Little Hulton and Walkden Community Committee 26 March 2012 6 – 8.15 pm Walkden Gateway ATTENDED: Sylvia Phillips Cllr I Lindley Cllr L Turner Cllr N Turner Rev Stephen Radford Aled Owen Bernard Redgrave Thomas Cavanagh Mavis Bonney Cath Hamilton Irene Turton Paul Whitelegg Tony Aziz Anne Broomhead Sue Lightup Vinny Nash Tracy Jacobs Sgt Jason Wilkinson Natalie Craig Kaye Mahoney Foyzul Gani Nigel Sedman Julie York Sue Barry St Paul Peel (Chair) Walkden South Ward Walkden South Ward Walkden South Ward Walkden Methodist Church Walkden HS Resident Resident St Paul’s Community Kenyon Residents Association Mountskip Residents Association English Dem Resident Resident Director CHSC Neighbourhood Manager Community Development Worker Greater Manchester Police SCL Urban Vision Health Improvement Team City West Harrop Fold HS Neighbourhood Management Team APOLOGIES: Cllr Brendan Ryan Cllr Pat Ryan Cllr E Burgoyne Cllr V Burgoyne Drew Povey Abby Prince Matthew Fallon Inspector Sue Downey Linda Steggles Adrian Dunning Councillor Walkden North Councillor Little Hulton Councillor Little Hulton Councillor Little Hulton Harrop Fold HS Salford Youth Service Urban Vision Greater Manchester Police Brook Worsley Civic Trust 228 0325 07800 741749 799 3433 799 3433 793 2200 779 8071 779 8070 856 5284 788 0564 779 8364 779 8079 779 8071 790 0627 790 0627 790 0484 790 0484 790 5022 779 6674 779 6050 856 5284 07432695733 Claire Fewings Alice Smyth Jennifer Reynolds Dennis Reynolds Kathleen Page Neighbourhood Development Officer Resident Friends of Walkden Station Resident Resident Description 779 8072 Action 1 Introductions and apologies SP welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies given are noted above. 2 To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Community Committee held on 23 January 2012 The minutes from the community committee meeting on 23 January 2012 were agreed to be a true and accurate record. 3 Matters arising Rev SR enquired whether there was an update re: schooling from the director of Children’s Services. SL apologised that further information had not been obtained for this meeting, but she had spoken to the Strategic Director of Children’s Services following the last meeting, who also spoke to Rev SR for half an hour on the day following the previous community committee. SL was informed that Children’s services have made a strategic decision regarding school places and we will be notified of the plan but will not be able to influence it at this stage. Rev SR considers we need a new primary school in this area. Rev SR enquired whether a statement had been obtained re: Dukesgate. Rev SR requested a response to the following questions: (i) Has a decision been taken that Dukesgate becomes an academy? (ii) Have Dukesgate sponsors been decided and is the Headteacher likely to change? (iii) What consultation is going to take place? SL indicated the Director of Children’s Services informed her that the decision is not made locally; it is a national Department of Education decision. AO expressed concern that the report from Children’s Services was due at the end of March and we have had no information. Cllr LT considered that issues raised by the community should be responded to in a timely manner. SP 2 SL to request information on (i) (ii) (ii) from Children’s Services; Statement from Children’s Services to be updated at the next meeting; responded that as this meeting was only every 2 months, sometimes it was necessary to wait until the next meeting for a presentation. The meeting agreed that if anything urgent arises, the response should be sent out with the minutes. 4 Presentation: roll-out of the LED lighting scheme – Kaye Mahoney (leaflets provided) LED lighting has been piloted in this area, with 2,000 lights installed across the city to save money at a time of rising energy costs. Existing lighting has relatively high maintenance costs whereas LED last for 20 years and only need to be checked every 6 years. The government is also looking to introduce carbon tax for lights emitting above a certain level, with Salford being given a target of 30% reduction. LED provides 31% carbon emissions reduction. This scheme is an invest-to-save model, investing money and using the savings to pay. £14 million is being invested in street lighting across the city. 26,000 lights are to be installed in Salford facilitating a 50 – 60% reduction in energy costs, an annual saving of £1.4 million. They are completing the business plan which will go before the council at the end of April. Issues with cul-de-sacs have been resolved with a new design for columns and their light spread. The new lights are very directional, lighting footpaths and highways whereas the old ones lit gardens, which householders not the LA are responsible for lighting. Vulnerable residents have been considered with regards to target hardening. Work will commence in LH and Walkden in July. Urban Vision carried out a survey concerning the reaction to street lighting; KM discussed statistics of responses. KM responded to questions asked by the group. Edge Fold Road has gone back to the design team to be looked at again. 5 Presentation: Amblecote Development – Nigel Sedman NS updated re: the City West scheme on the Amblecote Estate. 