Final - Woodring College of Education

Quarter 1 End of Term Self-Assessment
Elementary Education
Woodring College of Education
Candidate Self-Assessment & Cooperating Teacher Assessment
Quarter (Fall, Winter, or Spring) & Year:
School & School District:
Candidate WWU ID#:
Classroom Teacher:
Grade Level:
1. Candidate, upon receipt of this form from your UIC, complete by: a) Highlighting your rating in YELLOW and b) Adding comments under
Candidate Self-Assessment. Once completed, forward to your CT via email.
2. CT, upon receipt of this form from the Candidate, complete by: a) Highlighting your rating in BLUE and b) Adding comments under
Cooperating Teacher’s Assessment.
3. CT and Candidate meet to review and establish goals for Quarter 2.
4. Candidate OR CT to email back to the UIC.
To continue satisfactorily in the Teacher Education Program, all Candidates will be expected to achieve an assessment of “partially met” or “met” for all
eight dimensions of practice included in the assessment by the end of the first quarter. Candidates who fail to receive such an assessment will be asked
to attend a “case conference,” as described in the Elementary Education Department Student Handbook, where the circumstances of the field
experience and assessment will be examined and plans made to address any difficulties and support the student’s further progress in the program.
Ideas represented on the following pages are adapted from several sources: WA State Standards for Beginning Teachers (Standard V); edTPA Elementary Literacy & Math; Classroom
Assessment Scoring System, Brooks Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD; Core Practices, University of Connecticut; InTASC Learning Progressions.
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 4/6/15
WWU is an equal opportunity institution
Quarter 1 End of Term Self-Assessment
Elementary Education
Woodring College of Education
Candidate’s plans feature
observable, standards-based
learning targets.
Candidate’s plans are informed by
developmental considerations.
Candidate’s plans are informed be
subject matter content knowledge.
Candidate’s plans make content
explicit through a variety of means.
The candidate creates/ selects/adapts
plans for teaching that feature
observable, measurable standardsbased learning targets.
The candidate creates/selects/ adapts
plans for teaching that are informed by
developmental considerations and
anticipate typical misconceptions.
The candidate creates/selects/ adapts
plans for teaching that are informed by
subject matter content knowledge.
Candidate creates/selects/ adapts
instructional plans/lessons that engage
students in inquiry, sense-making, or
other related disciplinary practices, and
include strategically chosen
representations, modeling, and
Partially Met (Developing)
Not Met
The candidate creates/ selects/adapts
plans for teaching that feature standardsbased learning targets.
The candidate does little or nothing to
create/ select/ adapts plans for teaching
and identify standards-based learning
The candidate creates/selects/ adapts
plans that show little or no awareness of
developmental considerations.
The candidate creates/selects/ adapts
plans for teaching that are informed to
some extent by developmental
The candidate creates/selects/ adapts
plans for teaching that are informed to
some extent by subject matter content
Candidate sometimes
creates/selects/adapts instructional
plans/lessons that engage students in
inquiry, sense-making, or other related
disciplinary practices, or include
strategically chosen representations,
modeling, and examples.
The candidate creates/selects/ adapts
plans for teaching that show little or no
connection to subject matter content
Candidate rarely creates/ selects/adapts
instructional plans/lessons that engage
students in inquiry, sense-making, or
other related disciplinary practices, or
include strategically chosen
representations, modeling, and
a) Candidate highlight rating in YELLOW; CT highlight rating in BLUE.
b) Add comments below, citing examples to provide evidence for your rating.
Candidate’s Self-Assessment:
Cooperating Teacher’s Assessment:
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 4/6/15
WWU is an equal opportunity institution
Quarter 1 End of Term Self-Assessment
Elementary Education
Woodring College of Education
Implementing Instruction
Partially Met (Developing)
Candidate communicates learning
targets throughout teaching.
Candidate engages learners in
recognizing why learning targets are
important to learn.
Candidate uses discussion activities
that encourage analysis and
Candidate communicates learning targets
and engages learners in articulating
learning targets in their own words.
Candidate engages learners in
recognizing why learning targets are
important to learn.
Candidate presents learning targets and
asks learners to re-state them, orally
or in writing.
Candidate explains why learning targets
are important to learn.
Candidate presents learning targets to
learners orally or in writing.
