Andre Wilkerson - Purdue University

3905 Campus Suites Blvd
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(219) 381-1157
To obtain a finance position within a strong brand driven corporation
Purdue University, Krannert School of Management, West Lafayette, IN
Bachelor of Science in Management
Concentration: Finance
GPA: 3.3/4.00
May 2014
Eli Lilly and Company, Finance Intern: Indianapolis, IN
May 2013- Jul 2013
 Assed best practices of U.S. controllership and budget holder reporting tools
 Gathered user feedback and shadowed brand teams to optimize functionality
of said reporting tools
 Created training materials for updating and best utilizing each tool
EXCL, Project Assistant: West Lafayette, IN
Aug 2012- Present
• Support the EXCL project manager with administrative tasks and program
preparation for educational programs
• Document assignments from multiple continuing education projects
Eli Lilly and Company, Finance Intern: Indianapolis, IN
May 2012- Jul 2012
 Streamlined current standard BIG-COE Management Reports
 Developed standard data definitions for key BIG-COE reporting variables
 Updated Eli Lilly’s BIG-COE collaboration site
 Created new standard & ad-hoc management reports for Global Affiliates
 Completed a Lilly specific case study based on the launch of a fictional drug
Chauncey Square, Leasing Professional: West Lafayette, IN
Sept 2011- Dec 2011
• Marketed apartments to potential tenants in and presented onsite tours
• Budgeted for and purchased office necessities
• Supervised personal and office wide portfolios
Community Healthcare System, Account Analyst: Munster, IN
May 2011-Aug 2011
 Processed Insurance claims on inpatient and outpatient accounts
 Oversaw and brought current past due accounts from three hospitals
Purdue Student Sustainability Council, Finance Chairman
Krannert Leadership Development Program, Mentor
Doster Leadership Conference, Team Leader
Krannert School of Management Council, Publicity Chairman
April 2013- Present
Mar 2013- Present
Feb 2013
Nov 2012- Present
Purdue University Dean’s List
Society of Minority Managers, Finance Committee
May 2013
Aug 2010-Present