What is Earth Science - EighthGrade

What is Earth Science?
By Trista L. Pollard
Long ago, some cultures formed myths and
oral legends to explain the fascinating "burps,"
"rumbles," and "hiccups" of the earth. Native
American and other cultures explained the
seasons by using the constellations. The gods and
goddesses were the reason the grounds rumbled
and fire spit from the Earth. Although
constellations, myths, and deities offered a
fascinating look at the Earth's mysteries, modern science uses careful
observations to search for the answers to these mysteries. It is these
observations along with natural occurrences that are used to explain
and understand the Earth's changing landscape.
Chinese scientists kept records of earthquakes as early as 780 B.C.
The Ancient Greeks organized a catalog of rocks and minerals around
200 B.C. The Maya built observatories to track the movement of the
sun, the moon, and the planets. They used their observations to create
accurate calendars. All of these scientific discoveries were based on
observations with the unaided eye. Once the telescope and microscope
were invented during the 17th century, new worlds once hidden were
opened up to the scientific eye. This is when earth science began to
take shape. Earth science is the study of the Earth and its surrounding
universe. There are four major areas of earth science: the solid earth,
the oceans, the atmosphere, and the universe beyond space.
Scientists who study the solid earth are called geologists.
Geology is the study of the Earth's origin, history, and structure.
Geologists are also concerned with the processes that affect the
Earth's structure. Within geology, there are specific areas of study.
Some geologists focus on the Earth's crust, searching for coal, oil, gas,
and other resources. Others focus on the Earth's seismic activity to
help predict and analyze earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Finally,
the history of the earth is extremely important to our understanding of
our planet. Some geologists study the fossils that have been left
behind to learn about the Earth's past.
Oceanography focuses on the oceans of our planet.
Oceanographers study waves, tides, ocean currents, and the ocean
floor. They may work on research ships that have special equipment
for studying our oceans. Similar to geologists, oceanographers also
explore our ocean floor to learn about our planet's history and to
locate areas of mineral deposits. We have covered the waters and the
depths of our planet, so let us look towards our skies.
Meteorology and astronomy shift earth science from the earth's
surface to its skies. Meteorologists study the Earth's atmosphere,
specifically the atmospheric conditions that affect our planet's
weather and climate. Today's meteorologists use radar, satellites, and
other technological instruments to analyze our atmosphere.
Astronomers study the universe or the world beyond our Earth's
atmosphere. This is one of the oldest areas of earth science, which
dates back to almost 4,000 years ago. Astronomers use space probes,
rovers, and other crafts to study the sun, the moon, and the planets in
our solar system. These same instruments also help them to learn
valuable information about distant galaxies.
The last area of earth science is environmental science.
Environmental scientists study how we use our natural resources,
the pollution that occurs in our environment, and the health of plants
and animals on our planet. They also study how our industries and
growing technology affect our environment. This area of earth science
has only been around for the last fifty to sixty years.
Earth science has been extremely important for the understanding
of our planet and its place in our universe. These scientists have
helped us to understand the earth's forces, its resources, and its
origins. As we continue to evolve, our understanding of our planet will
also evolve.
Copyright © 2006 edHelper
What is Earth Science?
1. What is earth science? What are the
four major areas of earth science?
2. Meteorologists study ______.
Meteors and comets
The galaxies and planets beyond
our universe
The earth's atmosphere and the
conditions that affect our weather and
None of the answers below
3. Explain how early cultures contributed
to the area of earth science.
4. Explain how the area of astronomy has
been affected by technology.
5. Why do you think the area of
environmental science has been in
existence for the last fifty to sixty
6. Describe two specialized areas of
7. Compare and contrast oceanographers
and geologists.
8. The Earth scientist most likely to study
tornadoes and cyclones is a (n)
What is Earth Science? - Answer
1 Earth science is the study of the earth and its surrounding universe. The four major
areas of earth science are the study of the oceans, the solid earth, the atmosphere, and the
universe that surrounds the earth.
The earth's atmosphere and the conditions that affect our weather and climate
3 Chinese scientists kept records of earthquakes as early as 780 B.C. The Maya built
observatories to track the movement of the sun, the moon, and the planets. The Ancient
Greeks organized a catalog of rocks and minerals around 200 B.C.
4 Since the 17th century, astronomers have used telescopes to study stars and planets that
are close to Earth. Today, astronomers can use space probes and rovers to study and
observe the sun and planets more closely. These instruments also allow astronomers to
study planets and galaxies that are far away from earth.
5 Possible answer- The increased technology and industry has added more pollution to
our air and water supply. Humans have also moved into areas that were once only
inhabited by animals. As a result, our actions have affected our environment. It is
necessary to study how we interact and affect our environment to help prevent the loss of
our habitats and to decrease the amount of pollution on our planet.
6 Some geologists study earth's seismic activity, such as earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions so they can predict future occurrences. Geologists also study the history or
origin of our planet by analyzing fossils. Some geologists explore the Earth's crust for
natural resources like coal, oil, and gas.
7 Geologists- study the structure of the earth, including its interior; study areas like
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions; search for natural resources in the Earth's crust; analyze
fossils to learn about the origin of our planet. Oceanographers- study the oceans and its
waves, tides, and currents; explore the ocean floor to learn about our planet's origins and
to look for natural resources and mineral deposits.