A round-up of UK, Welsh and local policy developments and news

A round-up of UK, Welsh and local policy developments and news relevant
to Caerphilly CBC during October compiled by the Policy Unit.
No council mergers until after 2016 elections - following the passing of
the Local Government (Wales) Bill the WLGA recognises that no further
progress can be made on local government reorganisation until after the
May 2016 National Assembly elections. The WLGA has restated its call for
all parties and local government leaders to be involved in talks to determine
the future shape of public services. The call comes after an agreement was
struck between Labour and Plaid Cymru to pass the Local Government
(Wales) Bill.
No council mergers until after 2016 elections (21/10/15)
Source: WLGA 21 October 2015
Welsh Government’s Draft Budget 2016-17 - to be published on 8th
December 2015, within two weeks of UK Government’s Spending Review
settlement. The Final Budget for 2016-17 will be published on 1st March
Plans to publish the Welsh Government’s Draft Budget 2016-17 shortly
after the Spending Review announced
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 6 October 2015
Report issues warning on cuts to council services - the Welsh Audit
Office says that sustained cuts to the local government budget are having a
negative impact on older people’s services. Their report “Supporting the
Independence of Older People: Are Councils Doing Enough?” - warns that
cuts to council budgets are putting older peoples’ independence at risk and
that the current focus on statutory services such as social care, at the
expense of preventative but non-statutory council services, will serve to
isolate older people.
Latest WAO report issues warning on cuts to council services (15/10/15)
Source: WLGA Press Release 15 October 2015
Council cuts risk older people's independence, report warns
Source: BBC News 15 October 2015
Alternative delivery models in public service delivery: an action plan for
consultation - this consultation is being undertaken to inform the
development of a national framework within which decisions can be made
locally on the appropriateness of alternative delivery models in specific
service areas. It is also seeking views on the practical support which should
be provided to public service organisations, their workforce, citizens and
communities in making decisions about how services should be designed
and delivered. The consultation closes 13/01/16.
How do you measure the progress of a nation? - major new plans which set
out how to measure the progress of the nation have been unveiled. 40
national indicators will help the Welsh Government measure the nation
under the seven well-being goals set out in the Well-being of Future
Generations (Wales) Act. A report will be published every year showing
what progress has been made in achieving the goals using the national
How do you measure the progress of a nation?
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 20 October 2015
Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015: How do you measure a
nation’s progress? – this consultation seeks views on the proposals for the
national indicators to measure whether Wales is achieving the seven wellbeing goals in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The
consultation closes: 11/01/16
Girls Make a Difference Conference - aims to raise aspirations and show
careers in less traditional roles are accessible to women in Wales. Over 100
year 12 and 13 girls will meet with a range of successful women – from
sportspeople, to engineers and Royal Air Force programmers, to gain advice
and guidance on how to make it to the top in non-traditional job roles.
No ceiling to girls’ success, say top female role-models
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 2 October 2015
Call for proposals on a migrant Roma strategy for Wales - this consultation
seeks views on whether there is a need for a dedicated strategy for the
inclusion of migrant Roma in Wales. The consultation closes: 10/01/2016
Minister launches Wales’ European Territorial Cooperation
programmes action plan – to maximise collaborative opportunities for
Welsh organisations and businesses presented through the EU funding
programmes 2014-2020 in addressing common social, economic and
environmental challenges.
Finance Minister unveils action plan to increase funding to Wales through
EU collaborative projects
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 2 October 2015
Working Skills for Adults 2 project - will help 1,700 individuals gain new
skills leading to improved job security and career prospects. Led by Torfaen
Council in partnership with local authorities, the project will deliver across
Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly and Merthyr Tydfil over the next three
years, and backed by £2.7 million EU funds through the Welsh Government.
£3.8m EU-backed project to boost job security and career progression
in valleys
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 16 October 2015
£11.2m to support 6,000 young people not in education, employment or
training - Youth mentors and Job Centre Plus specialist employment
advisors based in Wales’ 52 Communities First areas will provide intensive,
one-to-one guidance to help young people access education, training and
employment. The project will provide support in overcoming challenges
such as, a lack of confidence, skills or experience, and help with costs which
may be a barrier to gaining a job, e.g. travel costs of attending an interview
or buying suitable clothing.
