BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS GUIDELINES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION TITLE: GUIDELINES FOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDITING PERSONNEL DOC: MSC-G6.3-02 ISSUE: 01 DATE: DEC 2004 PAGE: 1 OF 7 PREPARED BY: HEAD (MSCD) APPROVED BY: ADG/DDG 1. PURPOSE 1.1. To establish guidelines for describing the roles and responsibility of auditing personnel. 2. SCOPE 2.1 This document covers guidelines for roles and responsibility of auditing personnel.(BIS auditors, experts, sub-contractor auditors and experts) to be nominated as team leader, lead auditor, auditor-in-training and technical expert. Sub-contractors as nominated (team leader/lead auditor, auditor, auditor-in-training, technical expert) shall undertake roles and responsibilities as defined in this guidelines. 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 Auditor-in-training - A person who meets the requirements of qualification of an auditor but does not have requisite audit experience as given in these guidelines. Auditor-in-training may be included in the audit team, but should not audit without direction or guidance. 3.2 Auditors – Auditors should have education, work experience, auditor training and audit experience as given in these guidelines and the requirements of IS/ISO 19011:2002. 3.3 Team Leaders – An audit team leader should have acquired additional audit experience as given in these guidelines and the requirements of IS/ISO 19011:2002. This additional experience should have been gained while acting in the role of an audit team leader under the direction and guidance of another auditor who is competent as an audit team leader. When acting in the role of an audit team leader, the auditor will be designated as `Team Leader’ in the audit team and the audit team leader who is already qualified will be designated as `Lead Auditor’ in such a team. 3.4 Lead Auditors - An auditor who is competent as an audit team leader who have already acquired additional audit experience as given in these guidelines. The team leader will be designated as `Lead Auditor’ in case an auditor is designated as `Team Leader’ (acting in role of an audit team leader) in the audit team as given in 3.6 above. Otherwise, in case there is no team leader acting in role of an audit team leader, the nominated lead auditor will lead the team and will be designated as `Team Leader and Lead Auditor’. 3.5 Technical Expert - (Audit) person who provides specific knowledge or expertise to the audit team. Technical experts should operate under the direction of an auditor. Note 1 - Specific knowledge or expertise is that which relates to the organization, the process or activity to be audited, or language or culture. Note 2 - A technical expert does not act as an auditor in the audit team. Technical expert will be designated as `Expert’ in the audit team. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS GUIDELINES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION TITLE: GUIDELINES FOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDITING PERSONNEL DOC: MSC-G6.3-02 ISSUE: 01 DATE: DEC 2004 PAGE: 2 OF 7 PREPARED BY: HEAD (MSCD) APPROVED BY: ADG/DDG 3.6 Auditor Expert - An auditor who also qualifies as an expert as per the requirements of these guidelines. Such a person will be designated as `Auditor Expert’. (Similarly, Team Leader and Expert; Lead Auditor and Expert may also be designated). 4. GUIDELINES 4.1 Roles and Responsibility of Team Leader i) Auditor acting in the role of an audit team leader (team leader trainee) shall carry out all the responsibilities of team leader under the direction and guidance of already competent audit team leader i.e. nominated lead auditor in the team. ii) Team leader shall adhere to the principles of auditing, like, ethical conduct, fair presentation, due professional care, independence, evidence based approach as given in IS/ISO 19011:2002. iii) Team leader should assist MSCO(R) in selection of audit team, if required/requested by MSCO(R) to ensure that team is selected in such a way that all the requirements of competence of audit team as per IS/ISO 19011:2002 and ISO/IEC Guide 62/66 are fulfilled. iv) Team leader should assist MSCO(R) in finalizing arrangement for travelling, accommodation and other auditing needs with auditee. Help from other auditors may be solicited. v) Team leader shall prepare an audit plan covering audit objectives, scope, criteria, dates and places for on-site audit activities, time and duration of audit including meetings with auditee’s management and audit team meetings in consultation with MR and if required in consultation with MSCO(R). The audit plan shall be circulated to the audit team members and auditee. vi) Team leader shall in consultation with audit team assigned to each team member responsibility for auditing specific processes, functions, sites, areas for activity taking into account the effective use of resources. Changes to the work assignment may be made as the audit progresses to ensure the achievement of the audit objectives. vii) Team leader shall prepare work documents which may include checklists, if required, and other forms for reporting, audit findings, records of meetings, etc. