday, April 19th:
Final Take Home Exam must be received at or before 2:00pm.
While all students sign the BYU Honor Code, there are still specific skills most students need to master over time in order
to correctly cite sources, especially in this new age of the internet; as well as deal with the stress and strain of college life,
without resorting to cheating. Please know that as your professor I will notice instances of cheating on exams or plagiarism
of other’s materials. See for specific examples of intentional or inadvertent plagiarism,
fabrication, or falsification.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational
program or activity that receives federal funds. The act is intended to eliminate sex discrimination in education. Title IX
covers discrimination in programs, admissions, activities, and student-to-student sexual harassment. BYU’s policy against
sexual harassment extends not only to employees of the university but to students, as well. If you encounter unlawful sexual
harassment or gender based discrimination, please talk to your professor; contact the Equal Employment Office at 422-5895
or 367-5689 (24 hours); or contact the Honor Code Office at 422-2847.
Brigham Young University is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates
qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course
successfully, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (422-2767). Reasonable academic
accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with
the student and instructor by the SSD office. If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated
against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures. You should
contact the Equal Employment Office at 422-5895, at D-282 ASB.
The following format is recommend for the submission of the required reading, listening, or viewing of policy
related material. This weekly report can be submitted via email any time during the week or on paper at the
beginning of the Thursday class. A report of the up-to-date cumulative hours will be given to you on your
returned Mid-Term Exam.
Name _______________________
Final day of Reporting Week ________________
Complete the following for each article, book, tape, film, or video program and where it can be found:
Title of 1st article, book, tape, film, or video program (with citations for locating the material)
Brief description of material covered __________________________________________________
Do you recommend this work to other students? _____yes _____no because __________________
Total Time Spent: ____________hours.
(Then list the total time spent at the bottom of this week’s report.)
Policy Assessment Outline from Gilbert & Terrell text, Dimensions of Social
Welfare Policy (Chapter 3)
(Bullet Points indicate essential information for inclusion in your Policy Assessment Paper)
 Policy Statement: (State what program is being analyzed)
 The Basis of Social Allocation (Who?):
 Universal
Selective- At least one or more of the following (Conditions of Eligibility) must be cited:
Attributed Need
Diagnostic Differentiation
Means-Tested Need
 The Nature of Social Provisions (What?)
 Can be both:
In-Cash and/or
In-Kind (any combination of the following)
Goods (Food, Clothing, Shelter)
Credits (Tax, Purchase)
Power & Access to Power
Intangible vs. Concrete-
Limited vs. Diversified-
 The Delivery System Structure (How delivered?):
 Public, Private, Private non-Profit
Closed vs. Open System- Boundary Issues-
Administrative Policy-making Control & Authority StructureCoordination
Contracting (Purchase of Service )
Citizen Participation/ Distribution of Authority
non-distributive participation (Closed)
normal participation
redistributive participation (Open)
Expert Authority vs Consumer Authority
Allocation of Tasks
Role Attachments
Expert or Professional staff
Indigenous Non-professional (Paraprofessional) aides
Professional Engagement or Distance
Helper-Service Client Focus
Representative of the Bureaucracy
Composition of the Delivery SystemSpecialized Agency Access Structures
Co-located or Separate Facilities
Services Combined or Single Service
Purposive Duplication
Service Delivery System’s Basic Orientation Toward Service DeliveryProfessional/Bureaucratic
 Finance (How financed?):
The Source of Funds-Fee for Service
Profit from Financial Endeavors or Investments
General Tax Revenues (Federal, State, Local)
Grants/ Loans
Dedicated Funds/ Discretionary Funds
Social Insurance
Voluntary Contributions
Combined Sources
Open-ended vs Fixed-amount–
The System of Transfer and/or Conditions for receipt and utilization of the funds: (small print)Federal Aid, State and Local Funds, or Private Funding
Program conditions
The kind of activities/services for which they will pay
Financial conditions
The Local Match requirements
Beneficiary conditions
Agency/Provider Eligibility
Targeting (Categorical Grant vs Block Grant)
Client Eligibility
Procedural conditions
Audits & Reporting Requirements
Clients’ Rights
Citizen Participation
Environmental Protections
Program Coordination
Centralization or Decentralization of the Financial Transfer Process
 Underlying Values: (Why?)
Distributive Justice- Equality
Respect for Individual and Group Capabilities to Impact Their Own Situations
Freedom of Choice vs Social Control
Freedom of Dissent & Efficiency
Local Autonomy and Centralization
Cost Effectiveness/Social Effectiveness
Other Theories and Assumptions:
About People
About Program Effectiveness & Desirability