2 consultations and a stakeholder event have taken place at Dukesgate School. A further consultation takes place in mid May. City West wishes to diversify housing in this area to meet local need and improve local facilities. e.g. shops, community facilities, doctor’s surgery and health care plus play areas for young and older children. They have produced a master plan to maximise opportunities for LH. NS displayed maps and site plans of the area including green open spaces which they intend to keep. New affordable housing, housing for the elderly and environmental improvement are planned. City West is discussing an extra care system with 3 NS to ensure everyone present is invited to the consultation in May. the council, considering modern large 2-bed properties with wheelchair access. NS responded to questions which included concerns about problem residents moving into the properties and moving the chemist away from its current site where it is needed. 6 Salford Forum for Older People – Cllr Brendan Ryan Cllr Ryan was unable to attend the meeting. Item to be carried over to the next Community Committee meeting. Cllr IL expressed concern that this meeting was moved at short notice at the request of LH and WN councillors yet none of these councillors have attended this meeting. Many members of the community would have attended last week but cannot make it today. SP pointed out that the meeting was also moved as she was ill. 7 Community Issues Crime and Anti Social Behaviour Update – Jason Wilkinson This year has been productive; figures are encouraging with a big improvement in all areas. LH All Crime decrease of 0.4% WN decrease of 4% WS decrease of 4% Burglary is still an issue in LH but there has been a significant reduction in the last couple of months. Burglary, theft of motor vehicles and ASB are all down in WN. Theft from motor vehicles and ASB are down in WS. Since the last CC meeting there have been 47 arrests and 10 warrants incorporated in Operation Madagascar. Sentences of 12 months and 4 years have been passed. Successful jobs include identification of the offender responsible for a dog savaged on Manchester Road with an arrest likely to be made within 7 days and the return of a dog stolen from a deaf girl on 15.3.12 outside Premier Stores. A PCSO identified a van fitting the description of the one the dog was taken in and the driver was arrested. An old war veteran, Stanley Brody had fallen on hard times and the house was in disrepair. He was nominated for a holiday at the Salfordian and local residents clubbed together to carry out work on his house whilst he was away. City West is looking to re-house him in more suitable accommodation. 8 Sports Development update – Natalie Craig (reports and posters provided) NC to provide breakdown of statistics by ward for next meeting; NC discussed reports on February half term activities and plans for the Easter holiday programme 4 commencing on 2.4.12. The February LH and Walkden holiday programme ran from Harrop Fold for 5 days offering multi-sports, arts and craft and drama. Tesco extra provided materials and the HIT colleagues helped with activities on nutrition. There were 257 attendances with 61 individual children. A similar programme was delivered at Walkden High with total numbers of 120 children, 616 attendances. Easter activities commence on 2.4.12 with a dual programme for LH and Walkden and Worsley/Boothstown at Walkden High, funded by the 2 Community Committees. There is a new time of 10am – 4pm with multi-sports, street dance, competitions and Lancashire Cricket Club coach on 3.4.12. Costs are £1 per day with supervised lunch break. SCL is continuing to work with Harrop Fold re: activities for the summer holidays. SCL is also putting a satellite team together with targeted activities in parks and open spaces, together with City West. Free swimming is available for everyone under 17 over Easter at Fit City Worsley. 9 Health Improvement Team update – Foyzul Gani (report provided) The report should be dated October to December 2011. FG provided statistics including a 77% improvement in wellbeing since participating in activities, 71% in healthy eating and 70% reported physical activity levels were the same or improved. Case studies were provided. There are issues with infant feeding with not enough referrals from Bolton since Salford Royal maternity closed; HIT are looking into this. The Health and Wellbeing task group is behind schedule. FG is liaising with Dr Boyce and Karen Proctor. HIT are moving away from the reporting mechanism to a case management system, Care First, providing more detail. Application forms have been submitted centrally, where decision making will take place. Letters should be going out this week. 10 Youth Service report – Abby Prince (report provided) AP was unable to attend the meeting; reports were provided in packs. AO is concerned the Youth Forum comprises 7 boys from one school rather than representatives from a wider area. 5 11 Urban Vision Report – Matthew Fallon MF was unable to attend the meeting. VN will take any issues raised back to him. The grass verge on Bickershaw Drive in front of McDonalds was broached as this requires cleaning and maintaining. VN reported they are currently in discussion with Derwent Properties regarding this area. Old Clough Lane and the Devolved Highways scheme were discussed. Concerns were raised about speeding in this area. VN reported a full speed analysis has been carried out by a traffic engineer who specialises in these matters after residents had complained about safety. A number of designs were put forward and the majority were in favour of the scheme which is to go ahead as the most effective way with the locally devolved budget available available. VN to email traffic analysis statistics to BR 27.3.12; Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Little Hulton and Walkden Neighbourhood Partnership Board held on 8 March 2012 (minutes provided) The Neighbourhood Partnership Board meeting discussed community priorities for the area, how we are progressing them and exploring joint working. 