I have the first card. Who has what Mongols facilitated through encouraging travel and communication? I have trade, diplomatic travel, missionary efforts, and movement of peoples to new lands. Who has what Mongol khans did amongst themselves frequently? I have fight each other. Who has the version of Buddhism originating from Tibet? I have Lamaist Buddhism. Who has why Uighur Turks made good allies? I have because they were literate and educated. Who has what most nomadic peoples of Central Asia did for a living? I have pastorlaists. Who has the large tents used as homes by nomads? I have yurts. Who has the two classes of nomadic society? I have elites and commoners. Who has the description of a shaman? I have religious specialist with supernatural powers. Who has the group with more status than their counterparts in agricultural socieites? I have women. Who has the religion most Turks converted to? I have Islam. Who has the meaning of Chinggis Khan? I have “universal ruler” Who has the most important institution of the Mongol state? I have the army. Who has the number of regions that the Mongol Empire divided into? I have four. Who has the areas linked for the first time due to travel conditions during the Mongols? I have China and Western Europe. Who has what Genghis added to traditional raiding practices? I have discipline. Who has the two developments that increased productivity of the Mongol army? I have a special saddle and stirrups. Who has the great Khan who founded the capital of the Mongol Empire? I have Ogadai. Who has the disease that traveled west on trade routes? I have the Bubonic Plague. Who has the furthest west of the Turkic Muslim Empires? I have the Ottoman. Who has the empire that printed money to get bullion? I have the Ilkhanate of Persia. Who has the people that dominated northern China until Mongol expansion? I have the Jurchen. Who has the reason Chinggis Khan raided Khwarzam Shah's land? I have the murder of Chinggis Khan's envoys that he sent for diplomatic relations. Who has the Mongol ruler that gave support to the Daoist, Muslims, and Christians? I have Kublai Khan. Who has the Venetian explorer that praised Kublai for his generosity to the poor and his efforts to build roads? I have Marco Polo. Who has the regions that Kublai Khan failed to conquer? I have Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Cambodia. Who has the reason that according to the Japanese it could not be invaded? I have Kamikaze also known as divine winds. Who has the group that helped spread Islam among Turkish people in Central Asia? I have Sufi missionaries. Who has what Mongols did for merchants passing through their territories? I have secure trade routes and ensure safety. Who has the reason the Ilkhanate declined? I have the over exploitation of peasants. Who has the meaning of khan? I have ruler. Who has the reason paper money was ineffective in the Yuan dynasty? I have that the stores of bullion were not sufficient to prevent inflation. Who has the reason the Bubonic plague had a big impact on China? I have that it crippled the economy. Who has the only place where nomadic dense populations could congregate? I have oases. Who has the reason why elite leaders did little governing? I have because clans and tribes looked after their own affairs and resented interference. Who has the reason why the Seljuqs turned to Islam and migrated to Iran? I have because they wanted to improve their fortunes through alliance with Abbasid authorities and service to the caliphate. Who has what forces of Mahmud of Ghazni did to Hindus and Buddhist regions? I have they stripped establishments of their wealth, destroyed their buildings, and often slaughtered their residents and attendants. Who has the reasons why the Mongols couldn’t successfully invade Southeast Asia and Japan? I have humid, tropical jungles and occasional typhoons. Who has the reason why the Golden Horde didn’t occupy Russia? I have unattractive forest lands. What was the source of the felt that was used to fashion yurts? I have wool Who has what the nomadic people did with settled people? I have seek opportunities to trade Who has how women were treated in nomadic society? I have high status, being responsible for tending to the animals and sometimes fighting alongside men in battle. Who has what nobility was to the nomads? I have a fluid system, with power being lost and gained based on conduct and ability Who has what the Turkish people were attracted to when they traded with settled societies? I have their religious and cultural traditions. Who has what happened when nomadic people were organized on a large scale? I have they wielded enormous military power because of their outstanding cavalry. Who has time period the Mongol Empire existed? I have the 13th century CE. Who has the shape that yurts were? I have circular. Who has when the Jin capital city fell to the Mongols? I have 1215. Who has the dynasty in southern China that fell to Khubilai Khan? I have the Song. Who has the area the Golden Horde prized and why they prized it? I have the steppes north of the Black Sea because it was prime pastureland for their horses. Who has what was outlawed during Mongol rule in China? I have intermarriage between Mongols and Chinese. Who has what the Seljuq Turks did to the