The Working Men’s College Corporation Draft Minutes for the Meeting of the WMC Corporation on 12th Dec. 2012 at 6.30 p.m. in Room 802, Working Men’s College 44, Crowndale Road, London, NW1 1TR. Members Present: ( Appointed Govs ) Margaret Alexander Philip Badman Barbara Burman Kate Bell Lucy de Groot Nigel Franklin Ruth Hawthorn Martin Jones Abdul Quadir Tom Schuller ( Chair ) Paula Whittle BC.63.12 Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed Appointed Governors Attending ( Ex-Officio ): Satnam Gill Principal Ex Officio Governors ( Nominated ): Erik Richards Nominated Student Shingo Nakatani Nominated Staff In Attendance: Stewart Cross VP Resources Theresa Hoenig Deputy Principal Alan Conway Clerk Declaration of Interests There were none. BC.64.12 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Paula Whittle, David Offenbach, Kazi Nessa and Ivy Simmonds; with an apology from lateness from Martin Jones. An apology had also been received from Tulip Siddiq, prospective governor, who was appointed at this meeting. BC.65.12 Minutes of Corporation Meeting 18th July 2012 The Chair signed the minutes as a correct record. BC.66.12 Minutes of Corporation Meeting 19th September 2012 The Chair signed the minutes as a correct record. BC.67.12 Matters Arising Not Included on the Agenda Ref. BC.33.01.12: Fee remission data was circulated as had been requested. Governors will contact the VP Resources via E Mail should they wish to comment about the fee remission data. BC.67.12 Search Committee 12.12.2012 / Board and Committee Membership ( Chair’s oral feedback ) BC.67.01.12 Following Roger Robinson’s resignation from the WMC Board, the LB Camden named Cllr Tulip Siddiq as their Council nominee. Her application was duly considered by Search Committee. The experience of the work of the Council that she can bring was considered very helpful. 1 The Board Approved Search Committee’s Recommendation that Cllr Tulip Siddiq be appointed for a term of office of three years, on the proviso that her Board membership would end should she lose or resign her position as a serving Councillor. BC.67.02.12 Members were advised of the vacancy on Audit Committee resulting from Martin Jones standing down as a Governor / Trustee of the College. The Board Approved Search Committee’s Recommendation that Barbara Burman become a member of Audit Committee. The Board Noted that with Barbara Burman moving to Audit Committee a vacancy has in turn been created on Quality and Standards Committee. BC.67.03.12 Search Committee had considered an analysis of the Diversity Monitoring forms for the Board and found the general gender and ethnic balance to be good, albeit the age profile was skewed towards governors aged over 55. BC.67.03.12 With regard to the two remaining Board vacancies, Search Committee remained mindful of the Skills Audit data and that analysis indicated that it would be good to have more local business experience. To that end, the Chair undertook to contact Roger Madelin with respect to connecting with and attracting to the Board a local / Kings Cross employer. BC.68.12 Principal’s and Chair’s Report - Strategic Focus: BC.68.01.12 The Chair underlined how the past year had been very successful. The College’s financial position is sound, not least because of the successful efforts to secure the transfer of HGSI’s SFA contract and integration of this provision into the WMC programme.There had been sustained growth in student numbers. The Chair and Board congratulated the Principal and staff for their hard work BC.68.02.12 Funding and changes over the next three years The Principal confirmed that the Skills Funding Statement for the next three years indicates SDI’s will be funded for the ‘foreseeable future’; suggesting relative security with any spending review unlikely to see a change from the current stated position until academic year 2016/17. Nevertheless, there is no commitment on actual funding rate; and it may well be that next year the College remains at standstill or a slightly reduced funding rate, reflective of the wider FE position. The Board emphasized that, although Success Rates were less than benchmark, this was an outcome of a conscious positive decision to target the disadvantaged with ‘open access’to offer a ‘second chance’; an important aim being to work hard at keeping such students on courses as evidenced by excellent retention rates. The WMC students were comparative to other colleges very disadvantaged. However, WMC was tireless in efforts to improve Achievement and Success Rates and Additional Leaning Support ( ALS ) was being