Not Met
Candidate consistently uses discussion
activities that encourage analysis and
Candidate occasionally uses discussion
activities that encourage analysis and
Candidate rarely uses discussion
activities that encourage analysis or
Candidate uses technology that is
effectively integrated to create
technologically proficient learners.
Candidate consistently uses technology
that is effectively integrated to create
technologically proficient learners.
Candidate occasionally uses technology
that is effectively integrated to create
technologically proficient learners.
Candidate rarely uses technology that is
effectively integrated to create
technologically proficient learners.
Candidate does not explain why
learning targets are important to learn.
c) Candidate highlight rating in YELLOW; CT highlight rating in BLUE.
d) Add comments below, citing examples to provide evidence for your rating.
Candidate’s Self-Assessment:
Cooperating Teacher’s Assessment:
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 4/6/15
WWU is an equal opportunity institution
Quarter 1 End of Term Self-Assessment
Elementary Education
Woodring College of Education
Assessing Instruction
Candidate uses multiple forms of
assessment to design next steps for
Candidate uses student voice and
student work evidence to improve
learning across the range of
anticipated learning outcomes.
Candidate uses multiple forms of
assessment to design next steps for
instruction for individuals, targeted
groups and the class as a whole.
Candidate uses student voice and
student work evidence to improve
learning across the range of anticipated
learning outcomes.
Partially Met (Developing)
Not Met
Candidate sometimes uses assessment
to design next steps for instruction.
Candidate makes little or no use of
assessment evidence to inform
Candidate sometimes uses student
voice or student work evidence to
improve learning across the range of
anticipated learning outcomes.
Candidate makes little or no use of
student voice or student work evidence
to improve learning across the range of
anticipated learning outcomes.
a) Candidate highlight rating in YELLOW; CT highlight rating in BLUE.
e) Add comments below citing examples to provide evidence for your rating.
Candidate’s Self-Assessment:
Cooperating Teacher’s Assessment:
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 4/6/15
WWU is an equal opportunity institution
Quarter 1 End of Term Self-Assessment
Elementary Education
Woodring College of Education
Analyzing Instruction
Candidate reflects on professional
growth to improve practice.
Partially Met (Developing)
The candidate consistently uses
evidence to reflect on and improve the
impact of his/her instructional practices
on learners.
The candidate sometimes uses evidence
to reflect on and improve the impact of
his/her instructional practices on
Not Met
The candidate rarely uses evidence to
reflect on and improve the impact of
his/her instructional practices on
b) Candidate highlight rating in YELLOW; CT highlight rating in BLUE.
f) Add comments below citing examples to provide evidence for your rating.
Candidate’s Self-Assessment:
Cooperating Teacher’s Assessment:
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 4/6/15
WWU is an equal opportunity institution
Quarter 1 End of Term Self-Assessment
Elementary Education
Woodring College of Education
Establishing a Positive and Safe Learning Environment
Candidate establishes and reinforces
consistent positively stated behavioral
Candidate manages transitions that are
quick and efficient.
Candidate reliably establishes and
reinforces consistent positively stated
behavioral expectations to maximize
learning, create a safe and positive
learning environment, and minimize
Candidate consistently manages
transitions in a quick and efficient
Partially Met (Developing)
Candidate sometimes establishes and
reinforces consistent positively stated
behavioral expectations to maximize
learning, create a safe and positive
learning environment, and minimize
Transitions sometimes take too long
or are too frequent and inefficient.
Not Met
Candidate rarely establishes and
reinforces consistent positively stated
behavioral expectations to maximize
learning, create a safe and positive
learning environment, and minimize
Transitions are too long, too frequent,
and/or inefficient.
a) Candidate highlight rating in YELLOW; CT highlight rating in BLUE.
g) Add comments below citing examples to provide evidence for your rating.
Candidate’s Self-Assessment:
Cooperating Teacher’s Assessment:
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 4/6/15
WWU is an equal opportunity institution
Quarter 1 End of Term Self-Assessment
Elementary Education
Woodring College of Education
Promoting Democratic Participation and Community
Candidate fosters an environment
where learners appear comfortable
seeking support from, sharing ideas
with, and responding freely to the
teacher and with each other.
