Department of Social Development Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Definition of terms and abbreviations 2.1 Definitions 2.1 Abbreviations 3. Rationale for provider Accreditation 4. Legislative imperatives 4.1 Legislative determinants 4.2 Criteria for accrediting education and training service providers 5. NQF Objectives 1. INTRODUCTION In order to comply with continuing demands for improved quality in education, it is imperative that an accreditation process for quality improvement in educational and training service providers be implemented. The education and training structure, method, delivery and outcome should be continuously monitored and updated in accordance with National Qualifications Framework required changes and demands, the changing education environment and expectations from sector and industry. An accreditation programme is a method of functioning according to validated standards according to the requirements of the South African Qualifications Authority Act provisions. All accredited curricula and learning programmes for educational and training in South Africa, irrespective of the profession or industry involved, must be in line with the National Qualifications Framework. The curricula should take the form of authentic, formal, written programmes within the parameters set by the SAQA and HWSETA accreditation requirements. The basic principles and requirements of accreditation apply to all the employment sectors and providers of education and training services within the health and social sector. 2. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2.1 DEFINITIONS Accreditation means the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or an institution as having the capacity to fulfill a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications Authority in terms of the Act; Act means the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 (Act No. 58 of 1995); Applied competence means the ability to put into practice in the relevant context the learning outcomes acquired in obtaining a qualification; Assessment means the process of collecting evidence of learners’ work to measure and make judgments about the achievement or non-achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework standards and/or qualifications. Assessor means the person who is registered by the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance Body in accordance with criteria established for this purpose by a Standards Generating Body to measure the achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications, and “constituent assessor” has a corresponding meaning; Conditional registration means the registration of a private higher education institution as specified in the Higher Education Act, 1997 (No. 101 of 1997); Constituent means belonging to the defined or delegated constituency of an organization or body referred to in these regulations; Core learning means that compulsory learning required in situations contextually relevant to the particular qualifications, and “core” has a corresponding meaning; Credit means that value assigned by the Authority to ten (10) notional hours of learning; Critical outcomes means those generic outcomes which inform all teaching and learning, and ‘critical cross-field education and training outcomes’ has a corresponding meaning; Education and Training Quality Assurance Body means a body accredited in terms of section 5(1) (a) (ii) of the Act, responsible for monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of national standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating to the monitoring and auditing of national standards or qualifications have been assigned in terms of section 5(1) (b) (i) of the Act; Elective learning means a selection of additional credits at the level of the National Qualifications Framework specified, from which a choice may be made to ensure that the purpose of the qualification is achieved, and ‘elective’ has a corresponding meaning; ETD practitioner Education, Training and Development Practitioner, is a term used in this document to include the whole spectrum of educators and trainers: teachers, trainers, facilitators, tutors, markers, lecturers, development officers, mentors and the like; Exit level outcome means the outcomes to be achieved by a qualifying learner at the point at which he or she leaves the programme leading to a qualification; Facilitator of learning and assessment means an individual who facilitates learning processes and activities and manages and administers assessment. This concept includes educators, trainers, mentors, etc Field means a particular area of learning used as an organizing mechanism for the National Qualifications Framework; Fundamental learning means that learning which forms the grounding or basis needed to undertake the education, training or further learning required in the obtaining of a qualification and ‘fundamental’ has a corresponding meaning; Integrated assessment means that form of assessment which permits the learner to demonstrate applied competence and which uses a range of formative and summative assessment methods; Learner means an individual who is participating in a learning programme with the purpose of achieving credits for standards and or qualifications Learning programme means the combination of courses, modules or units of learning (learning materials and methodology) by which learners can achieve the learning outcomes for a qualification; Moderating body means a body specifically appointed by the Authority for the purpose of moderation; Moderation means the process which ensures that assessment of the outcomes described in the National Qualifications Framework standards and/or qualifications is fair, valid and reliable Moderator means the person who moderates assessments National Standards Body means a body registered in terms of section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the Act, responsible for establishing education and training standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating to the registration of national standards or qualifications have been assigned in terms of section 5(1)(b)(i) of the Act; Notional hours of learning means the learning time that it is conceived it would take an average learner to meet the outcomes defined, and includes concepts such as contact time, time spent in structured learning in the workplace and individual learning; Outcome means the contextually demonstrated end-products of the learning process; Primary focus means that activity or objective within the sector upon which an organization or body concentrates its efforts; Professional body means a statutory body registered as such in terms of the legislation applicable to such bodies, or a voluntary body performing the functions contemplated in the legislation for such bodies but not registered as such; Provider means a body which delivers learning programmes which culminate in specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications, and manages the assessment thereof; Qualifying learner means a learner who has obtained a qualification; Quality assurance means the process of ensuring that the degree of excellence specified is achieved; Quality audit means the process of examining the indicators which show the degree of excellence achieved; Quality management system means the combination of processes used to ensure that the degree of excellence specified is achieved; Recognition of prior learning means the comparison of the previous learning and experience of a learner howsoever obtained against the learning outcomes required for a specified qualification, and the acceptance for purposes of qualification of that which meets the requirements; Registered constituent assessor means an assessor who has met the requirements for registration as an assessor of specified NQF qualifications and/or standards and has been registered by the ETQA under whose primary focus the standards and qualifications fall. Registered standards means standards or qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework; Registration means the process which ensures that the person who assesses learner competence has the requisite criteria recommended by Standard Generating Bodies (SGBs) for specified NQF registered standards and/or Qualifications Sector means a defined portion of social, commercial or educational activities used to prescribe the boundaries of an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body; and Specialized learning means that specialized theoretical knowledge which underpins application in the area of specialization and “specialization’ has a Specific outcomes means contextually demonstrated knowledge, skills and values which support one or more critical outcomes; Standard Generating Body means a body registered in terms of section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the SAQA Act, responsible for establishing education and training standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating to the establishing of national standards and/or qualifications have been assigned in terms of section 5(1)(b)(i) of SAQA the Act Validation means the overall process by which it is determined by an ETQA whether or not an assessment is valid (has succeeded in assessing what it claims to have assessed); and leading to the acceptance or rejection of assessment results – it can include a range of validation options, for example, verification, statistical analysis, examination of the assessment instrument, sampling of evidence of applied competence, observation of processes, site visits or interviews. Criteria and Guidelines for the Registration of Assessors Verification means the process managed by an ETQA for externally verifying (checking) moderation processes and confirming or overturning moderation findings Verifier means the person who verifies the moderation process 4.2 ABBREVIATIONS DSD: Department of Social Development ETQA: Education and Training Quality Assurance Body FET: Further Education and Training GET General Education and Training HWSETA: Health and Welfare Sector education and Training Authority NDoH: National Department of Health NPO: Non Profit Organisations NQF: National Qualifications Framework (also the Framework) NSA: National Skills Authority NSB: National Standards Body OBET: Outcomes Based Education and Training QA: Quality Assurance QMS: Quality Management System RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning SAQA: South African Qualifications Authority (also the Authority) SETA Sector Education and Training Authority SGB Standards Generating Body 3. RATIONALE FOR PROVIDER ACCREDITATION Education and training providers are at the base of the education and training system in that they are the organisations that actually engage in teaching and learning and deal directly with learners, the ‘clients’ whom the education and training system is meant to serve. The purpose accreditation of education and training service providers is to enhance the quality of education and training. The ETQA Regulations essentially provide for SAQA to accredit Education and Training Quality Assurance bodies who, in turn, are responsible for the accreditation of providers. The provider is accredited by one ETQA on the basis of primary focus. 4. LEGISLATIVE IMPERATIVES 4.1 LEGISLATIVE DETERMINANTS The following legislative and guidelines documents provide directives on accreditation of providers: SAQA Act (No. 58 of 1995) NSB Regulations (Government Gazette No. 18787; 28 March 1998) ETQA Regulations (Government Gazette No. 19231; 8 September 1998) Criteria and Guidelines for Providers (SAQA 2001) The SAQA Act No 58 of 1995 and ETQA Regulations R1127 of 1998 under the SAQA Act specify the criteria for accrediting education and training service providers. 4.2 CRITERIA FOR ACCREDITING EDUCATION AND TRAINING SERVICE PROVIDERS According to the Act and the regulations under the act, a body may be accredited as a provider by an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body whose primary focus coincides with the primary focus of the provider, provided that the body seeking accreditation: (a) is registered as a provider in terms of the applicable legislation at the time of application for accreditation; (b) has a quality management system which includes but is not limited to: (i) quality management policies which define that which the provider wishes to achieve; (ii) quality management procedures which enable the provider to practise its defined quality management policies; or (iii) review mechanisms which ensure that the quality management policies and procedures defined are applied and remain effective; (c) is able to develop, deliver and evaluate learning programmes which culminate in specified registered standards or qualifications; (d) has the: (i) necessary financial, administrative and physical resources; (ii) policies and practices for staff selection, appraisal and development; (iii) policies and practices for learner entry, guidance and support systems; (iv) policies and practices for the management of off-site practical or work-site components where appropriate; (v) policies and practices for the management of assessment which include appeals systems; (vi) necessary reporting procedures; and (vii) the ability to achieve the desired outcomes, using available resources and procedures considered by the Education and Training Quality Assurance Body to be needed to develop, deliver and evaluate learning programmes which culminate in specified registered standards or qualifications contemplated in paragraph (c); and (e) has not already been granted accreditation by or applied for accreditation to another Education and Training Quality Assurance Body contemplated in Regulation 2 of the ETQA Regulations. 5. NQF OBJECTIVES The objectives of the NQF as outlined in the SAQA Act are as follows: To create an integrated national framework for learning achievements; Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within education, training and career paths; Enhance the quality of education and training; Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities; Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large. Reference SAQA Criteria and Guidelines for Providers; 2001. Table of Contents 1. Functions of HWSETA 2. Accreditation of constituent providers 2.1 The benefits of accreditation 2.2 Requirements for accreditation 3. Assessors and moderators 3.1 Assessor and moderator registration 3.1.1 Benefits of assessor and moderator registration 3.1.2 Requirements for assessor registration 3.1.3 Requirements for moderator registration 4. Quality management policy and procedures template 1. FUNCTIONS OF HWSETA ETQA HWSETA has been accredited by SAQA as an ETQA in order to perform the following functions: Accredit constituent providers for specific standards or qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework; Promote quality amongst constituent providers; Monitor provision by constituent providers; Evaluate assessment and facilitation of moderation among constituent providers; Register constituent assessors for specified registered standards or qualifications in terms of the criteria established for this purpose; Take responsibility for the certification of constituent learners; Co-operate with the relevant body or bodies appointed to moderate across Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies including but not limited to, moderating the quality assurance on specified standards or qualifications for which one or more Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies are accredited; Recommend new standards or qualifications to SAQA for consideration, or modifications to existing standards or qualifications to SAQA for consideration; Maintain a data-base acceptable to the Authority; Submit reports to SAQA in accordance with the requirements of the Authority; and Perform such other functions as may from time-to-time be assigned to it by SAQA. 2. ACCREDITATION OF CONSTITUENT PROVIDERS It is a SAQA requirement that all education and training providers be accredited by the relevant ETQA. The HWSETA is mandated in terms of its ETQA to accredit education and training providers that fall within the Health and Welfare sector. The HWSETA regards accreditation as part of a developmental process to improve the delivery of quality education rather than a test to be passed or failed. 2.1 THE BENEFITS OF ACCREDITATION The accreditation of an education and training provider benefits the various stakeholders in the following ways: An accredited provider enjoys credibility in the eyes of the public. The learning programmes offered by an accredited provider culminate in NQF credits. The qualification obtained by learners enjoys national and international recognition. Accreditation serves as a surety that the provider has the necessary capacity and resources pertinent to the delivery of quality education and training. Accreditation compels the provider to constantly remain on the cutting edge of quality education provision. When a provider is accredited by HWSETA, the users know that: The provider meets all SAQA and HWSETA ETQA requirements for quality delivery of education, training, assessment, design and management. The credits and qualifications offered by that provider are nationally registered Qualifications that learners achieve are nationally and internationally recognized. The provider has access to many forms of support and capacity building offered by the HWSETA 2.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCREDITATION In order to become accredited with the HWSETA, an education and training provider must fulfill the following requirements: have a shared primary focus with the HWSETA; not be registered with another ETQA; be registered in terms of applicable legislation; have in place an acceptable quality management system (QMS); have the ability to develop, deliver and evaluate learning programmes which culminate in specified standards or qualifications; have in place financial, administrative and physical resources; have in place policies and practices for staff selection, appraisal and development; have in place policies and practices for learner entry, guidance and support 3. ASSESSORS AND MODERATORS In terms of its mandate as an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body (ETQA), the HWSETA is required to register assessors and moderators respectively qualified to assess against and moderate learning programmes that fall within the primary focus of the HWSETA. 3.1 ASSESSOR AND MODERATOR REGISTRATION Registration as an assessor or moderator pertains to conferment of the authority to assess against or moderate a learning programme aligned to a specified unit standard or qualification registered on the National Qualifications Framework. 3.1.1 BENEFITS OF ASSESSOR AND MODERATOR REGISTRATION The registration of an assessor or moderator benefits the various stakeholders of education and training in the following ways: Assessments and moderations conducted by registered assessors and moderators respectively enjoy credibility in the eyes of the public. The registration process serves as a surety that the assessor or moderator subscribes to the principles of good assessment practices i.e. fairness, reliability, validity and authenticity. Only registered assessors and moderators are authorized to assess or moderate learning achievements which culminate in the attainment of credits on the NQF. 3.1.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR ASSESSOR REGISTRATION The following are requirements for individuals to be registered as assessors: have two (2) years’ relevant occupational experience; have achieved the ‘ Conduct outcome based assessments, level 5, 15 credits, SAQA ID 115753” or old ‘Plan and Conduct Assessment of Learning Outcomes‘ unit standard for assessors; have appropriate literacy skills; have a relevant occupational qualification; have subject matter expertise; have an understanding of non-routine demands in the occupational field; have an understanding of employment opportunities in the occupational field; have communication competencies (interviewing, provide feedback, teamwork); have reporting competence; 3.1.3 REQUIREMENTS FOR MODERATOR REGISTRATION The following are requirements for individuals to be registered as moderators: have two (2) years’ relevant occupational experience; have achieved the ‘Moderate Assessments‘ unit standard for moderators; have a relevant occupational qualification; have quality management skills; have appropriate literacy skills; have an understanding of non-routine demands in the occupational 4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES TEMPLATE The following template was used to development quality management policies and templates: No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 POLICY AREA Purpose Definition/s Scope Policy application Procedures Communication of policy Evaluation and Review Documentation Reason or rationale for the policy. Explanation of key terms. Who is the policy intended for (target population) Implementing policy Steps in policy implementation (where applicable) How is the policy going to be communicated Policy evaluation and review mechanism How is the policy going to be stored References 1. 2. 3. 4. HWSETA Provider Accreditation Manual, 2007 HWSETA Provider Accreditation Application Form Step One, September 2007 HWSETA Provider Accreditation Application Form Step Two, May 2007 HWSETA Assessor and Moderator Application Form Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction Definitions and terms in respect of quality Quality management model Quality management systems available 1. INTRODUCTION The NQF, the SAQA Act of 1995 and the National Education Policy Act of 1996, among others, are explicit about the proposed orientation to quality within the South African education and training context, and more generally. In addition, Regulation R1127, under the SAQA Act of 1995, defines quality in the following way: “The combination of processes used to ensure that the degree of excellence specified is achieved”. The objectives specified by the Act indicate that the ultimate purposes of QMS are to: Enhance learning in South Africa by increasing the number of learners, the frequency of learning, and the relevance and durability of what is learned. Establish a framework of qualifications and standards that are relevant, credible and accessible. All of the above features of SAQA’s orientation to quality may be brought down to five essential categories of criteria for assessment that need to be used to ensure that quality assurance and management exist. These categories of criteria are: Baseline criteria; A quality management continuum; Outputs, inputs and processes; Ongoing improvement, accountability and transparency; Democratic organisation and practice 2. DEFINITIONS AND TERMS IN RESPECT OF QUALITY Quality Management Systems means the combination of processes used to ensure that the degree of excellence specified is achieved. A quality management system is the sum of the activities and information an organization uses to enable it to better and more consistently deliver products and services that meet and exceed the needs and expectations of its customers and beneficiaries, more cost effectively and cost efficiently, today and in the future. Quality Assurance means the sum of activities that assure the quality of products and services at the time of production or delivery. Quality assurance procedures are frequently applied only to the activities and products associated directly with the goods and services provided to external customers. Quality Audits are activities undertaken to measure the quality of products or services that have already been made or delivered. In itself a quality audit has no impact on quality. Quality Control is undertaken by the person(s) who make the product (or deliver the service) for internal purposes. 3. QUALITY MANAGEMENT MODEL The Providers are the powerhouses, the productive units, the creators and constituent providers of the service. The ETQAs have the quality audit and assurance role. No Single Quality Management Model can be suitable for every organisation. It is therefore impractical to generate a single, generic quality management model, for a variety of reasons: delivery modes are diverse; institutional types are diverse; and different departments within institutions are diverse. 4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AVAILABLE The integration of the following quality management systems has been recommended for education and training service providers: QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award European Quality Management Award Australian Quality Award The Koalaty Kid Program The Deming Prize The ISO 9000/2000 Quality Management Code of Practice FOCUS This management system is used successfully in the education and health sectors in the USA. The core criteria remain the same for these sectors, except where Customer and market focus will be replaced by (c) Student and Stakeholder focus; and Human Resources focus will be replaced by (e) Faculty and staff focus. This system strongly focuses on ‘Self-assessment’. The selfassessment is a comprehensive, systematic and regular review of the organization’s activities. As in the case of the previous quality management systems, the core criteria for this system are very similar, also focusing strongly on selfassessment. The self-assessment criteria are broad in scope and nonprescriptive to allow for interpretation that best fits the needs of the organization. The Koalaty Kid Programme embraces the spirit and substance of ‘Total Quality’, a systematic approach to continuous improvement. Using this approach, teams identify targets for improvement. Then they work towards achieving these by establishing standards of excellence, communicating clear expectations involving all stakeholders, managing by processes, measuring progress, and recognizing and awarding success. The ‘Mt Edgecumbe High School’s Modified Deming Points for Quality in Education’ has adapted Deming’s fourteen points for quality in organizations to suit the needs of an educational institution. is not the purpose of this International standard to imply uniformity of quality management systems, which makes the system adaptable QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Investors in People The South African Excellence Model The Balanced Business Scorecard The Scottish Quality Management System FOCUS according to size, structure, market and resources of the organization. Investors in People aims to help organizations to improve Performance through a planned approach to: a) Setting and communicating business goals b) Developing people to meet these goals The South African Excellence Model can be seen as a longer-term improvement plan that any organization could apply to effect ‘continuous improvement’. The Balanced Business Scorecard is a strategic measurement system that allows managers to keep track of the deployment of their strategic plans and the subsequent improvement of their strategic performance. The Scottish Quality Management System has been designed to meet the requirements of the Scottish equivalent of SAQA, the SQA. APPENDIX 1. HWSETA Provider Accreditation Manual, 2007. 2. SAQA Quality Management Systems for Education and Training Providers, 2001. List of Quality Management Policies, Procedures and Forms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Human Resources and Management Financial Procurement Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Moderation Administration Record Keeping Learner Support Recognition of Prior Learning Special Educational Needs Marketing and Communication Course Fees Assessment Appeals Programme Development, Delivery and Evaluation Grievance Management of Off-Site and On-Site Learning Learner Certification Learner Disciplinary Code Learner Admission Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Recruitment, selection and appointment 4.1.1 Fair equitable recruitment 4.1.2 Recruitment sources 4.1.3 Recruitment procedures Determine need to fill a vacancy Identify sources of recruitment Advertise position 4.1.4 Selection and appointment process Selection committee 4.1.5. Gathering application data Screening Shortlist Undertake selection (Assessment and Panel Interviews) Competence appointment Appointment Cost of moving Salary on appointment or promotion Appointment notch of employees not complying with minimum qualification requirements 4.1.6 Recruitment and selection procedure 4.2 Conditions of service 4.3 “Authority” 4.2.1. “Application of the conditions of service” 4.2.2. “Commencement of the conditions of service” 4.2.3. “Delegation of authority” 4.2.4. “The creation, grading and abolishment of posts” 4.2.5. “Appointment and obligations” 4.2.6. “Remuneration” 4.2.8. “Leave” “Annual leave” Calculation of Annual Leave “Payment of annual leave” “Encashment of annual leave” “Granting of leave” “Unpaid leave” “Sick leave” Leave cycle Examinisations and study leave “Leave for medical treatment in large centres” Provisions 4.3 Maternity leave 4.3.1“Policy” 4.3.2. “Scope” 4.3.3. “Responsibility” 4.3.4. “Procedure” 4.3.5. “Stage” 4.3.6. “Maternity leave and return to work” 4.3.7. “Statutory maternity pay” “Inability to do the job” “Temporary replacement” Return to work 4.3.8. “Still births and miscarriages” 4.3.9. “Adoption” 4.3.10 Staff induction 4.3.11 Probation policy 4.5 Staff appraisal 4.5.5 Procedures for appraising transferred employees or employees who are simultaneously supervised by more than one supervisor 4.5.6. Procedures for appeal of performance appraisals 4.5.7. Procedures for using performance improvement and commendations forms Performance improvement Performance commendation 4.5.8. Procedures for timeliness of appraisals and maintenance of records 4.5.9. Alternative appraisal system 4.5.10. Mandatory training 4.5.11. Reviewers of the staff appraisal system 4.5.12 Staff appraisal forms 4.6 Staff development 4.6.1 Introduction 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 Purpose Other relevant policies Aims and objectives Organisational development Individual staff performance Categories of staff Areas for development 4.6.5 Special objectives 4.6.6 Integrated human resource development Ethos Monitoring and evaluation 4.6.7 Responsibilities Organisational Top management Line managers The staff development unit Individual 4.6.8 Implementing procedure Guidelines Establishment of a training committee Planning Presentation Information service 4.6.9 Funding Allocation of funds Procedure to apply for funding Approval of funding Accountability for staff development 4.6.10 Resource-related issues Utilising staff skills Resource sharing 4.7 Sexual harassment 4.7.1 Definition 4.7.2 Reporting misconduct 4.7.3 Outcomes 4.7.4 Required signature 4.7.5 Learner complaints 4.8 Confidentiality 4.8.1 Personal files Copies Inspections by employees 4.8.2 Medical information Confidentiality Enrolment and assistance from insurer Breach of confidentiality 4.8.3 Privacy rights Written permission to release personal data 5. 6. 7. 8. Procedures Communication of policy Evaluation and review Documentation 1. PURPOSE This policy manual is designed to provide accurate and timely information on XXXX human resources policies relating to employees and their relationship with the organisation. The policy gives guidelines with regard to human resources management practices for full-time, fixed contract and temporary employees of XXXXX in accordance with applicable South African Labour Laws. 2. DEFINITIONS “approved medical scheme” Shall means any Medical Scheme approved by the Employer “breach of contract” Shall mean the failure of an individual Employee or Group of Employees or the Employer to comply with the terms and Conditions of Services “commencement date” Shall mean the date contemplated and approved by the XXXXX of XXXX; “conditions of services” Shall mean any condition, regulation, including Fringe Benefits, that governs the relations between the Employer and its Employees as contained in this document and its Annexures; “contract employee” Shall mean a person in a post on the staff establishment of the Employer. Who is not a permanent Employee, and whose employment with the Employer is governed by a contract of employment; “disciplinary code” Shall mean a set of guidelines for Management in carrying out disciplinary actions set out in Part XXXX of these Conditions of Services; “dismissal” Shall mean the termination of an Employee’s employment with the Employer at the instance of the Employer; “dispute” Shall mean an unresolved issue between Management and an individual Employee or Group of Employees; “emergency work” Shall mean any work to be done without delay in respect of the interruption of essential services , or arising from a fire, an accident, a mishap, a storm, an epidemic. An act of violence, theft, the failure of equipment or machinery or and other unforeseen event or work in connection with repairs to equipment and machinery which cannot be done during working hours. “employee” Shall mean a Permanent Employee or a Contract Employee of the Employer; “employee representative” Shall mean any person representing an Employee and shall include a registered trade union; “employer” Shall mean the XXXXX; “financial year” Shall mean XXXXX until XXXXX of each year; “fringe benefit” Shall mean any benefit for which, a monetary contribution is made by the Employer to a scheme or a Fund on behalf of the Employee; “gross misconduct” Shall mean certain actions in breach of the Employer’s Rules and Regulations, which are deemed to constitute valid reason for summary Dismissal; “gross negligence” Shall mean failure to adhere to or to execute work according to the Employer’s standards and /or regulations, such failure being perceived by the Employer as potentially prejudicial to its interest; “incompetence” Shall mean failure or inability to maintain laid-down work standards; “leave” Shall mean approval for an Employee to be absent from service and for which application was made in the prescribed way; “permanent employee” Shall mean a person who has been appointed in a permanent full-time capacity to a post on the staff establishment of the Employer, excluding a Contract Employee; “public holiday” Shall mean a Public Holiday as determine in the Public Holidays Act, 1994 (Act 36 of 1994) and any other day designated as such by the Employer; “remuneration” Shall mean the salary or wage paid to an Employee and also any allowances and other benefits; “salary” Shall mean the money paid to an Employee, excluding any allowances and other benefits; “sick leave cycle” Shall mean a period of every 3 years calculated from the date on which an Employee assumed duty; “working day” Shall mean every day on which an Employee is required to work according to the service requirements applicable to his post; “working time” Shall mean the hours which an Employee is required to work according to the service requirements applicable to his post; In these Conditions of Service, unless inconsistent with, or otherwise indicated by the context, words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and vice versa and words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa; 3. SCOPE This policy applies to all permanent, fixed-contract and temporary staff within XXXXX. 4. POLICY APPLICATION 4.1 RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT The overall aim of the recruitment and selection process is to attract, obtain and retain people with required competencies at competitive and marker related cost in order to satisfy the human resource needs of the XXXXX. Recruitment is also attuned to establishing a positive image of XXXX as an employer in the labour market. 4.1.1 FAIR AND EQUITABLE RECRUITMENT All posts on the establishment of XXXXX shall be equal opportunity positions. This includes, inter alia, the requirement that candidates be employed purely on the basis of job related requirements, personal attributes, competencies and abilities, and that individuals must be given opportunities to be recruited i.e. recruitment action strategic and targets must be taken into consideration when recruiting candidates. 