Rubric for Landforms Circle Map Content Definitions Neatness 5-4 Student lists at least 4 landforms in Circle Map. At least 4 pictures accompany the names of the landforms in the Circle Map. Handwriting is neat and legible. Name of landform and picture are placed in proximity so that it is apparent that the two go together. Overall appearance is orderly and appealing. 3-2 Student lists between 2 and 3 landforms in Circle Map. 2 or 3 pictures accompany the names of the landforms in the Circle Map. Handwriting is not entirely neat as some words are illegible. Name of landform and picture are placed some proximity, but it is not clear that the two go together. Overall appearance is orderly but could be more so. 1-0 Student lists 1 or 0 landforms in Circle Map. 1 or 0 pictures accompany the names of the landforms in the Circle Map. Handwriting is not neat and many words are illegible. Name of landform and picture are not close to one another and it is not clear that the two go together. Overall appearance is disorderly.