12 Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Little Hulton and Walkden Budget Sub-Group, held on 12 March 2012 (proforma provided) All budgets are taking a decrease this year and our allocation will be £53,357. Next year it should go up to £71,952. VN discussed the applications and decisions made at the Budget group meeting on 12.3.12. Community Committee approved the Budget group decisions. 13 Positive Action Press Statements The story from GMP regarding the dog was proposed. There is a small pot of funding from UnLtd, funded by the lottery, for individuals wanting to become involved in a project. (leaflets provided) A free 10-week ICT course at Harrop Fold commences Tuesday 17.4.12, 3-5pm. (leaflets provided) 6 To contact VN if there are any pressing matters relating to the community priorities; Fives Athletics are hosting a Bury FC Football Development Centre at their ground next to Walkden Cricket Club every Saturday morning 10-11am for 5-9 year old children at a cost of £3 per session. They are also hosting a 16 week football apprenticeship programme at their ground aimed at 16-18 year old NEET individuals leading to 7 qualifications. Candidates will be paid £78 per week to attend. (leaflets provided) City West is sponsoring a ‘Growing Communities’ initiative to encourage local communities to come together to grow their own fruit and veg. 2 LH sites have been selected and information events arranged. (leaflets + survey provided) 14 Items for Community Committee – 21 May 2012 15 AOB Parking issues at Walkden HS were raised, with people parking anywhere and double parking. IT was unhappy that the £1m lottery money for LH does not include Mount Skip. SP sympathised as this area has LH in the address, yet is not included. VN has discussed this with the lottery and according to the ward boundaries Mount Skip is in Walkden North so is not eligible under the current criteria. VN to raise parking issues at LPDG; Lottery issue to be discussed at next meeting when the Lottery attend; IT was also upset by the attitude of one of the councillors and her lack of support for Mount Skip residents at the second lottery meeting. Cllr IL pointed out it is Cllr Nicky Turner’s last Community Committee meeting. He offered his thanks for all her hard work. There are 2 holidays at the Salfordian available for older people. TJ proposed offering these on the Facebook page. The meeting agreed to this. There is a fund raising evening for the Salfordian at St Paul Peel on Friday 30.3.12 organised by a couple who were nominated for a holiday there. Tickets are £6. (TJ) Changes at Parr Fold Park are to take place mid May, hedges will be cut once instead of twice a year and dead shrubs will be removed and roses planned. 16 Next meeting Monday 21 May 2012 at 6pm at James Brindley PS 7 TJ to put info re: Parr Fold Park on Facebook and email to CC members; 10 11 Little Hulton & Walkden Neighbourhood Partnership Board Actions arising from meeting 10.5.12 ATTENDED: Vinny Nash Cllr Richard Critchley Danielle Morecroft Rob Riddell Foyzul Gani Dr Clive Boyce Daniel Mulvihill Sue Lightup Fiona Reynolds Sue Barry Neighbourhood Manager (Chair) Councillor WS SCL GMP HIT GP IYSS Strat director, CHSC NHS Salford Admin, NM Team (Minutes) APOLOGIES: Kay Mahoney Karen Proctor Janet Roberts Hannah Dobrowolska Cllr Pat Ryan Cllr Brendan Ryan Cllr E Burgoyne Cllr V Burgoyne Aled Owen Claire Fewings Martyn Hague Dr Umeadi Damian Dallimore Urban Vision NHS NHS NHS Councillor LH Councillor WN Councillor LH Councillor LH Walkden High Neighbourhood Development Officer City West GP Community Safety 779 8364 212 5654 Damian 779 8072 Item 1. Apologies Decision VN welcomed everyone and initiated introductions. Apologies given are noted above. 2. Matters arising from NPB meeting held on 8.3.12 (p1) Communication across wards Outreach and Engagement meetings help to ensure there is no duplication. (p2) Priority 1 The HIT works with schools, e.g. Harrop Fold. 12 779 8086 07967394072 778 0571 856 5285 779 8079 07973 751004 603 6808 775 9589 212 4800 779 8071 790 0627 790 0627 790 0484 790 0484 686 5805 Action by 3. Community Priorities / Health Targets – Vinny Nash (‘Community Community Priorities 2012/2013’ distributed) Priority 1 Worklessness 1.1 The Working Neighbourhood Team comprises a number of partners. It is low in terms of third sector support but we have good relationships with CSV who do much work with young people in the area. IYSS has key workers who support young people re: raising their skills and there are youth workers in schools to prepare pupils for the job market. (DMu) Young people are referred to Connexions and CSV. Work is ongoing on the information booklet; a survey shows 129 activities ongoing in one month. Connexions and CSV have a small pot of funding to assist in transport costs to interviews. 