4.1.2 RECRUITMENT SOURCES Recruitment activities are dependent on XXXXX’s human resource requirements as identified through human resource plans. The choice of media for recruitment purpose should comply with the requirements of the Labour Relation Act, 1995. Internal sources of recruitment (where possible) should be considered, since it is cost effective and serve as motivation for existing employees. External recruitment may be undertaken by means of advertisements. Career exhibitions and Visits to schools, Universities, etc. can also be considered for certain target groups. 4.1.3 RECRUITMENT PROCEDURE DETERMINE NEED TO FILL A VACANCY When a vacancy is identified, the following factors should be taken into consideration: Budget constraints; Reservation of vacancy for candidates still in training; Redeployment possibilities IDENTIFY SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT It is recommended to first establish (where possible) whether suitable candidates are available internally by means of an internal advertisement. If suitable candidates are identified internally, clear consultation should take place prior to any offer for employment being made. ADVERTISE POSITION When a vacancy occurs, XXXXX must fill in employment requisition form within XXXXX days of the notice of the vacancy and it will be circulated internally and / or advertised externally in the press, and interested employees and applicants will be considered for appointment. XXXXX must ensure that circulated vacancies are brought to the attention of the staff. To ensure a diverse pool of candidates, advertisements should be placed in the appropriate media if no internal candidates could be identified. The means of attracting applicants or the wording of advertisement should be compiled carefully so as not to constitute direct or indirect discrimination. XXXXX shall request the XXXXX, in writing, to advertise a vacant position. 4.1.4 SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT PROCESS SELECTION COMMITTEE a QUALITIES Confidentiality (Treat all information discussed during the selection process as confidential) Impartiality (Equal of fair treatment of all candidates) Consistency (Application of the same set of criteria to each candidate Objectivity (Deal with facts) b COMPOSITON It must consist of at least XXXXX members and a maximum of XXXXX members The members must be employees of grading higher than the grading of the post to be filled and should be representative in terms o gender as well as a XXXXX representative Chairperson must be the XXXXX if not available he / she must appoint as acting chairperson in writing. In case of he managerial position the XXXXX or His/her appointee must serve as a chairperson XXXXX should provide advisory to XXXXX during the selection process Members of he XXXXX will have observer status during short-listing and interviews. 4.1.5. GATHERING APPLICATION DATA Application information must include all relevant data, such as: Curriculum Vitae Certificate personal documentation; Certificate educational certification, References from previous employers. False information furnished by an applicant in his/ her application for a vacancy, shall disqualify him/her and make him / her liable so summary dismissal, should he /she be appointed. SCREENING Employees and applications for vacant positions shall undergo any screening tests (relevant to the inherent job requirements) required by XXXXX. Those being screened take part in all tests at their own responsibility. The result of any screening test is strictly confidential. A person shall not be considered for appointment, unless he /she has reached the age of sixteen (16) years and complies with the required qualifying requirements as stipulated in the advertisement . The appointment or retention of the services of any employee older than the compulsory retirement age of 65 shall be approved annually by XXXXX, subject to the submission of a satisfactory medical report and a recommendation by the relevant XXXXX. SHORT LIST When compiling the short-list, a healthy balance should be struck between the data provided by the application and the job requirements. In the absence of imperative documentation (e.g Senior Certificate), careful consideration should be given to the short –listing of such candidates. It is unethical to promise a job prior to the finalization of the recruitment of the selection process. Under No circumstances should a job offer be made at this stage. UNDERTAKE SELECTION (ASSESSMENT AND PANEL INTERVIEWS) The assessment results should not be the only tool used to decide on the best candidates for a position, but should form part of the selection process and be utilized during the final decision – making phase. The XXXXX and / or a maximum of two (2) employees assigned by the XXXXX concerned, who occupy posts at a level not lower than salary group of the grading scheme, may attend the interview. However, the XXXXX may leeway if he/ she deem it necessary in the interest of the XXXXX. Impressions gained during the interview should be clearly documented and stored for future reference. “ COMPETENCE FOR APPOINTMENT Prior to appointment, a successful applicant shall furnish satisfactory proof (Certified Copies) of his/ her Date of Birth, Academic or Educational Qualifications, Identity, and any other relevant documentation as may be required. Nobody shall be appointed to the services of XXXXX unless he / she complies with the legal requirements applicable to such an appointment. APPOINTMENT A written offer of employment (including conditions of services) must be made to the successful candidates and his / her formal (written) acceptance thereof, obtained, ensuring that all logistical arrangements regarding date, time and place of assumption of duty are clear. All employees shall be issued with an identity and / or access card (where applicable), which shall be carried at all times. The identity and access card shall remain the property of XXXXX, and should employees lose the card, he / she shall be responsible for paying the costs for its replacement. An employee shall furnish his/ her permanent residential address, as well as that of his / her next of kin, to XXXXX in writing and any changes thereof. COST OF MOVING The cost of transfer on appointment shall be subsidized to a maximum of XXXXX %, after submission of a receipt in respect of expenditure incurred. Three (3) written quotation shall be provided. Irrespective of which quotation is accepted by the employees, the subsidy shall be calculated on the amount of the lowest quotation, which includes insurance, or the amount indicated on the receipt, whichever is the lowest. The amount thus paid shall be fully repaid by the employee if he / she leave the services within one (1) year. If he/ she leave the service after completion of one (1) year, but before two (2) years, the employee shall repay XXXXX % of the subsidized amount. SALARY ON APPOINTMENT OR PROMOTION Appointment shall be made according to the qualifications and experience of the applicant, at a notch within the prescribed salary scale, provided that, if a successful applicant claims a higher notch than the starting notch of a particular salary scale, the salary notches of the existing employees occupying similar positions in the relevant department/section/division, shall be taken into consideration. If an existing employee is promoted, he/she salary shall b adjusted to the minimum notch of the salary applicable to the position of promotion, provided that such salary adjustment shall be equal in salary to at least one notch of the salary applicable to him/her prior to the promotion. APPOINTMENT NOTCH OF EMPLOYEES NOT COMPLYING WITH THE MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Successful external applicants shall be appointed at the starting notch of the salary scale attached to a particular to a particular position, without ant further advancement on the scale, until such applicant compiles with the minimum requirements. The promotion of employees in the service, who do not comply with the minimum qualifications, shall be dealt with according to the same principles as above. 4.3.6 STEP STEP 1 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCEDURE EVENT POSITION BECOME AVAILABLE STEP 2 VERIFICATION OF JOB SPECIFICATION STEP 3 ADVERTISEMENT STEP 4 INTERVIEWING STEP 5 SELECTION STEP 6 CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT STEP 7 PROBATION STEP STEP 8 EVENT END OF PROBATION REVIEW 4.4 CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 4.2.1 “AUTHORITY” “Authority to determine, amend or depart from Conditions of Service The Employer may, at any time, with due regard to any existing rights of an Employee and after duly negotiating and reaching agreement with Employee Representatives, amend the Conditions of Service determine other conditions and repeal, amend or replace any of the existing conditions. 4.2.2. “APPLICATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF SERVICE” The Conditions of Service and any amendment thereto approved from time to time will be applicable to all Permanent Employees appointed by the XXXXX. 4.2.3. “COMMENCEMENT OF THESE CONDITIONS OF SERVICE” These Conditions of Service will come into effect on XXXXX and will replace any other documents previously approved. 4.2.4. “DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY” The XXXXX may delegate the authority conferred upon him/her to another person. The responsibility delegated will be exercised in accordance with the instructions of the XXXXX. 4.2.5. “THE CREATION, GRADING AND ABOLISHMENT OF POSTS” The Employer reserve the right to the creation, grading and abolishment of posts as may be required from time to time. 4.2.6. “APPOINTMENT AND OBLIGATIONS” All Employees shall provide XXXXX with their telephone numbers and residential addresses. No Employees shall remove any equipment from their offices without the prior consent of XXXXX. No Employee shall abuse equipment of staff of XXXXX or utilize such for personal purposes. No Employee shall abuse perform or engage to perform remunerative work outside the service of XXXXX without permission of XXXXX Manager. All Employees will commit themselves to Emergency Work. An Employee shall at all times inform the Employer as soon as possible if he is unable to report for duty. 4.2.7. “REMUNERATION” The remuneration of Permanent Employees shall be determined in consultation with Employees Representatives. 4.2.8. “LEAVE” Application for Leave must be made on the prescribed form and approved by the XXXXX before the Employee may go on leave. “ANNUAL LEAVE” Calculation of Annual Leave A permanent Employee who enters the service of the Employer after the Commencement Date is entitled up to XXXXX Working days Annual Leave during each leave year, XXXXX day for every XXXXX days worked or XXXXX hour for every XXXXX hours worked. Annual Leave will be calculated for each Permanent Employee as per the date of appointment: A Permanent Employee will accumulate Annual Leave monthly starting on the day of appointment. Annual Leave will be taken within XXXXX months after qualifying thereof. Permanent Employees are allowed to accumulate their allocated Annual Leave up to a maximum of XXXXX working days. “PAYMENT OF ANNUAL LEAVE” When an Employee’s service with the Employer is terminated, he / she will be paid the cash value of the Annual Leave standing to his credit. “ENCASHMENT OF ANNUAL LEAVE” An Employee may encash Annual Leave standing to his/her credit, subject to the following conditions: He /She must have at least 1 year of service. Encashment is only permitted once annually. Not less than 5 days may be encashed. At least 50% of the Annual Leave accrued in the particular year must remain to the credit of the Employee. “GRANTING OF LEAVE” Application must be made in advance equal to the period of Annual Leave to be taken. Subject to consultation with the Employee, the Employer may change or withdraw Annual Leave already granted. Where an Employee falls ill during the period of his /her Annual Leave, such Annual Leave, or a part thereof, as the case may be reverted to sick Leave if a medical certificate containing the required information as contemplated. “UNPAID LEAVE” The Employer shall grant an Employee Unpaid Leave to a maximum equivalent to the annual leave allocation subject to the following conditions: Application must be made in advance equal to the period of leave without salary to be taken. Subject to consultation with the Employee, the Employer may change unpaid leave already granted. Unpaid leave may not be consecutively with Annual Leave. “SICK LEAVE” (With Remuneration) Permanent Employees are allowed 36 Working Days Sick Leave during a period of 36 weeks (3 Years). Sick Leave in credit after a three year cycle will not accumulate. If an Employee is absent from duty for a continuous period of 3 days or longer owing to illness, he / she hands in a satisfactory certificate signed by a medical practitioner, dentist or psychologist which contains the following information: A statement that the Employee is not capable of performing his duties; The period necessary for recuperation ; and Registration number of Medical Practitioner. The Employer may require the submission of a certificate in respect of absence due to illness for a period shorter than 3 days, where the record of the Employee indicates possible abuse of sick Leave. Subject to the above, sick Leave, with Remuneration or without Salary in respect of which a certificate is not submitted, may be granted only for 10 Working Days during any calendar year and any further absence will be covered by the granting of Annual Leave with remuneration , if available or without Salary. Subject to an enquiry, the Employer may refuse to grant Sick Leave with Salary in respect of which a certificate is not submitted may granted only for 10 working Days during any calendar year and any further absence will be covered by the granting of Annual Leave with Remuneration, if available or without Salary. LEAVE CYCLE The Leave Cycle should be in line with the assumption of duty period. EXAMINATION AND STUDY LEAVE Examination and study leave with full Remuneration will be granted to an Employee subject to the following conditions: For every day on which he writes an examination in respect of a course of study approved by the XXXXX, one working day will be granted. One additional working day will be granted for preparation for the examination. The examination roster must be included with the submission of the Examination and study leave application, one month before the leave is to be taken. Results of the examination must be submitted to the XXXXX as soon as the results are available, but not later than 3 months after the examination was written. In cases where the examination were not written, the Examination and Study Leave will revert to Annual Leave unless a medical certificate is provided, in which case Sick Leave may be granted. “LEAVE FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT IN LARGE CENTRES” An employee may be granted up to two days special leave per family member (including himself / herself) per year to enable them to undergo medical examination or medical treatment in larger centres. THE MEASURE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS: A written recommendation by a medical practitioner must be furnished; The recommended medical examination or treatment is not available at the employee’s headquarters; The employee has to travel a distance of 100 kilo-meters or more per single journey; The granting of a concession to cover the absence is impractical. The special leave is not transferable between family members, nor may it be accumulated. 4.5 MATERNITY LEAVE 4.3.1“POLICY” The XXXX complies with both the latter and the spirit of the Basic Conditions of Employment legislation relating to maternity rights and provisions. The XXXX shall grant employees maternity leave for a period not exceeding 4 (four) months. Maternity leave shall be paid at a rate of 100% of such an employee’s normal salary for a period not exceeding 3 (three) months for employees with one year’s service or more. Employees, who have been in the services of the XXXX for less than one (1) year at the commencement of maternity leave, shall qualify for unpaid leave where the provision of the UIF on maternity leave benefits shall apply. The maternity leave shall commence with four (4) weeks prior to the employee’s expected date of confinement and shall not expire for at least six (6) weeks after the date of confinement. When an employee returns to work at the end of the maternity period, the following conditions will apply: The employee will be guaranteed her job at the same rate of pay; If a restructuring exercise has taken place in her absence, a similar job at the same rate of pay will be provided at the same terms and conditions. The employee will be expected to work back the period of paid maternity leave actually taken in circumstance where resignation after such leave is contemplated, failing which the XXXX shall exercise legal resource for the recovery of monies paid in lieu thereof. 4.3.2. “SCOPE” This policy applies to all female employees excluding casual employees. 4.3.3. “RESPONSIBILITY” Managers must ensure that all female employees are informed of their entitlement to statutory maternity rights and ensure that those rights are understood by all employees. 4.3.4. “PROCEDURE” STEP 1: STEP 2: The employee writes to her Manager following confirmation of the pregnancy (With a copy pf the letter forwarded to the Human Resource Unit) If the Human Resource Unit has not been alerted to the situation, the Manager should forward a copy of the letter. STEP3: The Manager considers the need for a temporary replacement ad liaises with the Human Resource Unit. Following this initial involvement the Manager steps back from the arrangements and the employees’ deals exclusively with the Human Resource Unit. The Manager will be copied with all relevant documentation. 4.3.5. “STAGE” Although Managers have no active involvement in the procedure, to enable them to answer questions from their staff, detailed below is a guide to the sequence of events for all employees: The employee writes to the Manager with confirmation of pregnancy. The Manager / Employee inform the Human Resource Unit. The Human Resource Unit calculates the entitlement to statutory maternity leave. The Employee advises the Human Resource Unit of the expected date of confinement. The Human Resources Unit informs the employee in writing of the statutory entitlements and enclosing maternity guidelines. The Human Resources Unit contacts and speaks to the employee to answer any questions. The Employee writes to the Human Resource Unit confirming the starting date of maternity leave at least 21 days before commencement. The Employee advises the Human Resource Unit of the birth of the child. The Human Resources Unit writes to the employee seven (7) weeks after the birth requesting confirmation of intent to return to work. The Signed copy is returned by the employee. The Employee writes to the Human Resources Unit giving at least 21 days notice to return to work, return to work should be no later than the end of 8 to 20 weeks from the birth of the child commencing with the week in which the child is born. The Employee returns to work The terms and conditions are revised if appropriate 4.3.6. “MATERNITY LEAVE AND RETURN TO WORK” The rights to maternity leave and return to work are subject to the following conditions: The employee must continue to be employed by the XXXX up to the 4th (fourth) week before the expected week of confinement. The Employee must submit to the XXXX in writing of the intention to take leave of absence due to pregnancy and the intention to return to work; notice must be given 21 days before the start of the absence or as soon as practical. The Employee must submit to the XXXX the certificate of expected date of confinement. 4.3.7. “STATUTORY MATERNITY PAY” “INABILITY TO DO THE JOB” If for any reason connected with the pregnancy, the employee is not capable of performing the job, the Human resource Unit must be informed immediately. The employee is protected by the Maternity provisions of the Employment Legislation and the XXXX must try to offer another job that would be suitable and which would be on terms and conditions that would not be substantially less favorable. “TEMPORARY REPLACEMENT” Manager who need to find a temporary replacement for an employee on maternity leave, should forward an Employment Requisition letter to the Human Resources unit. Replacement employee’s recruited form within the XXXX can return to their original positions when the absent employee returns to work. If the original position no longer exists a suitable alternative will be found. The temporary replacement from outside the XXXX must be advised in writing on engagement that their fixed term contract will be terminated if the absent employee returns to work. RETURN TO WORK The employee may return to work within not earlier 6 (six) weeks after giving birth. The Human Resources Unit will write to the employee not earlier than 7 (seven) weeks after the date of confinement for confirmation of intent to return to work. The employee must reply within 14 days. The date of return may be postponed by up to 4 (four) weeks on medical grounds by the employee. The XXXX may also postpone by 4 (four) weeks, but the employee must be given the reason for the decision. 4.3.8. “STILL BIRTHS AND MISCARRIAGES” An employee who has a miscarriage or bears a stillborn child is entitled to maternity leave for six (6) weeks after the miscarriage or stillborn, whether or not the whether or not the employee had commenced maternity leave at the time of the miscarriage or stillborn. 4.3.9. “ADOPTION” The XXXX shall grant paid maternity leave for the purpose of adoption in terms of the legally prescribed adoption procedure. Paid maternity leave shall commence on the date when custody is taken of the child. Such maternity leave shall expire after eight (8) weeks if the age of the child is six (6) months or younger. 4.6 STAFF INDUCTION 4.4.1 PURPOSE The policy aims to facilitate the introduction of a new employee into the XXXX’s Employment and familiarize them into the activities, goals, and objectives of the XXXX. The importance of induction is to ensure that the new recruit not only understands the way the XXXX works and how his / her job is organized, but also to embody the culture of the XXXX. 4.4.2. POLICY All new staff must be properly inducted upon joining the XXXX. It is the responsibility of XXXX to ensure that each recruit is appropriately inducted on the job and HR Policies, respectively. The essential components of the induction programme are as follows: Exposure to the vision and mission of the XXXX Exposure to the operational Structure of the XXXX Discussion regarding the contents of the contract of employment Discussion regarding the contents of he HR Policies Meeting firstly the Manager Meeting secondly the people in his / her department/section/division Meeting thirdly people in the immediate work vicinity Understanding the XXXX code of conduct Understanding the requirement of the probationary period Discussions regarding procedures in the department/section/division Finally, agreeing to key results areas and performance standards at the end of the probationary period. Each Department manager and the HR Manager must ensure that the new recruit is taken through any induction programme within 5 working days of him/her commencing duties. 4.5 PROBATION POLICY 4.5.1 POLICY All permanent employees, with the exception of the XXXX shall be appointed on probation for six (6) consecutive months, except in cases of promotion. The induction process should be viewed as an integral part of an employee’s probationary period. If, after the expiry of an employee’s probation period, the Manager is convinced that the employee is suitable for the post he / she occupy, the appointment shall be confirmed by the XXXX. If the confirmation of the permanent appointment of an employee appointed by the XXXX is not recommended, the XXXX shall recommend in writing to the XXXX that either, he/ she : Extend the probationary period of the employee by a maximum of two (2) further periods, neither of which may exceed three (3) months. Terminate the service of such employee, subject to the stipulations of paragraphs 8 and 9 of Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act, (Act No.66 of 1995) During the probationary period the Manager will: Agree to objectives with the new employee in relation to his / her position Review on at least two occasions the performance of the new employee, i.e after three (3) months and thereafter at the end of six (6) months, Ensure that, where training and development plan as appraisal, that where training and development is identified before and during the Mid-Term appraisal, an agreed to Development plan as enshrined in the WSDP (Workplace Skills Development Plan) to enable the probationer to improve on his / her performance prior to the final appraisal; The performance reviews will be formed and will be recorded on the Mid-Term and final probation progress Report for the employee’s file. 4.7 STAFF APPRAISAL 4.5.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish a system for the appraisal, development, and documentation of all regular staff employee performance. The goals of performance appraisal are: To help ensure that the quality and quantity of work performed by XXXXX staff members best meets the XXXXX 's needs; To allow for continuous communication between supervisor and employee about job performance; To offer the supervisor and employee the opportunity to develop a set of expectations for future performance; To provide the opportunity for the supervisor and employee to assess the employee's past performance; To provide for future development of the employee; and To provide supporting documentation for pay decisions, promotions, transfers, grievances, complaints, disciplinary actions, and terminations. The XXXXX will review the Staff Performance Appraisal system and its results as needed, but no less than annually, to ensure no discriminatory patterns or impact are apparent. 4.5.2 DEFINITIONS Performance Appraisal – A continuous process in which a supervisor assesses an individual's achievement of the performance expectations established by the supervisor. Performance Expectation – A statement based on a duty that summarizes a significant portion of the job. Performance Standard – A condition that exists or will result if the performance expectation is accomplished in an acceptable manner. There are 4 types of performance standards. In practice, these 4 types of standards are usually used in combination with one another. The 4 types of performance standards are: a. Time standard – Tells when the performance expectation will be done; for example, completing a training by 16:00, completing a report by the end of the week. b. Quantity standard – Tells how much will be done. For example, types 60 wpm, assists 20 patrons. c. Quality standard – Tells how well the performance expectation will be done; for example, between 3-5 errors, 4-6 customer complaints, or 90%-94% positive responses from a student development seminar. Each performance expectation must have at least 1 quality standard. d. Resources standard – Can be used to limit the resources available for an employee; for example, without using overtime or within an established budget. Can also be used to specify resources that are not fully under the employee's control. For example, provided the shipment of supplies arrives, with the cooperation of another department. Performance standards can result in a statement that begins "This expectation is met when..." 4.5.3. PROCEDURES FOR ENSURING ORGANIZATIONAL EQUITY Nothing in this Performance Appraisal shall prohibit the XXXXX, or other administrative officers, and managers from establishing minimum, uniform performance standards for appraising all employees within their areas of responsibility. 5.5.4. PROCEDURES FOR APPRAISING EMPLOYEES Each staff employee is required to have a current approved Key Performance Indicators their possession and on file in Human Resources. The supervisor is responsible for providing each new staff employee with a current Key Performance Indicators at the time of their employment. The supervisor will read the Performance Appraisal Contract Policy for each employee that he or she supervises prior to appraising their performance. At the time of the appraisal, both the employee and the supervisor must certify that the Key Performance Indicators for the employee’s job is current and accurate. The Staff Performance Appraisal Policy reflects the use of criteria based on online templates to conduct and complete performance plans and appraisals for each position. Supervisors must list the duties and standards under the appropriate appraisal criteria on the template. Key Performance Indicators may be listed under multiple criteria if appropriate. Determining the Key Performance Indicators to be evaluated: a. b. The supervisor has the responsibility to decide which Key Performance Indicators are most important and are to be appraised. However, the supervisor is encouraged to work with the employee to choose which Key Performance Indicators are the most important. The important duties (those to be appraised) become the statements of performance expectations and should consume at least 90% or more of the employee's time. In general, about 8 to 10 Key Performance Indicators will be used as statements of performance expectations. The supervisor will enter the chosen expectations on the Performance Appraisal Form. Setting performance standards. a. b. The supervisor has the responsibility to set the performance standards for each duty to be appraised. However, the supervisor is encouraged to work with the employee to set the standards for each Key Performance Indicators. How well the employee met the standards of the previous appraisal periods may be helpful in setting standards for the current appraisal period. The supervisor will record the standards on the Performance Appraisal Form. The supervisor will have the duty of ensuring that each employee is aware of all performance standards. Reviewing performance expectations and standards may be done in a group setting, when appropriate (for example, Facilitators, Assessors, Moderators, Material Developers, Administrators, Librarians ect). Each employee must receive a copy of the Performance Appraisal Form with the performance expectations and standards. Note: It is possible during the course of the appraisal cycle that the pertinent Key Performance Indicators within a position could change, as well as the performance standards related to those duties. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to communicate with his or her employees about these changes when they occur, not during the appraisal interview. At least one week before the appraisal interview, supervisors may, at their discretion, ask employees to evaluate themselves before the appraisal interview. Note: The annual performance appraisal interview is only one element of the total performance appraisal system, which should include constant feedback, coaching, planning, and other communication designed to make the employee more effective. The supervisor will rate the employee on the Performance Appraisal Form according to the standards set for each expectation. A supervisor's skills at leadership, employee development, and performance appraisal are critical. These skills must be appraised in Part I of the Performance Appraisal Form for all staff supervisory personnel. The supervisor will arrange to meet with the employee in a private setting to discuss the ratings: During the course of the interview, it is important that the employee be told of concrete examples of work behavior that contributed to his or her rating. Feedback should consist of observations and descriptions rather than opinions and judgment. The supervisor should spend part of the interview listening to the employee. An effective supervisor recognizes the impact of his or her own performance on his or her subordinate's performance. Ratings assigned should reflect the supervisor's awareness of incidents that occurred during the year that may have had a negative impact on the employee's performance, but were beyond the employee's control. Documentation is required for each Performance Expectation on the Performance Appraisal Form that receives a rating above or below a rating of 3, which is “meets minimum performance standard.” Documentation is required to substantiate an individual’s non-compliance with policies, procedures, work rules or inappropriate work-related behavior. The documentation must be provided in Part II of the Performance Appraisal Form. Ratings and scores are not final until after the performance appraisal interview. An employee who is not available for the interview because of an extended period of absence due to sickness or leave without pay must still be appraised. Supervisors should complete the appraisal form, assigning a tentative score, and submit it without the employee's signature to Human Resources, attaching a memorandum explaining why the employee is unavailable. When the employee returns to work the interview should be conducted, a final score assigned, and Subsections i., j., and k. below should be completed. The supervisor, employee, and the department director will sign the Performance Appraisal Form. The employee's signature does not signify agreement with the appraisal, but that he or she participated in an appraisal interview and is aware of the right to appeal. If the employee refuses to sign the form, a witness will be brought in to sign the form. Whether or not the employee agrees to sign the appraisal form, the employee should be given the option of completing the Post Performance Appraisal Form. Originals of both of these forms will be kept in the employee's departmental personnel file and copies will be forwarded to Human Resources via the appropriate vice president. Within 5 working days of the appraisal interview, the employee will receive a final copy of the Performance Appraisal Form. The original will be placed in the employee's departmental personnel file. A copy will be forwarded to the XXXXX by XXXXX. The XXXXX will forward all appraisals to Human Resources by XXXXX for inclusion in the employee's personnel file. Scoring of Performance A sliding scale to rate an employee’s performance is permitted, accordingly: Sliding scale for a score between 1 and 2 would be: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 2.0. This scoring pattern can be used for scores between 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5. Performance Plan Either during the appraisal interview or within 10 working days after the appraisal interview, the supervisor and employee will discuss plans for the future appraisal cycle. Discussion of plans should include a summary of the information from Part II of the previous appraisal. Based on this discussion, the supervisor will enter expectations and standards in Part I of the performance appraisal form. The supervisor will also enter Part of the appraisal form the training and other professional development experience needed that would help support the employee to meet the performance requirements of his or her job and contribute toward the goals of the department, division or university. These entries comprise the employee's performance plan for the current appraisal cycle. Both the supervisor and the employee must initial and date the plan. Each should retain a copy. The supervisor may change the performance plan during the year. Both the supervisor and the employee must initial and date the revised plan. Each should retain a copy. Within 30 calendar days of any new hire, reclassification, transfer or demotion, supervisors are required to provide the affected employee with a performance plan covering the remainder of the appraisal cycle. The requirements for initials, dates, and copies apply. Performance plans are maintained within the department. Copies are also sent to Human Resources. 