Derek Ruth Department of Management, HR, and Marketing

Derek Ruth
Department of Management, HR, and Marketing, Assistant Professor
 Ph.D., Strategic Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2006
 M.B.A., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 1999
 Honors B.S., Biochemistry, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,
Professional Experience
 Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Purdue University Calumet,
Hammond, IN, 2008 – present
 Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Wichita State University, 2005 2008
 Instructor for Managerial Policy, Purdue University West Lafayette, 2000 –
 Adjunct Faculty, University of Alberta School of Business, 2000
 Consultant, Business Planning and Web Design (Edmonton), 1999 – 2000
 Communications and Technology Manager, RSI Inc. (Edmonton), 1998 - 1999
 Biochemistry Research Assistant, McMaster University, 1995-1996
Refereed Conference Proceedings
 Ruth D & Conners S (2010) “Distance Learning in a Core Business Class:
Determinants of Success in Learning Outcomes and Post-Course Performance.”
Presented at the Allied Academies Conference in New Orleans.
 Ruth D & Conners S (2010) “First, Second, or Simultaneously? The Influence of
Course Ordering on Student Outcomes in Entrepreneurship and Management
courses.” Presented at the Allied Academies Conference in New Orleans.
 "The Influence of Individual, Group and Disclosure Characteristics in Assessing
the Commercial Patent" Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the National
Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance in Dallas with J. Wolff, 2008
 "Technology Commercialization as a Classroom Laboratory Exercise –
Structuring the Unstructured." Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the
National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance in Dallas with J. Wolff,
 "Innovative Output and the Decision to Acquire." Presented at the Academy of
Management Meetings in Anaheim with B. Sharp, 2008
 "Functional Heterogeneity, Unmet Expectations, and Interpersonal Conflict in
New Venture Teams." Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings in
Anaheim with G.N. Chandler, 2008
 "Innovation and Experience in Technology Acquisitions: A Longitudinal Study."
Presented at the Meeting of the Strategic Management Society in San Diego with
D. Iyer and B. Sharp, 2007
Coleman Foundation Grant for Kansas Entrepreneurial Initiative ($180,000 over
3 years), 2006
Summer Research Grant, Wichita State University, 2006
Service to the Profession
 Ad hoc and emergency reviewer for AoM Meetings, BPS division, 2003-2005,
2009, 2010
 Ad hoc reviewer for IEEE Transactions
Academic Honors and Other Professional Recognition
 BPS Outstanding Reviewer, Academy of Management – BPS Division, 2005
 Krannert Management Award for Teaching Excellence, Purdue University, 2004
 Krannert Management Award for Teaching Excellence, Purdue University, 2003
 Participant in the Academy of Management BPS Doctoral Student Consortium,
 BPS Outstanding Reviewer, Academy of Management – BPS Division, 2003
 CEER Faculty Research Grant of $2,000 for e-business research, Purdue
University, 2003
 Krannert Management Award for Teaching Excellence, Purdue University, 2001
 Elected speaker of my graduating MBA class, University of Alberta, 1999
Professional Affiliations
 Member of Allied Academies
 Member of Academy of Management
 Member of Strategic Management Society
 Certified Facilitator of the Kauffman Foundation’s First Step FastTrac program
 Ruth D & Conners S (2010) “Distance Learning in a Core Business Class:
Determinants of Success in Learning Outcomes and Post-Course Performance.”
Currently under second review at Journal of Educational Leadership (Cabell’s
acceptance rate = 25%).
 Ruth D & Conners S (2010) “First, Second, or Simultaneously? The Influence of
Course Ordering on Student Outcomes in Entrepreneurship and Management
courses.” Currently under second review at Academy of Entrepreneurship
Journal (Cabell’s acceptance rate = 25%). “Patenting: The Rush From
Application to Issuance”, 2010.
 Ruth D & Brush T (2010) “The Online Provision of HR Compensation Services
and Its Effect on Outsourcing & Centralization” Currently under review at Journal
of Operations Management (Cabell’s acceptance rate = 7-9%).
 Ruth D, Iyer D & Sharp B (2010) “Innovative Output and the Decision to Acquire.”
Working paper (included in promotion report). Currently under review at Journal
of Management Studies (Cabell’s acceptance rate = 5-8%). “The Influence of
Individual, Group and Disclosure Characteristics on the Commercial Potential of
Technologies” with J. Wolff, 2010
“Structuring the Unstructured: Thoughts on the Development of a Course in
Technology Commercialization”, with J. Wolff, 2010
Ad hoc and emergency reviewer for AoM Meetings, Entrepreneurship division,
“Complexity, Brand Equity, and Purchase Intent: a Multi Brand Study” with S.
Broyles and R. Ross, 2007
“Transaction Costs, Technology, and the Scope of HR Outsourcing
Relationships” with T. Brush, 2008
“Information Technology and the Performance of HR Services”, with T. Brush,