greatly expanded, not least with the objective of improving Success Rates. The College was reducing Level 3 work because of uncertainty as to whether students will be willing to take out loans. However, a deal struck with University of the Arts London, where 70k of Level 3 work has been 2 franchised to WMC, puts the College in a secure position with respect to funding ,this work as students only enroll where their, loan has been secured. Governors felt this exemplified good partnership work, which helped secure progression routes and reduced direct funding risk. Local Authority funding is being reduced by 2% ,which will pose funding challenges for LB Camden, that suggests potential risk for the College with respect to the Camden Arts contract. Also, future funding rates for ESOL are important because of the high percentage of WMC provision involved and the relatively good ESOL rates in relation to cost of provision; as compared to, say, arts provision. The possibility of mergers, in particular the mooted merger of City Lit and Kensington and Chelsea College, could significantly impact on the College. The Principal confirmed he would circulate to governors a detailed assessment of the impact of the Skills Funding Statement. BC.68.02.12 Strategic Objectives The Strategic Plan and Objectives (Attached as Appendix 1 to the Principal’s Report ) were agreed at July 2012 Corporation. The Principal reported on progress: -A1: It would be appropriate to report on broad development of organizational culture at the end of the year. -A2: Alternative developments in curriculum delivery had included the development of ESOL Workshop provision. More teaching resources had been needed and there was still ongoing work with tutors to encourage workshop style individual learning, backed up with tutor support. Learner clubs were an area of non-teacher provision that has been developed. -B1; Work with hard to reach groups included new links with housing associations. Project provision at St Mungos in a number of centres included English and Life-skills. -B2: Liberal arts work had been greatly expanded with 800 more enrolments. New classes needed time to build up their numbers. A number of community arts courses targeted non-traditional learners. The HGSI contract had also boosted provision. Consideration was being given to increasing the vocational programme within the arts; not least with an eye to reducing dependency on ESOL. -C1: Work with local employers was being supported through a current Tutor having 50% of her time to be spent for the next two terms on engaging with employers, especially in the Kings X area.. Data on the destination of students on leaving the college remained patchy. -C2: There is active participation in the Camden ACL Providers Group / Community Learning Trust and an event at WMC had further cemented the relationship and exemplified increases in partnership working. -D1: Raising College fee income to 25% of total income over three years is a very challenging target. Currently the ratio is around 15 - 16% [? I thought it was 19%??] and an significant increase in fees could adversely impact on enrolments. In particular, efforts to increase vocational courses aim at students who are non fee- payers. The Principal will keep review and report back at the end of the year. The Principal undertook to 3 provide governors with a summary sheet that set out a breakdown of the College’s income. -D2: There had been considerable investment in premises. An important piece of work will be extensive replacement of windows at the front of the building. The building being listed will make any replacement expensive. The Board confirmed the importance of sticking to this focused set of strategic objectives and regularly returning to them to consider progress at each Board meeting. BC.68.03.12 Inspection readiness Following the detailed discussion of inspection at the Special Board meeting on September 19th college management confirmed that the College was currently ready for inspection and it would now be welcome if it came sooner rather than later. BC.68.04.12 Annual Risk Management Report Martin Jones, as former Chair and Philip Badman as current Chair of Audit Committee, were able to confirm that the Risk Register and reports to Committee showed that risk management arrangements were effective; and that risk was scrutinized at operational level and validated by governors. They felt the College took a comprehensive balanced approach to risk as had been evidenced in the decision to take on the HGSI contract with SFA. Risk management was actively used as