4.5.5 PROCEDURES FOR APPRAISING TRANSFERRED EMPLOYEES OR EMPLOYEES WHO ARE SIMULTANEOUSLY SUPERVISED BY MORE THAN ONE SUPERVISOR If, during an appraisal period, an employee is transferred from one supervisor to another, the annual performance appraisal shall be conducted by each supervisor of the employee proportionate to the amount of time the employee was supervised by each supervisor during the preceding appraisal period. The final appraisal score will represent a percentage of time the employee was supervised by each supervisor. Example: The employee was supervised by Supervisor “A” for 8 months of the year and Supervisor “B” for 4 months. Supervisor “A” rates the employee’s performance at 350 and Supervisor “B” rates the performance at 400. Using a proportionate scoring system, the employee would receive a performance appraisal score of 367: (350*.67) + (400*.33)=367. In all instances, the appraisal shall be an analysis of the employee’s performance of previously established objectives in the employee’s performance plan for the year. All other procedures concerning the performance appraisal of transferred employees, including appeals of appraisals shall be completed according to the manner described in this Policy. In the event an employee is simultaneously supervised by more than one supervisor during the same appraisal period, the performance appraisal score shall be proportionate to the employee’s FTE assigned to each supervisor. Example: Employee works for Supervisor “A” 75% of the week and Supervisor “B” 25% of the week. Supervisor “A” rates the employee’s performance at 375 and Supervisor “B” rates the employee’s performance at 300. Using a proportionate scoring system, the employee would receive a performance appraisal score of 356 (375 *.75) + (300*.25)=356 In all instances, the appraisal shall be an analysis of the employee’s performance of previously established objectives in the employee’s performance plan for the year. All other procedures concerning the performance appraisal of transferred employees, including appeals of appraisals shall be completed according to the manner described in this Policy. 4.5.6. PROCEDURES FOR APPEAL OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS The employee may, within 10 working days of receipt of the final copy of the Performance Appraisal Form, appeal the results of a performance appraisal to the department director if he or she disagrees with how their performance has been appraised. If the appraiser is the XXXX, the employee may appeal to 1 level above the XXXX. Appeals are to be accomplished by confidential memo from the employee to the XXXX or department manager's supervisor, as appropriate. A copy of the appraisal must be attached. Decisions on appeals must be rendered within 5 working days. This decision is final. The XXXX will provide Human Resources with the appeal, any attachments, and his or her final decision for inclusion in the personnel file. 4.5.7. PROCEDURES FOR USING PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT AND PERFORMANCE COMMENDATION FORMS PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT Any time an employee's performance rating falls below minimum performance standard, the supervisor must complete the Performance Improvement Form. The supervisor will use the form to give the employee a reasonable date by which improvement must take place. The supervisor is required to indicate on the Performance Improvement Form the date that the employee will be re-evaluated when an employee’s performance rating falls below minimum. When the required improvement date is reached, the supervisor will fill out the Follow-Up to the Performance Improvement Form. Originals of both of these forms will be kept in the employee's departmental personnel file and copies will be forwarded to Human Resources via the appropriate XXXX. PERFORMANCE COMMENDATION. If during the course of the appraisal cycle, the employee performs in an outstanding manner and the supervisor wishes to recognize this performance, the supervisor will fill out the Performance Commendation Form. The original of this form will be kept in the employee's departmental personnel file and a copy will be forwarded to Human Resources via the appropriate XXXX. 4.5.8. PROCEDURES FOR TIMELINESS OF APPRAISALS AND MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS It is the responsibility of each XXXX to see that all regular administrative, unclassified, and classified employees in their department/section/division receive a written performance appraisal once each year covering the period XXXX to XXXX. Exceptions are for those employees promoted, transferred, reclassified, demoted, or hired between XXXX and XXXX who will be apprised after 6 months on the job and again after the next XXXX. The written performance appraisal and interview will be conducted during XXXX and XXXX of each year unless an alternate appraisal cycle has been approved. Note 1: By XXXX of each year the XXXX will forward a memo to all XXXX reminding them that the annual appraisal form and interview on all regular staff employees must be completed by the last day of XXXX. Note 2: The Manager of Human Resources will provide a reminder notice to all managers on XXXX that all appraisals are due to the XXXX no later than XXXX. The XXXX will forward all appraisals to Human Resources by XXXX. Prior to XXXX, the Human Resources will provide to the XXXX a list by division of all appraisals not received by XXXX. Alternate Appraisal Cycle a. In certain individual situations the needs of the XXXX might be best met by an annual appraisal cycle tied to: 1) activities or events which do not coincide with the calendar year; or 2) employee anniversary date. However, an alternate appraisal cycle should only be used under extraordinary circumstances, on a limited basis, and must be approved by the XXXX. A copy of the P XXXX’s approval must be forwarded to Human Resources. a. If an alternate appraisal cycle is approved, the XXXX is required to contact Human Resources for the proper procedures to follow. 4.5.9. ALTERNATE APPRAISAL SYSTEM A supervisor may use an alternate appraisal system if: it achieves the goals established, and it is approved by the XXXX, then copies of alternate system approvals are forwarded to Human Resources. 4.5.10. MANDATORY TRAINING All employees promoted or reclassified into supervisory positions and all newly hired supervisors must attend performance appraisal training within the first six months of their hire, promotion, or reclassification. 4.5.11. REVIEWERS OF THIS STAFF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL POLICY Reviewers of this Policy include the following: Position Director of Human Resources Director of Equity Chair, Staff Representative 4.5.12 STAFF APPRAISAL FORMS Performance Appraisal Plan Post-Performance Appraisal Form Performance Improvement Form Follow-up to Performance Improvement Form Performance Commendation Form XXXXX Regular Staff Performance Appraisal System Performance Appraisal Plan Employee Name Employee Job Title Person ID Department Period Covered by Appraisal: From To: Reason for Appraisal: Date of Appraisal Annual Other (specify) Employee’s Signature Supervisor’s Signature Part I. PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS Instructions: Performance Expectations are established at the beginning of the appraisal period using the KPIs. Performance standards describe when the performance expectation meets the job requirements. Weights can signify the relative importance of one expectation over another. If all expectations are to be weighted equally, then divide the number of expectations into 100 and put the result in the weight column. The Score column is equal to the weight times the rating. Performance expectations 1 - 3 are only used in evaluating supervisors. Attach additional sheets if needed. Each staff employee is required to have current approved KPIs in their possession and on file in Human Resources. The supervisor will read the KPIs for each employee that he or she supervises prior to appraising their performance. At the time of the appraisal, both the employee and the supervisor must certify that the KPIs for the employee’s job is current and accurate. Completion of this form prior to XXXXX of each year constitutes an employee’s performance plan for the year. Completion of this form the following XXXXX or XXXXX constitutes the documentation necessary to complete the performance appraisal process. Ratings will be: 5 = significantly exceeds performance standard 4 = Exceeds performance standard 3 = Meets performance standards 2 = Does not meet performance standard consistently 1 = Fails to meet performance standard PERFORMANCE EXPECTATION *1. Leadership: Provides advice and help in the achievement of assigned employees’ goals. *2. Employee Development: Provides encouragement and opportunities for staff to participate in development experiences. *3. Employee Appraisal: Appraises assigned employees in a timely and thoughtful manner. **4. Employee Recruitment Progress toward achieving increased numbers of women and ethnic minorities in the workforce 5. 6. 7. PERFORMANCE STANDARD This expectation is met when: WT. RATING *** SCORE (WxR) PERFORMANCE EXPECTATION PERFORMANCE STANDARD This expectation is met when: WT. RATING *** SCORE (WxR) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Totals: 100 Employee complies with policies, procedures and work rules and demonstrates appropriate work related behavior. Yes _____ No____ NOTE: If total score is below 300, then supervisor must complete the Performance Improvement Form. Part II. PERSONAL AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT This section provides an opportunity for a meaningful discussion of the employee’s strengths and significant areas for improvement, career interests, possible future assignments, and a personal development plan covering the next appraisal period. These questions are primarily for development purposes and documentation of ratings as appropriate. 1. Strengths and Performance Exceeding Standard 1a. What are the employee’s major strengths? What does the employee do especially well? 1b. Documentation/justification to identify the specific ways the employee demonstrated performance exceeding “meets performance standards” is required for each Performance Expectation that receives a rating above (3). 2. Improvement and Performance Below Standard 2a. What are the areas needing improvement? 2b. Documentation/justification to identify the specific ways the employee demonstrated performance below “meets performance standards” is required for each Performance Expectation that receives a rating below (3). 3. Compliance with Policies, Procedures and Work Rules 3a. What are the areas needing improvement? 3b. Documentation/justification to identify the specific ways the employee did not comply with policies, procedures, and work rules, or demonstrated inappropriate work related behavior is required. 4a. What training or other professional development experience would help support the employee to meet the performance requirements of his or her job and contribute toward the goals of the department, division and university ? 4b. What training or other professional development experience did the employee attend during the current review period, or is currently scheduled to attend to meet the training and professional development experiences noted in 4a? Supervisor’s Signature Date Employee comments# (optional): I have participated in an appraisal interview and I have been told of my rights to appeal this appraisal with a confidential memo to my department director/chair within ten working days of the receipt of the final copy of this Performance Appraisal Form. My signature indicates that I have reviewed this document and does not necessarily signify agreement with the appraisal. Employee’s Signature Date Witness’ Signature (if necessary) Date Additional comments from XXXXX # (optional): Department Manager’s Signature Date # - Separate sheets(s) may be attached if necessary Distribution: Original to departmental personnel file; copy to employee; copy to XXXXX to be forwarded to Human Resources by XXXXX. xxxxx Regular Staff Performance Appraisal System Post-Performance Appraisal Form (optional) 1. The feedback on my job performance received from my supervisor during the time period prior to my appraisal has been: Clear: Infrequent: Too general: Helpful: 2. agree agree agree agree This performance appraisal: was similar to my expectations 3. disagree disagree disagree disagree was not similar to my expectations I considered this appraisal process: Comfortable: Not helpful: Positive: 4. To improve the process: 5. To improve the form: 6. Other comments: Employee’s Name (print) agree agree agree Job Title disagree disagree disagree Employee’s Signature Date Distribution: Original to Department Manager; copy to Human Resources. xxxxx Regular Staff Performance Appraisal System Performance Improvement Form Employee’s Name Job Title Person ID Department 1. State in detail why the employee’s performance has been rated below standard (a rating of less than 3). Include specific incidents and dates of occurrence (attach extra pages if necessary). 2. State by when improvement must be made and what specific action steps the employee must take to correct the situation (attach extra pages if necessary). 3. State what specific action steps the supervisor will take to help the employee correct the situation (attach extra pages if necessary). 4. What action will be taken if necessary change is not accomplished within the prescribed time frame? Supervisor’s Signature Date I have met with my supervisor to discuss the areas and the reasons why I must improve. I agree to adhere to the improvement plan outlined in item 2 above. Employee’s Signature Date Distribution: Original to Department Manager for inclusion in departmental personnel files; copies to employee, Human Resources, and CEO’s office. xxxxx Regular Staff Performance Appraisal System Follow-Up to Performance Improvement Form Employee’s Name (print) Job Title Person ID Department 1. What steps has the employee taken to correct the situation since the original improvement form was prepared? 2. Has the employee satisfactorily corrected the situation? Yes No If no, what further action is required? Be specific and include dates by which items must be completed and include consequences for failure to improve performance. Such consequences may include termination of employment. 3. Employee’s comments: 4. Supervisor’s comments: 5. Department Director’s comments: Employee’s Signature Date Supervisor’s Signature Date Distribution: Original to Department Manager for inclusion in departmental personnel files; copies to employee, Human Resources, and CEO’s office. xxxx Regular Staff Performance Appraisal System Performance Commendation Form Employee’s Name (print) Job Title Person ID Department 1. In what areas has the employee exceeded expectations? 2. Employee’s comments: 3. Supervisor’s comments: Employee’s Signature Date Supervisor’s Signature Date Distribution: Original to Department Manager for inclusion in departmental personnel files; copies to employee, Human Resources, and CEO’s office. 4.8 STAFF DEVELOPMENT 4.6.1 INTRODUCTION The XXXX Staff Development Policy evolves from the way XXXXX values its staff. This is demonstrated in the XXXX commitment by providing funds for staff development. In its pursuit of excellence the XXXX is convinced that professional, well-equipped and satisfied staff provides the key to the XXXX attaining its mission. The policy provides a framework for staff development in pursuit of enhancing both individual and institutional performance. It outlines the role of the Staff Development (SD) Unit, designates responsibility for staff development and provides a framework for the implementation of the policy, including consideration to redress and equity. XXXX staff is pivotal to achieving the institution’s strategic priorities. To empower them to contribute optimally, it is assumed that they should have / acquire the needed skills/competencies, knowledge, attitudes and values to display behaviour consistent with the competency profiles required by their current and / anticipated future roles or positions. 4.6.5 PURPOSE The Staff Development Policy of the XXXX provides a strategic framework that aims to address staff and organisational development in an integrated manner within the complex education and training context. This policy takes as points of departure the vision; mission; commitment to quality; equity; a service orientation; values and strategic priorities of the XXXX; as well as the RSA Constitution and Skills Development legislation. Against this background it envisaged that performance management (PM) processes together with learning and organisational initiatives be managed in an integrated manner to contribute to the optimising of staff performance and ultimately uphold the XXXX strategic priorities. 4.6.6 OTHER RELEVANT POLICIES The staff development policy of the XXXX should be viewed and executed together with other policy goals and documents of the XXXX; particularly those regarding employment equity, the skills development act, skills levy act, diversity and national policy imperatives that impact on staff development at the XXXX. 4.6.7 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The XXXX’ fundamental aim with staff development is to improve and enhance the quality of both institutional development and individual staff performance within the ambit of education and training. The XXXX further aims to enhance the personal and professional well-being of staff by providing for a working environment that both satisfies and improves productivity. This takes place within a knowledgedriven, scientifically funded and technologically fast developing society where legislation demands accountability and efficiency. The XXXX affirms its mission of excellence by an organisational staff development strategy that is integrated into the u XXXX’s planning cycle and upholds the achievement of the XXXX’s strategic priorities and goals foster a quality culture in all the XXXX activities and facilitate a culture of lifelong learning and development. ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The overarching aim of SD is to maintain and recruit training and support staff of good standing – staff that will view the XXXX as a place of preference and will respond to education and training challenges with confidence and enthusiasm. Staff needs to successfully and proactively negotiate evolving external and internal changes and pressures related to key performance areas. INDIVIDUAL STAFF PERFORMANCE The staff development programme will in future be driven by developmental areas identified by line management against the background of the performance management process. CATEGORIES OF STAFF At the XXXX, staff development addresses the work related needs of all staff, and, unless indicated otherwise, training staff includes both facilitators, assessors and moderators, support staff includes administrative, technical and service workers . AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT The XXXX actively encourages and promotes staff development, with the goal of providing the following opportunities for all staff to participate in appropriate staff development programmes and activities. These include: 4.6.8 Professional development training that includes training required by an individual to retain proficiency and currency in the procedures and practices of a defined discipline or profession. Training within this definition would constitute continuous professional development including, for example, the attendance of professional conferences and the continued development of specialist knowledge and skills, whilst retaining professional registration status. Funding for attendance of programmes of this nature would normally be the responsibility of the individual staff member or his/her department. This includes funding for continued professional development (CPD). Career development training that entails continued training/retraining by way of career development courses and/or the structured training programme schedule of courses and developmental activities. These activities would be designed by the Staff Development Unit of XXXX to meet the staff development needs against the background of the XXXX’s objectives. Funding will be provided by the XXXX’strategic staff development fund and supported by the levies received from the Department of Labour in accordance with the Skills Levies Act (Act 9 of 1999). Individual development training that aims to improve the skills of an individual and to provide a basis for a professional career or to satisfy a personal developmental need. Funding for this training is an individual responsibility. Personal and Professional well-being. These programmes and activities actively encourage and promote the well-being of staff, with the goal of providing for job satsifaction and enhancing staff morale. SPECIAL OBJECTIVES To achieve the above-mentioned the XXXX has adopted the following specific objectives, namely to: Increase equal opportunities and awareness of equity issues; Encourage training department and units to make provision for the professional development of their staff and to include staff development goals, objectives, strategies and action plans in their strategic plans; Provide a professional service to XXXX management and staff; Promote a Performance Management System that will serve as a mechanism to improve and enhance both individual staff and institutional performance. Budget sufficiently for the provision of this service. 4.6.9 AN ALL-ENCOMPASSING MODUS OPERANDI (APPROACH) TO STAFF DEVELOPMENT The XXXXX Unit is responsible for the co-ordination of all staff development, including the work place skills development programme, the grow your own mentorship programme and other related training and development programmes, that provide for a range of activities. The XXXX Staff Development Unit takes responsibility to develop and train staff by means of internal and external providers. Within this process the division should be proactive in seeking to provide relevant opportunities and be responsive to needs of individual members of staff where appropriate. Involvement in staff development is generally voluntary. However, there may be some mandatory training and development, for example, where staff must be equipped in specific areas for the benefit of the XXXX and the enhancement of quality, for their own direct benefit and for the benefit of others, such as in safety matters. Staff development activities occur across a spectrum - from the formal (courses, seminars, workshops, structured on the job training, learnerships, special study programmes, study time, mentoring, coaching, training fellowships etc.) to the informal (ad hoc on the job assistance, private study, networking, informal mentoring, etc.). The following three focus areas form part of the staff development approach: INTEGRATED HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT The development of staff should form part of an integrated human resource system. Procedures for selection, compensation and promotion, probation/tenure and study leave should articulate with and be informed by staff development and vice versa. At best, the different practices should complement each other but at the very least due care must be taken to ensure that these are not in conflict with each other. ETHOS Acknowledgement of multiculturalism/language and acceptance of redress and equity. Overall, staff development of the XXXX is therefore directed at the following: The development of human resources (staff as well as learners). Taking into account the needs and interests of the society. The creation of an ethos of caring as well as the maintenance of enhanced ethical values. MONITORING AND EVALUATION Quality Assurance: The staff development team will evaluate the adequacy of its service provision by means of verbal feedback, questionnaires (review practice in areas of administration and customer service) and to ensure that the provision is appropriate, of high quality and constitutes an effective application of resources. 4.8.7 RESPONSIBILITIES ORGANISATIONAL All departments have a responsibility to identify, facilitate and provide their staff with appropriate staff development opportunities. The Staff Development Unit provides advice and support to assist both individuals and groups to fulfil their staff development responsibilities, specifically in relation to training and development in skills which have broad application across the XXXX. TOP MANAGEMENT Should: Advocate the importance of staff development. Channel a realistic part of their budget to staff development. Create and maintain an appropriate infrastructure for staff development. On a continuous basis, provide moral support in favour of staff development. Establish a performance management system that motivates and rewards good performance. LINE MANAGERS Managers are directly responsible for the identification of the developmental needs of their staff. They are to ensure that these needs are appropriately addressed and timeously communicated to the Staff Development Unit of XXXX. They are also expected to support the overall staff development programmes by encouraging and facilitating participation of their staff, whether as participants, organisers or course leaders and facilitators. Professional development training, i.e. discipline or occupation-specific training is the responsibility of departments/divisions/units. THE STAFF DEVELOPMENT UNIT The Staff Development Unit of XXXX is the official body charged with the promotion of training across the XXXX. It is the function of this unit to support and foster individual and departmental training and development initiatives as identified within the XXXX. In doing so it seeks to move towards the achievement of the full potential of individuals and departments divisions/ units. Thus this unit acts as organiser, promoter, information centre and liaise with departments/ divisions/units. The Staff Development Unit of the XXXX is responsible to: Compile a policy for staff development at the XXXX. Coordinate training and development of training and support staff at the XXXX, with special reference to the performance management system. Take responsibility for the induction of new staff at the XXXX. On an ongoing basis, identify the developmental needs of staff Accountability: Compile a yearly report on training and development provided by the XXXX. Report to the HWSETA regarding training and development at the XXXX. Conduct institutional research on the impact of staff development at the XXXX and report to applicable structures. INDIVIDUAL The major responsibility for the development of work related skills and knowledge rests with each individual staff member. All staff are expected to participate in developmental activities to maximise benefits for both the XXXX and the individual. Each individual is required to equip himself continuously with competencies, skills, etc., in response to evolving and changing job requirements. 4.6.8 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE GUIDELINES All programme designs are based on scientific methods, according to professional standards and subjected to evaluation for purposes of monitoring success. ESTABLISH A TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FUNDING COMMITTEE It is proposed that an independent committee should be established consisting of: CEO Staff Development Unit Skills facilitator Financial advisor PLANNING The staff development unit promotes development opportunities for all staff through the establishement of strategic directions as well as the development and review of relevant policy. The Staff Development Unit’s planning phase includes the following: The staff development activities are determined by the Training and Development Funding Committe under the chairmanship of the CEO. Annual programmes are drafted (normaly between XXXX to XXXX) by the Training and Development Funding Committe in order to prevent duplication and to encourage co-operation. It is the responsibility of the Managers of departement/ divisions/units to identify staff development and training needs and then motivate them to the Training and Development Funding Committe. The result of the performance management system will be used to identiy training and developmental needs. PRESENTATION Internal or external facilitators will be used for the following specific programmes: Induction/orientation People skills Management skills Organisational development INFORMATION SERVICE networking purposes information distribution self-study 4.6.10 FUNDING ALLOCATION OF FUNDS The allocation of funds received from the XXXX strategic staff development fund, supplemented by the levies according to the Skills Levy Act, will primarily be utilised to improve the workplace skills required from staff. In considering the allocation of funds, preference will be given to training and development opportunities that will benefit the entire staff component – not primarily the individual. Allocation of funding from this source will be cognizant of values and principles such as redress, equity, excellence and merit. This fund is not primarily aimed at conference attendance – other avenues for the funding of conference attendance should also be explored and will only be considered in most deserving instances. Criteria that will be used to make decisions for the allocation of funds obtained from the XXXX strategic staff development fund supplemented by the levies according to the Skills Levy Act are e.g. race and gender (in an attempt to rectify past inequalities), qualifications already obtained, qualifications already sponsored by the XXXX, developmental opportunities and exposure already, age (to determine whether the XXXX will benefit from this investment), providing evidence of improving oneself, funding previously received, academic achievements and link with the strategic priorities of the XXXX. Preference will be given to development opportunities that will improve the core business (teaching, learning, research, service to the XXXX’s clientele and community) of the XXXX. PROCEDURE TO APPLY FOR FUNDING APPROVAL OF FUNDING The Manager of the Department/Division should submit a written motivation for funding to the Staff Development Unit. The proposed participant(s) details must be supplied as well as course details such as content, dates, costs (i.e. quotation) and providers’ details. The staff member concerned (in the case of individual applications) must also complete a Staff Development Application form. Funding of staff to attend courses by external providers will not be considered if similar courses are provided within the XXXX. The Staff Development Unit is authorised to approve applications for individual training up to an amount of RXXXX per individual application for training by an external provider (every three year period). The Staff Development Unit will consider and approve funding requests for amounts exceeding those indicated in the aforementioned paragraph. In considering these applications for individuals/groups of individuals, the following criteria will be taken into account: Relevance to the individual’s job and personal development taking into account the current level of experience and qualifications. The need for any particular type of training should be motivated with reference to the individual’s personal development plan as captured in his/her performance appraisal or probation report and/or in the succession plan/ or equity plan for the unit. Applications relevant to XXXX priorities and learning and development related to corporate priorities – both XXXX-wide and service related - will take precedence. Where the Manager is unwilling to support an individual staff member’s fundings application for training, a cover letter by the applicant should motivate why the application deserves special consideration. The costs of this training will be debited to the XXXX’s strategic staff development fund supplemented by the Skills Development Levy account. The CEO is the only signitory on this account ACCOUNTABILITY FOR STAFF DEVELOPMENT The CEO is accountable for the extent, quality, efficiency and equitable delivery of staff development in the XXXX. Information regarding staff development expenditure and participation is required to meet these accountability demands and to enable the XXXX to engage in effective planning both centrally and within budgetary units. The XXXX is also obliged to respond to requests for information on staff training and development by external bodies as stipulated by the Department of Labour and HWSETA. Departments should include a report on their involvement in staff development in publications such as annual reports. 4.6.11 RESOURCE-RELATED ISSUES UTILISING STAFF SKILLS The skills of staff should be used as much as possible within the staff development programmes. Managers and supervisors are expected to support staff development by encouraging and facilitating participation by their staff as course leaders and facilitators. RESOURCE SHARING Sharing of resources for staff development within the XXXX, with other education and training organisations in the region and nationally, and with appropriate organisations and institutions within the health and welfare community should be encouraged. 4.7 SEXUAL HARASSMENT 4.7.1 DEFINITION The XXXX has a strict policy prohibiting all forms of sexual harassment at the work place. This policy applies to all employees, supervisors, learners, vendors and non-employees who have contact with our employees. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests to an employee for sexual favors, and other visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual or offensive nature when either: Submission to such conduct is made an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment, continued employment, or advancement; Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the individual; or Such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. 4.7.2 REPORTING MISCONDUCT Any employee who feels her/him or other coworker is a victim of sexual harassment should immediately report any misconduct to the immediate supervisor or to Human Resources, including, without limitation, without fear of reprisal. The employee can bypass anyone involved in the harassment in reporting it. All complaints and related information will be thoroughly investigated and kept strictly confidential. The results of the investigation shall be promptly reported to the person(s) making the complaint(s). 4.7.3 OUTCOMES Employees who, after investigation, have been determined to have been engaging in the sexual harassment of their co-workers or learners or the use of profane or abusive language which violates the sensitivities of their co-workers or learners will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 4.7.4 REQUIRED SIGNATURE A full copy of this sexual harassment policy will be included with new employee’s copy of these policies. All XXXXX employees are required to sign this attachment as proof that they have read and understand XXXXX’s sexual harassment policy. This form is to be returned to the Human Resources Department and signed by a XXXXX representative. The original will be kept in the employee’s personnel file. 4.7.5 LEARNER COMPLAINTS Learners who believe they have been sexually harassed and wish further information or assistance in filing a complaint, should contact the Human Resources Department, (full Address). 