1 New South Wales Section Report PART A - SECTION SUMMARY A.1 Executive Summary Section Executive Committee Member List o Eddie Fong - Section Chair o Antony Zaglas - Section V. Chair o Mark O’Mally - Section Treasurer o John Ypsilantis - Section Secretary o Dushmantha Thalakatuna - Assistant Secretary o David Tien - Past Chair Section Highlights o 40th Year Section Celebration cum Fellow Members night on 16 Aug 2012. o AGM and Annual Dinner on 23 Nov 2012 Major Events (International, National) o IEEE TENCON SPRING 2013 Conference from 17 to 19 April 2013 Major Chapter o See below Major Student and Affinity Group Activities o The 4th IEEE Technologies of the Future (iToF) 2012 o Major Student Activities – refer to Section B.1 Items e) & f) Awards o See below A.2 Financial Report Summary (as per submitted L50) o Similar one NSW Section Balance Sheet 2012.pdf NSW Section Profit and Loss 2012.pdf Any other financial activities o Setting up a separate account for TENCON SPRING 2013 Conference PART B - ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES B.1 Membership Development Activities Total number of active members in the past 3 years. a) 31 Dec 10 2,531 + 132 (Affiliates) b) 31 Dec 11 2,551 + 130 (Affiliates) c) 31 Dec 12 2,705 + 114 (Affiliates) Summary and evidence of work done to improve the value of membership, which leads to retention and growth of members a) Arranged Technical Meetings ( Joint Meetings IEEE, IET & EA ) [ Refer to Joint Meetings for 2012 ] - To enhance members’ knowledge on technology & applications in the real world. 2 b) Sponsored free student memberships for 2012 and prepared & promoted free student memberships for 2013. c) Participated and sponsored the IEEE Technologies of the Future (iToF) 2012 Competition and Exhibition held in University of NSW in Oct 2012. d) Sponsored papers competition for the 2012 Graduate School of Engineering & Information Technologies Student Conference held in Sydney University in Sep 2012. e) Supported and sponsored student branches ( Macquarie University, Sydney University & UNSW ) activities including weekly / monthly student papers presentation, guest speakers technical talks, site visits and to participate Orientation Days & Career Days to promote IEEE B.2 Chapter Activities Total number of Chapters in the Section 8 Number of Chapters formed in the current year 0 Number of Active Chapters (Chapters who have reported required number of meetings during the year) 6 Summary of Chapter activities chapter wise with attachment table / information 1. CAS04/PHO36/SSC37/ED15 Chapter 2. SP01/COM19/OE22 Chapter a. a. b. c. d. Coding and Precoding Techniques for Multi?Antenna and Multi?Cell Wireless Communication Systems. Speaker: Prof. Yong Liang GUAN, Head of the Communication Engineering Division, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, Speakers: Dr Jesus Alonso Zarate, CTTC, Spain, and Maksym Girnyk, KTH, Sweden Cooperative Communication for Multi-User Cognitive Radio Networks. Speaker: Maksym Girnyk, KTH, Sweden Wireless Localization: Indoor, Cooperative, and Multi-hop. Speaker: Prof Tiffanny Li, Lehigh University, USA 3. GRSS Chapter a. NSW SSSI RS&P half day workshop on Remote Sensing and Earth Observation in July 2012 b. Technical Sponsor to Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) 2012 c. “NATIONAL MISSILE DEFENSE” lecture by Larry Chasteen, PhD, Distinguished Lecturer of the AESS on 23 November 2012 in Canberra 4. SSIT Chapter a. Technology and Society in Asia conference held in Singapore from 27 to 29 October 2012 b. Technical meeting in Sydney on “Games for Health” with speaker Dr Stuart Smith on 17 May 2012 c. Continuing with the Social Interface blog (www.thesocialinterface.com). 5. AP/MTT Chapter a. Dr Trevor Bird has been elected as the IEEE AP Society President for 2013. In addition at the Engineers Australia Annual Electrical College’s Awards Dinner on 1 June 2012, Dr Trevor Bird was awarded the M. A. Sargent Medal for his outstanding contributions to Electrical Engineering. b. Chapter Chair Prof Karu Esselle, who also serve as the IEEE Student Branch Councilor received the IEEE 2011 Outstanding Branch Counselor Award, while the IEEE student branch at Macquarie University chaired by Chapter Secretary Yogesh Ranga won the second place in 2011 IEEE Exemplary Student Branch in Region 10. c. In total 7 meetings held in year 2012-11(since last section AGM) with an average attendance of 10, these includes 4 Distinguish Lecturer talks, 2 talks by external speakers and 1 Workshop.(Details are attached on next page) d. IEEE Distinguish Lecturers 3 i. Prof. Sembian Renagarajan (IEEE APS Society DL) - Design, Analysis and Applications of Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays. (02/04/12) ii. Prof. Kwok Wa Leung (IEEE APS Society DL )- Transparent Antennas (06/06/12) iii. Dr Arun Bhattacharyya IEEE APS Society DL- Floquet Modal Based Analysis of Finite and Infinite Phased Array Antennas- Going to held on 26 Nov 2012 iv. Lecture from Prof F. M. Ghannochi 02 December 2011. IEEE MTT Society DL (In last year after 2011 AGM) v. Two Talks by external Speakers A/Prof Ashwin Iyer - Transmission line metamaterials and the development of the free-space metamaterial (09/05/12) vi. Prof. Shun-Shi Zhong, Wednesday 14 December 2011 (In last year after 2011 AGM) vii. Workshop on Efficient EM Design of complex antennas, RF MEMS and RF modules by Winfried Simon and Bahram Sanadgol (IMST Germany) Thursday 15 December 2011 (In last year after 2011 AGM 6. Chapter/Group NSW Section Technical Meetings Administrative 11 AP03/MTT17 Computer C16 SP01/COM19/OE22 Education E25 IE13/IA34/PEL35 EMBS EMB18 PES PE31 CAS04/PHO36/SSC37/ED15 SIT 30 IT12 GRS29 Social 1 TOTAL 12 4 2 6 1 2 1 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 2 8 1 2 1 6 4 19 1 1 26 2 3 2 1 1 3 48 NOTES 1. Table above does not include PIMRC 2012 or IPIN 2012 Conference reports or Student Meetings and Conferences Sponsored by the NSW Section. 