a management tool. The Board Approved the Annual Risk Management Report. BC.68.05.12 Operating Plan 2013/14 The Board Noted the Operational Plan showing progress to date. BC.68.06.12 Staffing In line with the Corporation’s decision the 1% pay rise for all staff, and increments where applicable, were paid from September 1st 2012. BC.68.07.12 College Funding and Performance 2011-12 and 2012-13 - Total number of SLNs for 2011/12 19+ was 942 - Because of over-delivery, the SFA have awarded the College 113.5k to be paid in January 2013. - For 2012-13 the total 19+ SFA contract is £3,624k; which includes £ 487k transferred from HGSI. - ALS funding has doubled for 2012/13. Use of ALS will be carefully reviewed so as to and further improve support and consequent Success Rates for disadvantaged learners. - Enrolments were up 800 against last year and were at a record high. - Fee income to date was £ 300k against a raised and challenging target of £ 670k; not least, given that the Foundation Degree had closed. The Board acknowledged that, overall, it had been a good year in terms of achieving a surplus of £ 328k in tight budgetary conditions; including successful integration of HGSI’s SFA contract work and ex-HGSI students, and achieving record enrolments. The Board congratulated the 4 Principal and staff for their hard work and achievement and the Chair and the Principal will be writing to staff accordingly. The Board received the Report. BC.69.12 Audited Report and Financial Statements 2011 / 2012 ( Includes Regularity Audit Opinion ) Buzzacott attended November 6th 2012 Audit Committee and confirmed that the Financial Statements provided a true and fair account of the financial position. Audit Committee was fully satisfied. Finance Committee on November 21st 2012 received the Financial Statements and recommended that Corporation adopt them. The Board Noted the responsibilities of governors as set out at pages 22 and 23 in the document. Reserves at 100% of income was an aim that will be reviewed given the current size of the portfolio and College Management will put a proposal to the next Finance Committee. The Chair was of the view that the Mission Statement could be made more succinct and governors agreed that it should be reviewed accordingly. The Board Noted the Unqualified audit Opinion from Buzzacott for the Financial Statements, including the Unqualified Audit Opinion for the Regularity Audit. The Board Adopted and authorized the Chair to sign off the Financial Statements for the year ended 31st July 2012. The Accounts will be sent for signature by the External auditors ( Buzzacott ) and to SFA, Companies House and Charities Commission. With reference to the Disability statement at page 12 the Board recognized that with Cllr Roger Robinson’s resignation in July, the Board needs to assign member to specifically championed disability causes. The Board will keep under review the possibility of assigning a member as a disability advocate/Champion. It was Agreed that Irina Staneva, who chairs the College’s Disability Group, should report once a year to the Board on developments with respect to the work of the group and college disability issues and attend the Board together with a student member of the College Disability Group. BC.70.12 Post Audit Management Letter – 2011/12 The Letter covered the External Audit of Accounts to July 31st 2012 and provided an Unqualified Opinion. The Board Noted the Post Audit Management Letter and Unqualified Opinion. BC.70.01.12 Regularity Audit – Post Audit Management Letter to July 31st 2012 The Board Noted the Regularity Audit Post Audit Management Letter and Unqualified Opinion. 5 BC.71.12 Letter of Audit Representations Corporation Approved and authorized the Chair to sign the Letter of Audit Representations. BC.72.12 Financial Regulations – 2012/13 The Finance Committee considered the updated Regulations in detail on 21st November 2012 and resolved to recommend them to the Board. The Board Adopted the revised Financial Regulations for 2012/13. BC.73.12 Building Programme - Phase 2 Completion The Phase 2 works were now complete. Professional fees had been settled save for a dispute regarding the amount of fees claimed by Fanshawe, the Quantity Surveyors. The College felt there had been shortcomings on the part of the Quantity Surveyor and legal advice was being sought. The Principal will report back to the Board accordingly. Finance, Personnel & Development Committee reviewed the project at their meeting on 21st November 2012. It requested that a review of lessons to be learned from the experience of