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS GUIDELINES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION TITLE: GUIDELINES FOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDITING PERSONNEL DOC: MSC-G6.3-02 ISSUE: 01 DATE: DEC 2004 PAGE: 3 OF 7 PREPARED BY: HEAD (MSCD) viii) APPROVED BY: ADG/DDG An audit team leader should be able to - to plan the audit and make effective use of resources during the audit. to represent the audit team in communications with the audit client and auditee. to organize and direct audit team members. to provide direction and guidance to auditor-in-training. to lead the audit team to reach the audit conclusions. to prevent and resolve conflicts, and to prepare and complete the audit report. ix) Team leader shall conduct an opening meeting with the auditee’s management and where appropriate, also those responsible for the functions or processes to be audited. x) The purpose of an opening meeting is a) b) c) d) xi) to confirm the audit plan; to provide a short summary of how the audit activities will be undertaken; to confirm communication channels; and to provide an opportunity for the auditee to ask questions The opening meeting should be formal and records of the attendance should be kept. The meeting should be chaired by the audit team leader, and the following items should be considered, as appropriate. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) thanks the applicant/licensee for inviting BIS; introduction of the participants, including an outline of their roles; confirmation of the audit objectives, scope and criteria; confirmation of the audit timetable and other relevant arrangements with the auditee, such as the date and time for the closing meeting, any interim meetings between the audit team and the auditee’s management, and any late changes; methods and procedures to be used to conduct the audit, including advising the auditee that the audit evidence will only be based on a sample of the information available and that therefore there is an element of uncertainty in auditing; confirmation of formal communication channels between the audit team and the auditee; confirmation of the language to be used during the audit; confirmation that, during the audit, the auditee will be kept informed of audit progress; confirmation that the resources and facilities needed by the audit team are available; confirmation of matters relating to confidentiality; BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS GUIDELINES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION TITLE: GUIDELINES FOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDITING PERSONNEL DOC: MSC-G6.3-02 ISSUE: 01 DATE: DEC 2004 PAGE: 4 OF 7 PREPARED BY: HEAD (MSCD) APPROVED BY: ADG/DDG k) confirmation of relevant work safety, emergency and security procedures for the audit team; l) ascertain union relations or any potential problems; m) verify that all members of the organization know what is happening; n) confirmation of the availability, roles and identifies of any guides; o) the meth od of reporting, including any grading of non-conformities like major and minor non-conformities and their definitions. p) clarify possible outcome of the audit; q) time-span for corrective action; r) information about conditions under which the audit may be terminated; s) information about any appeal system on the conduct or conclusions of the audit; t) invite questions xii) Depending upon the scope and complexity of the audit, team leader may make formal arrangements for communication within the audit team and with the auditee during the audit. xiii) Team leader should ensure that the audit team confer periodically to exchange information, assess audit progress, and to reassign work between the audit team members as needed. xiv) During the audit, the audit team leader should periodically communicate the progress of the audit and any concerns to the auditee and audit client, as appropriate, especially, the evidence collected which suggest an immediate and significant risk should be reported without delay to the auditee. xv) Where the available audit evidence indicates that the audit objectives are unattainable, the audit team leader should report the reasons to the audit client and the auditee to determine appropriate action. Such action may include reconfirmation or modification of the audit plan, changes to the audit objectives or audit scope, or termination of the audit. xvi) Any need for the changes to the audit scope and audit duration which can become apparent as on-site auditing activities progress should be reviewed by team leader with and approved by the auditee. xvii) The team leader should arrange a meeting with audit team prior to the closing meeting to review the audit findings; to agree on the audit conclusions; to discuss audit follow-up, if required. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS GUIDELINES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION TITLE: GUIDELINES FOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDITING PERSONNEL DOC: MSC-G6.3-02 ISSUE: 01 DATE: DEC 2004 PAGE: 5 OF 7 PREPARED BY: HEAD (MSCD) APPROVED BY: ADG/DDG xviii) Audit team leader shall conduct the closing meeting chaired by him/her. The closing meeting should be held to present the audit findings and conclusions in such a manner that they are understood and acknowledged by the auditee, and to agree, if appropriate, on the timeframe for the auditee to present a corrective and preventive action plan. Participants in the closing meeting should include the auditee, and may also include the audit client and other parties. If necessary, the audit team leader should advise the auditee of situations encountered during the audit that may decrease the reliance that can be placed on the audit conclusions. xix) During closing meeting, any diverging opinions regarding the audit findings and/or conclusions between the audit team and the auditee should be discussed and if possible resolved. If not resolved, all opinions should be recorded. xx) The closing meeting should be formal and minutes, including records of attendance should be kept by team leader. xxi) Agenda of the Closing Meeting:1. Thank the organization for the cooperation, if necessary make reference to individuals. 