£11.2m to support 6,000 NEET young people
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 14 October 2015
New £10.9m Parents, Childcare and Employment Scheme - will cover the
cost of childcare while parents undertake training to gain skills. Backed by
Welsh Government and EU funds, the scheme will be delivered across each
local authority and is expected to help 6,400 economically inactive parents,
aged over 25, into work or training.
New £10.9m childcare scheme to help get parents into work
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 13 October 2015
WLGA hosts cross-party debate on future of childcare services
WLGA hosts cross-party debate on future of childcare services (20/10/15)
Source: Welsh Local Government Association 20 October 2015
Capgemini to create 100 jobs in Treforest – Capgemini is one of the world's
foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services.
Capgemini to create 100 jobs in South Wales, backed by Welsh
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 6 October 2015
Firstsource Solutions creates 380 new jobs as it expands in Cardiff
Firstsource Solutions is creating more than 380 new jobs as it expands
in Cardiff
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 21 October 2015
Magstim expansion - a Carmarthenshire based company with an
international reputation for manufacturing medical devices for brain
investigation is increasing its workforce to150.
Magstim expansion creates 50 jobs as it targets major US markets
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 15 October 2015
New appointments to the Welsh Industrial Development Advisory
Board - Neil Ashbridge and Mark Rhydderch-Roberts, who have extensive
knowledge and experience of national and international banking and
investment markets appointed.
New appointments to the Welsh Industrial Development Advisory
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 8 October 2015
Welsh Government housing policies letting Wales down - slow planning,
new sprinkler regulations and high affordable housing levels means less
homes will be built in Wales says Steve Morgan Chair of one the UK's
leading housebuilders Redrow.
Source: Wales On line 21 October 2015
Welsh Government achieves 91% of target to provide 10,000 additional
affordable homes - Registered Social Landlords delivered 89% of the
additional affordable housing in 2014/15 (1,971 units), while 563 of the
homes were built on land made available by the public sector.
Welsh Government set to exceed ambitious 10,000 affordable homes target
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 21 October 2015
Right to Buy deal agreed and starter homes plan for England – David
Cameron has announced that an agreement has been made with the
National Housing Federation to extend the right to buy to housing
association tenants in England, starting 2016. He also announced that
developers would no longer be required to build affordable homes for rent as
part of new developments. Instead they will be able to build starter homes
for young first time buyers at a discount of 20% on the market rent. These
homes would be sold directly by the developer, with no need for housing
association involvement. The policy change will lead in an increase in starter
homes built, and decrease of affordable rented under Section 106 deals by
housing associations. Under the changes, councils would be unable to insist
developers provide affordable rented units of shared ownership in Section
106 deals, making it difficult for local authorities in deciding how best to meet
the housing need in their local area. There is no date for when this new
policy comes into effect.
Source: Inside Housing 8 October 2015
Welsh NHS delivery plans for major conditions extended to 2020
Welsh NHS delivery plans for major conditions extended to 2020
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 5 October 2015
Accessing orthopaedic services - people who smoke or are overweight will
be supported to join a weight-loss or stop-smoking programme before
having some routine operations as part of a new plan to improve
orthopaedic services in Wales.
New plan to improve orthopaedic services in Wales
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 7 October 2015
Smoking and drinking amongst teenagers in Wales declined sharply since the late 1990s according to the Chief Medical Officer Dr Ruth Hussey,
launching her annual report.
Young people are setting a prudent example – Chief Medical Officer
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 14 October 2015
Drug deaths in Wales fall by 30% over last five years
Drug deaths in Wales fall by 30%
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 21 October 2015
Revamped guidance on physical activity launched - the one page infographic
highlights the benefits of physical activity, which can reduce the risk of
developing type 2 diabetes by 40%, cardiovascular disease by 35%, and
breast and colon cancers by 20%.