4.8 CONFIDENTIALITY 4.8.1 PERSONNEL FILES COPIES An individual file shall be maintained on all employees of the College. Copies of important transactions, as determined by the President or his/her designee or Human Resources, concerning the employee shall be maintained in this file. INSPECTION BY EMPLOYEES Upon written request, information in the employee’s personnel file, with the exception of confidential employment references sent to or solicited by the College, shall be made available for inspection by the employee or his/her designated agent. Proper identification will be required of the individual. The College reserves the right to make records available only during normal business hours of the office where the records are maintained. Records may be reviewed only in the presence of an employee in the office of record. An appointment must be made with the personnel official at the office of record indicating the specific information desired for review. The office of record given reasonable notice may supply copies of information that is subject to review. 4.8.2 MEDICAL INFORMATION CONFIDENTIALITY The College believes that any medical information about its employees is confidential. Employees are directed to provide the College only with medical information that is specifically requested and not to volunteer detailed medical information that has no bearing upon an employee’s job performance. Employees should not leave detailed medical information on any internal voice mail or include it in email, as these means of communication are not kept confidential. Employees’ medical information will be kept in a secure, separate area. Access to medical information will be restricted and on a need-toknow basis. Employees should exercise care in discussing another’s medical conditions, particularly conditions of other employees. Such information is private and should be treated as such. Any employee who is found to have improperly obtained or disclosed confidential medical information of another employee shall be disciplined up to and including being terminated from employment. ENROLMENT AND ASSISTANCE FROM INSURER No employee shall be permitted to receive any medical information about an employee for any purposes relating to health insurance coverage. Employees who receive health insurance coverage through the XXXX and have any questions regarding coverage or benefits shall be directed to an appropriate representative of the insurer. Employees of XXXX shall not be permitted to assist other employees with health insurance issues, except for the processing of any documentation that may be required for the initial enrollment in any health insurance plan. BREACH OF CONFIDENTIALITY Any employee who believes that confidential information about his/her medical condition or records has been improperly revealed should notify XXXX, or, if she is believed to be the person who committed the unauthorized disclosure, XXXX. All such complaints shall be investigated promptly, and the result of the investigation shall be reported to the employee. 4.8.3 PRIVACY RIGHTS WRITTEN PERMISSION TO RELEASE PERSONNEL DATA Written permission of the employees must be obtained before releasing personal information. The policy lists the following rights of employees regarding their official records: The right to inspect and review information contained in personal records. The right to challenge the contents of their personal records. The right to submit an explanatory statement for inclusion in the personal records if the outcome of the hearing is unsatisfactory. The right to prevent disclosure, with certain exceptions, or personally identifiable information. The right to secure a copy of the XXXXX policy, which includes the location of all personal records. The right to file complaints with the Department of Labour, concerning the alleged failures by XXXXX to comply with the Policy. 5. EVALUATION AND REVIEW The human resources and management policies will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year. A review committee will comprise of the following: CEO Human Resource Manager Union /Staff Representatives ect 6. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY All full-time and fixed-term contracted employees will be given a copy of this policy on appointment. An induction programme will be conducted in order to familiarize employees with the policy and its application. 7. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Human Resource Policy An electronic copy of the Human Resource Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Name Version Number Signature Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Principles of responsibility and accountability 4.2 Bank accounts 4.3 Budget 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 Income Office running costs Project costs Projected expenses Projected income 4.4.1 Operating income 4.4.2 External income 4.4.3 Legal aspects 4.6. Invoicing and collection of external debts 4.7. Expenditure 4.7.1 Personal income 4.7.2 Operating expenditure 4.7.3 Purchases 4.7.4 Reimbursement of costs 4.7.5 VAT recoveries 4.7.6 Advances for expenditure to be incurred 4.8 Insurance cover 4.9 Financial year 4.10 Annual financial statement /financial audit 5. Procedures 6. Communication of policy Date 7. Evaluation and review 8. Documentation 1. PURPOSE To ensure proper financial management and accountability within the organisation in compliance with Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP) and audit requirements applicable to Non Profit Organisations in South Africa. 2. DEFINITION Financial management is the Planning, directing, monitoring, organizing, and controlling of the monetary resources of an organization. It is the process of managing the financial resources, including accounting and financial reporting, budgeting, collecting accounts receivable, risk management, and insurance for a business. 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to all personnel responsible for financial management and accounting, all managers who are directly involved with budget management and expenditure and the CEO as the accounting officer of XXXXX. 4. POLICY APPLICATION 4.3 PRINCIPLES OF RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY The Chairperson, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Executive of XXXXX have the authority to commit funds for expenditure. It is the responsibility of the Chief Executive to approve and monitor all expenditure (with the exception of payments made to her/him personally). The sources of funds within XXXXX are primarily the fees paid by learners, and grants from donors for specific purposes and projects. The expenditure of funds should always satisfy the criterion of serving the interests of XXXXX. In the case of any significant purchase, alternative quotations should be obtained for consideration by the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Executive, and Project Co-ordinator. Any assets acquired remain the property of XXXX. If assets are acquired from donated funds, the donors should be consulted regarding disposal. In respect of the expenditure of funds for which the Chief Executive has been delegated responsibility, it is an important principle of sound financial management that she/he be accountable to someone else for such expenditure. In the case of XXXXX, this is the Board, and regular reporting to both the Executive Committee and the Board is required. Expenditure must remain within the funds available, and be for the purpose for which the funds were intended. The Chief Executive is ultimately responsible for the control of financial activities within XXXXX, and through an adequate reporting structure and with up-to-date financial information, should regularly monitor the status of such expenditure. The Board expects adequately comprehensive and descriptive documentation in support of expenditure, and may be expected to query expenditure if this is not provided. No one individual may be the sole signatory for authorizing expenditure. Expenditure is usually authorized by the Chief Executive and one other signatory. The exception is expenditure for which the Chief Executive is the beneficiary (e.g. salary, travel), in which case two signatures other than the Chief Executive’s are required. In the case of payments for amounts less than R5000.00, two internal signatories will be permitted, one of which must be the Chief Executive, excluding those payments made to either of the signatories. A printout of all electronic transactions is kept in the XXXXX office. Wherever possible, payments will be made via internet transfer. Invoices for amounts under R5000.00 are to be authorized by the Chief Executive and one other internal signatory. Invoices over R5000.00 are to be authorized by the Chief Executive and one Board member. The Chief Executive must designate one of the members of staff of XXXXX to act as custodian of petty cash and other specific assets requiring safeguarding, including the control and storage of keys. Only XXXXX’s official bank accounts may be used for banking or issuing funds. When issuing funds, all payments must be supported by authorized vouchers. 4.4 BANK ACCOUNTS XXXXX accounts are currently held by XXXXX (name of bank). The majority of funds are retained in the high interest bearing accounts, and appropriate amounts are transferred to the current accounts as required. Under no circumstances may bank accounts be opened without obtaining the approval of the Chief Executive and the Board. 4.3 BUDGET XXXXX’s budget for the following year is drafted by the CFO, the CEO and the project co-ordinator responsible for book-keeping, in the second half of the current year, and presented to the Executive Committee and the Board for approval. 4.3.5 OFFICE RUNNING COSTS These are based on the actual costs of the previous year, the estimated costs for the current year, and projected costs for the following year. Line items include rent, telephones, photocopier, stationery, travel, maintenance, staff training, insurance, bank charges and auditor’s fees, etc. 4.3.6 PROJECT COSTS These are based on anticipated activity and expenditure in the coming year. They may be sub-divided into Project Management and Operational costs. 4.3.7 PROJECTED EXPENSES XXXXX office: staff remuneration, office running costs and an amount for capital equipment upgrading are established for the coming year, based on the current year’s budget and expected expenditure. XXXXX projects: Team leaders (where applicable) will submit proposals for funding. In all instances, the CFO and CEO will allocate an appropriate amount to each project for operating expenses and project management for the coming year. Reserve fund: An amount (currently 5% of the total budget) is retained in a reserve fund. This may be used, inter alia, as bridging finance in the case of late payment of membership fees, or as start-up funding for a project not yet budgeted for. In the latter case, the approval of the Executive Committee is required. 4.3.8 PROJECTED INCOME Projected income is calculated according to: projected surplus at the end of the current year (if any); expected donor/grant funding; Training fees other sources of income (e.g. Administrative Fees, Project Management Fees). As a matter of principle XXXXX attempts to retain training fees at as low a level as possible. Grant and donor funding may be required for certain projects in order to sustain this principle. 4.4 INCOME XXXXX is funded through, inter alia : donations, voting of money, grants, or any other person or source supporting the functions of XXXXX; grants from any institution or source granting money for educational purposes; income or accruals for any services rendered; interest on investment. XXXXX’s major sources of income are training fees and donations/grants. Invoices are sent to clients requesting payment of a fee agreed upon previously by the Board. Grants are solicited from foundations and government for specific projects of XXXXX. Fund-raising is primarily the responsibility of the Chief Executive. Whenever XXXXX activities generate additional external income, e.g. workshops, training, conferences, etc., documentation such as invoices or statements must be in the name of XXXXX and debtors to XXXXX must be asked to make payments in settlement of such amounts in the name of XXXXX. Such payments must be deposited directly into XXXXX’s current account. Records are kept of each deposit. 4.4.1 OPERATING INCOME This is normally derived from training fees. Funds are allocated for both recurrent expenditure (salaries and running costs such as rent, telephones), and for non-recurrent expenditure (equipment, travel, projects). 4.4.2 EXTERNAL INCOME This is normally derived from donations, grants and a small amount from funds acquired from workshops, conferences, etc. The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring that details of income and expenditure relevant to a donor are kept in accordance with the donor’s stated reporting requirements. If a donor requires an audit certificate, the Chief Executive must ensure that the external auditor is consulted (currently XXXXX). XXXXX charges a 20% administrative fee on grants received in support of projects, if permitted in terms of the grant. 4.4.3 LEGAL ASPECTS The net income, including donations of XXXXX is available for investment with one or more financial institutions. XXXXX must be administered in such a manner as to preclude any donor from deriving any monetary advantage from monies donated. 4.5. DEPOSIT OF EXTERNAL FUNDS Funds raised or donated should be deposited in XXXXX’s interest-bearing account (money market), and amounts required for expenditure transferred to XXXXX’s current account when required. Deficits may not be accumulated i.e. funds should not be allowed to build up in the money market account while a deficit accumulates in the current account. In the case of a grant awarded for expenditure over several years, it is prudent to capitalize a portion of interest each year in order to retain the purchasing power of the grant. 4.6. INVOICING AND COLLECTION OF EXTERNAL DEBTS Invoices may be issued from the XXXXX office, which is responsible for collecting amounts due to XXXXX. Records are maintained of all transactions. 4.7. EXPENDITURE 4.7.1 PERSONNEL COSTS An amount for expenditure on personnel is allocated by the Board each financial year. The Chief Executive and staff are paid monthly directly by XXXXX, via debit order. When general salary increases are awarded by XXXXX, the approval of the Executive Committee must be sought for the increase in the salaries of XXXXX staff, and the CFO is advised accordingly. Claims for over-time worked are initiated via the XXXXX Claim Form, authorized by the Chief Executive, and submitted to the Personnel Office. 4.7.2 OPERATING EXPENDITURE An amount is allocated by the Board annually. Expenditure items include rent, electricity, telephone, postage, stationery, travel, maintenance, auditor’s fees, staff training, bank charges, etc. Allocations are based on actual expenditure in the previous year. Payments are made by the XXXXX office on receipt of invoices or accounts, and all transactions are recorded on the financial statements tabled at Chief Executive and Board meetings. Purchases are approved by the Chief Executive. In the case of major items of expenditure (over R100 000), confirmation will be sought from the Executive Committee. A petty cash facility is maintained to facilitate small purchases for the office. It is monitored by one of the XXXXX staff, and till slips for all purchases are checked by the Chief Financial Officer / Chief Executive. 4.7.3 PURCHASES MADE FROM XXXXX Purchases made from XXXXX are paid for on receipt of an invoice. 4.7.4 REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL COSTS The Chief Executive and XXXXX Board members duly delegated by the Executive Committee or the Board to conduct XXXXX business or represent XXXXX may claim travel and accommodation expenses. Vouchers/receipts must be submitted with the claim. The staff of XXXXX may claim petrol expenses incurred in attending meetings outside the XXXXX area. The rate per kilometer is determined annually by the Executive Committee. 4.7.5 VAT RECOVERIES XXXXX is not registered as a vendor in respect of VAT. 4.7.6 ADVANCES FOR EXPENDITURE TO BE INCURED Funds may be advanced to members of the XXXXX office, Executive Committee or Board for expenditure to be incurred at a later date on official XXXXX business, which in most cases involves domestic or overseas travel. As soon as the intended expenditure has been incurred, it is the responsibility of the recipient to account to the Chief Executive by submitting all supporting documentation. Any unspent funds must be deposited in the XXXXX current account. 4.8 INSURANCE COVER XXXXX is insured by XXXXX for the contents of the XXXXX office, electronic equipment, and public liability. The building itself and its surroundings are insured by XXXXX. Claims are subject to XXXXX paying the required excess. As the excess always constitutes the first contribution to a loss, it follows that any loss will result in an unrecoverable loss to F XXXXX. This makes the avoidance of loss a priority, and every precaution is taken against such loss occurring. 4.10 FINANCIAL YEAR The financial year of XXXXX will run from XXXXX to XXXXX. 4.10 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS / ANNUAL AUDIT A statement of income and expenditure during the previous financial year, as well as a balance sheet of XXXXX’s financial position at the end of said year, are prepared by the XXXXX office. External auditors (currently XXXXX) audit the financial statements at the end of each financial year, and produce reports for F XXXXX. Financial Statements together with the Auditor’s Reports are presented at the Annual General Meeting. Accounting procedures in the XXXXX office are in line with the requirements of the auditors 5. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY The Financial Management Policy will be distributed to all Managers and all personnel responsible for financial management and accounting. A workshop will be conducted for all staff within the organisation to familiarize them with the policy. 6. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year by the Financial Personnel in conjunction with the Management Team. 7. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Financial Management Policy An electronic copy of the Financial Management Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Managing conflict of interest 4.2 Code of conduct Procurement Procedure Communication of Policy Evaluation and review Documentation Date 1. PURPOSE The purpose of the procurement policy is to: Procure the necessary quality and quantity of goods and/or services in an efficient, timely and cost effective manner, while maintaining the controls necessary for a corporation. Encourage an open competitive bidding process practicable for the acquisition of goods and/or services and equitable treatment of all vendors. Ensure the maximum value of an acquisition is obtained by determining the total cost of performing the intended function over the lifetime of the task. This may include, but not be limited to, acquisition cost, installation, disposal value, disposal cost, training cost, maintenance cost, quality of performance and environmental impact. Procure goods and/or services with due regard to the preservation of the natural environment and to encourage the use of “environmentally friendly” products and services. 2. DEFINITIONS “Control” means the possession and exercise of legal authority and power to manage the assets, goodwill and daily operations of a business and the active and continuous exercise of appropriate managerial authority and power in determining the policies of the business and directing the operations of the business. “Management” means an activity inclusive of control and performed on a daily basis, by any person who is a principal executive officer of the company, by whatever name that person may be designated, and whether or not that person is a director. 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to the following within the organisation: CEO Project Managers Financial Management and Accounting Staff; and Procurement Officer 4. POLICY APPLICATION Quotations or proposals submitted after the Request for Proposals (RFP) submission deadline, respectively, will not be accepted. Goods and/or services with an estimated value: up to R5,000 will be acquired at competitive prices by referencing catalogues, suppliers’ lists or advertised prices or through negotiation where prices offered are fair and equitable; from R5000 to R30,000 will be acquired by implementing an Notice of Intent where only one vendor has been identified with the capability of providing the goods and/or services or by implementing a RFP from a minimum of three suppliers to ensure an adequate degree of competition; and above R30,000 will be acquired by implementing an NOI where only one vendor has been identified with the capability of providing the goods and/or services or by implementing a RFP which will be sent to pertinent identified vendors and posted electronically on the XXXX website. A purchase order will be issued for all goods and services with a value of R5, 000 or more. No work shall begin until the purchase order is issued and any modification to the goods and/or services shall be made only by amendment to the purchase order. Where a product is purchased, the cost shall be the sum of all costs, including but not limited to, purchase price, all taxes, delivery, installation, warranty, life cycle cost, operating and disposal costs incurred which meets the specifications. Where a service is purchased, the cost shall be the sum of all costs, including but not limited to purchase price, all taxes and all related expenses. XXXX staff and Board of Directors shall consider all factors in obtaining the most cost efficient and effective bid. Emergency or time sensitive procurements that do not follow the above procedures require written authorization by the Treasurer, or in his absence, the Chair or Vice-chair. 4.1 MANAGING CONFLICT OF INTEREST Board members and employees of XXXX shall not have a pecuniary interest, either directly or indirectly, in any contract with XXXX or with any person acting for XXXX in any contract for the supply of goods and/or services for which XXXX pays or is liable, directly or indirectly, to pay unless such interest has been declared pursuant to the XXXX’s 4.2 CODE OF CONDUCT Members of the Board are required to declare any pecuniary interest direct or indirect, and its general nature, which may result in a conflict of interest. Employees of XXXX are required to declare any pecuniary interest, either direct or indirect, in writing to the CEO, with a copy to the Chair, indicating the specific nature of the conflict. If the CEO has a pecuniary interest, either direct or indirect, the CEO is required to declare the interest in writing to the Chair. The CEO is required to report any employee conflict of interest that cannot be isolated and resolved to the Chair and the Finance-Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. Any contract with XXXX, or with any person acting for the XXXX, and any contract for the supply of goods, materials or services for work for which XXXX pays or is liable, directly or indirectly, to pay in which a member of the Board or any employee of WDO has an undeclared pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, may be voided. Purchasing representatives of XXXX will not accept gifts or favours in return for business or the consideration of business and will not publicly endorse one company in order to give that company an advantage over others. 5. PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE The following procedures will be utilized, as appropriate, to acquire goods and services: Request for Information (RFI) to solicit information on which to base a procurement process and/or decision Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) to determine the interest of vendors to provide the goods and/or services Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to determine the qualifications of vendors to provide the goods and/or services Notice of Intent (NOI) to award a purchase order when only one vendor has been identified with the capability to provide the goods and/or services Invitation to Quote (ITQ) when the specifications of the goods and/or services are known and the preferred supplier will be selected on price alone Request for Proposals (RFP) when the preferred supplier will be selected on the basis of a number of considerations including the vendor’s approach to providing the goods and/or services, qualifications, experience, ability, personnel availability, timeliness of delivery, price An RFI, REOI, RFQ or NOI may not lead to an ITQ or RFP solicitation process but are independent of the solicitation process. Participation in an information gathering process does not guarantee participation in the subsequent ITQ or RFP solicitation process. An RFQ may be used to pre-qualify vendors for an NOI, ITQ or RFP solicitation process. Vendors will be provided with a minimum of 15 calendar days to respond to an RFI, REOI, RFQ, ITQ or RFP. During an RFP process, vendors may communicate questions of clarification in writing to the XXXX employee point of contact specified in the RFP. Responses to the questions of clarification will be provided by the XXXX employee to all vendors who have identified themselves as intending to submit a proposal. 6. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY The Procurement Policy will be distributed to all Managers and all personnel responsible Procurement of goods and services as well as personnel responsible for financial management and accounting. A workshop will be conducted for all staff within the organisation to familiarize them with the policy. 7. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year. 8. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Procurement Policy. An electronic copy of the Procurement Policy. A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Appendices Declaration of Interest Form XXXXXXX Declaration of Interest Do you have any business or personal interests that might be material and relevant to the business of the XXXXX? Yes O No O If your answer is yes, please give details. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Please return completed form to: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Full names and physical address) Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Name Version Number Signature Date Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Purpose Definitions Scope Legal framework Policy application 6.1 Responsibilities and obligations 6.1.1General duties of the organisation as employer to the employees 6.1.2. Responsibilities of employees 6.1.3 Responsibilities of employers and self-employed persons to persons other than their employees 6.2 The duties of the CEO 6.3 Designation of the health and safety representatives 6.4 Functions of the occupational health and safety representatives 6.5 Facilities, training and assistance to health and safety representatives 6.6 Co-operation with inspectors by employer and employees 6.7 Occupational Health and Safety Committee 6.8 Business of the Health and Safety Committee 6.9 Acts or omission by employees 6.10 Contingency plan 6.11 Compliance 6.12 Implementation 7. Communication of Policy 8. Evaluation and review 9. Documentation 1. INTRODUCTION Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993, requires the employer to provide and maintain as far as reasonable and practical a work environment that is safe and without risk to the health of employees. This means the employer must ensure that the workplace is free of hazardous ergonomics and substances, microorganisms etc, which may cause injury or diseases. Where this is not possible, the employer has to inform the employees of the risks and dangers, and how these may be prevented. XXXXX is legally obliged and committed to create a healthy and safe working environment for all its employees. 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish minimum standards and requirements of occupational health and safety for the XXXXX in order to reduce the risk by: Identifying hazards and possible risks causing incidents and accidents, Setting standards of practice, procedures and accountability, Measuring performance against standards, Evaluating compliance with standards, Correcting deficiencies, deviations, and set standards of procedures to be followed, Creating and maintaining a healthy and a safe work environment. 3. DEFINITIONS “Act” means the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. “Accident” means any accident arising out of and in the course of an employee’s employment and resulting in a personal injury, illness or death of the employee. Chief fire coordinator” means contingency officer who is responsible for the coordination of fire team in the designated areas. “Contingency Plan” means any action that is to be activated during any emergency situation in order to prevent and/or combat or counteract the effects and results of an emergency situation where life or property is threatened. “Contingency Officers” for the purpose of this policy means an Occupational Health and Safety representative. “Compensation Commissioner” means the Compensation Commissioner appointed under Section 2 of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 1993 “Danger” means anything that may cause injury or damage to persons or property. “Employer” means the CEO of the XXXXX or the official to whom the responsibility for compliance with the Act has been delegated. “Employee” means any person who is employed by or works for the employer and who receives or is entitled to receive any remuneration or who works under the direction or supervision of the employer. “Hazard” means any source of/ or exposure to danger. “Healthy” means free from illness or injury attributable to occupational causes. “Health and safety standard” means any standard irrespective of whether or not; it has the force of law, which if applied for the purpose of this policy, will in the opinion of the CEO promote the attainment of objectives of this policy. “Inspector” means an Occupational Health and Safety Inspector of the Department of Labour. “Occupational health” includes occupational hygiene, occupational medicine and biological monitoring. “Occupational Health and Safety Representative” (OHSR) means authorized person designated to perform health and safety duties in XXXXX. “Occupational Health and Safety Committee” means a committee established under section 19 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 “Occupational Hygiene” means anticipation, recognition evaluation and control of conditions arising in or from the workplace, which may cause illness or adverse health effects to persons. “Occupational medicine” means the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness, injury and adverse health effects associated with a particular type of work. “Premises” include any building, vehicle or aircraft owned by XXXXX. “Proper use” means use of any item with reasonable care, and with due regard for any information, instruction or advice supplied by the designer, manufacturer, importer seller or supplier. “Risk” means the probability that injury or damage will occur. “Safe” means free from any hazard. “Workplace” means any premises or place where an official of XXXXX performs work in the course of her/his employment. 4. SCOPE The provisions of this policy are applicable to all employees and work places of XXXXX, as well as persons other than employees whilst within the premises of XXXXX. 5. LEGAL FRAMEWORK The directives from which this policy is derived are: Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996) Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993, as amended and regulated issues in terms of section 43 of the Act Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993, as amended Basic Conditions for Employment Act 75 of 1997, as amended Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, as amended Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, as amended Disaster Management Act 57 of 2000 as amended Fire brigade Act 99 of 1997 as amended Hazardous Substance Act 15 of 1973 as amended National Water Act 36 of 1998 National Building Regulation act 103 of 1977 National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 Environmental Conversation act 73 of 1989 Road Transportation Act 74 of 1979 as amended Tobacco control act 83 of 1993 as amended Public Service Regulations, 2001, as amended Access to Public Premises and Vehicles Act 53 of 1985 National Health Act 61 of 2003 6. POLICY APPLICATION 6.1 RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS It is the responsibility of both the employer as well as all employees to ensure a safe and healthy working environment in the premises of XXXXX. 6.1.1 GENERAL DUTIES OF EMPLOYER TO THE EMPLOYEES XXXXX shall provide and maintain all equipment that is necessary to perform work and all systems according to which work must be done, in a condition that will not affect the health and safety of employees. Protective equipment should be provided where it is required to mitigate risks and hazards. To ensure that these duties are complied with, the employer must: Take measures to protect employee’s health and safety against hazards that may result from the production, processing, use, handling, storage or transportation of articles/substances i.e. anything that employees come into contact with at work. Ensure that contingency officers’ are equipped with the first aid kit that would be accessible to all employees in case of emergency. Identify potential hazards which may be present while work is being done, something is being produced, processed, used, stored or transported. Provide precautionary measures and means to implement the measures that are necessary for any equipment, which is being used to protect employees against hazards. This must be done by providing the necessary information, instructions, training and supervision while keeping the extent of employee’s Competence in mind. i.e. a list of what employees may and may not do, (e.g. not permit anyone to carry on with any task unless the necessary precautionary measures have been taken). Take steps to ensure that every employee within his/her employment complies with the requirements of this policy. Enforce the necessary control measures in the interest of health and safety. Ensure that each employee is trained and understands the hazards associated with the work he / she is performing. Ensure that the Occupational Health and Safety precautionary measures are implemented and maintained. 6.1.2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES It is the duty of all employees to: Take care of their own health and safety, as well as that of other employees who may be affected by their actions or negligence at work; Give information to inspectors from the Department of Labour when so required; Wear the prescribed safety clothing or use the prescribed safety equipment where necessary; Report unsafe or unhealthy conditions to the employer or OHSR as soon as possible. If employees are involved in an incident that may affect their health or cause an injury, they should report that incident to the employer and authorized person or the OHSR as soon as possible, but not later than the end of the shift during which the incident occurred. Unless the circumstances were such that the reporting of the incident was not possible in which case the employee must report the incident as soon as it is practically possible; Carry out any lawful order given and obey the health and safety rules and procedures laid down by the employer or by any other authorized person in the interest of health and safety; Execute good housekeeping in the workplace and ensure that there is no health and safety hazard due to bad housekeeping; and The principle to be followed to reduce risks is to make sure that there is a place for everything and everything is in its place. 