1.2 Money lending problems in the area are being addressed through anti money lending work during July with partners re: spreading the message and Engagement for Wellbeing in Harrop Fold. Links with low take up of free school meals was raised, lack of ability to complete forms and difficulties accessing the internet from the autumn when forms must be completed online. Action FG to obtain statistics re: take up of free school meals in all LH and Walkden schools; 1.4 The future of the OSS re: computer training is under current discussion. Action VN to keep NPB updated re: OSS; 1.5 Difficulties re: obtaining placements with local businesses were discussed. Action VN to obtain info re: Joint Outcomes Framework from Mat Ainsworth; Priority 2 Health and Wellbeing - FG 2.1 FG obtained figures from DM re: busiest times at Fit City and the HIT team is going out and targeting them with talks about cancer and health checks. LH is a pilot area for Making Every Contact Count. Smoking cessation sessions take place on Wednesdays at Walkden Gateway 4-6pm and LH Library 1 – 3.30pm. Action FG to find out who has signed up for Making Every Contact Count and bring back to next meeting; FG to arrange for staff member involved in Making Every Contact Count to attend next NPB; FG to check uptake of people attending for bowel cancer screening now and again in 6 months; 2.2 SCL’s Active Lifestyle Manager is working with Armitage residents re: organising a health walk. (DM) The HIT is planning walks at parks during spring and summer and completing a questionnaire to see if this makes a difference. There is a set up pack as guidance for local residents which they can utilise to do walks themselves. (DM) A Health and Wellbeing Task 13 Group is being set up which is currently obtaining baseline data. (‘Health Improvement Evaluation Toolkit’ distributed) 2.3 PCSOs are seizing alcohol in the evenings, warning letters are sent. SL indicated Cllr Morris, the new Assistant City Mayor for Health and Wellbeing is really keen on reducing alcohol. IYSS do not allow alcohol in centres and approach and speak to young people drinking alcohol. Health lifestyle sessions are held at youth centres concentrating on alcohol, diet and smoking. (DMu) Action DMu and FG to arrange meeting re: how to work together re: alcohol; FG to obtain statistics re: fast food and alcohol outlets; 2.4 SCL has looked at the swimming programme at Fit City Worsley and increased family swims, ladies only sessions and disability swimming to provide a wider range of options. Public Health funding is providing free swimming again in the summer. An extra column in the Community Priorities document to indicate to the community what has been done was suggested. Action DM to send link re: Fit City programme to SB to be sent out to group; 2.5 Health check uptake is quite low across GP practices. FG considered this needed to be promoted to the over 40s. The meeting discussed getting the message to hard to reach individuals. 2.6 HIT Family Weight Programme deals with changing people’s lifestyle; there is a questionnaire re: behavioural changes. All children are weighed at the end of primary school and letters sent out to families of overweight children providing the opportunity to speak to the HIS on a free phone number and address the issues as a family. The programme provides 10 weeks of physical activity and 5 weeks of nutrition. SL suggested FG look at the programme running in Charlestown, H/T Daniel Gould. Action FG to update re: Family Weight Programme at next meeting; Priority 3 Promoting community vibrancy, engagement and involvement 3.1 Kaye Mahoney, Urban Vision has been appointed Director of Communities on the board of Urban Vision. She is keen to bring proactive work to Community Committee. 3.3 VN now receives weekly lists of planning applications that councillors obtain. The decision on Burgess Farm should be made by the planning inspectorate within the next few weeks. 3.4SCL has their own Olympic panel that feeds into the council. Looping the Loop 19.5.12 celebrates the arrival of the Olympic torch in the city. This is free, with activities across the Lowry and Media City including Walk the Plank and Fireworks. (SL) A 2 day torch relay from Media City to Old Trafford takes place Sat 26 and Sun 27 at 6am. 6 people have been allocated for the torch relay across the city. Action 14 VN to obtain the PDF re: Looping the Loop from Marketing and put on Facebook; Priority 4 Crime and antisocial behaviour (see 4 below) Priority 5 Activities for younger people IYSS (DMu): IYSS is being re-organised; they can still increase activities but there will be less staff so they will need to become more involved with partners and seek volunteers to assist. A new detached worker, Jordan Moore is coming into this area. The Youth Centre is now open Friday evenings with Thursday night provision moved to Fridays as Fridays are a ASB hot spot. IYSS is moving to a new electronic management system which will provide figures. SCL (DM): Street soccer is starting at Harrop Fold and a skateboarding project. JP soccer league is commencing at Walkden H. There is a spread of evening activities and plenty going on over the summer. Amy Morris is moving from Eccles to take over Natalie Craig’s role and will be working with the YS, HIT team. SCL is putting on extra activities in the summer from 9am – 5pm to suit working parents, who can pay £6 for the whole day. VN thanked DM for all her work. Priority 6 Activities for older people Cllr Brendan Ryan is giving a presentation at the next Community Committee meeting. 