the building project be undertaken, to be reported back. The Board Noted the progress with the completion of the Building programme Phase 2 project. BC.74.12 Financial Memorandum – SFA and EFA The Board Noted the funding levels and arrangements as set out in the documents from SFA and EFA. BC.75.12 Management Accounts to October 31st 2012 The accounts and commentary had been considered by Finance Committee on November 21st 2012. The Board Noted the Management Accounts to October 31st 2011. BC.76.12 Business Performance Indicators Red indicators related to: -Fee income and operational surplus were adversely affected because of the closure of the fashion degree course. -Investment income only appeared to be reduced because income payments were now quarterly. The Committee Noted the Business Performance Report. BC.77.12 Health and Safety Annual Report BC.77.01.12 The College provided the November 21st Finance Committee with an annual report on Health and Safety which was Approved. The Board Noted the Report. 6 The Board will further consider whether to assign a governor a specific role as lead on Health and Safety matters. BC.77.02.12 Governors requested that when cleaning services were next retendered Finance Committee should require Tenders to include an option taking account of the cost of covering the London living wage. BC.78.12 Self Assessment Report ( SAR) 2011/12 The SAR was discussed in detail at separate meetings of the Quality and Standards Committee on November 14th and 28th. Comments from governors at these meetings, were taken into account. Key Assessment findings were in the Cover Note. There was agreement on grading for Outcomes for Learners, Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Leadership and Management and Overall Effectiveness of Provision as Good. The Board Approved the Self Assessment Report 2011/12. The Report will be uploaded to the SFA website. The Deputy Principal confirmed that an executive summary of the SAR would be placed on the College Web-site. BC.79.12 Quality Improvement Plan 2012/13 The Deputy Principal confirmed that an executive summary of the QIP would be placed on the College Web-site. Governors took note of the WMC Priorities and Key Objectives for Quality Improvement 2012/13 as set out in the Cover Note. The Board Approved the Quality Improvement Plan 2011/12. The Plan will be uploaded to the SFA website. BC.80.12 Student Voice Strategy The Student Voice Strategy has previously been covered by various documents. To further improve communication with students information has been brought together in one document. The Board Approved the Student Voice Strategy. BC.81.12 Learning Support Strategy The Learning Support Strategy has previously been covered through various documents. To further improve communication with students information has been brought together in one document. The Strategy clarifies the process of referral and support, the roles and responsibilities of staff and students, the methods for quality monitoring, and outlines the eligibility for ALS. The Board Approved the Student Voice Strategy. BC.82.12 Curriculum Links/Guidance / College Visits 7 BC.82.01.12 Barbara Burman reported that she had been a member of the Lowes Dickinson Panel and how it had provided her with a real insight into the work of the students and the value to art students of the travel opportunity afforded by the prize. BC.82.02.12 Margaret Alexander provided positive feedback having visited an excellent Level 2 ESOL Class held at a Camden Community Centre. BC.82.03.12 The Board Approved the recommendation from Quality and Standards Committee amending the Curriculum Link guidance to governors. In particular, the Guidance will clearly state in bold type that any written report from a Governor should first be shared and agreed with the class tutor. The point in the guidance stating that if there were any issues they should be taken up with the Curriculum Manager should remain. BC.83.12 Governors’ Self Assessment arrangements The Board reviewed the strands of activity that comprised the approach to governor to self-assessment. These elements had been reported in detail to the Quality and Standards Committee and comprised: - Chair of Corporation meeting with Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs to review effectiveness of the Board and its Committees - Special Board Meeting on Self-Assessment Meeting 19.09.2012 -Financial Management and Control Evaluation ( FMCE ) Return. The College’s overall self-assessed grade for the college’s financial management and control arrangements is Good - Periodic