Meeting Summary - Regional Transit Authority





Citizens Advisory Committee of the Regional Transit Authority of SE MI

Monday, January 25, 2015, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

DRAFT Meeting Notes

Chaired by Tina Abbate-Marzolf, outgoing vice chair

Welcome / Quorum

Opened at 4:40pm with a quorum (26/40)

Update re parking, meeting space, please clean up after yourself

Public Comment

Jim Casha – “don’t drink the kool-aid;” don’t assume leaders want what’s best re State Fairgrounds

Megan Owens – invite to TRU’s Annual Meeting, Tuesday January 26 at MSU Detroit Center

Paul Bridgewater of Detroit Area Agency on Aging – #1 challenge for Detroit seniors is transportation, committing his agency to help in whatever way they can (comments mid-meeting)

Approval of Minutes – December 14, 2015

Moved by Carlo Santia, approved by Susan Pollay, minutes approved

Getting to Know You – Susan Pollay, outgoing parliamentarian

Shared names, roles, residency, why transit matters to you

General notes and comments:

CAC includes a County Commissioner, a travel agent, a real estate broker, a SMART driver, a special education teacher, transportation planners, a retired teacher, environmental activists, a

vehicle emissions researcher, architects, a flight attendant, a former union rep, active transportation advocates, a labor attorney, economic developers, and more

CAC members work with seniors, foster grandparents, students with developmental disabilities, disadvantaged populations, bike share, small businesses, and many others








CAC members shared stories of love of DC transit, challenges using our local transit, appreciation of AAATA service, determination to not be stuck at home, freedom of travel in

Africa, mother driving streetcars, taking Greyhound bus to grad class in Ann Arbor

CAC members want to be about to go places, do things, have freedom, connect cultures, get downtown, ensure visitors can get around to locations of choice, and keep talented grads here

“Transit is the glue that makes large areas much smaller.”

“Everyone should be able to get around without a car.”

“Provide universally accessible transit for those who need it most and you’ll have great transit for all riders.”

“Most of us will outlive our ability to drive by 8-10 years and will want to stay active.”

5 people lived in DC

5 people are planners

15 people work with/for advocates

15 people with government and/or election experience

CAC Review & Purpose – Megan Owens, outgoing secretary

CAC 2014 was brand new, created processes, bylaws, mission, vision, and subcommittee structure

Official resolutions regarding meeting accessibility best practices, vision for regional transit planning,

SMART boarding policy, effective CAC meetings, Woodward BRT, transit values, and effective public involvement effectiveness

Unofficial input on regional transit map, RTA CEO priorities, and more

In 2015, CAC built effective working relationships with the new RTA staff

Adopted official recommendations on BRT strategies, winter bus stop maintenance, fare policy, DDOT travel training, and Michigan Avenue

Election of NEW Officers – RTA Board Liaison Liz Gerber

Electing from within CAC. Sent self-nomination form electronically last week, will also accept selfnominations from the floor.

CAC officers include Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Parliamentarian

Lots of other opportunities for leadership roles

Candidates for Chair include Susan Pollay, Helaine Zack, and John Waterman

Susan Pollay voted Chair

Candidates for Vice Chair include Helaine Zack, Tina Abbate-Marzolf, and Megan Owens

Megan Owens voted Vice-Chair

Remaining candidate for Secretary: Tina Abbate-Marzolf

Remaining candidate for Parliamentarian: Arthur Divers

RTA Update – Michael Ford

Michael: Inspired by personal stories. Agree that nothing is more important for our region than getting transit done in 2016. That work starts today!

Ben Stupka, RTA Manager of Planning: will provide regular updates on planning projects, lots moving forward quickly.

Question re timing of transit plan and ballot measure: plan will be ready in the spring; actively working with elected leaders and others to build a plan that can get support

Question re political campaign: RTA will develop plan, others will create both a public support campaign and a political ballot campaign, more details available in coming weeks.

Momentum: a Regional Coalition for 21 st Century Transit is actively working to build support among groups and businesses. More info and sign on at

Question re gentrification: will be discussed moving forward

New Chair added that former liaisons to board committees and RTA project teams are asked to continue to serve in those roles. A listing of liaison opportunities and meeting schedules will be provided soon and others will be invited to be liaisons as well.


CAC members in Attendance

Tina Abbate-Marzolf

Kathleen Alessandro

Moe Ayoub

Lauren Baker

Andrew Evanch

Frank Cunningham

Karen DeShields

David Dillingham

Arthur Divers

Stephanie Donaldson

Patty Fedewa

Daniel Grey

Prashanth Gururaja

John Harris

Gerald Hasspacher

Frank Kalinski

Cindy Mathys

Jelani McGadney

Renard Monczunski

Richard “Murph” Murphy

Lisa Nuszkowski

Megan Owens

Michael O’Meary (phone)

Marie Pacini

Robert Polk

Susan Pollay

Carlo Santia

Micki Solonika

Lissa Spitz

Jeri Stroupe

Brian Urquhart

JoAnn Wardell

John Waterman

Patricia White

Helaine Zack

Next Meeting: Monday, February 22, 2015 at 4:30 pm

SEMCOG 1001 Woodward Suite 1400 Detroit, MI
