"America's CareerInfoNet": At this Career One-Stop you will find a wealth of information on the knowledge, skills, abilities, and tasks for selected occupations; skills credentialing; informed career decision making; training and education; labor market trends; career tools; career resources by state; etc. It also contains links to career videos and state-specific information. Visit: http://www.acinet.org/acinet/default.asp?soccode=&stfips <http://www.acinet.org/acinet/default.asp?soccode=&stfips> = "Birkman Quiz": Have students explore their personality and skills. This quiz can help guide students as they embark on career planning. Visit: http://www.princetonreview.com/cte/quiz/career_quiz1.asp <http://www.princetonreview.com/cte/quiz/career_quiz1.asp> "Career Exploration": This web site provides online exploration activities related to vocational and technical careers can be found on the Vocational Information Center's website. Each career path page includes links to various career descriptions as well as links to educational sites relating to the specific career, such as tutorials, directories, associations, industry news, glossaries, and related academics. Visit: http://www.khake.com/page2.html <http://www.khake.com/page2.html> . "Career Interests Game": Sponsored by the University of Missouri, and based on Dr. John Holland's theory that people and work environments can be loosely classified into six groups (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, or Conventional), the Career Interests Game is designed to help match an individual's interests and skills with relevant careers. It focuses on how personality fit into specific work environments and careers. Sample jobs are directly linked to DOL's Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook website for detailed job outlook information. Visit: http://career.missouri.edu/students/explore/thecareerinterestsgame.php <http://career.missouri.edu/students/explore/thecareerinterestsgame.php> .. "Career Interests/Research": This IBM sponsored web site includes lessons plans that provide activities and resources to help students identify career interests, prepare action plans for obtaining careers, and utilize internet resources to teach the process for and getting a job in today's job market. Visit: http://www-1.ibm.com/industries/education/doc/content/bin/lp_career.pdf <http://www-1.ibm.com/industries/education/doc/content/bin/lp_career.pdf > . "Career Key": The Career Key is an online interest assessment. It measures skills, abilities, values, and interests. In addition, it allows the user to identify promising jobs and locate accurate information about them. Visit: http://www.careerkey.org/english/. "Career Mosaic Employers" examines the characteristics of different employers. Visit: http://www.careermosaic.com/cm/cm12.html "Companies Online" looks at the characteristics of different companies. Visit: http://www.companiesonline.com/ "JobWeb" provides information on different companies and employers. Visit: http://www.jobweb.org/ NCDA: The mission of National Career Development Association, a division of the American Counseling Association (ACA), is to promote the career development of all people over the life span. NCDA provides service to the public and professionals involved with or interested in career development. Internet links provide information on self-assessment, career development process, occupational information, employment trends, military information, distance education, and much, much more. Visit: http://www.ncda.org/ "Teacher's Guide to the Occupational Outlook Handbook": Sponsored by the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, this handbook describes hundreds of jobs. For each job, it tells what workers do, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects. Job search tips, information about the job market in each state, articles about specific occupations and industries, and additional career information are included. Visit: http://www.bls.gov/oco/teachers_guide.htm