2.. Request the auditee to defer questions until after the presentation of findings. 3. Stress the conformities, commenting generally on complying aspects of the system. 4. Emphasize that the audit did not cover every aspect of the auditee's activities & was carried out on sample basis and therefore, where no non-conformities were reported, it does not necessarily follow that none exist. 5. Highlight negative aspects if any, including non-conformities. 6. Present the detailed findings and announce the outcome. 7. Invite the auditee to specify at the end of the meeting, a tentative date by which corrective actions are likely to be implemented. 8. Need for follow-up visit/audit, if applicable. 9. Scope of Certification. 10. Payment of licence fee. 11. Privileges of the licensee. 12. Need to keep up the management system during surveillance. 13. Procedure for surveillance. 14. Suspension, withdrawal, surrender of licence. 15. Invite questions and feedback on the findings and conduct of the audit from auditee. 16. Thank the organization again, Audit Team and everybody. 17. Close the meeting. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS GUIDELINES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION TITLE: GUIDELINES FOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDITING PERSONNEL DOC: MSC-G6.3-02 ISSUE: 01 DATE: DEC 2004 PAGE: 6 OF 7 PREPARED BY: HEAD (MSCD) xxii) APPROVED BY: ADG/DDG The other roles and responsibilities have been defined in the relevant procedures and guidelines of MSCS documentation which shall be followed by the team leader. xxiii) The team leader shall submit performance evaluation reports of auditors, auditor-intraining, technical expert. In case lead auditor is nominated in the team comprising of an auditor acting in the role of team leader, lead auditor shall submit performance evaluation report of team leader (trainee). xxiv) The team leader shall submit the confidentiality statement, log sheets as filled-up by auditor/lead auditor, if any and as signed by concerned persons. xxv) 4.2 The team leader shall adhere to the Guidelines for Time Schedule for Grant of Licence (MSC-G6.4-01) indicating time frame for various steps involved in certification process. Roles and Responsibility of Auditor/Expert/Auditor-in-training (`Auditor’ shall mean auditor/expert/auditor-in-training in the following roles and responsibility) i) Auditor shall adhere to the principles of auditing, like, ethical conduct, fair presentation, due professional care, independence, evidence based approach as given in IS/ISO 19011:2002. ii) Auditor should assist team leader and MSCO(R) in finalizing arrangement for travelling, accommodation and other auditing needs with auditee. iii) Auditor shall assist team leader in all the activities, roles and responsibilities defined for team leader . iv) Auditor shall prepare work documents which may include checklists and other forms for reporting, audit findings, etc. v) Auditor should confer periodically to exchange information, assess audit progress, and assist team leader to reassign work between the audit team members as needed. vi) Auditor shall submit confidentiality statement format duly filled-in before the audit to team leader and should fill-up his/her log sheet (BIS, NRBPT, IRCA) and get it signed by auditee/team leader as required and submit to team leader before the closing meeting. BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS GUIDELINES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION TITLE: GUIDELINES FOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDITING PERSONNEL DOC: MSC-G6.3-02 ISSUE: 01 DATE: DEC 2004 PAGE: 7 OF 7 PREPARED BY: HEAD (MSCD) APPROVED BY: ADG/DDG vii) During the audit, the auditor should periodically communicate the progress of the audit and any concerns to the team leader and if required with the permission of team leader to auditee and audit client, as appropriate, especially, the evidence collected which suggest an immediate and significant risk should be reported without delay to the auditee. viii) An auditor should be able: - to provide direction and guidance to auditor-in-training. to assist the audit team leader to reach the audit conclusions. to assist team leader to prevent and resolve conflicts, and to assist team leader to prepare and complete the audit report. to assist team leader to plan the audit and make effective use of resources during the audit. to assist team leader to represent the audit team in communications with the audit client and auditee. to undertake any work relating to audit like making arrangements coordinating with applicant/licensee as assigned by team leader to cooperate with the team leader and act in such a manner that the team looks cohesive under the leadership of nominated team leader. ix) Auditors-in-training should not audit without direction or guidance of auditor/team leader and should undertake any work as allotted by team leader. x) Technical experts should operate under the direction of auditor/team leader. and should undertake any work as allotted by team leader xi) Technical experts shall submit a report covering technical aspects of the audit in the prescribed format. xii) The auditor/expert shall adhere to the Guidelines for Time Schedule for Grant of Licence (MSC-G6.4-01) indicating time frame for various steps involved in certification process. xiii) The other roles and responsibilities have been defined in the relevant procedures and guidelines of MSCS documentation which shall be followed by the auditor/expert.