Self Assessment Questionnaire which was under Chair’s review - Attendance Report to AGM -Foundation Code ( English Colleges’ Foundation Code of Governance ) The Board Noted the different elements that comprised the Corporations approach to Self-Assessment. BC.84.12 Internal Audit 5-Year rolling Strategic Plan to 2016-17 Audit Committee on November 6th 2012reviewed the Plan. It agreed that Business Continuity planning should be a discreet element within the IAS Plan for the year 2013/14, and this has been included as an amendment. That Corporation Approved the amended Strategic Plan to 2016/17 and Operational Plan 2012/13 BC.85.12 Financial Management Control and Evaluation ( FMCE ) The Board endorsed the Audit Committee’s decision that whilst it may no longer be necessary to make a return, the FMCE documentation was helpful in terms of assisting self-assessment. Hence, it was Agreed that a full FMCE return exercise would in any event be undertaken, with a view to the outcome being considered at the February 2014 Audit Committee; and that subsequently the exercise be undertaken every two years. 8 BC.86.12 Annual Report of the Audit Committee 2011/2012 The Report which brought together the strands of audit evidence and information considered by the Committee during the year; these indicate strong performance. Hence, Philip Badman ( Chair of Audit Committee ) felt that there were no audit issues that needed to be brought to the attention of the Board. The Board Approved the Report. BC.88.12 Internal Audit Service Annual Report The Report is in the SFA prescribed style and provided an Unqualified Opinion. The Report was considered by the Audit Committee on 6th November 2012. The Board Noted the Annual Report of the Internal Audit Service as previously Approved by Audit Committee. BC.89.12 Draft Committee Minutes Action Notes: -Quality and Standards Committee 14.11.12 -Quality and Standards Committee 28.11.12 -Audit Committee - 06.11.12 -Finance, Personnel and Dev.Comm.- 21.11.12 The Board Noted the Committee Action Notes and that the above sets of Minutes and that had been circulated. BC.90.12 Any Other Business BC.90.01.12 The Chair and members of the Committee thanked Martin Jones, who was standing down as a Governor/Trustee, for all the hard work and experienced and thoughtful support he had given to the Board; and for his great contribution to the work and life of the College. The Chair confirmed that there will be a farewell dinner for Martin on 22nd January2013. Those invited to attend included College Fellows and Cllr Roger Robinson, who had recently stood down from the Board. BC.90.02.12 The Chief Officer of Refugee Youth will meet with the Principal at WMC on 17th December. BC.90.03.12 Anthony Lawton, who recently succeeded Ceri Williams as Warden at the Mary Ward Centre, will meet with the Principal on January 10th. BC.90.03.12 Governors requested that, for ease of reference, all individual documents should be page-numbered. BC.90.04.12 Governors took the opportunity to reflect on highlights of the year, which included: -The securing of HGSI’s SFA contract and the successful integration of this work and HGSI students into WMC’s programme - Successful completion of the building works including the very stylish and well designed new entrance. The building works have featured on the BIS web-site, which further illustrates how WMC, as a small College,‘punches above its weight’. - The superb fashion show and art shows 9 - Diversity Day that was vibrant and inclusive - The Success Awards and the sentiments from frank Dobson MP about the good work and ethos of the Working Men’s College. - For two governors a highlight had been becoming a student and thereby getting to know WMC students better and appreciating more how much the College means to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.. -Being on the Lowes Dickinson prize Panel and appreciating the wonderful work done by entrants including work from a homeless student -The special evening, to honour the work and passing of Michael Laschinger, that included young people from Refugee Youth, where,as with WMC, Michael had been very supportive and had devoted much time. BC.91.12 Date of the Next Meeting(s) AGM: Wednesday 27th March 2013 commencing at 615 p.m. Board: Wednesday 27th March 2013 commencing at 6.30 p.m. WMC Lecture 12th March at 7.00pm: Professor Francesca Klug on the Human Rights Act BC.91.12 Remuneration Committee -Confidential Item This was taken as a Confidential Item for Appointed Governors only. Chair: ________________________________ Date: ______________ 10