Unit 5

Unit 5 Study Guide
Important Dates
1845 – Texas is annexed and becomes the 28th state of the U.S.
annexation – the joining of one country or territory to another country or territory. In this instance, it means Texas
joining the United States.
debt – to owe money. Debt was a HUGE problem for the Republic of Texas.
manifest destiny – the belief that it was fate that the United State expand westward. Remember – maniWEST destiny.
joint resolution – a statement approved by both houses of Congress that has the force of law.
Presidents of the Republic of Texas
David G. Burnet
Ad Interim
President of the
Republic of Texas.
Served as President
during the Texas
Sam Houston
(1st Term)
Native Americans –
wanted to work out a
peaceful solution
while treating the
Indians with respect
and dignity.
Mirabeau Lamar
Native Americans –
hated Native
Americans so much he
wanted them out of
Sam Houston
(2nd Term)
Anson Jones
Native Americans Last President of the
established trading
Republic of Texas
posts and signed peace
Seen as the “Architect
of Annexation”
National Debt &
Officially handed over
U.S. Annexation –
Mexico – Texans
opposed annexation – Spending – reduced
the Texas government
needed to stay alert
believed Texas should government spending on February 19, 1846.
and on guard for
stay independent and to reduce debt.
attacks by Mexico
become a great nation
“The final act in this
– stretching to the
Military – he cut the great drama is now
U.S. Annexation –
Pacific Ocean.
size of the army and
performed: the
was in favor of U.S.
Texas Rangers.
Republic of Texas is no
Houston also
National Debt &
persuaded Congress to
Spending – Lamar
sell the Texas Navy.
National Debt &
increased national debt
Spending – believed by more than $4.5
the government should million – spending
control spending by
more than the
only spending what
government collected.
was absolutely
Education – believed
educated people were
Military – depended vital to the process of
on militia forces and democracy.
Texas Rangers to
defend frontier.
Sam Houston vs. Mirabeau B. Lamar
Native Americans
Debt and Spending
Sam Houston
Sympathetic toward the Native Americans – treat
them with dignity & respect
Worked to decrease government spending and
national debt
In favor of annexation
Did nothing to establish an education system
Mirabeau B. Lamar
Hostile toward the Native Americans –
wanted them out of Texas
Increased government spending and the
national debt
Against annexation
Because of his efforts to establish education
system he is known as the “Father of Texas
Mier Expedition and the Drawing of the Black Bean
 In 1842 General Adrian Woll attacked San Antonio with 1,400 troops.
 The Mexicans retreated to Mexico taking prisoners with them.
 President Houston ordered General Alexander Somervell to go to the Rio Grande with 750 troops to get back the
prisoners captured by General Woll. When Somervell go there he realized he did not have enough troops or
supplies and ordered his troops home.
 300 disobeyed and decided to attack Mexico anyways.
 Texas troops Mier – they demanded supplies from the townspeople. The townspeople said they would have them
the next day.
 The next day no supplies were given then Texans attacked the town only find 900 Mexican troops waiting for
 The Mexican commander ignored orders to kill the prisoners and marched them to Mexico City.
 Santa Anna, who was President of Mexico again, ordered the prisoners to be shot.
 An aid told him not to shoot everyone because it would anger the world and bring war to Mexico
 Santa Anna ordered every 10th person to be shot.
 176 Texan prisoners drew beans from a clay jar to see who would live and who would die.
 A white bean meant you lived, while a black bean meant you died.
Foreign Recognition of the Republic of Texas
Texas could say it was a country but, it wasn’t until another country officially accepted Texas.
United States was 1st to recognize in 1837.
France was the 2nd, but 1st European country to recognize in 1839.
Great Britian was the 3rd to recognize in 1840.
Mexico never recognized Texas independence.
Immigration during the Republic Years
During the years of the Republic of Texas the population grew by more than 100,000 – most settlers were coming from
the southern United States, but many European immigrant groups came to Texas as well.
Why they came
 Better economic opportunity
 Lead by Prince Carl of Solms-Braunfels
 Signed a treaty that encouraged
 Lead by Henri Castro
Economic opportunity
Economic and political conditions in their
Economic and political conditions in their
Where they settled
New Braunfels, Boerne,
Fredricksburg, and Comfort
Throughout Texas
South and Central Texas
South and Central Texas
Texas Annexation
Reasons Texans wanted to be
annexed into the United States
 Protection from the United States military
 Many Texans were from the U.S. and still had
family there.
 The U.S. would provide a sound money system and
postal service.
Reasons the United States
did not want to annex Texas
 Fear of war with Mexico because of Mexico’s
refusal to recognize Texas as an independent
 Texas would be a slave state (a very, very large
slave state)
Texas Admission Act
Signed on: December 29, 1845
 Texas would enter as a state rather than a territory – was the 28th state of the Union.
 Texas would keep its public land – to sell off to help pay of the Republic of Texas debt.
 Texas would turn over all public property – for example, miliatry supplies.
Mexican-American War
After the annexation of Texas tension arose between Mexico and the U.S. over the boundary between Texas and Mexico.
 The United States and Texas saw it as the Rio Grande River
 Mexico saw it as the Nueces River
Fighting broke out in April 1846 when U.S. President sent troops to the Rio Grande to protect the new state. After
winning several battles in Texas and northern Mexico President Polk sent more troops by boat into Veracruz where they
headed for Mexico City. The fighting ended on September 14, 1847 when the U.S. troops raised the American flag over
the National Palace in Mexico City.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American War, named after they town they met in to negogiate the
terms of the treaty.
 Mexico would recognize the annexation of Texas
 Mexico agreed that the Rio Grande River would be the border between Texas and Mexico
 The U.S. agreed to pay the $3.25 million dollars in damage claims by U.S. citizens against the Mexican
 Mexico agreed to turn over 529,000 square miles of its northern territory to the U.S. in exchange for $15 million
dollars. This exchange of land for money became known as the Mexican Cession.
Compromise of 1850
The people that lived west of the Rio Grande River and east of Santa Fe were not happy about being part of Texas because
it was a slave state. U.S. Senator Henry Clay came up with a plan to resolve the conflict over the territory, the
Compromise of 1850. The U.S. government would give Texas $10 million dollars in exchange for Texas giving up its
claim to the territory. Texas needed the money to pay off the debt they still owed from the Republic years so the voters
approved the agreement.