4. Community Safety Update – Sue Downey Crime figures were provided from the last NPB (8.3.12) to date: Burglary (dwelling + other) 2012 17 (dwelling) 19 (other) 36 (total) 6 16 22 5 11 16 0 LH WN WS Robbery LH 15 2011 29 13 42 21 13 44 11 14 25 1 -6 (-14%) -9 (-20.5%) -9 (-36%) -1 (-100%) Theft from MV Theft of MV (many were WN WS LH WN WS LH 8 0 7 10 7 7 9 0 8 15 3 8 -1 (-11%) no change -1 (-12.5%) -5 (-33%) +4 (+133%) -1 (-12.5%) WN WS LH WN WS 5 1 66 49 18 6 5 89 78 26 -1 (-16%) -4 (-80%) -23 (-25%) -29 (-38%) -8 (-31%) motorbikes) ASB There were 15 warrants/house searches, mainly drugs/theft related. Operation Madagascar continues around the LH and Walkden area. Greater emphasis is now on offender management, working with partner agencies (CSRT/LPDG) and Neighbourhood Justice Panels (LH is a pilot area for restorative justice). The Ellesmere Centre remains a GMP focus with dedicated officers there. A few high level offenders were called in for a meeting yesterday with various agencies including YOS and NM. Action VN to bring back report on Restorative Justice to next meeting; Approx 17 individuals causing a disproportionate amount of ASB were discussed at CSRT today. (VN) 5. AOB The next Community Committee will be the AGM. New people for Chair and Deputy Chair of the NPB will be chosen. Councillors can chair the NPB. 6. Date of next meeting 12.7.12 at 4pm at Walkden Gateway 16 Star People Awards Frequently Asked Questions Table of Contents 1. The Programme ............................................................................................................. 18 1.1 What is UnLtd? ..................................................................................................................... 18 1.2 What is Big Local? ................................................................................................................ 18 1.3 What will UnLtd bring to the Big Local Areas? ...................................................................... 18 2. Star People Awards ....................................................................................................... 18 2.1 What are Star People Awards?............................................................................................. 19 2.2 Who can apply? .................................................................................................................... 19 2.3 How can I apply? .................................................................................................................. 19 2.4 2.5 What support will UnLtd offer? .............................................................................................. 20 What will UnLtd fund?........................................................................................................... 20 3. Other Questions about the Star People Awards ......................................................... 20 3.1 I have a great idea but I am under 16 is there any scheme I can apply to? ........................... 21 3.2 Can I apply for more than one Award? ................................................................................. 21 3.3 Can I go straight to a ‘Do It’ or ‘Build It’ Award? .................................................................... 21 3.4 3.5 What are ‘Build It’ Awards given for? .................................................................................... 21 How often and where will I receive payments? ..................................................................... 21 3.6 How long are the Awards for?............................................................................................... 21 3.7 Are UnLtd Star People Awards given out regionally? How many regions are there? ............ 21 3.8 3.9 Is it OK to look for funding from other sources while applying to UnLtd?............................... 21 Can I apply on my own? ....................................................................................................... 21 3.10 Can I apply as part of a group?............................................................................................. 21 3.11 Do you fund sole traders?..................................................................................................... 22 3.12 Am I still eligible to apply if I want to set up a business further down the line? ...................... 22 3.13 If you want to get funding to work with a specific group in your local area, is that OK? ......... 22 3.14 Is there a deadline for applying each month? ....................................................................... 22 3.15 What is the process once I have applied? ............................................................................ 22 3.16 How long will I receive support for? ...................................................................................... 22 3.17 What happens after my project ends? .................................................................................. 22 3.18 How do I get contact UnLtd? ................................................................................................ 22 4. Where are the Big Local Areas? ................................................................................... 