6.1.3 RESPONSIBILTIES OF EMPLOYERS AND SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS TO PERSONS OTHER THAN THEIR EMPLOYEES The employer operating within the scope of XXXXX, shall conduct his/her undertaking in such a manner as to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that persons other than those in his/her employment who may be directly affected by his activities are not thereby exposed to hazards to their health or safety. The self-employed person operating within the scope of XXXXX shall conduct his/her undertaking in such a manner as to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that he/she and other persons who may be directly affected by his/her activities are not thereby exposed to hazards to their health or safety. 6.2 THE DUTIES OF THE CEO The CEO shall as far as it is reasonably and practical ensure that all activities relating to health and safety are conducted discharged according to the Act. The Chief Executive Officer in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 shall appoint a person in terms of Section 16(2) of the Act, without derogating from his responsibility any person who shall: perform duties on behalf of and report to the CEO; bear the authority and powers of ensuring that all necessary activities are executed in terms of the act; and be appointed in terms of the Act to represent employees in all matters relating to health and safety issues on each floor of all the XXXXX’s buildings. 6.3 DESIGNATION OF HEALTH AND SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES The number of health and safety representatives per workplace will be as allocated and agreed to from time to time by the Occupational Health and Safety Committee (OHSC). Only officials who are appointed in a full-time capacity at a specific work place and who are familiar with the conditions and activities at such a workplace will be eligible to be nominated and elected as health and safety representatives. Health and safety representatives will be nominated from amongst the employees at a workplace and if the nominees accept, they will be appointed accordingly and issued with appointment letters. Where more nominations are received than the number of health and safety representatives required, a ballot will take place to democratically elect the required number of representatives from amongst the nominees. For this purpose every employee at a workplace will have only one vote. Only where the process above does not provide the required number of health and safety representatives, will the employer be allowed to designate for a specified period employees at such a workplace, as health and safety representatives. In this situation the employer may also call for and consider volunteers for such a position. The term of office of a health and safety representative will be two years. A health and safety representative may be removed from office for the following reasons: a) Dereliction of duty. b) Repeated failure to carry out their assigned duties or instructions. The request for the removal of a health and safety representative may be instigated by employees in the workplace or the employer. If a representative is found guilty after an enquiry, the employer will issue a letter informing him/her that he/she has been removed from the position of health and safety representative. In accordance with Section 18(4) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, a health and safety representative shall not incur any civil liability by reason of the fact that he/she failed to do anything, which he/she may do or is required to do in terms of the Act. When a position of health and safety representative becomes vacant because of a resignation/transfer/due to death or removal from office, the provisions of paragraphs 8 i to iv will apply with regard to the filling of the vacancy. 6.4 FUNCTIONS OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES (OHSRs) OHSR shall: Conduct health and safety audits in order to check the effectiveness of health and safety measures; Together with the employer investigate incidents, complaints from workers regarding health and safety matters and report them in writing to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee; Make representation regarding the safety of the workplace to the employer, or health and safety committee or where the representations are unsuccessful to a health and safety Inspector; Conduct an inspection to the workplace after notifying the employer of the inspection; Participate in discussions with the Inspectors at the workplace and accompany Inspectors on inspections; Inspect documents with the consent of the employer and be accompanied by a technical advisor during an inspection; Work in collaboration with XXXXX in promoting a safe and health hazard free environment; Serve as members of the Occupational Health Safety committee, without derogating from his/her responsibility as an OHSR; and Attend health and safety committee meetings. 6.5 FACILITIES, TRAINING AND ASSISTANCE TO HEALTH AND SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES An approved inspection authority as agreed upon by the OHSC will carry out an initial risk analysis of every workplace. This will form the basis/platform from where the health and safety representatives in conjunction with the OHSC can handle the process further. A safety management system will be implemented for every workplace as provided for by NOSA or any other relevant body as agreed upon by the OHSC. To assist the health and safety representatives in performing their duties, all employees will be continually educated and guided on eliminating health and safety hazards and on the prevention of accidents. This will be kick-started by all employees undergoing health and safety course or the STEP (safety through empowerment of people) program, which will be funded by the clusters. Health and safety representatives will be provided with any other facilities, training and assistance as identified from time to time by any of the parties to and agreed upon by the OHSC. 6.6 CO-OPERATION WITH INSPECTORS BY EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEES The employer and employees must comply with requests, orders, directions, and subpoenas, from inspectors and may not prevent another person from complying with the inspector’s requests, orders and directions. The inspectors’ questions should be answered, but employees are not obliged to answer questions, which may be incriminating to them. When the inspector so requires he/ she must be provided with the necessary means and assistance to conduct an investigation. The inspector may not be insulted or interrupted during an investigation. 6.7 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE (OHSC) The OHSC shall consist of all health and safety representatives within XXXXX. The composition of the OHSC will be in terms OHS Section 19 of the Act. The number of persons nominated by the employer shall not exceed the number of health and safety representatives on the OHSC. The OHSC may co-opt one or more person(s) by reason of his or her or their particular knowledge of health and safety matters as an advisory member(s) of the committee. One representative from every trade union represented in the XXXXX will be allowed observer status at meetings of the OHSC. If 10% or more of employees forward a request for a meeting to the Inspector, the chairperson may order that such a meeting be held within 14 working days. If such a meeting does not take place, employees may forward the request to an inspector who may order such meeting be held at a time and place as he/she may determine. 6.8 BUSINESS OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE The OHSC will meet as often as may be necessary, but at least four times in a calendar year at a venue to be made available by the employer for this purpose. Any costs incurred by health and safety representatives or any designated employees to attend meetings, will be borne by the XXXXX. XXXXX would provide the Secretariat and Chaired by the XXXXX. The OHSC will conduct its business in accordance with sections 19 and 20 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 as well as be responsible for the allocation of the health and safety representatives per workplace. The committee shall determine the procedure at meetings of the OHSC. The OHSC will also present its minutes of decisions and recommendations to the Risk Management Committee Meeting for information and any further actions as might be deemed necessary. 6.9 ACTS OR OMISSIONS BY EMPLOYEES Where any employee’s action is deemed to be contradictory to the policy, he/she shall be charged with misconduct and disciplinary action initiated against him/her. 6.10 CONTINGENCY PLAN XXXXX shall develop and implement the contingency plan within XXXXX. Evacuation drills must be exercised, periodically in terms of the contingency plan to ensure adherence of employees and to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan. Occupational Health and Safety Committee must review and up-date the contingency plan every three years. 6.11 COMPLIANCE All employees shall comply with the OHS policy and the procedural manual. 6.12 IMPLEMENTATION The Occupational health and Safety Policy will be implemented in XXXXX on a date, which will be communicated to all employees after approval by the CEO. 7. COMMUNICATION This policy will be circulated to all employees of XXXX. OHS training will be offered to all employees mandatorily. 8. EVALUATION AND REVIEW The Occupational Health and Safety Policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year. 9. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy An electronic copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Appendices Incident Report Form XXXXX Incident Report REPORTING PARTY INFORMATION: First & Last Name: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________________ Department: ______________________________________________________________ Position :__________________________________________________________ Date report completed, in it’s entirety: __________________ INJURED PARTY INFORMATION: First & Last Name: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Sex: ____________ , Date of Birth: ________________ , Age if DOB unknown: _________ Next of kin: ________________________________________________________ Telephone/Address, if different from above: ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ INCIDENT INFORMATION: Date and Time of Incident: _______________________________________________________________ Place of Incident: _______________________________________________________________________ Describe what injured party was doing when incident occurred, any unsafe conduct or conditions: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Describe specific injuries resulting from incident; note any lost time from work: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Describe medical care/emergency care provided; name of person(s), doctor(s) providing care: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ WITNESSES / OTHERS INVOLVED IN INCIDENT: Names: Telephone numbers: ______________________________________ __________________________ ______________________________________ __________________________ ______________________________________ __________________________ ______________________________________ __________________________ ACTION TAKEN: Unsafe conditions to be resolved. Unsafe behavior to be corrected. No action is required, simply noted. Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Principles of assessments 4.1.1 Fairness 4.1.2 Validity 4.1.3 Reliability 4.1.4 Practicality 4.2 Assessment process 4.3 Criteria for assessors 4.4 Assessment requirements 4.4.1 Attendance registers 4.4.2 Facilitation calendar 4.4.3 Assessment calendar 4.4.4 Assessment plan 4.4.5 Pre-assessment meeting agenda 4.4.6 Pre-assessment meeting minutes 4.4.7 Assessment documents 4.4.8 Learner feedback on assessment 4.4.9 Assessor feedback on assessment 4.4.10 Assessor review of assessment Procedures Communication of Policy Evaluation and review Documentation Date 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all learner assessments activities conducted at XXXXX are fair, valid and credible inline with good principles of assessments. 2. DEFINITION Assessment means the process of collecting evidence of learners’ work to measure and make judgments about the achievement or non-achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework standards and/or qualifications. 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to all registered assessors on full-time, contract or temporary employment with XXXXXX. 4. POLICY APPLICATION Our two main commitments in relation to moderation can be summarised as follows: The assessment system is principled, prompt and systematic. Assessment activities are undertaken in relation to the design of the instruments as well as the moderation of the assessment process. 4.1 PRINCIPLES OF ASSESSMENTS 4.1.1 FAIRNESS An assessment should not in any way hinder or advantage a learner. Unfairness could relate to: irregularities, such as cheating, threats or bribery; unequal opportunities or resources; biased assessment (e.g. in relation to ethnicity, gender, age, disability, social class, language); or ambiguous or unclear assessment instructions. 4.1.2 VALIDITY A valid assessment measures what it claims to measure. In order to achieve validity in the assessment, assessors should: state clearly what outcome(s) is/are being assessed; use an appropriate assessment method; and ensure that the evidence is real and up to date, and that there is enough evidence to show competence; 4.1.3 RELIABILITY Reliability in assessment is about consistency. Consistency means that comparable judgments are made in the same (or similar) contexts each time a particular assessment for specified intentions is administered. Assessment judgements should also be comparable between different assessors. Assessment results should not be perceived to have been influenced by variables such as: assessor bias; different assessors interpreting the standards or qualifications inconsistently; different assessors applying different standards; assessor stress and fatigue; assessor assumptions about the learner, based on previous performance. 4.1.4 PRACTICALITY Finally, the principle of practicality should be borne in mind. Assessment should be designed to be as effective as possible in the context of what is feasible and efficient in a particular learning programme or RPL process. Practical considerations mean taking into account factors such as financial resources, facilities, equipment and time. 4.2 ASSESSMENT PROCESS The assessment process follows the process implicit in the unit standard “Conduct Assessment of Learning Outcomes” (115753): The assessor prepares everything for the assessment. The learners are prepared for the assessment. The assessment is conducted and the outcomes and evidence are recorded. The learners are given general feedback as appropriate. The assessment decision is made and moderated. The results are recorded and sent to the ETQA for verification, and any appeals are heard and followed up. Assessments are reviewed on a regular basis. However, our organisation has some specific policies in addition to the routine processes: There is a pre-course assessment which is used to place learners appropriately and also to help determine and provide what learners actually need. Where a pre-course assessment process reveals that an individual may require additional academic support, then this can be accommodated in the programme. There are on-going formative assessments throughout the programme. These are used to identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses (and strengths and weaknesses of the programme) and to address them through appropriate parts of the programme (which may need to be adapted for this purpose). They employ a variety of methods. There are summative assessments at specified points during the programme. There is at least one integrative summative assessment near the end of the programme, which assesses applied competence and relates to the purpose of the qualification or unit standard(s) being assessed. Evidence of competence from other sources (e.g. statements from the coach, supervisor or other appropriate witnesses) is used to support the evidence of competence gained from the summative assessments. If the summative assessment results are inconclusive, this other evidence is used to determine the learner’s competence. Learners are prepared for assessment and given feedback as part of the assessment process. They understand the right to appeal and how to access it. Our learners are taken through all the relevant information at the beginning of each programme, given an opportunity to discuss anything that is unclear, and then asked to sign a statement agreeing that they understand the assessment process. We review the assessment processes and instruments that we have used and ensure that these are moderated where new instruments are introduced or changes are made. 4.3 CRITERIAS FOR ASSESSORS Our use of assessors complies with HWSETA requirements: Assessors are ethical, skilled, unbiased and knowledgeable in relevant areas. HWSETA constituent registered assessors and moderators sign a Code of Conduct. If they fail to adhere to this Code, they can be de-registered. Assessors are trained in line with the requirements of the HWSETA, and registered to conduct assessment only in their area of subject matter expertise. Assessors are registered with the HWSETA as constituent assessors. 4.4 ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS 4.4.1 ATTENDANCE REGISTERS All learner names for the year. 4.4.2 FACILITATION CALENDER Needs to show curriculum plan/lesson plans; Needs to show planning for meetings and feedback. 4.4.3 ASSESSMENT CALENDER Can be integrated into facilitation plan (cost-effective and information efficient); Should be planned, set and accessible to all and by all facilitators. 4.4.4 ASSESSMENT PLAN To be done for all major formative assessments To be done for all summative assessments Must contain information regarding: The learning information to be assessed The assessor’s name The learners to be assessed The venue, date and time of assessment The assessment tools to be used If applicable the moderator’s name To be signed by all parties involved Should be given within an acceptable time period 4.4.5 PRE-ASSESSMENT MEETING AGENDA Should state the venue, date and time of meeting Should be signed by all parties involved Should state information regarding the assessment content, the assessment procedure, and the appeals procedure 4.4.6 PRE-ASSESSMENT MEETING MINUTES Should cover everything stated in the agenda Should be signed by all parties involved 4.4.7 ASSESSMENT DOCUMENTS Theory papers and model answers (memo): Needs to include foundational, knowledge and reflexive questions Needs to be kept in safe and secure place, procedure in place Needs to be liquid in form, i.e. non repetitive cycle Observational checklist Case studies and mark sheet Projects/assignments and mark sheet Logbook (hours practical) Other (plus marking criteria) 4.4.8 LEARNER FEEDBACK ON ASSESSMENT Learners should give feedback on the assessment and assessor 4.4.9 ASSESSOR FEEDBACK ON ASSESSMENT Assessor needs to give feedback to the learner on their assessment 4.4.10 ASSESSOR REVIEW OF ASSESSMENT Assessor should state good and bad practices of the assessment procedure 5. PROCEDURE The following procedures are adhered to in the design of the assessment to ensure that it is consistent with our policy: A decision is taken as to whether there is the capacity within the organisation to design the assessment plan and instruments required for a particular programme, or whether this should be purchased from a credible provider. Where assessment is purchased, this will be in line with procurement policies. Quality checks will be put in place to ensure that the assessment plan and instruments are consistent with our organisation’s policies. Where the assessment plan and instruments are designed in-house, this will involve the following steps: A team will be created consisting of both subject matter and assessment experts. The team will analyse the unit standard(s) or qualification and decide broadly on the components of an assessment plan. The individuals with subject matter expertise will then indicate what evidence is required to ensure that the assessment instrument and process will enable the assessor to make a valid and reliable assessment judgment. Those individuals with assessment expertise will then draft a plan and instruments. There will then be a collective process of evaluating and adapting the plan and instruments before they are piloted. The plan and instruments will be moderated before the pilot. Feedback will be given to the team after the pilot and the plan and instruments will be reviewed. All new instruments are moderated. This is the responsibility of the provider All instruments and overall assessment plans are reviewed annually and if there are changes these are moderated. 6. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy should be circulated to all Assessors, Moderators and Facilitators within XXXXX. A workshop should be conducted with all Assessors, Moderators and Facilitators within XXXXX. 7. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year. The evaluation and review team should comprise of the following: Assessors Moderators and Facilitators 8. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Assessment Policy An electronic copy of the Assessment Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Appendices Assessment Plan Form Principles of Assessment Evaluation Form Assessment Feedback and Report Form Assessment Plan Form Name of candidate/s to be assessed Unit standard to be assessed Planned date for assessment meeting Date for pre-assessment meeting Planned date for assessment Time for assessment Method of assessment Observation Face to face (Tick in the appropriate box) Written Work based project Assignment Simulation During training Portfolio of Evidence RPL evidence Place for assessment Approval of assessment YES NO Assessment approved by Assessor’s name Assessor’s signature Date PRINCIPLES OF ASSESSMENT EVALUATION FORM Candidate Assessor Assessor Date of assessment Unit Standard Title Level Credits SAQA ID PRINCIPLES OF ASSESSMENT PRINCIPLE ASSESSMENT PROCESS FAIRNESS Learner was prepared for this assessment. Y N Learner has access to resources during assessment. Y N Assessment was non discriminatory to the learner with regards to gender, race Y N Special needs of the learner were taken into consideration. Y N Assessment measures what it says it is measuring (SKVA) Y N Activities relates to the Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria. Y N All Specific Outcomes and Criteria are addressed. Y N Parties make use of readily available resources, equipment, facilities and time. Y N The whole process relates to the context that is relevant to the learner. Y N VALIDNESS PRACTICALITY Yes/No COMMENT RELIABILITY The instructions are unambiguous, clear and consistent. Y N The process encourages learners to demonstrate their competence. Y N Same judgments can be made in the similar contexts. Y N ASSESSOR’S SIGNATURE ASSESSOR FEEDBACK & REPORT FORM Candidate Assessor Assessor Date of assessment Unit Standard Title Level Credits SAQA ID ASSESSMENT DECISIONS: Competent O Not Yet Competent O SO 1 SO 4 SO 2 SO 5 SO 3 SO 6 ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK REFERENCE TO UNIT STANDARD SO 1 SO 2 SO 3 SO 4 SO 5 SO 6 ASSESSOR’S COMMENTS ACTION PLAN: (If any) ASSESSOR’S SIGNATURE Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Principles of moderation 4.2 Approaches to moderation 4.3 Criteria for moderators 4.4 Moderation of assessments 4.5 Moderation requirements 4.5.1 Moderation plan 4.5.2 Pre-moderation meeting agenda 4.5.3 Pre-moderation meeting minutes 4.5.4 Moderation documents 4.5.5 Moderator review of moderation 4.5.6 Moderator feedback on moderation 4.5.7 Assessor feedback on moderation 4.5.8 Moderator report and trend analysis 5. 6. 7. 8. Procedures Communication of Policy Evaluation and review Documentation Date 1. PURPOSE It is the policy of the XXXX that we ensure fairness, validity and credibility of all our moderation of assessments activities. 2. DEFINITION Moderation means the process which ensures that assessment of the outcomes described in the National Qualifications Framework standards and/or qualifications is fair, valid and reliable 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to all registered assessors and moderators on full-time, contract or temporary employment with XXXXXX. 4. POLICY APPLICATION Our two main commitments in relation to moderation can be summarised as follows: The moderation system is principled, prompt and systematic. Moderation activities are undertaken in relation to the design of the instruments as well as the moderation of the assessment process. 4.1 PRINCIPLES OF MODERATION The principles of fairness, validity and reliability discussed above imply that some form of moderation needs to be applied to assessments. In other words, moderation is a key element of an assessment system. Moderation checks that assessments are conducted to an acceptable standard. It is the process of ensuring that the assessments have been conducted in line with agreed practices, so that the results are fair, reliable and valid. Moderation confirms that the assessment instrument is acceptable, that assessment judgements are acceptable, and that the evidence is sufficient, authentic, valid and current. Moderation should happen within an organisation to check that different assessors are assessing learners to the same standard. 4.2 APPROACHES TO MODERATION All moderators shall approach the moderation of learner assessments with the following attitude: The concept of positive reinforcement will be applied No negative reinforcement will be allowed by any moderator The moderator will act as a coach and mentor to the assessor and learner Instructor manuals will be developed and available for all courses delivered by providers All three competencies identified as part of an applied competency are to be assessed and moderated. These are the Practical, Foundational and Reflexive competencies All assessments for our generic courses are to be contextualized and moderated The above criteria are to be seen as non-negotiable for the providers of XXXX accredited courses and shall, at all times, be adhered to. 4.3 CRITERIA FOR MODERATORS Our use of moderators complies with HWSETA requirements: Moderators are ethical, skilled, unbiased and knowledgeable in relevant areas. HWESTA constituent registered moderators sign a Code of Conduct. If they fail to adhere to this Code, they can be de-registered. Moderators are trained in line with the requirements of the HWSETA, and registered to conduct assessment and moderation only in their area of subject matter expertise. Moderators are registered with the HWSETA as constituent moderators. 4.4 MODERATION OF ASSESSMENTS All assessments are moderated within two weeks of the assessment being recorded and reported back to the provider. Once the moderation is completed, our administrative staff submits the results for verification in the correct HWSETA format to the HWSETA ETQA within two weeks of receiving them. Our organisation can predict periods where a large number of results will come in, and, if necessary, we contract temporary staff to ensure that results are processed timeously. Once the assessment is completed: the assessment decisions are recorded on our standard form; at least 10% of the assessments in any batch are moderated; if the assessor is new, at least 20% are moderated (and if there are less than 10 learners then all assessments are moderated); manual and electronic records are updated accordingly; the assessment results are submitted to the HWSETA for verification; for any learners found not yet competent, the company learner support procedure will apply. All instruments are moderated by a constituent moderator, who may work permanently for the provider or be brought in by the provider for specific contracts. Recommendations from the moderators are presented to the team that developed the instruments, and any areas that require attention are addressed by the team. The instruments also form part of the programme outline presented to the HWSETA ETQA, and any recommendations emerging from the ETQA programme approval processes are then integrated into the instruments. When learners complete their programme evaluations, they are also asked about the assessment process. This feedback is given to the team that developed the assessment instruments and process - or a similar team that is reviewing them - to ensure that the quality of the instruments continually improves. 4.6 MODERATION REQUIREMENTS 4.5.1 MODERATION PLAN Must state the details of the assessment to be moderated (assessor name, assessment description, assessment date, time and venue) Must state the moderator’s name Must be signed by all relevant parties (except the learners) 4.5.2 PRE-MODERATION MEETING AGENDA Must explain the moderation procedure Must explain the appeals procedure Must be signed by all relevant parties 4.5.3 PRE-MODERATION MEETING MINUTES Must contain details of discussions of all the above Must be signed by all relevant parties 4.5.4 MODERATION DOCUMENTS Moderation observational checklist Moderation questions containing foundational, knowledge and reflexive questions for the assessor Must be signed by moderator and assessor Must state details of assessment, assessor and moderato 4.5.5 MODERATOR REVIEW OF MODERATION List of good and bad practices of moderator’s procedure and conduct Signed and dated by moderator 4.5.6 MODERATOR FEEDBACK ON MODERATION Feedback to assessor on performance Signed and dated by assessor and moderator 4.5.7 ASSESSOR FEEDBACK ON MODERATION Feedback to moderator on moderation Signed and dated by assessor and moderator 4.5.8 MODERATOR REPORT AND TREND ANALYSIS Moderation report on all assessments moderated Signed and dated by moderator. 5. PROCEDURE The following procedures are adhered to in the design of the assessment to ensure that it is consistent with our policy: A decision is taken as to whether there is the capacity within the organisation to design the moderation plan and instruments required for a particular programme, Where the moderation plan and instruments are designed in-house, this will involve the following steps: A team will be created consisting of both moderation experts. The team will analyse the unit standard(s) or qualification and decide broadly on the components of a moderation plan. The individuals with moderation expertise will then indicate what evidence is required to ensure that the moderation instrument and process will enable the moderator to make a valid and reliable moderation judgment. Those individuals with moderation expertise will then draft a plan and instruments. There will then be a collective process of evaluating and adapting the plan and instruments before they are piloted. The plan and instruments will be moderated before the pilot. Feedback will be given to the team after the pilot and the plan and instruments will be reviewed. All new instruments are moderated. 6. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy should be circulated to all Assessors, Moderators and Facilitators within XXXXX. A workshop should be conducted with all Assessors, Moderators and Facilitators within XXXXX. 7. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year. The evaluation and review team should comprise of the following: Assessors Moderators and Facilitators 8. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Moderation Policy. An electronic copy of the Moderation Policy. A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. APPENDICES Moderator Plan Form Notification of Moderation Form PoE Control Document Form General Moderation Checklist Form Moderator’s Overall Feedback report to Assessor Moderation Records Checklist Form Moderation Report Form Moderation Non-conformance Report Form Moderation Plan Form Name of assessor to be moderated Unit standard to be moderated Planned date for pre-moderation meeting Date for pre-moderation meeting Planned date for moderation Time for moderation Method of moderation Observation Face to face (Tick in the appropriate box) Written Work based project Assignment Simulation During training Portfolio of Evidence RPL evidence Place for moderation Moderation Moderation approved by Yes NO Moderator name Moderator’s signature Date NOTIFICATION OF MODERATION FORM To From Contact number Email Date NOTIFICATION OF MODERATION This memorandum serves to notify you that the assessment mentioned below will be moderated for quality assurance purposes. The moderation will be carried out to ensure that the assessments are conducted according to organisational and ETQA requirements. Particulars of the assessment Learner name Learner contact number Unit standard Date of moderation Time of moderation Venue to be used for moderation Name of moderator Moderator signature PoE Control Document Form Assessor’s name Moderator’s name Date of Assessment NLRD No. Level SOs No. Credits Unit Standard Specific Outcomes Moderation date Record of prior learning Available Not required Planned meeting conducted date The assessor understands: 1. The qualification or unit standard to be assessed YES NO 2. The work activity and list of specific outcomes / ranges YES NO 3. The work activity covers the performance standards / criteria YES NO 4. The type of programme and who will be involved YES NO 5. The method of moderation and programme timetable YES NO The assessor has had the opportunity to discuss / agree: 1. All the above activities YES NO 2. Alleviate any concerns YES NO 3. The criteria / range & performance standard to be assessed YES NO 4. Clearly understands the elements of competency to be YES NO 5. Further opportunities to be assessed if required YES NO To be completed by moderator Date achieved PoE Control Document Form Method of moderation: Observation Face to face Written questioning Work based Project Assignment Witness testimony During normal Course Simulation During training Portfolio of Evidence RPL evidence Other moderators Evidence Assessor demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the unit standard Moderator’s feedback to assessor Signature Assessor’s feedback to moderator Signature Date Date General Moderation Checklist Form Criteria to be checked by the moderator Tick Yes Assessors are registered and certified with the relevant ETQA Learners are enrolled with the provider / workplace assessor All learner information is captured on a database so that the learner information, learner achievements and learner endorsement are in place The learner database is up-to date The database is compliant with ETQA requirements There is policy and practice to ensure that the confidentiality of learner records and results is maintained The records of leaner achievement are signed, dated and endorsed by the assessor and moderator Action plan: No Remarks Review date Moderator signature Date MODERATOR’S OVERALL FEEDBACK REPORT TO ASSESSOR FORM This report serves to provide constructive feedback to the assessor concerning the outcomes and findings of their assessments once moderation/verification has been completed. Assessor’s name Moderator’s name Date of feedback Feedback to Assessor: Action Required: Date of review Moderation Records Checklist Form Assessor’s information Name Registration number Employee number Department Telephone number E-mail Moderation’s information Name Registration number Employee number Department Telephone number E-mail Date of previous Moderation visit Date of current Moderation visit Venue Details of unit standard being moderated Moderation Records Checklist Form Unit standards title Level Credits NLRD No. Assessment documentation Was the assessment documentation available, if not, state the reasons YES NO Personal details of the assessor and the learner have been completed. YES NO The unit standard(s) that the learner is to be assessed against has been identified. YES NO Information that the assessor must give the learner to prepare the learner for the assessment is completed. YES NO Any special notes regarding the learner have been included. If there are not any special needs this must be stated. YES NO The assessment activities as indicated in the assessor and learner guidelines have been correctly identified. YES NO The assessment methods that the assessor will use to collect evidence for that particular assessment activity as indicated in the assessor and learner guidelines have been circled. YES NO The dates on which the assessments will take place has been completed. This may be for a period of time if the registered assessor is collecting naturally occurring evidence from the workplace. YES NO The date when the registered assessor will give feedback to the learner has been identified. YES NO The assessor and the learner have signed the Assessment Schedule. YES NO All the bullets listed under each assessment criteria have been marked off. YES NO All assessment criteria have been covered. YES NO Moderation method used Evidence required from the evaluation documents ASSESSMENT PLAN ASSESSOR GUIDE Moderation Records Checklist Form Different assessment occasions have been clearly indicated. YES NO Different assessment occasions have been clearly dated. YES NO Comments on the assessment have been included. YES NO Clear model answers are given for the assessment. YES NO All the personal details of the learner and the assessor have been completed. YES NO The place where the assessment(s) took place has been indicated i.e. on-the-job or off-thejob. YES NO The date(s) on which the assessment(s) took place have been indicated. YES NO The date(s) indicated on the evidence checklist are the same dates as the dates reflected in the assessor guide. YES NO The corresponding colour of pen has been used for recording on the guidelines for the assessor and the evidence checklist. YES NO Both learner and assessor have signed and dated the document after each assessment occasion. YES NO Assessment methods have been identified. YES NO Results for each assessment occasion are indicated and dated. YES NO Appropriate judgements are cross-referenced with assessor guide. YES NO Dates correspond with dates indicated in the assessor guide. YES NO Provide comments about the assessment intervention. YES NO Provide details about the evidence the assessor has collected. YES NO Sufficient and specific notes were taken in order to provide comprehensive feedback to the learner. YES NO All the personal details of the assessor and the learner have been completed. YES NO All the assessment criteria are ticked off and cross referenced with the evidence checklist to ensure that it corresponds. YES NO EVIDENCE CHECKLIST ASSESSMENT RECORD CHECKLIST Moderation Records Checklist Form All the specific outcomes are ticked off. YES NO Assessment methods have been identified. YES NO The date on which the learner demonstrated competence against each assessment criteria and each specific outcome has been completed. Cross-reference with evidence checklist to ensure that the same date is indicated. YES NO Both the learner and the assessor have signed the assessment record sheet indicating that the learner has demonstrated competence against the said unit standard, that the record is authentic and that the assessment has been done in a fair, valid and reliable manner. YES NO The Unit Standard and assessment documentation was appropriately used, if not, explain why. YES NO The following documentations were available: YES NO Evidence checklist YES NO Record sheet YES NO Appeal application form YES NO ASSESSMENT DOCUMENTATION Assessor’s signature Moderator’s signature Moderation Report Form Moderator’s name Assessor’s name Date of moderation NQF Level Unit standard being moderated Credits Specific outcomes Moderation Decisions NLRD Number Specific Outcome 1 Specific Outcome 2 Specific Outcome 3 Specific Outcome 4 Specific Outcome 5 Specific Outcome 6 Agree Disagree Comments / Remarks Overall Moderation Decision I _________________________________, the moderator Agree O Disagree O with the assessment decisions made by the assessor Feedback to the assessor Action Required Assessor’s signature Moderator’s signature Date Moderation Non-conformance Report Form Assessor’s information Name Registration number Employee number Department Telephone number E-mail Moderation’s information Name Registration number Employee number Department Telephone number E-mail Date of previous Moderation visit Date of current Moderation visit Venue Type of non-conformance Unfair assessment (no consistency/discrimination) Contravention of the assessment process Invalid assessment (not reach same outcome) Assessor not technically competent Unreliable assessment (evidence produced not relevant/not sufficient) Learner not technically competent Unethical behaviour (ethics/professionalism) Contingency plans influenced assessment Unfair barriers to assessment Inability of the assessor to make judgment based on Subject Matter Expertise or knowledge Other, please provide details The reason for the type of non-conformance is motivated Assessors reason(s) for non-conformance is noted Assessor’s signature Moderator’s signature Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Table of Contents 9. 10. 11. 12. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 12.1 Facilities 12.2 Telephone 12.2.1 Non business purposes 12.2.2 Long distance 12.2.3 Voice mail 12.2.4 Use of personal phones 12.3 Internet and computer usage 12.3.1 Prohibited sites 12.3.2 Personal use during business hours 12.3.3 Expectation of privacy 12.3.4 Proper business communication 12.4 Incoming mail 12.5 Safety 12.5.1 Employees, learners, visitors and property 12.5.2 Safeguard/secure assets 12.5.3 Logging off and locking up 12.5.4 Follow regulations Date 13. Communication of policy 14. Evaluation and review 15. Documentation 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure proper administration of facilities, communication, equipment and other resources of the organization. 2. DEFINITION Administration is a method of tending to or managing the affairs of a business or an organisation. 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to all internal staff of the organisation as well as members of the public that intends to utilise facilities and resources of XXXXX. 4. POLICY APPLICATION 4.1 FACILITIES This policy is designed to address the needs of XXXXX as well as other agencies or organizations which can need to use facilities for meetings, training, etc. The required policies, procedures and guidelines are as follows: Persons interested in using a part of the facility must apply in writing and submit to XXXXXX in advance of the intended use. If training rooms are being used for any part of a local level, it is the organization's responsibility to write an application and send it to XXXXXX. If the XXXXXX is conducting learning programmes, facilitators MUST ensure that all LEARNERS meet the prerequisite(s) of the course that they will be attending. All facilitators using the facility MUST setup the rooms (tables and chairs) to their own specifications. When the facilitator is done using the facility, they MUST place everything back to its original state. Any persons/organizations responsible for abuse or damage of facility and/or equipment may result in a suspension from further use of the facility and/or be held liable for all cost incurred to repair the damages. Any incident, injury, or “near-miss” MUST be reported to XXXXXX within 24 hours. Anyone falsifying records for use of the facility will be suspended from further use of the facility for a period of not less than 3 years. Facilitators will also be subject to loss of their employment with the XXXXXX and may be reported falsifying records. The "No-Show" of a group for a reserved date will automatically cancel future use of the facility by that group. At least three (3) days notice should be given to XXXXXX if a group determines they cannot be at the facility after reserving the facility. Fees must be paid in advance. Consumables will be billed and must be paid within 30 days of invoice. Departments with outstanding bills will not be allowed to use the facility until all are paid in full. Those departments delinquent will need to put a deposit down for consumables prior to any future training sessions at the facility. XXXXXX’s office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. The facility is available on designated days, nights and weekends for when scheduled classes are not in session. All requests will be handled on a first come, first serve basis upon receipt of the completed application; subject to XXXXXX’s approval. At that time, the organization will receive approval or non-approval. All requests must be approved by XXXXXX who coordinate the facility calendar events. 4.2 TELEPHONE 4.2.1 NON-BUSINESS PURPOSES XXXXX telephone lines and employees are used to the fullest extent. So that the maximum capacity of telephone lines is available for organization business, employees should minimize their use of the XXXXX’s telephone system for non-business purposes. 4.2.2 LONG DISTANCE Long distance calls for any personal reasons are not authorized and are prohibited. All personal calls should never interfere with work and should be kept to a minimal amount of time. Employees should caution friends and relatives to consider the need to attend to business calls. Long distance calls or too much incoming calls for personal use are prohibited. Any abuse shall be charged back to employee and could result in disciplinary action, including termination. 4.2.3 VOICE-MAIL In an employee’s absence, XXXXX will monitor voice mail messages to verify that business-related calls are being returned or serviced properly. Voice mail messages recorded on XXXXX equipment are the property of XXXXX. As a result, employees have no expectation of privacy in any voice mail messages left on the XXXXX’s system and should act and treat the system accordingly. Messages can be disclosed, monitored, copied, retrieved, or reviewed at any time, with or without the permission, prior or otherwise, of the employee. 4.2.4 USE OF PERSONAL CELLPHONES The use of personal cellular telephones during execution of work (facilitation) is strongly discouraged, except for employees designated by XXXXX. Such devices must be on silent or vibration mode during facilitation and must be turned off during any meeting. Calls to and from employee cellular telephones shall be treated as personal calls and subject to the XXXXX’s policy on limiting personal calls. 4.3 INTERNET AND COMPUTER USAGE 4.3.1 PROHIBITED SITES Employees shall use the Internet and electronic mail for business related purposes only. Certain websites are absolutely prohibited at all times, such as sites containing pornography or advocating discriminatory, hateful or violent actions. The receipt or transmission of obscene, illegal, violent, discriminatory or other information that may result in harassment or defamation are strictly forbidden at all times. 4.3.2 PERSONAL USE DURING BUSINESS HOURS Access of non-business web-sites or use of e-mail for personal use during business hours is discouraged and may result in discipline action including termination. XXXXX system shall not be used to circulate or forward jokes, inspirational material, or other non-work related items to co-workers. Mass emailing, even for XXXXX -related messages, are rarely appropriate and solicitations are strictly prohibited. Whether an employee has abused the XXXXX email system is a function of the frequency of the misuse and the disruption to the employee’s work and that of other employees. 4.3.3 EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY Internet communications should not be expected to remain private and confidential. Computers and related equipment are XXXXX property provided for each employee’s legitimate business use. All messages sent on electronic and telephone communication systems provided by XXXXX remain the property of the organization. As such, XXXXX reserves the right to access, intercept, and disclose the content of any message or deleted message with or without permission, prior or otherwise. In an employee’s absence, XXXXX will monitor the employee’s electronic mail to verify that business-related messages are being serviced properly. Typically, such monitoring will include forwarding the employee’s email to a supervisor or other employee. The employee does not have any expectation of privacy in any e-mail messages or their content in any aspect of any computer system provided, owned or controlled by XXXXX. 4.3.4 PROPER BUSINESS COMMUNICATION XXXXX provides electronic mail (email) services to all employees and learners through XXXXX -owned software and servers accessible within and external to XXXXX computing network. The use of these email services (include but are not limited to the transmission, receipt, and archiving of all messages and attachments as well as all email account information) is restricted only for the conduct of XXXXX business and applies to all employees and learners. Violation of this policy will result in immediate and appropriate disciplinary action. 4.4 INCOMING MAIL Incoming mail XXXXX is opened by a designated employee in the presence of another employee. Employees are instructed to have personal mail delivered to personal addresses. The mail clerk or other designated employee: sorts incoming mail in a central location; delivers staff's mail in accordance with y XXXXX mail procedures; delivers personal mail for employees with instructions to notify the sender of the employee's correct personal mailing address; and opens business mail in the presence of the cashier or alternate cashier except business mail marked confidential or personal. The cashier or alternate: writes a receipt immediately for any funds received, initials the receipt and has the mail clerk initial it also, excluding petty cash reimbursement warrants to be cashed; and affixes restrictive endorsements on all checks and other negotiable items except petty cash reimbursement warrants to be cashed. The manager must enforce adequate internal controls over incoming mail to insure that receipts are accounted for properly. 4.5 SAFETY 4.5.1 EMPLOYEES, LEARNERS, VISITORS, PROPERTY The safety of XXXXXX employees, learners, visitors and property is of highest priority. Every employee is responsible for ensuring that the XXXXXX is a safe place. Any threat to the safety or security of the XXXXXX must be reported to a manager immediately. 4.5.2 SAFEGUARD/SECURE ASSETS XXXXXX has in its possession highly valuable and marketable commodities -- equipment, office supplies, and moneys in the form of cash and checks. Each employee has an on-going and continuous obligation as part of his/her term of employment to assist in safeguarding and securing all such assets. 4.5.3 LOGGING OFF AND LOCKING UP The last person to leave the office at any time will make sure that and all doors are locked and all lights and electrical equipment are off. Each employee is responsible for logging off his/her computer prior to leaving. 4.5.4 FOLLOW REGULATIONS Employees must follow all applicable safety regulations relating to attire or conduct as may be issued with respect to any job or position or to any area within XXXXXX. 5. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy will be circulated to all staff internally. Brochures and other means of communication will be used to communicate to general members of the public with regard to use of our facilities and other resources. 6. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year. 7. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Administration Policy An electronic copy of the Administration Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Record keeping programme 4.2 Responsibilities 4.3 Electronic records 4.4 Archival records 4.5 Policy management 4.6 Standards, legislations and regulations 4.7 Codes of best practice 4.8 Protection of records 4.9 Access to records 4.10 Retention and disposal of records 5. Communication of policy 6. Evaluation and review 7. Documentation Date 1. PURPOSE This policy seeks to ensure that XXXXX business is adequately documented through the generation and capture of records, that those records are managed in accordance with best practice and that they are disposed of in an orderly and accountable way. It provides the context for the development of strategy, policy, systems and procedures on recordkeeping at XXXXX. 2. DEFINITION Recordkeeping is the making and maintaining of complete, accurate and reliable evidence of business transactions in the form of recorded information. It is a critical function that is performed through the collective action of employees and systems throughout all organisations. 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to all staff employed at XXXXX as permanent, contract and/or temporary. 4. POLICY APPLICATION XXXXX must have a recordkeeping program which establishes recordkeeping policies, standards, guidelines and procedures. The records management program should: be identifiable from all other existing programs be supported by corporate policy be planned ensure formal responsibility for all aspects of the records management program is appropriately assigned be positioned at the most effective level within the organisational structure of the XXXXX ensure that records management operations and systems are organised according to the needs and structure of the public office, the nature of its business and the prevailing technological and regulatory environments be staffed by personnel with appropriate skills be implemented throughout the organisation be audited regularly Outcomes to be achieved through the implementation of the records management program include: better management of the risks associated with the existence or lack of evidence of organisational activity recordkeeping infrastructures which help minimise the risk of mismanagement or corruption support for the objectives of XXXXX archival policies and procedures minimum performance standards for recordkeeping at XXXXX the provision of records management services directly to units of the XXXXX and assistance for units to manage their records on a devolved basis education for staff at all levels about recordkeeping practices and responsibilities the retention of information as records where required and the disposal of duplicate or unnecessary material from recordkeeping systems improved access to records and improved decision making better performance of business activities throughout XXXXX better organisational accountability 4.1 RECORD KEEPING PROGRAMME XXXXX will establish a recordkeeping program to ensure that XXXXX records are adequately created, managed and archived in the course of business. The program will comply with XXXXX and other relevant standards, legislative and recordkeeping requirements and other organisations policies. 4.2 RESPONSIBILITIES Formal responsibility for the records management program will be delegated to an appropriate manager. The role of the Manager is to: establish records management policies for the organisation as a whole establish corporate standards for recordkeeping and records management measure performance of business units and workgroups against those standards provide consulting services to business units develop corporate electronic records management strategies work with other managers of information resources to develop a coherent information architecture across the organisation, and work with other accountability stakeholders, including auditors, and executive management, to ensure that recordkeeping systems support organisational and public accountability Recordkeeping is not the province of archivists, records managers or systems administrators alone, but is an essential role of all employees. Users and stakeholders of the recordkeeping system must be aware of legal constraints as well as the need to comply with other XXXXX policies and guidelines affecting recordkeeping, particularly those concerning misconduct and maladministration. Responsibility for the effectiveness of the program rests with nominated individuals at all levels in XXXXX staff must be aware of their recordkeeping responsibilities within the program and related best practice guidelines. Maintaining awareness and knowledge of XXXXX policies and guidelines is the responsibility of all XXXXX staff members. 4.3 ELECTRONIC RECORDS Electronic records are records which are communicated and maintained by means of electronic equipment and as such are a part of the recordkeeping program at XXXXX. These records are subject to a separate policy on electronic recordkeeping. Best practice guidelines on the management of electronic records including email will be issued periodically. 4.4 ARCHIVAL RECORDS Records of a continuing value to the XXXXX and which have been determined to have administrative, fiscal, legal, evidential or historic value to XXXXX will be retained in the XXXXX Archives. 4.5 POLICY MANAGEMENT An integral part of the recordkeeping program at XXXXX will be the development of systems to create, capture, codify and disseminate XXXXX policy to XXXXX community. 4.6 STANDARDS, LEGISLATION AND REGULATIONS The recordkeeping program at XXXXX is subject to a full range of laws applying to XXXXX, which include occupational health and safety, financial and company, copyright, breach of confidence, defamation, privacy, contempt of court, harassment, vilification and anti-discrimination legislation, the creation of contractual obligations, and criminal laws. Some laws and agreements require XXXXX to give access to records or the information contained therein to parties outside XXXXX community. These include telecommunications legislation, freedom of information legislation, Evidence Act, other legal rules (eg concerning subpoenas), agreements with external internet suppliers that govern the transmission of e-mail and publication by electronic means. The electronic recordkeeping system operating on XXXXX computers and related telecommunications systems are protected by criminal law provisions in computer crime laws and telecommunications interception laws. 4.7 CODES OF BEST PRACTICE A good recordkeeping program enables XXXXX to account for decisions and actions by providing essential evidence in the form of records. Sound recordkeeping practices are a fundamental basis for accountable and efficient business, effective service delivery and the preservation of the collective memory of the XXXXX. XXXXX is concerned with all aspects of its recordkeeping independent of the technological medium. The policy will be supported by codes of best practice and operational guidelines. A range of training, bulk records storage and consultancy services offered by XXXXX will provide further guidance and assistance to staff at the practical level. XXXXX is required to keep records and is aware of the associated benefits of good recordkeeping practices, including: support for policy formulation and managerial decision-making; meeting legislative and regulatory requirements; protection of the rights of members of XXXXX and the interests of XXXXX; better performance of business activities in XXXXX; protection and support for XXXXX when involved in litigation, including the better management of risks associated with the existence or lack of evidence in XXXXX activity; support for consistency, continuity and productivity in management and administration; documentation of XXXXX activities, development and achievements; and support for research and development activities. XXXXX is also aware of poor recordkeeping practices including: failure of employees or systems to make records in the first place; making records that are inadequate to meet accountability and other requirements; failure to capture records into recordkeeping systems so that they are subject to arbitrary destruction or cannot be found when required; failure to identify and retrieve the authoritative version of a record where multiple versions exist; failure to maintain records during the time necessary to meet specific accountability requirements; failure to assign responsibility for different aspects of recordkeeping at appropriate levels in the organisation; 4.8 PROTECTION OF RECORDS Records will be preserved and maintained over time for as long as required to meet administrative, legal, fiscal and archival requirements; 4.9 ACCESS TO RECORDS All records received or created by XXXXX staff in the course of their work for XXXXX are official records that belong to the XXXXX and are to be available and accessible to any authorised staff member; A staff member's right to access records will be determined by the relevance of the records to the performance of their duties, their level of delegated authority, privacy considerations, legal professional privilege, commercial-sensitivity and other specific considerations where confidentiality restricts the normal right of access to records. Authorisation from a member of the administrative staff may be required before access is granted; Staff are not permitted to give access to XXXXX records to unauthorised persons or agencies; XXXXX is required to comply with legislation that permits access to its records by members of the public and authorised external agencies, or as part of a legal process such as discovery or subpoena. Applications for access to university records must be in writing, and access is subject to exemptions permitted by specific legislation and to privacy, legal and commercial considerations; The transfer of original central files and official XXXXX records to any outside person or agency, in the first instance, requires the express approval of the Manager, Records Management & Archives or the General Counsel & University Secretary; XXXXX records must remain available and accessible while they are required to meet administrative needs and external accountability requirements. 4.10 RETENTION AND DISPOSAL OF RECORDS Staff are required to retain and dispose of XXXXX records in accordance with retention and disposal authorities; Staff are required to comply with the retention and disposal standards XXXXX records must be appraised for possible continuing archival value. That is, records with historical significance to XXXXX as well as interest to the community must be retained permanently XXXXX archives; Any records subject to legal processes such as discovery and subpoena or required for internal or external review or investigation or relevant to an application made under the Freedom of Information must be protected and not destroyed even if the retention period has passed; Records with no value to XXXXX may be destroyed at any time without reference to the disposal authorities. These records only need to be retained for a very limited period of time and include announcements of social events, leaflets, flyers, and copies or extracts of documents sent only for reference; Where the official version of a record is verified as being already maintained in XXXXX’s recordkeeping system a copy may be destroyed at any time without reference to the disposal authorities. 5. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy will be circulated to all employees and a workshop for all staff will be conducted to familiarize them with the policy. 6. EVALUATION AND REVIEW The Policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year. All key Stakeholders will be consulted as part of the evaluation. Evaluation criteria will include: The degree of compliance with the Policy. The degree of compliance of the records management program with HWSETA ETQA requirements. The extent to which the recordkeeping program has reduced risk for XXXXXX. 7. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Record Keeping Policy An electronic copy of the Record Keeping Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Table of Contents 1. Purpose 2. Definitions 3. Scope 4. Policy application 4.3 Principles 4.4 Policy context 5. Communication of policy 6. Evaluation and review 7. Documentation Date 1. PURPOSE The purpose of the Learner Support and Guidance Policy is to: provide information and impartial guidance to potential learners about appropriate access routes into learning programmes and all aspects of learner life relevant to prospective learners. provide information and impartial guidance for all current learners s about learning programmes provide a comprehensive induction programme for all new learners provide specialist information, advice, guidance, learner support and counselling services for current learners provide systematic learning and personal support for all learners at programme level provide appropriate forms of support and guidance for learners at the point of departure from the XXXXX 2. DEFINITION Learner support is usually defined as enabling learners to study successfully and to develop their own understandings of blended or online learning materials. 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to all full-time employed personnel, fixed-contract and temporary staff which include facilitators, assessors, moderators and support personnel as well as learners enrolled with our organisation. 4. POLICY APPLICATION XXXXX will make appropriate support and guidance available for current, prospective learners. The aim of such provision is to assist individuals to make fully informed choices in relation to their learning, personal and career development and optimise their experience as a learner of XXXXX. 4.1 PRINCIPLES Learner support and guidance provision at XXXXX should be: learner-centred consistent in quality across all of its aspects accurate and timely specialist and generic impartial accessible and appropriate recorded and monitored available in forms and at times convenient for the enquirer confidential except when necessary and agreed 4.2 POLICY CONTEXT XXXXX aims to enhance the quality of learning for all learners at XXXXX, to provide an enriching, effective and enjoyable learning experience. XXXXX, through its Learning Teaching and Assessment Strategy (LTAS), is committed to providing all learners with guidance, a range of knowledge and skills and additional support for learners when required. The Learner Support and Guidance Policy consists of a series of related statements of learner entitlement designed to underpin the XXXXX 's strategic goals for access, progression, retention, employability and enhancement of the learner experience. “Learner support and guidance” in the context of this policy refers to activities within XXXXX designed to assist learners, past, present and potential, with making decisions and developing their skills to maximise their learning opportunities, career and personal development through XXXXX. Included in these processes is information provision, advice, guidance, counselling, negotiation, advocacy/representation, mentoring/coaching, referral, access and bridging activities and learner support. 5. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy will be communicated to all relevant individuals and stakeholders. 6. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year in the light of learner feedback gathered through learner evaluation mechanisms, and staff feedback through annual programme review reports. Quality aspects will be considered through XXXXXXX Audit function. 7. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Learner Support and Guidance Policy An electronic copy of the Learner Support and Guidance Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Table of Contents 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Introduction Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 5.1 General principles of RPL 5.2 RPL assessments 5.2.1 Principles of good assessments 5.2.2 Criteria for RPL assessments 5.2.3 RPL within programmes Entry/access Exemptions Date 14. 15. 16. 17. Credit towards an award Procedures Communication of policy Evaluation and review Documentation 1. INTRODUCTION Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) basically means that people who have gained skills and knowledge through non-formal and/or experiential learning can be assessed and awarded credits for such learning if it meets the requirements of the unit standard or qualification. RPL is therefore specifically designed to: identify what a learner knows and can do match the person’s skills, knowledge and experience to specific standards and the associated assessment criteria of a unit standard or qualification assess the person against those standards credit the person for skills, knowledge and experience built up through formal, informal and nonformal learning that occurred in the past. Consequently, it is necessary that the XXXXX develop an RPL policy to guide the regulation and implementation of RPL for the social service professions. XXXXX fully supports the principles of RPL and the value its implementation holds for learners to redress the inequities of the past, give credit where credit is due and contribute to development. Council will strive to ensure that its policy and procedures uphold the principles of good practice. 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy document is to provide a framework for the implementation of RPL within the health and welfare sector that can be used to guide applicants, providers and XXXXX explain the XXXXX’s position in terms of RPL provide a framework for the registration of health and welfare sector by XXXXX for persons who have achieved qualifications totally or partially through RPL 3. DEFINITION The definition of RPL in the National Standards Bodies Regulations (No. 18787 of 28 March 1998) to the SAQA Act, 1995 is as follows: Recognition of Prior Learning means the comparison of the previous learning and experience of a learner howsoever obtained against the learning outcomes required for a specific qualification, and the acceptance for purposes of qualification of that which meets the requirements. This means that regardless of where and how a person achieved the learning, if such learning meets the requirements of a qualification (or part of it), it can be recognised for credits. 4. SCOPE This policy is applicable to Facilitators, Assessors, Moderators, Support Staff and RPL assessment candidates. 5. POLICY APPLICATION 5.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF RPL XXXXX supports the general principles of RPL that are the following: RPL is equivalent to learning achieved through formal education and training RPL must be accessible RPL is individualised RPL is measured against outcomes of learning guided by specific assessment criteria RPL is evidence-based RPL focuses on quality Learning that is recognised through the RPL process is transferable, meaning that it is accepted by all providers and ETQAs. 5.2 RPL ASSESSMENTS 5.2.1 PRINCIPLES OF GOOD ASSESSMENT XXXXX and providers should subscribe to SAQA’s principles of good assessment in terms of RPL and the fact that good RPL assessments depend almost exclusively on the validity, reliability and fairness of the assessment process. The main principles are described as follows: Fairness: Assessment should not in any way disadvantage or advantage a learner. Validity: An assessment should measure what it is supposed to measure, be it knowledge, understanding, subject content, skill, information, behaviour, etc. The assessment must assess the learner’s ability to perform designated tasks and the outcome must be clearly defined and stated. Reliability: Assessment should be consistent and the same relative judgements should be made in the same or relatively similar contexts each time an assessment of specified stated outcomes is conducted. Practicality: Assessment must take into account monitoring, time, resources and facility costs. It should not be unreasonably costly, too time-consuming and cumbersome. 