Page 381 Slide 3: What is this slide showing? This slide shows the effects of increasing intensities of a stimulus (bottom record) on receptor potential (second line) and action potential generation (top two). The locations of the recordings on the diagram of a nerve fiber are shown on the left. The main points are: 1) Subthreshold stimuli may be able to generate a receptor potential but if this depolarization is too small to activate the voltage sensitive sodium channels then no actions potentials are generated and the information will not reach the CNS. 2) increasing intensities result in increasing frequency of firing. 3) it is only the action potentials that are propagated to the CNS. Page 383 Slide 1: Is the A-alpha fiber not considered a cutaneous nerve because you just list 3 cutaneous nerve groups? A-alpha fibers are found in muscle nerves or mixed nerves but not cutaneous nerves because they arise from muscle spindles. Some books combine the two groups and talk about A –alpha/beta sensory fibers Page 389 Slide 1: What is this slide showing? This slide shows an example of a SAI and an FA1 receptor showing on the left the receptive field of the afferent and on the right the location of where the subject feels a sensation when that same afferent is electrically stimulated in the forearm (termed a perceptive or projected field) Page 396 Slide 3: What is this slide showing? This slide shows two additional sensory pathways – the spinocervical tract which connects the dorsal horn with the lateral cervical nucleus. The lateral cervical nucleus sends axons to thalamus that ascend in the medial lemniscus. The other pathway relays muscle afferent information from the lower half of the body to the thalamus via a relay in Clarke’s column in the thoracic spinal cord and then again in nucleus z in the medulla and from there via the medial lemniscus to VPL. Page 400 Slide 3: What is this slide showing? The two long horizontal bars are raw recordings of neural activity in the thalamus. They are photographs of an oscilloscope trace. The y axis is voltage and x axis time and the time scale is given by the bar with '1 sec' underneath. The inset in the top left shows superimposed action potentials taken from the raw recording and expanded in time so that the shape of the potential can be seen - you can ignore this. The figurine shows the location of the receptive of the neuron in each recording. In each recording the vertical bars are the extracellularly recorded action potentials arising from a single neuron in VPL. The top trace shows ‘on’ and ‘off’ responses to a tactile stimulus delivered to the receptive field. The bottom trace shows the slowly adapting responses of a neuron to application of a tactile stimulus delivered to the tip of digit 5. Page 403: What do we need to know from all 3 slides? The projection axons of thalamocortical and coticothalamic neurons send axon collaterals to excite neurons in the reticular nucleus of the thalamus, which is a thin shell of inhibitory neurons surrounding most of the thalamus. These projection neurons release glutamate and are excitatory. They would excite the neurons in the reticular nucleus of the thalamus. However the reticular neurons release GABA and so when they are excited they inhibit the cells they project to, in this case the projection neurons in thalamus - so this is a negative feedback circuit. Knowledge of relative numbers is still sketchy but it is clear that both are substantial. Page 406 Slide 2: What is the difference between motion sensitive and direction sensitive neurons? Motion sensitive neurons only respond to a stimulus that is moving across the skin rather than a stimulus that just indents the skin at one point. Direction sensitive neurons are motion sensitive neurons that also have a selectivity for the direction of the motion across the skin Page 417: What is the difference between primary hyperalgesia and flare and between secondary hyperalgesia and mechanical hyperalgesia? Mechanical hyperalgesia simply refers to hyperalgesia to mechanical stimulus – i.e. increased pain to pinching or pressing the skin (in contrast to thermal hyperalgesia). Primary hyperalgesia refers to hyperalgesia in a region of skin that is damaged and/or where there is a flare. Secondary hyperalgesia refers to hyperalgesia from a region of skin that was not damaged and where there is no physical sign of change (e.g. flare). Page 418 Slide 2: How do you know if its Central or Peripheral? There is no easy definitive way, however, if one can demonstrate that the neuronal responses of the sensory afferents are increased (i.e. that the terminals are sensitized) then this at least provides evidence that some of the hyperalgesia is due to peripheral changes. This is what this figure shows. If one can find that the responses of the sensory afferents are unchanged (e.g. from a region of secondary hyperalgesia – not shown) then this would strongly imply that the hyperalgesia is due central (most likely spinal cord dorsal horn) changes. Page 425 Slide 1: What is this slide showing? These are firing rate histograms (y axis firing rate, x axis time) showing increasing responses to graded mechanical stimuli in A, response to noxious thermal stimulation in B and response to application of capsaicin in C. You can ignore part D and E which I also did not show in class. Page 428 Slide 3: What is this slide showing? I deleted this slide from my presentation in class and you can ignore it. Page 430 Slide 1: What is this slide showing? This slide shows what is believed to happen in vascular headaches such as migraine. On the left is a blood vessel (shown in cross section) and a nociceptive primary afferent encircling it. This afferent has its cell body in the trigeminal ganglion and synapses on cells in the medullary dorsal horn (the caudal end of the trigeminal nucleus also known as nucleus caudalis), which project to thalamus. What is hypothesized to happen is that a trigger stimulus (still not known but probably a chemical released by abnormal activity in the cortex such as spreading depression) initially excites and perhaps also sensitizes the nociceptor terminals associated with the major blood vessels and veins and venous sinuses. This causes the sensory terminals to release SP and CGRP which causes dilatation and plasma extravasation as well as release of histamine and serotonin from mast cells and platelets. This causes increased pain associated with a neurogenic inflammatory response (e.g. increased bradykinin) and from stretching the mechanosensitive nociceptors in the wall of the vessel. Also shown are 5HT receptor sites on the terminals of the nociceptors. These are of the 1D subtype and block release of SP and CGRP. One of the main actions of the antimigraine drugs known as triptans is to act on these receptors to block release of these peptides. Page 435 Slide 1: What is this slide showing? Top diagram shows in a very simplified manner the normal relay of nociceptive information from periphery to spinal cord dorsal horn spinothalamic tract neurons. This pathway is only active when there is a noxious stimulus applied to the terminal of the axon. The second diagram shows an example of what can happen when the sensory inputs to the dorsal horn are severed as for example in brachial plexus avulsion. The dorsal horn neurons lose their normal afferent inputs and can become hyperactive including spontaneously active as shown in the diagram. Thus in this case pain would be perceived even though there is no noxious stimulus in the periphery. The third diagram shows some possible sources of hyperactivity/spontaneous activity arising from the sensory afferent in a case of peripheral nerve damage. The cut end can sprout as shown and these abnormal sprouting terminals can become spontaneously active and/or sensitive to innocuous stimuli. The axon can also become sensitive to stimuli along its course or even generate action potentials along its course. Finally, some of your slides refer to Kandel THIRD edition. This edition is no longer for sale. Do you happen to know where to find the comparable figures in the 4th edition? P379 slide 3: 22-5 P380, slide 3: no equivalent P381, slide 3: no equivalent P390, slide 3: no equivalent P392, slide 1: no equivalent P392, slide 2: 22-13 P395, slide 1: no equivalent P399, slide 1: no equivalent P399, slide 2: 21-11 P399, slide 3: 21-11 P405, slide 3: 23-7 P406, slide 1: 23-7 P406, slide 2: equivalent to 23-13, 23-14 P406, slide 3: equivalent to 23-3 P424, slide 1: 24-2 P428, slide 2: 24-3 P432, slide 3: 24-13 P433, slide 1: 24-13