24 17 Star People – FAQ 1. The Programme 1.1 What is UnLtd? UnLtd is a charity which supports social entrepreneurs - people with vision, drive, commitment and passion who want to change the world for the better. We do this by providing a tailored package of funding and support to help these individuals make their ideas a reality. UnLtd’s mission is to reach out and unleash the energies of people who can transform the world in which they live: people who we call community and social entrepreneurs. We work for a world where people act to make it better. Our approach is to provide financial and non financial start-up support to a large number of community and social entrepreneurs, some of whom we help to expand and grow their idea. UnLtd believe people powered solutions are key to success, and our aim is to help expand and develop an effective system of support for community entrepreneurs. Further details about our work can be found at 1.2 What is Big Local? Big Local is a ten-year programme that will achieve lasting change in 150 areas in England. It will provide a mixture of funding, finance and support. Big Local will support communities to identify issues, plan and develop solutions. This will provide a sustainable approach to long-term issues and ultimately create better places in which to live. Big Local aims to achieve the following outcomes: Communities will be better able to identify local needs and take action in response to them. People will have increased skills and confidence so that they can continue to identify and respond to local needs in the future. The community will make a difference to the needs it prioritises. People will feel that their area is a better place to live. A Community Development Foundation (CDF) led consortium has been chosen by the Big Lottery Fund (BIG) to set up and manage a new independent, charitable organisation to deliver Big Local. UnLtd is one of the partners in the consortium. For more information on the Big Local follow this link 1.3 What will UnLtd bring to the Big Local Areas? UnLtd provides Awards of funding and support to individuals that recognise the talent and potential of those individuals in the Big Local areas. UnLtd will identify and support individuals as community entrepreneurs, working with them to realise their potential. We will do this through a programme of Awards for Star People and through working with Star Partners to deliver Awards with our support. Over the next three years (2011 – 2014) the Star People Programme will identify Star People, individuals in the Big Local areas who require funding and support to realise their ideas and become community entrepreneurs. 2. Star People Awards 18 Star People – FAQ 2.1 What are Star People Awards? We want to make sure we can respond and help to grow the ideas that will improve the local area. We see this approach as vital to creating a culture of social entrepreneurship and informing the long term vision of communities in Big Local areas who may have taken this community entrepreneurial approach before. We have three levels of Awards: Try It Awards Do It Awards Build It Awards – support and up to £500 of funding – support and up to £5,000 of funding – support and up to £15,000 of funding Try It Awards – offer small amounts of funding of up to £500, for individuals to try out their ideas to improve their local area. This might mean finding out if people really want their idea, learning more about what is needed; trying the project small scale first. The Award provides an opportunity for individuals not yet used to managing large sums of money or planning larger projects to make their local area a better place. The funding enables individuals to progress at their own pace with the right support to develop the entrepreneurial skills they will require to, in some cases, take on larger projects. Do It Awards – are up to £5,000, with an average Award size of £2,500. Star People who have completed ‘Try It’ Awards may now feel confident enough and have honed their ideas to be able to develop their project. Other people may come straight in at this level as they demonstrate they have the energy and skills to take forward an idea that has some project planning already. Build It Awards – offer up to £15,000 of funding to individuals who have an established social venture or community project. The Award is generally to pay for the living expenses of the Award winner for up to 12 months so that they can dedicate more time to their project. Award winners will also be provided with dedicated business support over this same period from the in-house team at UnLtd and a range of professional partners through UnLtd Connect Programme (visit for more details). 2.2 Who can apply? The list below shows the minimum criteria for ‘Try It’ and ‘Do It’ Awards. The eligibility criteria are: You must be able to show: You are passionate about improving your local area and gaining skills for yourself You know your local area - the challenges it faces and the opportunities You have a great idea for a project that is innovate and will benefit your area You live; work; volunteer and/or an established business in a Big Local area You are 16 years old or over You are applying as an individual or group not formally constituted Your project is planned with timescales, realistic budgets and outcomes Try It Award Do It Award For the ‘Build It’ Awards, additional criteria apply. Please contact us to for more details. 2.3 How can I apply? Applying is quite simple. The first step is to make an enquiry by telephone, e-mail, on-line, at an idea generation event or by appointment at one of our offices. Following an enquiry an UnLtd staff member will contact you to discuss and assess your idea with you before you submit your application. 