Candidate fosters a learning
community where teacher and learners
enjoy warm, supportive relationships,
positive communication, and respect
with one another.
Partially Met (Developing)
Not Met
The candidate fosters an environment
where learners usually appear
comfortable seeking support from,
sharing their ideas with, and
responding freely with him/her.
The candidate fosters an environment
where learners sometimes seek
support from, share their ideas with, or
respond to questions from him/her.
The candidate fosters an environment
where learners rarely seek support,
share their ideas with, or respond to
questions from him/her.
The candidate fosters a learning
community where there are many
indications that the candidate and
learners enjoy warm, supportive
relationships with one another, where
there are many displays of positive
affect and communication or
demonstrations of mutual respect.
The candidate fosters a learning
community where there are some
indications that the candidate and
learners enjoy warm, supportive
relationships with one another, where
there are some displays of positive
affect and communication, or
demonstrations of mutual respect.
The candidate fosters a learning
community where there are few if any,
indications that the candidate and
learners enjoy warm, supportive
relationships with one another, where
there are few, if any, displays of
positive affect and communication, or
demonstrations of mutual respect.
a) Candidate highlight rating in YELLOW; CT highlight rating in BLUE.
b) Add comments below citing examples to provide evidence for your rating.
Candidate’s Self-Assessment:
Cooperating Teacher’s Assessment:
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 4/6/15
WWU is an equal opportunity institution
Quarter 1 End of Term Self-Assessment
Elementary Education
Woodring College of Education
Collaborating and Communicating with Families and Colleagues
Collaborates and communicates
with other professionals to
advocate on behalf of learners.
Partially Met (Developing)
Candidate collaborates with fellow
teachers, administrators,
paraprofessionals, and specialists within
the school to advocate on behalf of
Candidate sometimes collaborates with
fellow teachers, administrators,
paraprofessionals, or specialists within
the school to advocate on behalf of
Not Met
Candidate rarely collaborates with
fellow teachers, administrators,
paraprofessionals, or specialists within
the school to advocate on behalf of
a) Candidate highlight rating in YELLOW; CT highlight rating in BLUE.
b) Add comments below citing examples to provide evidence for your rating.
Candidate’s Self-Assessment:
Cooperating Teacher’s Assessment:
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 4/6/15
WWU is an equal opportunity institution
Quarter 1 End of Term Self-Assessment
Elementary Education
Woodring College of Education
Teaching as a Profession and Professional Contributions
A successful teacher candidate demonstrates understanding of teaching as a profession and the expectations that accompany that professional role.
[These benchmarks are Proficient/Not Met only]
Not Met
Candidate meets expectations of
scheduled commitments.
Candidate demonstrates professional
responsibility, conduct, productivity,
and effort.
Candidate adheres to established
standards for dress and grooming.
Candidate communicates effectively,
appropriately and professionally in all
forms and to all audiences.
Candidate consistently meets the expectations of
scheduled commitments.
Candidate is inconsistent or unreliable in meeting the
expectations of schedules and commitments.
Candidate consistently demonstrates professional
responsibility, conduct, productivity, and effort necessary to
meet professional responsibilities
Candidate is inconsistent or unreliable in demonstrating
the professional responsibility, conduct, productivity, and
effort necessary to meet professional responsibilities
Candidate adheres to established standards for dress and
Candidate is inconsistent or unreliable in adhering to
established standards for dress and grooming.
Candidate communicates effectively, appropriately and
professionally with peers, instructors, school personnel,
and school students, both in person and via electronic
Candidate communicates ineffectively, inappropriately or
unprofessionally with peers, instructors, school personnel,
or school students, either in person or via electronic media
Candidate understands and adheres to
all professional, legal, and ethical
responsibilities and policies.
Candidate consistently maintains confidentiality of
privileged information and performs with honesty and
Candidate is inconsistent or unreliable in maintaining
confidentiality of privileged information, or in performing
with honesty and integrity.
a) Candidate highlight rating in YELLOW; CT highlight rating in BLUE.
b) Add comments below citing examples to provide evidence for your rating.
Candidate’s Self-Assessment:
Cooperating Teacher’s Assessment:
Preparing Thoughtful, Knowledgeable, and Effective Educators for a Diverse Society
Revised 4/6/15
WWU is an equal opportunity institution