Physical activity infographic (File size: 2.04MB)
Revamped guidance on physical activity launched
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 2 October 2015
Games4Life physical activity campaign - led by the Welsh Government
and supported by Sport Wales, Welsh Gymnastics, Diverse Cymru and the
Urdd is aimed at capturing the imagination of children aged 5-11, with fun
ideas for active games to keep fit this half term and beyond. The
Games4Life initiative hopes to engage groups of children who are
statistically less likely to participate in sport and physical activity, with a
focus on families in Communities First.
Keeping fit is fun & games with new campaign
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 12 October 2015
Anti-Muslim crimes get own category in statistics - by all police forces in
England and Wales. The move brings Islamophobia in line with anti-Semitic
attacks targeting Jewish people, which have been recorded separately for
some time.
Source: BBC News 13 October 2015
Bullying a disfigured person isn’t just mockery – it’s a hate crime
Home Office statistics reveal that reported incidents of hate crime towards
disabled people has risen by 25%, yet less than 4% of disability Hate Crime
is actually reported to the police. Severe facial disfigurement is considered a
disability under the Equality Act 2010.
Source: The Guardian 15 October 2015
Business Class Launched - a programme developed by Business in the
Community and delivered in partnership with Careers Wales, will bring a
proven, successful approach to building effective links between businesses
and schools. The principles behind Business Class are to build long-term
mutually beneficial partnerships and to make positive contributions to the
development of Wales’ future workforce.
Deputy Minister launches partnership programme to boost pupil
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 1 October 2015
Deputy Minister flies Welsh flag in LA during UK Film & Television Week
Wales is now the UK’s biggest creative industries base outside of London.
Deputy Minister flies Welsh flag in LA during UK Film & Television
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 21 October 2015
Their Finest Hour and a Half creates significant economic benefits – the latest
film to be backed by the Welsh Government’s £30m Media Investment
Budget has just concluded filming in Wales creating a range of significant
economic benefits.
Their Finest Hour and a Half creates significant economic benefits after
seven week shoot in Wales
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 21 October 2015
Media Audit – a review of the media by the Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA)
has found that since the IWA’s last Media Audit in 2008:
- Spending on English language television by the BBC has been cut by
25%, as has the number of hours produced
- S4C had a 24% cut in its central funding and ITV Wales is
broadcasting a diminished service of 90 minutes a week on top of its
news output
- There’s been a narrowing of the range of programmes
- Local content on commercial radio has been cut as ownership has
been consolidated
- Welsh newspapers have seen a collapse in their print distribution.
Although there are encouraging signs of the growth of online
journalism. The commercial pressures on journalism raise questions
about the future of inquiring reporting and its ability to scrutinise
Government of all levels in Wales.
The IWA recommends:
- constant inquiring two-way conduit of information, connecting
government, civil society and citizens providing full reflection of that
society to itself to enable Wales to represent itself to the rest of the UK
Source: IWA Wales Media Audit (October 2015)
Visit Wales Summer Business Monitor - shows that three quarters of
tourism businesses in Wales received increased or similar levels of guests
compared with August 2014.
Tourism industry report of a successful summer
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 20 October 2015
Minister opens Tomorrow’s Valley food waste hub - a joint partnership
between Rhondda Cynon Taf, Newport and Merthyr councils that was
formed to produce a sustainable and economical solution for the treatment
of food waste collected from all three Councils. The new facility, which will
support the creation of four full time jobs, will divert food waste from landfill
and has the capacity to process 22,500 tonnes of food waste per year,
producing 1Mega Watt of renewable energy; enough to power more than
1500 homes.
Minister opens food waste facility
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 1 October 2015
Recycling still on the up in Wales - more local authorities than ever are hitting
their recycling targets according to new figures.
Recycling still on the up in Wales
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 8 October 2015
Minister outlines benefits of flood prevention programme - concerning
3,800 properties all around Wales, at Rhyl, Dolgellau, Borth, Cardiff and
along the Severn Estuary, benefiting this autumn and winter from the coastal
erosion risk management programme.
Minister outlines benefits of flood prevention programme
Source: Welsh Government Press Release 6 October 2015
This is a bulletin for Council Members and officers produced by
Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Policy Unit each month. We hope
you have found it useful and would welcome any comments – please
send to Jackie Dix (dixj1@caerphilly.gov.uk)