19 Star People – FAQ 2.4 What support will UnLtd offer? UnLtd provides advice, support and financial assistance – in the form of awards – to anyone who has what it takes to start up a business or enterprise that will benefit community. We also provide developmental support from the UnLtd staff team. This non-financial support can include developing your idea, budgeting advice, networking opportunities, governance issues and working with volunteers, etc. Support is tailored to the needs of the Award winner, and this includes the length of time the funding and support will last. We will discuss the needs of each Award winner with them to reach the right package of support. Each successful applicant will be linked to a Partnership Support Manager (PSM) or a Development Manager (DM) who will provide you with some help and support and connect you to others including peer support from existing and former Award winners during the life time of the project. 2.5 What will UnLtd fund? We do not want people to waste time and energy applying for things we do not fund, so please check the list below of things we will and will not fund: We will fund: Materials, some equipment, including IT equipment Venue Hire and Equipment Hire Printing, advertising and publicity Volunteer expenses Travel (within the UK) Business start-up fees and Registration fees Insurance Some capital costs & overheads, i.e. rent and utilities, etc. + Paid employment or any salaries or living costs of the Award winner + Try It Award We will not fund: + ** Employing others to run your project + Established constituted groups and organisations Top up funding for an existing project, or funding to support an organisation Political campaigning or the advancement of religion Any activity outside the law, against public policy or anything that fosters ethnic, religious or other disharmony Anyone under the age of 16 (see below under 16’s FAQ) Projects outside of Big Local Areas A second Award at the same level Undertaking academic qualifications ** Do It Award For the ‘Build It’ Awards, cost for living expenses and rent, etc. may be funded. Please contact us for more details. Also see section 3.4 for more information. We will consider training costs if it is directly related to carrying out your project, however if you are applying solely to undertake training we would not be able take your application forward. 3. Other Questions about the Star People Awards 20 Star People – FAQ 3.1 I have a great idea but I am under 16 is there any scheme I can apply to? UnLtd also has the LIVE Programme for 11 – 21 years. Please visit for more information and contact details. 3.2 Can I apply for more than one Award? You can only apply for the same level Award once. However, you can apply for Awards which must be higher than your current Award, showing that with right support and funding you can move your project on. 3.3 Can I go straight to a ‘Do It’ or ‘Build It’ Award? Whilst we are encouraging people to use the ‘Try It’ Awards to test themselves and their ideas we know some people are ready with their ideas to go straight for a package of support and larger funding. We will explore this with you when you first contact us about your idea. 3.4 What are ‘Build It’ Awards given for? ‘Build It’ Awards are for established projects and also run for a minimum of a year. The ‘Do It’ Awards are for new projects. The majority of applicants use the ‘Build It’ Award for living expenses, as this need often matches the stage of development with their project. The criteria for ‘Do It’ & ‘Build It’ Awards are very different. A number of ‘Do It’ Award winners progress to ‘Build It’ Awards, however, this is not automatic. Your ‘Build It’ application does not have to be for the same project as a previous ‘Do It’ Award. You can apply with a different project as long as it meets the criteria of being established. You can re-apply for a ‘Build It’ Award if you are not successful on the first attempt. We provide feedback to applicants to help assist with future applications. 3.5 How often and where will I receive payments? Normally we make a one-off payment for the ‘Try It’ Awards. For the other Award levels, we make payments in instalments during the course of the Award period, via BACS transfer. In most cases we will pay the funding into your bank account. If you do not have a bank account you may appoint a local organisation, i.e. school or a community centre to act as a banker for your. 3.6 How long are the Awards for? Both the ‘Build It’ and ‘Do It’ Awards are generally for 12 months and the ‘Try It’ Award is for a 3 to 6 month period. 3.7 Are UnLtd Star People Awards given out regionally? How many regions are there? Star People Awards are given out only in England and are available to people in the BIG Local Areas. Our two England regions are: The North of England The South of England 3.8 Is it OK to look for funding from other sources while applying to UnLtd? Yes, we do not have any funding restrictions in place with regard to other funding feeding into your project. 3.9 Can I apply on my own? Yes, however remember to think about what kind of support you might need from other people to run the activities of your project. We encourage individuals to apply, as well as informal groups. 3.10 Can I apply as part of a group? Yes – all you need to do is select one of the group member to be the ‘lead individual’ on the application form. This is the person who will act as the main contact person and who will receive the Award payments. 