Human Services 1 Human Services Internet Resources for Lesson Plans: Organization Vocational Lesson Plans for Health and Human Services Overview Vocational Lesson plans for cosmetology, childcare, security, law and investigative, and health and human services. ... Health and Human Services Lesson Plans. Lesson plans and activities for Child Care, Health ... Cosmetology Lesson Plans. Advanced Permanent Waving Lesson Plan. Bacteria Lesson Plan ... Students will read material on various career pathways and determine the opportunities, projected employment trends, required education, and experience relative to a career of interest. Students will then develop an educational and career plan for themselves and practice the process of writing that includes prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. Best® University of Alberta Top Rated Vocational Lessons Web-Link Home | Agriculture | Art & Media | Business | Engineering | Health Library of Educational Resources for secondary education. The following is a selection of our top rated Vocational lesson sites. New sites are added each ex.cfm month. Please feel free to recommend a site by submitting your choice to our FEEDBACK page National Service-Learning Clearing House General Lesson Plans: Fine Arts and other areas J. Huff, Human Services Lesson Plan Resources, 3/7/2016 _id=2&category_id=160 2 EdGate Career & Technical Education Center Vocational Information Center Career Development Occupational Studies, Core Curriculum, Human & Public Services Horizons Electronic Lesson Plan Resource system – (standards-based contextual lesson plans) Education World The Educator’s Best Friend Future Focus Career Cluster: Human Services. General documents, career pathway resources, lessons and curriculum examples. These interactive sites provide on line activities and lesson plans, by career pathway, relating to career exploration, decision-making and guidance. Also includes a Vocational Lesson Plan Directory with links to highly rated sites. This section provides teachers with an tool (curriculum) that 3b%20part2.pdf connects career clusters with careerspecific technical knowledge/skills that need to be acquired for the pathway. This is the Human & Public Services Pathway. Lesson plans within this system are categorized both by academic content area and career cluster. Careers in the Classroom, career interest inventories, links to “everywhere” in the career education realm.