Byzantine church? I have they levied taxes on the church, restricted its activities, and sometimes confiscated church property. Who has who claimed authority over all of northern India by the thirteenth century? I have the Turkish sultanate of Delhi. Who has the person who captured the city of Constantinople? I have Sultan Mehmed II. Who has the khanates that did not completely disappear after the collapse of the Mongol regimes in Persia and China? I have Central Asia and Golden Horde. Who has how Chinggis Khan ruled over the lands he conquered? I have Chinggis Khan did not establish a central government and assigned Mongol overlords to supervise local administrators. Who has the group of Mongols that overran Russia between 1237 & 1241? I have the Golden Horde. Who has the reason why Khubilai could not invade Japan? I have typhoons prevented him and destroyed about 4,500 Mongol vessels. Who has the year the Yuan dynasty collapsed? I have 1368. Who toppled the Abbasid empire and established the Mongol ilkhanate in Persia? I have Khubilai's brother Hülegü. Who has what the Mongols discovered when they crushed ruling regimes in large settled societies? I have the discovered that they needed to become governors as well as conquerers. Who has the skills required on the steppes? I have equestrian and military skills. Who has the method nomadic people used to move through the steppes? I have they followed migratory cycles that took account of the seasons and local climatic conditions. Who has why nomads were suited to organize and lead caravans? I have because of their mobility and familiarity with large regions of central Asia. Who has the primary responsibility of women in nomadic societies? I have to tend to animals. Who has what occurs in the Abbasid caliphate after the Seljuq Turks consolidate their hold on the capital of Baghdad? I have the caliphs serve as figureheads of authority while actual governance lays in the hands of the Turkish sultans. Who has the reason why Chinggis Khan's conquests were significant? I have that they protected him against the possibility that other nomadic leaders might challenge his rule. Who has how Chinggis Khan chose his political and military officials? I have based on their talents and loyalty rather than kinship or tribal status. Who has reasons why Mongols could not invade Vietnam, Cambodia, and Burma? I have pasturelands were inadequate for horses and they were unable to cope with the guerrilla tactics employed by defenders. Who has the Mongol policy that encouraged Eurasian integration? I have resettlement. Who has the reason why Mongols often took censuses of the land? I have partly to levy taxes and conscript military forces and partly to locate talented individuals. Who has the dynasty that arose after the fall of the Mongols in China? I have the Ming. Who has the two things that were the same between all the Turkish peoples? I have that they spoke related languages and were nomads or descendants of nomads. Who has the reason why nomads of Central Asia moved frequently? I have herds of animals constantly needed abundant grasslands to feed upon. Who has what resistance to Mongol rule was considered to be? I have rebellion against heaven. Who has the two animals that were ideal to be raise in the steppes? I have sheep and horses. Who has what was located at the center of a yurt? I have a hearth for cooking with a smoke hole for ventilation. Who has what the Chinese officials do to prevent Mongol leaders from gaining too much power? I have they built up that leader’s rivals. Who has the definition of steppe? I have high, dry treeless grasslands interrupted by mountains Who has what Genghis Khan added to the raiding policies? I have not being able to loot until the battle was won. Who has how the Mongols wreaked havoc on conquered lands who fought them? I have destroyed irrigation systems and cities. Who has all the things steppe diplomacy called for? I have personal courage in battle, intense loyalty to allies—as well as a willingness to betray allies or superiors to improve one’s position—and the ability to entice previously unaffiliated tribes into cooperative relationships. Who has what the Mongols would do if their enemies resisted them? I have they would slaughter whole populations, only sparing a few. Who has examples of nomadic peoples that were influential and formidable in Eurasia? I have Xiongnu, Huns, White Huns, and Uighur Turks. Who has what limited nomadic lifestyle in central Asia? I have the aridity of the climate. Who has the products that nomads produced in limited quantities? I have pottery, leather goods, iron weapons, and tools. Who has what Turkish people developed partly because they adopted new religious and cultural traditions and partly because of their prominence in Eurasian trade networks? I have a written script. Who has the charismatic leader who declare independence from the Seljuq sultan? I have Osman. Who has the people that received generous treatment from the Mongols? I have artisans, craft workers, and those with the military skills. Who has the irragation systems that sustained agriculture in the arid regions in Persia? I have qanats. Who has what the courier network include? I have they had relay stations with fresh horses and riders. Who has the last card? I do