3.11 Do you fund sole traders? If you are already an established company or a registered group we cannot fund you for a ‘Try It’ Award. We do fund social enterprises that are just starting with ‘Do It’ and ‘Build It’ Awards. 3.12 Am I still eligible to apply if I want to set up a business further down the line? It depends on what kind of business you want to create. If you want to turn your project idea into something more sustainable in the long term that’s fine but we would like it to ensure that you continue to improve your Big Local Area. 3.13 If you want to get funding to work with a specific group in your local area, is that OK? Yes, just explain – how your project is for the improvement of the local area, what you want to do and the positive difference your project would make. 3.14 Is there a deadline for applying each month? No, we do not have set deadlines. You can apply at any time. We always try to turn applications around as quickly as possible as we know you are keen to get on with things. It will take around 6-8 weeks for us to give you a decision (up to 12 weeks over August and December for ‘Do It’ and ‘Build It’ Awards). Remember: This is a 10 year programme so there is no need to rush into applying. Take your time and think through your idea or project. Talk to others and get their views. 3.15 What is the process once I have applied? Once you have submitted your application, and you meet all of our basic eligibility criteria, your application will be recommended for an Award to the Award Panel by the relevant Partnership Support Manager (PSM) or Development Manager (DM). If you do not meet the basic eligibility criteria at the outset or our PSM/DM believes that your idea is not suitable for an Award, we will inform you verbally. If the application is rejected by the Award Panel, we will write to you explaining our decision. 3.16 How long will I receive support for? The ‘Try It’ Awards are generally for short projects of up to 6 months. You will be supported in developing your project for the duration of your project by a member of UnLtd’s staff and, in some cases, by a local support partner who you will normally meet at your initial assessment. The ‘Do It’ and ‘Build It’ Awards are usually for at least 12 months. 3.17 What happens after my project ends? Before your project comes to an end, your contact at UnLtd will have worked with you to develop some next steps for you and your project. If you have successfully completed the ‘Try It’ Award, you may want to apply for the next level Awards. Your contact at UnLtd will advise you if you meet the criteria to progress to the next Award level. You will also benefit from being in the UnLtd network and will have access to other opportunities, such as training and events. 3.18 How do I contact UnLtd? Contact us by: Telephone: (01274) 750630 – Monique Millington E-mail: 22 Star People – FAQ Web: Post: UnLtd, 15 Hallfield Road, Bradford, BD1 3RP 23 Star People – FAQ 4. Where are the Big Local Areas? Below is the list of the first 50 Big Local Areas. We will be offering Awards in all 50 areas over the next 3 years (2011 -2014). Region East of England East of England East of England East of England East Midlands East Midlands East Midlands East Midlands London London London London London London London London London North East North East North East North West North West North West North West North West North West North West North West North West South East South East South East South East South East South West South West South West South West West Midlands West Midlands West Midlands West Midlands West Midlands West Midlands Yorkshire and the Humber Yorkshire and the Humber Yorkshire and the Humber Yorkshire and the Humber Yorkshire and the Humber Yorkshire and the Humber Local Authority Bedford Ipswich Hertsmere Huntingdonshire Derby Northampton Mansfield East Lindsey Hammersmith & Fulham Lambeth Southwark Newham Hackney Greenwich Bromley Waltham Forest Hounslow Gateshead County Durham (former District of Wear Valley) Redcar and Cleveland Allerdale Barrow-in-Furness Blackburn with Darwen Cheshire West and Chester Knowsley Liverpool Oldham Salford Wigan Wycombe Portsmouth Southampton Dartford Gravesham Former district of Restormel Weymouth Swindon BANES Shropshire Stoke-on-Trent Dudley Sandwell Birmingham Wyre Forest Barnsley Kirklees Doncaster Hull North Lincolnshire Wakefield 24 Star People – FAQ Small Area Name Kingsbrook and Cauldwell Whitehouse and Whitton Leeming Road/Aycliffe Road Ramsey Allenton Lumbertubs, Lings and Blackthorn Estates Warsop Parish Mablethorpe/Trusthorpe/Sutton on Sea White City Estate North Brixton South Bermondsey Custom House Wick Ward Barnfield Estate/Woolwich Common Mottingham William Morris ward/Priory Court Brabazon Estate, Harlech Gardens & surrounds Teams and Derwentwater South West Bishop Auckland East Cleveland rural villages Ewanrigg Barrow Island Shadsworth with Whitebirk Rudheath and Witton Kirkby Northwood Clubmoor Clarkesfield/Greenacres/Littlemoor Little Hulton Leigh West Micklefield and Marsh Fratton Harefield Tree Estate and part of Town ward An area of Northfleet North St Blazey and Par Littlemoor Toothill Radstock and Westfield Gobowen, St Martins and Weston Rhyn Chell Heath and Fegg Hayes East Coseley Grace Mary and Lion Farm Bromford and Firs Estate Horsefair, Broadwaters and Greenhill in Kidderminster Thurnscoe Dewsbury Moor Woodlands Greatfield Estate Winterton Warwick Estate, Knottingley 25 Star People – FAQ