2. Meetings for SIT, IT, and GRS Chapters are reported by other Sections and therefore are not included in this summary although NSW Section may have contributed or organised some or all the events. B.3 Professional and Continuing Education Activities 1. Joint Institutions (IEEE NSW Section, IET NSW and Engineer Australia Electric Branch) Lectures Series: DATE February 9, 2012 February 23, 2012 March 8, 2012 March 22, 2012 April 12, 2012 Remarks NOTE 2 NOTE 2 NOTE 2 GOLD LIFE WIE SUBTOTAL Professional EVENT/S / Speaker RAMS – Geospatial Applications on Emergency management Mentoring, meaning for Engineers? Cochlear Titanic – 100 years on-1/2Day 4 April 26, 2012 May 10, 2012 May 24, 2012 June 14, 2012 June 28, 2012 July 12, 2012 July 26, 2012 August 9, 2012 August 23, 2012 September 13, 2012 September 27, 2012 October 11, 2012 October 25, 2012 November 8, 2012 November 22, 2012 December 6, 2012 December 13, 2012 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wireless Vehicular Communications for Cooperative mobility Electrical Systems for Data Centres From Wireless to Astronomy Energy Efficiency Cyber Security Taggle wireless LAN (track cattle) & Zero Carbon Energy Plant Alternate Energy(cost effective) Submarine Signal Processing OR Sonar Imaging "Substations of the Future" "Sleeping for a living" QR code & Geo-Location ARC Flash and Mitigation Mythbusting the NBN Renewable/Embedded Generation - The Impact Australian Energy Research Institute ACOFT Presenter Down To Earth 2012 Conference PIMRC conference 2012 IPIN conference 2012 TISP program 2012 Australia Engineering Week 2012 B.4 Students Activities Total number of Student branches in the Section 7 Number of Student branches formed in the current year 0 Section level student activities (student congress, paper and other contests, awards etc) o Refer to d), e), f) & g) in section B.1 Number of Active Student branches (Student branches who have reported required number of meetings during the year) 3( UNS, Macquarie University and Sydney University ) Summary of Student branch activities student branch wise with attachment table / information 1. The 4th IEEE Technologies of the Future (iToF) 2012 Competition and Exhibition at University of NSW, co-sponsored by CSIRO, NICTA, Dolby and Element 4. 2. A monthly talk by a student researcher at the University of NSW. These were very diverse in content, from detecting lesions on the liver and helping with medical diagnoses to internet connectivity of embedded devices. 3. University of NSW organises an industry tour of TransGrids Sydney West Substation. 4. Sydney University Student Research Conference 5. Sydney University organised notable presenter by Professor Iain Collins, the Research Director of the Wireless and Networking Technologies Laboratory at CSIRO’s ICT research centre. Professor Collins talked on generating impact from fundamental research. 6. Macquarie University Student Paper Presentations B.5 Affinity Group Activities GOLD Social gathering and AGM WIE Early Nov 2012, social gathering to discussion on how to improve NSW Section WiE in 2013, i.e. volunteers tutoring Maths to encourage girls to go into engineering like what they are doing in the USA. This is something maybe the new committee can ponder over. 5 Life Member o Two site visits on 27 May 2012. Visited the Catalina aircraft restoration project at Bankstown airport in the morning and then the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) Base Open Day and had luncheon there. The RFDS Base was also located within the grounds of Bankstown airport. o Numerous teleconference meetings were held between the committee members during the year. B.6 Awards & Recognition Activities Award constituted by NSW Section The best paper presenter award at the 4th Annual Student Research Conference 2012 held at the University of Sydney. Award(s) received from R10 Prof Trevor Bird R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award Award(s) received from IEEE HQ Nil B.7 Communication Activities Newsletter – Circuit Newsletter – 3 issues per year. Home Page of the Section - http://ewh.ieee.org/r10/nsw/ Web Page updated regularly as required Other means of contacts with section members - Regular use of e-Notice B.8 Community Activities Australia Engineering Week in Aug 2012. B.9 Other Organizational Activities Nil PART C - OTHERS C.1 Relationship with National Societies 1. Joint Institutions Lecture Program with Engineer Australia, IET and some co-operation with EESA and ACS 2. Participate and support Australia Engineering Week C.2 Special Events C.3 Problems to be Anticipated C.4 Best Practices of your section (which you would like share with other sections for the benefits of members) PART D - GOALS AND PLANS D.1 Continuation of Project/Activity in Progress and Their Implementation Plans 1. TISP Sydney in Sept 2013 D.2 Goals and Future Plans 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Financial and technical support for the International Conference on Information Technology and Application to be held in Sydney in Jul 2013 Financial and Technical Support for IEEE ICC 2014 Bid for IEEE Section Congress 2017 to be in Sydney, Australia Financial and Technical Sponsor for ICC 2014 “Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century” conference is being planned in Sydney for 2014,