Study Guide Unit 2 - MsZachrich

Study Guide Unit 2
Arable land: what is it? Why is it important to population?
Physiological density: define and give an example
Arithmetic Density: define and give an example
Agricultural Density: define and give an example
Understand Urban and rural populations and where they are located
Which regions have a high urban population and a low rural population? Why?
Which regions have a high rural population and a low urban population? Why?
Study maps, charts and other data in your book about population
Understand the historic trends in population
Most populous regions in the world
Ecumane: what is it?
Purpose of a population cartogram
Explain how you read it
Describe where people are located or where they generally settle and why
- Give some specific examples
- Give a specific exception to the rule
How do geographers’ define an over populated area
What is the purpose of a U.S. CENSUS?
Define Crude Birth Rate (CBR), effects when CBR increases, effects when CBR decreases
What is fertility rate?
Why is fertility rate significant to demographers?
What is doubling time?
Natural Rate of increase (NRI) or natural increase Rate (NIR) what is it? Why is it important to
What is the Dependency ratio? How do you calculate it? Why is it important to demographers?
Crude Death Rate (CDR) what is it? Why is it important to study?
Infant Mortality Rate: what is it, why do demographers study it?
What are some government policies that deal with population?
The significance or meaning of countries with high birth rates and high rates of infant mortality
Look at Afghanistan and Laos = what can you tell me about their CBR, their total fertility rates,
their rates of fertility and infant mortality rates
Infant Mortality Rates For: Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, India, Russia, Brazil, Bolivia,
Madagascar, South Africa, Chad, Egypt
How is Japan dealing with its aging population?
Population Pyramids – what are they, why are they important to demographers
Describe the different shapes of the population pyramids then give three examples of each
What is the demographic transition model? Why is it important?
Where is the highest NIR found in the DTM? Why?
Where are the lowest CBR found in the DTM? Why?
What is the approximate number for CBR if a country is in DTM stage 4?
Give an example of a country’s CBR who is in DTM stage 2:
Looking at the demographic patterns in recent years, what do you think is the main reason for
declining NIR in less developed countries today?
Looking at your maps in your textbook and understanding world population growth what can
you tell me about the NIR and the growth in global population?
What has been proven to work in reducing birth rates?
What happens to the population during an industrial revolution?
Who was Thomas Malthus?
What was Malthus’ theory? Was he accurate?
Who are the Neo-Malthus'? What are their beliefs/
Name the 2 most populous countries in the world:
Explain Epidemiology:
What is the Epidemiological Transition?
Explain each stage of the Epidemiological transition.
What did Dr. John Snow discover about Cholera?
Most lethal epidemic in recent years;
Define mobility:
Define migration:
Define emigration:
Define immigration:
Define net-in migration
Define net-out migration
Who was E.G. Ravenstein?
What were Ravinsteins principals about migration?
Define the forms of migration: Step, Chain, Counter or return migration, channelized migration
Define: Push factors
Define Pull Factors:
Give examples of push and pull factors
Using your book:
Write down some economic push and pull factors, political push and pull factors,
environmental push and pull factors and give some example for each
Define refugees
Define internally displaced person
Refugee push factors
According to the United Nations high Commission for Refugees in 2010, the largest numbers of
refugees were from where? Why?
Using a mental map or the maps in your books, who absorbs most refugees?
Define international migration
Define interregional migration
Define intraregional migration
Define circulation
Example of circulation
Wilber Zelinsky’s model of migration predicted….
Using Zelinsky’s model when des international migration peak
Using Zelinsky’s model when does interregional migration peak
Define migration transition
Define voluntary migration
Define forced migration
The Greatest number of foreign immigrants can be found:
Principal pull factor for California in the 1840s:
U.S. Immigration 1840 – 1850s:
Large # of Europeans migrated to the U.S. b/c:
Norwegians and Swedes migrated to the U.S. when?
By looking at the demographic changes within the U.S. what can be conclude about the largest
interregional migration in the U.S. was caused by?
Define Center of population
Explain what happened to the Center of population in the US;
Define urbanization:
Define counterurbanizaion
What were some push and pull factors to migrate to the U.S/
Name some of the difficulties faced by the USSR after they build their industrial zones:
What is most likely going to be the cause of U.S. population increase?
Where do many Filipinos migrate to? Why?
How did the Brazilian government encourage interregional migration?
What causes suburbanization in more developed countries?
What factors often cause voluntary migration?
What are guest workers?
- Explain how guest workers are treated or seen by the countries they are working in:
If you were from Vietnam where would you most likely migrate to?
From Russia?
From Mexico?
From Guatemala
From Sudan?
From Egypt?
Describe who would most likely move from a rural to urban setting? Why?
Define Brain Drain:
Negative effects of the brain drain to home countries
Define remittances:
Significance of remittances:
Define intervening obstacles:
What were the US Quota laws?
- When did they start?
Define 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act:
Explain Mexico’s immigration policy:
Name some ways governments are trying to limit immigrants:
Which one is the most effective?
Where do people from developed nations end up living when they move form a rural area to an
urban area (think of the picture in your book of Lima, Peru)?