5.2.2 CRITERIA FOR RPL ASSESSMENTS a) Criteria for Assessors, Moderators and Verifiers A qualification that is registered on the NQF includes the criteria for assessors, moderators and verifiers and these must be applied by the relevant ETQA and providers undertaking RPL. For the purpose of this Policy, the following definitions apply: Assessor is a person who is registered by the relevant ETQA in terms of the criteria set by the relevant Standards Generating Body (SGB) for the achievement of specified NQF standards or qualifications. Moderator is a person/body that checks the work of several assessors to ensure consistency of assessments conducted regarding the outcomes described in the NQF unit standards or qualifications. Verifier is a person/body that verifies the policies and procedures used in assessment and moderation. b) Criteria for Applicants It must be stressed that RPL is NOT an easy alternative to gaining credits, a qualification or access to a learning programme or to obtain registration with XXXXX in order to practise. People considering applying for RPL must understand this clearly. As will be explained later on in detail, applicants must be able to provide substantial evidence that can be verified and that proves competence. The evidence provided by applicants must be both sufficient and current in terms of the required outcomes. 5.2.3 RPL WITHIN PROGRAMMES XXXXXX will offer recognition of prior learning to a learner to attain entry/access to a programme and to gain exemptions from programme requirements. ENTRY/ACCESS A learner may seek entry to a programme where he/she does not meet the standard entry criteria on the basis of prior learning experiences. In this case a learner will demonstrate to the provider that he/she has the capacity to successfully participate on the programme. It is acknowledged that some programmes leading to awards have no entry requirements. Where entry criteria apply, a prospective learner may use prior learning experiences to gain entry to a programme. The provider’s procedure for entry to programmes will be approved by F XXXXXX at the point of programme validation within the context of the agreed XXXXXX’s quality assurance policy and XXXXXX’s award arrangements. EXEMPTIONS XXXXX may grant an exemption from a requirement of a programme to a learner on the basis of prior learning experience at the point of entry to a programme. Exemptions from programmes generally relate to exemption(s) from particular requirements of a programme and can include exemption from attendance or participation in parts of the programme requirements. The learner will be required to provide valid and reliable evidence of this prior learning to the provider to demonstrate attainment of the exempted element of the programme. The granting of an exemption is the responsibility of XXXXXX in which the prospective learner wishes to participate. XXXXXX’s procedure on granting of exemptions will be approved by XXXXXX at the stage of programme validation within the Quality Assurance Policy agreements. CREDIT TOWARDS AN AWARD XXXXXX may grant a credit to a learner on the basis of prior learning. XXXXXX aims to introduce a credit framework in 2009. Until that time XXXXXX will not be required to facilitate learners for credit. XXXXXX will advise RPL candidates of procedures and guidelines regarding credit at that time. 6. RPL PROCEDURE A. Pre-assessment phase: RPL facilitator meets applicant for prior evaluation to determine the possible success of an application. If the possibility for successful application is high, the following are facilitated with the applicant during a pre-assessment phase. Development of a learning portfolio Personal counselling Orientation to assessment instrumentation Guidance to demonstrate learning The assessor and the applicant agree to an assessment plan, which includes Standards and requirements Types of proof that are required Finalisation of assessment instrumentation Dates and schedule for assessment If the possibility for a successful application is low (i.e. the applicant does not meet the minimum requirements), the applicant is referred to alternative study routes B. Assessment phase: Applicant is assessed via test/challenge examination portfolio; interview; artefacts, etc. 6.1 RELATED RPL ASPECTS THAT ARE PRESUMED TO BE IN PLACE RPL policy and procedures have been clarified and information about RPL is made available to applicants. The faculty has a set of criteria according to which prior evaluation (pre-screening) can be done. The applicants are aware of what these criteria are. An RPL facilitator is up to date with alternative study options and has counselling skills. It is extremely important that the applicants are prepared for assessment by competent staff. If facilitators are not available, it is assumed that assessors will fulfil this task. Assessment instruments are presumed to fulfil validity, reliability and other relevant criteria. C. Evaluation phase: Proof of learning is evaluated by assessor Moderation phase Feedback phase Credit or access not granted Credit or access granted Post-assessment support and channeling Appeal procedure may be initiated 7. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY The RPL Policy will be circulated to Support Staff, Assessors, Moderators and Facilitators. A workshop will also be conducted internally to familiarize all concerned staff with the RPL Policy. RPL assessment candidates will be informed about RPL services and procedures through brochures, radio and other means of mass media. 8. EVALUATION AND REVIEW The policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviews will be conducted once a year. Evaluations from RPL assessment candidates, Assessors and Moderator feedback will be used as well to evaluate and review the RPL Policy. 9. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the RPL Policy An electronic copy of the RPL Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Appendices RPL forms RPL APPLICATION FORM SECTION 1 Provider Name: For unit standard/ qualification title: NQF Level Credits Surname/last name Name of Applicant: First names (in full) Title 1. 2. Initials (first names) Identity number: Type of ID document: Residential Address: Street code: 3. Postal Address: Postal code: 4. Contact numbers: (Home): ( ) - (Work): ( ) - (Fax): ( ) - (Cell): 5. Have you specified the unit standard/qualification you are applying for: No Yes 6. Are you familiar with the NQF?: No Yes 7. What is your highest academic school achievement? No Yes Standard/Grade passed Year Name of School/College Do you have documentary proof / evidence of the above achievement? ABET4/NQFL 1 8. NQF L2 NQF L3 NQF L4 NQF L5 and Higher or Other What is your post school/college achievements? (i.e. unit standard, qualification, learnership or skills programme) (1) Year Name of School/College/Technikon/University/ Provider Name of Provider Do you have documentary proof / evidence of the above achievement? No Yes What is your post school/college achievements? (i.e. unit standard, qualification, learnership or skills programme) (2 Year Name of School/College/Technikon/University Name of Provider Do you have documentary proof / evidence of the above achievement? ABET4/ NQF NQFL1 L2 NQF L3 NQF L4 No Yes NQF L5 and Higher or Other RPL APPLICATION FORM Section 2 Provider Name Document no: For unit standard/ qualification title: NQF Level Credits Revision number: Revision Date: / / Surname/last name Name of Applicant: First names (in full) Title Initials (first names) Where and when have you demonstrated your related skills, competencies and experience? (1) Name of Institution Address: Position/Program/Course Period: (From) To: Name of person in Charge Tel nr: ( ) - Do you have proof/evidence of the above related skills, competencies and experience? No Yes Letter of Appointment (1) Service Record Sworn Statemen t Approved Job Description Photographs or Video Recordings Other (Specify): Name of Institution/ Faculty/ School/Discipline Address: Position (Job title) Period: (From) To: Reporting to (Job title) Name of person Tel no: ( ) - Responsibilities (related skills, competencies and experience exercised) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Do you have proof/evidence of the above related skills, competencies and experience? No Yes Letter of Appointment Service Record Sworn Statemen t Approved Job Description Photographs or Video Recordings Other (Specify): Applicant signature: Date: / / Assessor signature: Date: / / RPL Program Coordinator’s signature: Date: / / LEARNER RPL ASSESSMENT RECORD NOTE: The provider can use this form as a guide for developing a form for the systematic recording of the outcome of the RPL Assessment Provider Name For unit standard/ qualification title: Provider logo NQF Level Credits Candidate Reference number: Surname/last name Name of Learner: First names (in full) Title Initials (first names) Identity number: Tel no: ( ) - Fax no: ( ) - E-mail: Name of Company/ Institution: Department: Assessment: Theory: Assessor Name: Provider Name: Provider’s Registered Name: Name of Assessor (if applicable): Practical: Assessor Name: Provider Name: Provider’s Registered Name: Name of Assessor (if applicable): I , the learner, had the opportunity to discuss and agree to the following before the assessment - Mark with a √ 1. The qualification or unit standard to be assessed 2. The specific outcomes, performance criteria and range expected to be demonstrated 3. The work activity to be demonstrated 4. The type of assessment program and who will be involved 5. The assessment requirements indicated below and the program timetable 6. Any concerns about this assessment 7. The type of competency that I want to achieve 8. Further opportunities for re-assessment in the future Observation Oral Questions Written questions Portfolio of evidence Assignment Witness testimony Project Simulation Other assessors evidence Theory achieved Yes / No Competent Yes No Practical standard achieved Yes / No Competent Yes No Next assessment opportunity target date planed, if applicable): / / ASSESSORS RECORD Provider Name For unit standard/ qualification title: NQF Level Credits Candidate Reference number: Surname/last name Assessor’s name: First names (in full) Title Assessor Initials (first names) Date: / / 2 feedback to the learner (Delete if not applicable): Feedback to the Learner Assessor signature: 0 “I have examined and interviewed the above named candidate, I am recommending: Tick (√) Assessor’s a) The candidate meets the required standards for recognition for the above specified a) Decision award (Please tick the b) The candidate meets the required standards but needs to provide additional evidence appropriate as specified in Section B below. Decision): b) c) The candidate has not provided adequate evidence to prove he/she meets the standards for the above specified award Moderator feedback to the Date: c) / / 2 0 learner (Delete if not applicable): Moderator’s signature: Surname/last name Moderator’s name: First names (in full) Title Initials (first names) Moderator comments (Delete if not applicable): Learner feedback notes to the assessors (Delete if not applicable): Date: Learner’s signature: / / 2 0 Assessor’s Comments on the Main Items of Evidence Presented Evidence Includes Curriculum Vitae Work History Job Specification Products/Samples of work References /Testimonials Evidence of on the job assessment Accounts of experience Other certified Learning Assessor observations/comments – additional requirements Does the evidence presented demonstrate that the standards for the award have been met? Evidence assessed for Authenticity (details to be given) Evidence endorsed by current employer/referee/appropriate person. Evidence dated and Verified at Interview Evidence assessed for Sufficiency Assessor is satisfied that the evidence is adequate to exceed the minimum standard Evidence assessed for Validity Evidence is directly relevant to the standard for the above award Assessor satisfied for Currency of Evidence Evident is current within the last 5 years. Evidence presented may be older but must be current within the present requirements of skill, knowledge and competences specified for the award. Other comments about evidences submitted: Assessor’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________________ YES NO External Verification Form Verified By: Date Name of the Institution/Organization: Decision by Verifier: Supports the Recommendation above Reason Does not support the recommendation above Notes: Date: Verifier Profile: Observations of Verifier Verifier’s Name & Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________________ Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Procedure for identification of learners with special needs 4.2 Approach to learners with special needs 4.3 Role of the learning support team 5. Communication of policy 6. Evaluation and review 7. Documentation 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is: Ensure enrolment of learners with special needs at XXXX; To assist sponsors and guardians in making an informed decision in relation to the enrolment of their child in organisation; To comply with legislation. 2. DEFINITIONS A learner has special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. A learner has a learning difficulty if they: have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of learners of the same age; or have a disability which prevents or hinders the learner from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for learners within XXXXXX; A learner must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or medium of communication of the home is different from the language in which he or she is or will be taught. The different types of categories are listed below: cognitive disability physical disability severe medical condition hearing impairment vision impairment language disorder specific learning difficulty emotional disorders and behavioural disorders Multiple disabilities - this is a combination of 2 or more of the above disabilities. 3. SCOPE This policy is about all learners or people experiencing special educational needs in all age groups. A learner or person has special educational needs if she/he has a learning difficulty or a disability which calls for special educational and training provision to be made for him/her. Learning difficulty is defined in terms of persons "who have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of their peers, and/or have disabilities which either prevent or hinder them from making effective use of educational and training facilities of a kind generally provided in education and training situation ." Exceptionally able or gifted learners are excluded from this definition, as are persons for whom English is a second language XXXX recognises that these learners have their own needs, however, which are addressed separately. 4. POLICY APPLICATION The aim of the SEN is to provide an inclusive programme for learners with disabilities. In line with the XXXX A ethos, the programme allows learners with identified special educational and training needs the inherent right of respect for their human worth and dignity and to realise their individual capacity for spiritual, physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. The facilitators of learners with special needs are a whole XXXX responsibility. The whole XXXX staff (particularly those in direct contact with learners together with the assistance of the support staff will aim: To protect and foster the dignity of the learner with special needs by a personal model of professionalism. To foster a secure, safe, caring and accepting institutional environment. To give the learner every opportunity to develop the skills necessary to adapt to the challenges and changes of life. By doing so allowing for the development of self-concept and self-esteem in the learner with special educational and training needs. To set up and maintain a "care network" between the facilitators, staff and the general XXXX community. This will assist the learner with special educational needs, to develop strengths and abilities in the social, emotional and academic aspects of their education. To promote an environment in the classroom this will allow for the acceptance of the uniqueness and the differences of each learner. To enable special needs learners to reach their full potential the following are offered, depending on the needs of the learner: (a) Support within the classroom by either an aid or LEARNING SUPPORT needs facilitator. (b) Withdrawal of some learners so they are able to develop their skills in literacy, numeracy and independent living skills. (c) If a learner is skilled in a certain outcomes they are eligible to have assessment tasks modified and their work modified. (d) Physical or timetabling modifications of XXXX to enable the learners with special need access to different areas and equipment. g) Supplying learners with appropriate educational material so that they gain a sense of achievement. h) Continual in-servicing of staff so that they develop the skills needed to work with learners with special needs. i) Depending on the learner's needs access to the Special Provision Program for major assessments. 4.1 PROCEDURE FOR IDENTIFICATION OF LEARNERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS If a facilitator suspects that a student has a disability they need to discuss the situation with the learner and relevant Supervisor. If it is suspected that the learner that has a cognitive disability, language disorder, specific learning disability or a behavioural disorder the referral form needs to be completed. This form will help in identifying the impact of the suspected disability on a learner's ability to learn and their behaviour in both the training room. The facilitators after consulting with the learner's parents, sponsors or guardians refer the learner to appropriate professional(s) for assessment. If the assessment(s) confirms a disability the appropriate documentation will be forwarded to the relevant person at XXXX, where the assessment may be validated. If the learner obtains validation then they are included in the LEARNING SUPPORT Database and become part of the XXXXX's LEARNING SUPPORT Education Program. 4.2 APPROACH TO LEARNERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS XXXX believes that success of the LEARNING SUPPORT Needs Program depends on a whole organisational approach. With all members of XXXXXX training staff and support staff contributing to the achievements of both individual special needs learners and the LEARNING SUPPORT Needs Program. To ensure that this success continues and that all learner needs are being met a Organisation support team will be established. Depending on the needs of each learner the team could consist of the stakeholders including management, training staff, support staff and learner representatives. The team may meet formally or informally depending on the needs of individual learners or the special needs group as a whole. 4.3 ROLE OF THE LEARNING SUPPORT TEAM Ensure the integration of learners with special needs by helping to provide a secure, caring and accepting environment. Facilitate the writing of the XXXX policy on Learner's with Special Needs and ensure that there are opportunities and resources available for it to become a "working policy". Support in the development of IEP and ITP plans. Facilitate the access to professional development programs for facilitators and support staff. This is to ensure that these people become more aware of needs of the learners and learn effective strategies when facilitating or dealing with the learners. Advise on the modifications to the XXXX sites and/or the purchasing of special equipment that will aid the LEARNING SUPPORT Needs Learners(s). 5. COMMUNICATION The policy will be circulated to Support Staff, Facilitators, Assessors and Moderators. A workshop will be conducted for Support Staff, Facilitators, Assessors and Moderators by an expert in SEN. Learners will be informed about the policy during orientation. 6. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated regularly and reviewed annually. The review team will comprise of the following stakeholders within XXXX: Management Facilitating Staff Support Staff Learner Representatives Changes or amendments to policy will be tracked and recorded accordingly. 6. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the SEN Policy An electronic copy of the SEN Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Principles 5. Communication of policy 6. Evaluation and review 7. Documentation 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the XXXXX's corporate image is projected in a positive, coherent and consistent manner, whether by traditional methods or by new media such as the Web. 2. DEFINITIONS Corporate Image: the corporate image is the way the XXXXX is perceived by its stakeholders and the general public via traditional methods and/or new media such as the Web. External Communication: dissemination of information to XXXXX community, its stakeholders and the world at large. Marketing Activities: activities that are designed to promote the image of the XXXXX through the use of various vehicles, such as printed materials, radio, television and transit ads. Advertising: advertising is the communication of a message that is created and displayed for the sole purpose of promoting a corporation or its product. Sponsorship: sponsorship is corporate support received or given for a project, program or event, which is publicly acknowledged. Commercial Activity: commercial activity refers to any revenue generating or fund raising activity on XXXXX by an outside business or organization. 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to all personnel within the organization with specific reference to marketing and communication personnel. 4. POLICY APPLICATION 4.1 PRINCIPLES XXXXX shall assign the management of marketing and communications activities to a single staff position, namely a Marketing and Communications Officer (MCO), along with a back-up person who has the knowledge and authority to replace the MCO during an absence. Where the marketing and communications activities of a unit do not warrant a full-time position, the responsibilities shall nevertheless be assigned to a single position within the unit. If the responsibility has not been assigned to a specific position, the responsibility for the management of marketing and communications activities is assumed by XXXXX. Training, administrative and support staff who require marketing and communications services shall consult their MCO, who will in turn, interact with MCS, using the project management tools that are available. The MCO shall prepare and submit an annual marketing and communications plan to XXXXX. XXXXX will identify the activities in the plan that are aligned with the corporate strategy, and then integrate them in the annual comprehensive plan submitted to the XXXXX for approval. The MCO shall contact MCS to obtain professional creative and editorial services for the realization of approved activities. These services include graphic design, writing, editing, proofreading and translation. The MCO shall contact MCS to obtain professional communication services for the realization of approved activities. These services include community relations, media outreach, organization and control of media events, preparation of news releases and media advisories, media training, management of crisis communications, and assistance with the organization of major XXXXX events. MCS has a photographer on staff to create and maintain a photographic record of activities and events that are of lasting significance to the XXXXX. In such cases, members of the XXXXX community may contact the MCS photographer directly to request service. Information about the photographs is recorded and the original images are stored at the XXXXX Archives. MCO's shall contact MCS for expert consultation and quality control of image and language for all external marketing and communications activities, even if the activities have not been approved by MCS for inclusion in the annual corporate strategy. There is no charge for services provided by MCS staff for approved projects. However, costs for ad placements, printing and other costs are the responsibility of XXXXX. MCS recognizes that it is not possible to anticipate all marketing and communications activities and to document them in advance in an annual plan. Should unexpected opportunities that might contribute to the desired corporate image present themselves to XXXXX, the MCO shall consult with MCS prior to initiating the activity. MCS will evaluate the options to determine the most effective and efficient response to the opportunity (e.g. ad placements, sponsorship, advertising, commercial activities). Ad Placement The corporate image suffers if several units unknowingly place an ad in the same newspaper or magazine on the same day, particularly if it is unplanned or if each ad has a different design. To avoid a negative impact, the MCO shall consult with MCS prior to arranging an ad placement. Possible solutions might be: to use a design template; to consider purchasing a larger, single space; to reschedule the placement date; to select another publication with a similar readership. Sponsorship MCS will coordinate the XXXXX 's sponsorship efforts, and will develop a policy specifying the guidelines and criteria regarding appropriate opportunities for sponsorship of external activities. Advertising and Commercial Activities Managers shall consult MCS prior to entering into agreements to allow advertising or commercial activities by external organizations in XXXXX publications (printed or electronic) or on University property. MCS will develop a policy specifying the guidelines and criteria regarding appropriate opportunities for advertising and commercial activities by external organizations. 5. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy will be circulated to all personnel within our organisation. 6. EVALUATION AND REVIEW The marketing team will meet XXXXX times a year and will use the following to evaluate the success of its marketing activities and take appropriate action: Monitoring Surveys Client Feedback Forms Liaison with staff Usage of service statistics 7. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Marketing and Communications Policy An electronic copy of the Marketing and Communications Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.1 5.2 6. 7. 8. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Administration of course fees 4.2 Payment options 4.3 Payment plan arrangements 4.4 Outstanding fees 4.5 Outstanding fees late payments fee Procedures Course fee review procedure Course fee payment procedure Communication of policy Evaluation and review Documentation 1. PURPOSE Course fees may be approved and implemented if they meet any of the following conditions: They pay for the cost of activities related to a learning programme They provide learners with an object or product of value; or, They cover costs associated with specific learning programmes (e.g. specialized equipment or materials, risk management, laboratory supplies or expendable products). Course fees are not intended to replace general operating costs, which are to be paid from the general XXXXX budget. 2. DEFINITION Course fees means current amounts payable by learners to access a learning programme. 3. SCOPE The policy applies to all learning programmes offered by XXXXXX. The policy and procedure shall be followed for the establishment and continuation of XXXXX course fees. 4. POLICY APPLICATION 4.1 ADMINISTRATION OF COURSE FEES For each course fee Departments must have an approved Course Fee on file with the XXXXX before any monies may be collected or dispersed. Proceeds from course fees can only be used for the purposes specified to create the fee. Administrative re-titling or renumbering of courses will not require XXXXX review when departments document that the amount and purpose of fees is unchanged. Course fees will automatically expire for any course that has either been eliminated or not been taught for three or more years. 4.2 PAYMENT OPTIONS The course fees may be paid in advance before the course begins. The course fees may be paid on invoice at the start of the programme. The course fees may be paid under a payment plan arrangement. Where available for the course of study the learner may pay all or part of their fees loan scheme. 4.3 PAYMENT PLAN ARRANGEMENTS By credit card on a fortnightly or monthly basis. By direct debit on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. 4.4 OUTSTANDING FEES There will be a late payment fee charged at the end of each month for outstanding accounts. 4.5 OUTSTANDING FEES LATE PAYMENT FEE Learners with outstanding fees will NOT be awarded with their certificates of competencies. Transcripts and marks will be withheld until outstanding accounts have been brought up to date. Learners with outstanding fees may not be permitted to enroll in subsequent programmes. XXXXX reserves the right to withdraw learners with outstanding debts from programmes until the debts have been paid. If learners have any problems in regard to fees they should contact the Accounts Department before the debt gets out of hand. This is a sign of integrity and demonstrates to XXXXX that the learner desire to work with XXXXX to manage their debt. Learners will be referred to a debt collection agency if they cease LEARNING at XXXXX and have outstanding fees. 5. PROCEDURES 5.1 COURSE FEE REVIEW PROCEDURE When a new or revised fee is contemplated, the initiating unit is advised to consult with the CFO (or designee) to ensure that the fee is allowable under XXXXX regulations. A proposal to implement a new course fee, or to increase an existing course fee, must first be approved by XXXXX. The XXXXX will review the proposed fee for conformance may also consider the following factors, among others: Is the fee for a required course, or an elective? How many courses in the proposing department already have fees? Is the size of the fee reasonable relative to the educational and training value? The XXXXX will forward its recommendation to the XXXXX for her/his consideration and consultation with the Chief Financial Officer. Only after XXXXX l approval and XXXXX’s approval (if required) will a course fee be implemented. 5.2 COURSE FEE PAYMENT PROCEDURE Learners will receive an invoice at the commencement of each month for course fees paid. Fees can be paid in full or by a payment plan arrangement. Fees must be paid by the last week of classes in each month. XXXXX accepts the following payment methods: Cheque, Money Order, and Credit Card, payment through a bank, direct credit and direct debit. Under no circumstances learners to give money to facilitators to pay their fees. Receipts will be issued on the spot if paid personally or available for collection at reception if requested. Learners are to keep their receipts for substantiation purposes. 6. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy will be circulated to all members of staff. Prospective learners will be informed through brochures and other mass media. 7. EVALUATION AND REVIEW The course fee policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and review once annually. 8. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Course Fee Policy An electronic copy of the Course Fee Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. APPENDICES Course Fee Structure XXXXXXXX Course Fee Learning Programme Name: _________________________________________________ Qualification / Unit Standard Title: ____________________________________________ Level: _________ Credits: _______ SAQA ID: _____________ No. Cost Description 1 Tuition / Facilitation / Training Fee 2 Learning Material 3 Assessments Fee 4 Certification 5 Other (Specify) TOTAL Unit Cost Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application Procedures Communication of policy Evaluation and review Documentation 1. PURPOSE To ensure that XXXXXX Internal Assessment Policy and Procedures is applied fairly and consistently to provide learners with a clear framework within which they can appeal against assessment decisions. 2. DEFINITION Assessment Appeal is the formal process through which learners may dispute the final assessment judgements or outcomes made by the assessor. 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to assessment candidates, their assessors and moderators of assessment outcomes within XXXXXX. 4. POLICY APPLICATION XXXXXX will allow all learners the right of appeal against decisions relating to the XXXXXX Internal Assessment Policy and Procedure. Learners may appeals against assessments results based on the following grounds: Unfair assessments Victimisation by the assessor Inappropriate assessments Discrimination Failure to prepare a learner for assessments No feedback is provided to the learner 5. PROCEDURE Stage One: A learner should engage with XXXXXX staff to exhaust all informal means of resolving issues before progressing to a formal appeal. These steps should be initiated within 5 working days of receiving notification of the assessment decision. Stage Two: A learner who wishes to make a formal appeal against XXXXXX decision should submit the appeal in writing within 10 working days of being informed that Stage One has not been resolved to the learner's satisfaction. The letter of appeal will be sent to the relevant Assessor and will state clearly the basis of the appeal and any personal circumstances that the learner wishes to be considered. New evidence to support the appeal may be included. The XXXXXX will be available to support and assist the learner in drawing up a letter of appeal. The Assessor will give written acknowledgement of receipt of the letter of appeal, normally within 3 working days. An appeal hearing will be held to give the learner the opportunity to personally discuss the basis of the appeal. The learner may choose to be accompanied by a representative or friend. No legal representation will be allowed. The appeal will be considered by a nominated panel within 10 working days of receipt of the letter of appeal. In circumstances where 10 days is inappropriate, this period may be extended by mutual agreement. Membership of the hearing will comprise the Manager, the relevant assessor and one other member of training staff. The decision of the panel will be confirmed in writing by the Manager to the learner within 5 working days of the hearing. If the appeal is not resolved to the learner's satisfaction, the learner may move to Stage Three of the procedure. Stage Three: The learner should submit a letter detailing the basis of the appeal to the Manager within 5 working days of receipt of the outcome of Stage Two. The Manager will give written acknowledgement of receipt of the letter of appeal, normally within 3 working days. The appeal will be considered by a nominated panel, which will meet normally within 5 working days of receipt of the letter of appeal. In circumstances where this is inappropriate, this period may be extended by mutual agreement. Membership of the panel will comprise the Manager and one other member of staff. The decision of the panel will be confirmed in writing by the Manager to the learner within 5 working days of the meeting. The decision of the appeals panel is final. The Manager will report annually to the Training/Facilitating Staff on the nature and outcomes of formal appeals. 6. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY Learners will be informed of the Assessment Appeals Policy through the Induction/Orientation and Tutorial processes. 7. EVALUATION AND REVIEW The policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year. 8. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Assessment Appeals Policy An electronic copy of the Assessment Appeals Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. APPENDICES Assessment Appeal Form ASSESSMENT APPEALS FORM I (full names) ____________________________________________________ the undersigned; Identity Number_________________________ hereby lodge a dispute and therefore appeal against the outcome of the assessment for the following unit standard as assessed. Unit standard title Level Credits SAQA ID My appeal is based on the following reasons: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Signed by the applicant on this ______ day of _______________________________ 2008. Signature ______________________________________________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Received by _________________________________________________ on this ________ day of _________________________ 2009. Company stamp Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Learning programme development 4.2 Learning programme delivery 4.3 Learning programme evaluation 4.3.1 Evaluation approach Procedures Communication of policy Evaluation and review Documentation 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines and direction in the design, development, delivery and evaluation of learning programmes. 2. DEFINITION Learning programme means the combination of courses, modules or units of learning (learning materials and methodology) by which learners can achieve the learning outcomes for a qualification; 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to curriculum and materials developers, learning facilitators, assessors and moderators. 4. POLICY APPLICATION 4.1 LEARNING PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT Education and training programmes fall broadly into one of two categories: Employment based programmes generally lead to Unit Standard Qualifications or equivalent and, following initial assessment and action planning for individuals, training is through a full-time systematic programme of work-based activity and learning. Direct training, supervision of practice, and access to learning resources support the achievement of competences. Sometimes off-the-job education and training is included. Programme design involves planning, often for individuals rather than groups, a mix of learning and assessment opportunities matching the component units in the award or other valid goals of learners. Education and training based programmes relate to general vocational and educational qualifications. They can be part-time or full-time, take place in a range of centres, and are sometimes linked to work-based placements. Teaching and training is usually a group activity (increasingly supported through flexible learning for individuals), and follows a timetable of learning and teaching sessions related to components in the award. Programme development involves planning how groups of learners can best achieve outcomes and making decisions about programme components, locations and access arrangements, methods of delivery, and assessment for certification. For both types of programme, the requirements are met when, for each programme, there is a statement of purpose which clearly links the target group to the award or other planned outcome and to the end users of the programme (e.g. employers, higher education institutions). It should be clear that well researched needs are being met. There will be evidence that each programme achieves a good match with learner and client expectations of content and standards. The programmes should lead to Unit Standard Qualifications or equivalent where this is contractually required. They will follow any given specifications to the letter, (e.g. the programme should be designed against the standards of the qualification to which they lead) or particular criteria agreed by a client or with a learner. The learning opportunities in work placements should be carefully identified to ensure that all the outcomes required by the award or other learning goals can be achieved. Particular attention will be paid to specifications for the integration of core skills into programmes in order to achieve the appropriate degree of breadth. Core skills cover aspects such as communication, numeracy, information technology, personal effectiveness, and problem solving. This organisation knows, understands, and has taken steps to ensure that learners will be prepared for future changes by progressing in these skills. Education and training-based programmes for groups are organised to meet individual needs so far as possible by flexible arrangements for access and progression through the programme, e.g. by self study methods, accreditation of prior learning/achievement, assessment on demand. For all programmes, there will be a clear outline of the learning resources and environment, staffing requirements, and overall learning methodology appropriate to the aims and purposes of the programme. Plans will demonstrate that learners will experience coherent, well structured and sequenced activities. Where learners with disabilities or learning difficulties are recruited to programmes leading to an award, there are plans for modification of programmes, e.g. extra time, alternative learning methods, and special assessment arrangements agreed with the awarding body. Overall the programme development will ensure that there is a good degree of learner activity and that learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. Programme development is effectively managed and all aspects are regularly monitored and reviewed. 4.2 LEARNING PROGRAMME DELIVERY Whereas the Programme Design section is concerned with the quality of the planned intentions, this policy is concerned with the effectiveness of the training, teaching, and learning experienced which will form the scope of this policy. The success of XXXXX depends on the effective delivery of well designed programmes. The design will be translated into practice so that learners achieve and realize their goals and education and training standards set by the organisation. Programme delivery is effective when there is: evidence of a purposeful, productive, and supportive learning environment; concern for learners as individuals; relevant, well produced and maintained resources which are adequate for the purposes of effective learning; learning, teaching, and training approaches which are appropriate to the learning outcomes, the needs of individual learners, and the learner's intended destinations which are varied and emphasize learner activity and responsibility for learning. When surveys are taken of training and teaching methods, often the strongest reactions relate to the quality of relationships between staff and learners and the extent to which learners feel valued and well supported in their learning tasks. Good facilitators make learning interesting and enjoyable, they form friendly (but not over-familiar) relationships with learners, and they communicate a strong sense of the value of the work being done to the highest possible standards. Effective support for learning will be done through on-going assessment linked to teaching (formative assessment or trainee-centered reviewing), providing learners with guidance on how they are progressing and the next steps. Programme delivery will be effectively managed and all aspects will be reviewed. Organizations whose learners are mainly in employment-related training schemes on employers' premises will ensure that systems are in place for making sure that work experience and placement subcontractors are briefed on the standards the organisation wants to be applied, and that they will have co-operation in gathering evidence that the requirements are met. 4.3 LEARNING PROGRAMME EVALUATION To ensure that learning programmes are adapted to take care of the needs of learners, to remain relevant and appropriate as well as suitable for the target audience. 4.3.1 EVALUATION APPROACH Evaluation approach will be as follows: The learning programme developer needs to determine if the programme meets the needs and criteria established by earlier events. The developer should be able to identify those individuals who should have been involved and receive specific feedback from them. The developer should after receiving feedback modify the programme as appropriate. The developer should obtain approval form those concerned before proceeding to the next event in the training process. Through evaluation & feedback the developer should constantly check whether the program designed is still relevant to the needs identified. The developer has to determine the specifications of the performance expected of a person in a particular designated job. 5 PROCEDURE If the staff members for a learning program are new to one another, initial time (perhaps as much as an afternoon or an evening) should be scheduled for them to do their own team building. The staff typically must take up the following considerations, in approximately the order given, as it prepares a learning event. Step 1: Training Needs Analysis: What data do you have on the participants' jobs, back-home environment, age, sex, race, religion? What are the participants' expectations for the learning program? Has a pre-course questionnaire been administered? Have you seen the program announcement? What further information do you need to obtain at the beginning of the program? What can you anticipate from the participants in the way of mood, volunteerism, and readiness? Step 2: Determine Learning Outcomes: Discuss and write a set of outcomes for the program, usually not more than five, and have them ready for use in the first session. Be explicit about values, the methods to be used, and any ground rules. Establish practitioner responsibilities as seen by the facilitator. Step 3: Assess Staff Resources and Skills What visual aids and devices have staff members brought with them? What special skills and interests exist among staff members? If certain unusual modules are needed, who can handle them? Make a list of what resources are needed and the resources that are available to see if there are any gaps. Step 4: Determine Training and Prioritize This is the heart of the design: what should come first, second, etc. Block out the time schedule on newsprint and start filling it in. Begin with known elements: meals, free time, and perhaps time for back-home planning and evaluation. As other elements are filled in, look at the schedule's balance, flow, and required energy level. Mornings are better for theory; afternoons for activity; evenings for nonverbal events and T -groups. If T -groups are included, theory sessions should be selected to enhance the T -group activity in its predictable phases. One thing should lead to another. Will the experience of the participants be one of growth and development, or will it seem to them that they are getting a series of unconnected inputs? Step 5: State the Outcomes for Each Module This may be done by the staff, through discussion, or by the staff members responsible for a specific module. Ideally, the objectives should be specific and measurable: "By the end of this period you should be able to. . . ." Present the objectives to participants at the start of each session. Knowing where they are going will help them to learn better. Step 6: Predict the Time Schedule for Each Element This should be specific: introduction, ten minutes; forming groups and giving instructions, five minutes; working on the task, forty minutes, etc. On a larger scale, review the schedule to see that sufficient time is available for what is planned, for each element. Provide for "fillers." Is more time available than the work will consume? Avoid planning so much that the participants feel hurried. Step 7: Allocate Staff Responsibility Generally, all staff members participate in the first session, and all should be visible. Planning the opening session often takes a large portion of the total planning time. For subsequent modules, individual staff members or pairs can volunteer to take responsibility. All staff need not participate in planning every session. Often a staff member will want to try to conduct a type of session for the first time as a means of learning or stretching. No one should be overburdened or under utilized. This is a good time to establish a norm regarding when and how staff members can help one another. When a staff member is up front, presenting, is it OK for others to interrupt? Step 8: Assess the Logistics Space: large rooms, small rooms, comfort, convenience. Materials: handouts, pencils, newsprint, nametags, workbooks, masking tape, flipcharts on easels, magic markers, tape recorders and tapes, reference materials. Housekeeping details: breaks, meals, physician, sleeping comfort, etc. Administration: registration, money, travel, personal supplies. Recreation: bar provision, indoor-outdoor resources, alone time, and socialization. Step 9: Define Primary Client Concerns Who is the primary client? Who is paying for this? What are the client's expectations? How will you communicate? Does your design to this point meet these expectations? What contact will you have with the client before, during, and after the program? Will the client be expected to take action as a result of the program? Are you and the client clear on your contract? Step10: Provide for Evaluation Will you evaluate as part of the design: By obtaining post-meeting reaction sheets for each module? By obtaining a daily rating of satisfaction or learning’s? By obtaining an end-of-programme evaluation? Each of these needs preparation. Who is going to do it? Any provision for follow-up? Is there a requirement for a report to the primary client? Do you anticipate that the design as planned will meet the goals stated? 5. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy document will be circulated to the following: Curriculum Development Experts, Learning Programme Design and Development Experts, Learning Delivery Facilitators Assessors Moderators Quality Assurance Experts 6. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once a year by the following team: Curriculum Development Experts, Learning Programme Design and Development Experts, Learning Delivery Facilitators Assessors Moderators Quality Assurance Experts The following will be used for evaluation and review: Learner evaluation questionnaires Feedback from Facilitators Feedback from assessors Feedback from moderators 7. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Learning Programme Development, Delivery and Evaluation Policy An electronic copy of the Learning Programme Development, Delivery and Evaluation Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. APPENDICES Learning Programme Development and Delivery Evaluation Form. XXXXX Learning Programme Development and Delivery Evaluation Form Thank you for your active participation during the XXXXX training. Kindly complete the following evaluation questions below. This evaluation form is an integral part of XXXXXXX quality assurance management system. Training dates Training venue Facilitator’s name Evaluation of course materials Kindly read the statements below and indicate your opinion by placing a tick in the respective block. Response Area Yes No Was the course material presented in a clear and consistent manner? Was the structure of the respective course material clear and understandable? Was the level of the course material relevant to your needs? Were the learning objectives clearly expressed in the training materials? Were the learning objectives achieved? Was the course duration appropriate to the content offered? Did the course and materials meet up to your expectations? Is the course material applicable to your work environment? Did the focus activities in the course materials enhance your learning experience? Will you be able to transfer the knowledge and skills gained on the course, into your respective workplace? What did you like most about the course materials presented? What did you like least about the course materials presented? Evaluation of the course facilitator Kindly read the question below pertaining to the facilitator, and indicate your opinion by placing a tick in the respective block. Q: Did the facilitator: Yes No Know the subject matter? Encourage participation? Answer questions thoroughly? Respect your knowledge and experience? Provide relevant examples and analogies? Provide clear explanations and instructions? Generate a desire to learn? Any feedback to the facilitator Evaluation of the logistics Kindly read the statements below and indicate your opinion by placing a tick in the respective block. Yes No Was the venue appropriate for the training that was offered? Was the seating arrangement conducive to learning? Were the refreshments provided adequate? Please submit the evaluation form back to the course facilitator. Thank you. Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 5. Procedures 5. Identification and preliminary investigations 5.2 The informal grievance investigation 5.3 The informal grievance hearing 5.3.1 The grievance hearing: Phase 1 5.3.2 Finding on the facts 5.3.3 The grievance hearing: Phase 2 5.3.4 Corrective action 6. Communication of policy 7. Evaluation and review 8. Documentation 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to give guidance and to provide a framework for all employees and learners of XXXXXXX to deal with grievances raised effectively, and at the earliest possible stage. 2. DEFINITION The mild grievance: This type of grievance does not involve a dispute of facts or require that evidence be lead to understand the nature of the grievance. The superior or official can easily ascertain the nature of the problem and feels that he/she is capable of resolving the grievance without assistance. For example a worker or learner lodges a complaint about the unclean state of the toilet facilities. In this instance the superior is required to follow the Informal Grievance Investigation Procedure. The serious grievance: This type of grievance revolves around a dispute of facts and further evidence or witness testimonies may be necessary to understand the nature of the grievance. Alternatively the superior or official does not feel he/she is capable of resolving the grievance without assistance. For example, one worker or learner claims another worker or learner hit him during their lunch break. In this instance the grievance must be channeled through the formal Grievance Hearing Procedure. The sensitive grievance: The sensitive grievance may include grievances about discrimination, sexual harassment and other forms of harassment, victimisation etc. In this instance the grievance must be channeled through the formal Grievance Hearing Procedure. 3. SCOPE The policy shall apply to all employees and learners of XXXXXX. 4. POLICY APPLICATION The objects and purposes of the Grievance Procedure will only be achieved if it functions effectively and is properly utilized. In light of the above, XXXXXX is committed to ensuring that: Employees and learners are aware of the opportunity to express grievances. Employees and learners feel free to express their grievances without the fear of victimization or intimidation or prejudice to their employment relationship. Employees and learners are encouraged to use the procedure, but also warned not to abuse it with false grievances. Sensitive grievances are dealt with privately, and confidentiality of information is maintained. The XXXXX in accepting this policy gives commitment to the following: The resolution of all grievances timeously. Recognizing the employees’ and learners’ right to be represented by a fellow employee or learner if he/she wishes to do so. Ensuring that Management handles grievances with the Human Resources Department acting in an advisory capacity. Creating an environment in which an employee or learner may lodge a grievance without fear of being victimized or prejudiced. Ensure that all grievances are handled in a confidential manner. Ensure that each step in the procedure shall be subject to the stipulated time limits, unless otherwise determined by the parties through mutual agreement. 5. PROCEDURE 5.1 IDENTIFICATION AND PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS Employees and learners must be informed of their rights to lodge a grievance and where the applicable Grievance Application Form can be obtained. All grievances may be lodged with management/Human Resource Department if the employee or learners feels more comfortable doing so. No employee or learner may leave his/her normal place of work/learning or engage in any grievance discussion without prior permission, and such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Assistance must be offered if necessary by the superior/or any relevant official in lodging such a grievance and completing the Grievance Application Form. The official must consider the nature and type of the grievance lodged and based on this assessment make a decision as to the best grievance resolution procedure to follow. The mild grievance can be dealt with via the informal investigation route, however a serious grievance and sensitive grievance requires a formal hearing. The appropriate procedures to follow are discussed below. 5.2 THE INFORMAL GRIEVANCE INVESTIGATION The aggrieved employee’s superior or learners facilitator, or person with whom the grievance has been lodged must ensure the Grievance Application From has been correctly completed and the grievance is clearly understood. The superior or official must then discuss the grievance and proposed corrective action with the employee or learner in private. The decision on corrective action, if any, must be detailed on the Grievance Application Form. The aggrieved employee or learner / employee or learner representative or witness must sign the Grievance Application Form. If the employee or learner is dissatisfied with the decision he/she may lodge an appeal within 5(five) working days of the outcome being received. If the employee or learner is satisfied with the decisions, the corrective action must be implemented and recorded on the form. 5.3 THE FORMAL GRIEVANCE HEARING A chairperson must be arranged to conduct the grievance hearing. The employee must be notified of the grievance hearing in writing. Ensure the aggrieved employee/s or learner/s receive such notification at least 2(two) working days before the Grievance Hearing so as to allow sufficient time to prepare. If the grievance has been lodged against another party such party must also receive the notification of the hearing and of his/her rights, as well as the grievance/s lodged, at least 2(two) working days prior to the hearing. 5.3.1 THE GRIEVANCE HEARING: PHASE 1 The chairperson must advise the parties present of the purpose of the hearing and their rights during the hearing. The aggrieved employee or learner or employee or learner representative must then be given an opportunity to motivate the grievance. The person against whom the grievance was lodged must be given the opportunity to respond to the grievance. Both parties may present evidence/ call witnesses to motivate their case. Both parties may also cross question witnesses. The Hearing may be adjourned at this stage if necessary. 5.3.2 FINDING ON THE FACTS The chairman must now make a finding on a balance of probabilities on the validity of the grievance. If the grievance is found to be invalid, the findings must be recorded in writing and signed by the aggrieved employee or learner/ employee or learner representative or witness. The aggrieved employee or learner must also advised of his/her/their right to appeal within 5(five) working days of receiving the outcome and of the applicable Application for Appeal Form to complete. If the grievance is found to be valid, the Grievance Hearing: Phase 2 needs to be conducted. 5.3.3 THE GRIEVANCE HEARING: PHASE 2 The chairman must present the finding on the validity of the grievance and permit both the aggrieved employee/s or learner/s and other party an opportunity to present suggestions for corrective action. Responses and discussion as to the feasibility of such suggestions must be entertained. Both parties must be questioned as to whether they are satisfied with the proceedings. 5.3.4 CORRECTIVE ACTION The chairperson must decide on the most effective and viable corrective action and advice the employee or learner in writing of the decision made on the Outcome of Grievance Hearing Form. The chairperson must ensure that such corrective action is implemented and that progress is recorded. The employee or learner must also be advised of his/her right to appeal against the decision within 5 (five) working days of receiving the outcome if he/she is dissatisfied. 6. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy will be circulated to all staff and learners enrolling with XXXXXX. Staff will attend a workshop while learners will be informed of the policy during orientation programme. 7. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once annually. 8. DOMUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Grievance Policy An electronic copy of the Grievance Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. APPENDICES Grievance form. XXXXXXX Grievance Form To: _________________________________________________________________________________ An interview is requested with regard to the following grievance/s: Summary of the grievance: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ The aggrieved individual/s must write a full statement on her/his/their contentions on the provided page and submit it to the relevant person within the organisation. Full Names of complainant: _____________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Findings and comments of first official: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Findings and comments of second official: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Findings and comments of third official: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Full Statement by Complainant _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Management of offsite or onsite learning 4.2 Offsite or worksite working learning agreement 4.3 Offsite or worksite assessment 4.4 Offsite or worksite learning moderation 4.5 Monitoring of on and offsite learning 5. 6. 7. 8. Procedures Communication of policy Evaluation and review Documentation 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to describe practices applied by XXXXX to manage off-site practical or worksite components of learning. 2. DEFINITION “Onsite learning” is provision of classroom based or contact learning at the premises of the education and training service provider. “Offsite learning” is provision of work-based learning or delivery of distance learning away from the normal premises used by the education and training service provider. 3. SCOPE The scope of this policy covers the management of off-site practical or work-site components of learning which does not happen under the direct management of XXXXX. 4. POLICY 4.1 MANAGEMENT OF OFF-SITE OR WORK-SITE LEARNING Learning programme delivery may entail theoretical on-site as well as practical or experiential off-site or work-site learning. There is therefore a need for a well coordinated and well managed process of managing off-site or work-site learning. 4.2 OFF-SITE OR WORK-SITE LEARNING AGREEMENT A learner must enter into a learning agreement which must include the following: Learner details Assessor details Learner understanding of assessment process, appeals rights and access to the organisational requirements Organisational requirements must be communicated to the learner including the environment where assessment will be conducted. Arrangements should be made and communicated to learners on the following issues: Needs for people with physical disabilities Work shifts Communication difficulties Mentoring and coaching Working conditions Occupational health and safety Learners are required to keep a log of the experiential or practical tasks performed in the workplace. Learners may do several of the practical or experiential tasks on any day even simultaneously. These tasks should be completed as assigned by the Experiential or Workplace Facilitator/ Mentor/ Coach or Assessor. The Workplace or experiential Facilitator/Assessor should check the logged activities recorded by the learner. Regular feedback must be given to the learner and on-the –job coaching or mentoring should be conducted as when required. If the Workplace or Experiential Facilitators/Assessor is satisfied with the experiential or workplace skills demonstrated, comments must be provided in the feedback section and the log must then be signed off. If the Workplace or Experiential Facilitators/Assessor is not satisfied with the experiential or workplace skills demonstrated, and sign off the log indication should be provided on action to be taken to correct the gaps identified. 4.3 OFF-SITE OR WORK-SITE ASSESSMENT The workplace assessment of unit standards should be as streamlined and user-friendly as possible for assessors, learners and moderators while remaining true to the letter and spirit of the relevant regulations. Workplace assessment is the workplace equivalent of practices in educational institutions whereby competence is evaluated, and on the basis of which qualifications are awarded. It is imperative to recognise the centrality of workplace assessment and seek to promote its effective implementation. Assessment must be conducted by competent and qualified assessor who must meet the following criteria: Must have been credited against the unit standards “Conduct outcome based assessments, level 5, 15 credits, NLRD ID Number 115753”. Registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA Have experience as an assessor Must have subject matter expertise in the area where assessment is to be conducted. 4.4 OFF-SITE OR WORK-SITE LEARNING MODERATION Moderation must be conducted by competent and qualified assessor who must meet the following criteria: Must have been credited against the unit standard “Conduct moderation of outcome based assessments, level 6, 10 credits, NLRD ID Number 115755, Must have been credited against the unit standards “Conduct outcome based assessments, level 5, 15 credits, NLRD ID Number 115753”. Registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA Must have experience as an assessor 4.5 MONITORING OF ON AND OFF-SITE LEARNING Monitoring should be viewed as a process to improve quality of provision for workplace related learning. XXXXXX will appoint internal and external monitors at its discretion that will carry out the monitoring of learning conducted at workplaces or off-site as well as on-site. Monitoring of on-site theoretical learning and off-site practical or experiential learning will be conducted once a month. Monitoring officers will conduct monitoring using approved monitoring tools. Feedback from a monitoring process should include recommendations that will assist enhancement of quality improvement within the organisation. Monitoring should be conducted ethically inline with the principles of the NQF on assessment which include among other issues the following: Fairness Validness Authenticity Credibility Transparency Reliability e.c.t. A\preliminary monitoring report should be produced within seven days after the monitoring process has been carried out. The report should be circulated and one copy should be sent to the workplace or offsite and on-site provider. The workplaces or a learner in the workplace have the right to appeals against the outcome of a monitoring if there are disputes arising from the monitoring report. Such appeals should be done in writing within three days after receipt of the monitoring report. Disputes should be lodged directly with the Monitoring Officer of XXXXXX stating the reasons or grounds of such an appeal. 5. PROCEDURE (MONITORING) Step 1: Appeal lodged with the monitoring official Step 2: Monitoring Official acknowledge receipt of appeal within 24 hours after receipt Step 3: Monitoring Official responds to the appeal within 72 hours. If the dispute is resolved, the matter is closed. Step 4: If the matter is unresolved, the Monitoring Official refers the matter to the Facilitator or Assessor or moderator depending on the nature of the dispute. The Facilitator or Assessor or Moderator attend to the dispute within 48 hours after referral of the matter and the matter is resolved Step 5: If the matter is unresolved, the Facilitator or Assessor or Moderator refers the matter to the Chief executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer resolves and closes matter. Should the Chief Executive Officer fail to resolve the matter, HWESETA may intervene, however, it should be noted that every effort will be made to ensure that the matter is resoled internally. 6. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy will be communicated to all Support Staff, Facilitators of Learning, Assessors, Moderators, Mentors and Coaches and Learners registered for learning with XXXX. 7. EVALUATION AND REVIEW This policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once annually. 8. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Management of Offsite and Onsite Learning Policy An electronic copy of the Management of Offsite and Onsite Learning Evaluation Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. APPENDICES Off-Site Training Checklist OFFSITE TRAINING PREPARATION CHECKLIST Action Confirm Attendees Obtain roster of attendees for training session. Provide trainees with any pre-training instructions. Training Room Equipment Ensure room is easy for trainees to locate (e.g., make signs, if necessary). Prepare to point out items such as restrooms, coffee, and water. Ensure lighting is appropriate for activities such as note taking, viewing of audio-visual aids, and hands-on computer training. Ensure any sound distractions are eliminated or minimized. Ensure temperature is comfortable for trainees and cool enough for equipment. Arrange furniture to allow all trainees to see the trainer and audio-visual aids. Training Software Ensure the training database is ready for the new session. Ensure system security is correctly established for all trainees. Equipment Ensure all workstations are in place and working properly. Ensure printer is working properly (e.g., adequate paper and toner). Ensure overhead projector is working properly (e.g., focus and bulb works). Ensure large screen projector is working properly (e.g., focus and bulb works). Ensure VCR is working properly (e.g., test on television). Ensure flip chart has adequate paper and flip chart stand is steady. Completed OFFSITE TRAINING PREPARATION CHECKLIST Action Ensure slide projector is working properly. Audio-Visual Materials Photocopy handouts, including extra copies. Arrange handouts in order of use. Prepare transparencies. Arrange transparencies in order of use. Ensure training materials are in place (e.g., presentation notes). Secure any additional trainee materials (e.g., User Manual). Rewind video tape(s) or cue to point desired. Ensure slides are in order and right side up. Ensure any posters are taped in the location desired. Ensure visual aids are visible from the back of the room. Trainer Supplies - Confirm that the following supplies are available: Spare lamps for projection equipment Grease pencils for transparencies Color marking pens White board pens White board eraser Pens and tablets of paper Name cards or tags for trainees Pointer Completed OFFSITE TRAINING PREPARATION CHECKLIST Action Completed Masking tape Extra flip chart pad Additional blank transparencies Additional paper for the printer Extension cord I certify that training preparation is complete. Trainer Signature: Date: Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1. Purpose 2. Definitions 3. Scope 4. Policy application 4.1 Security of certificates 4.2 Issuing duplicate certificates 5. Procedures 6. Communication of policy 7. Evaluation and review 8. Documentation 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to describe the format for learner certification applied by XXXXXXX inline with prescribed requirements. 2. DEFINITION Certificate is a document certifying that one has met specified requirements or document issued to a person who completed a course of study which can be a Skills Programme, National Certificate, Diploma or Degree. 3. SCOPE The scope of this policy covers the certification of learners after successfully completing a learning programme based on National qualifications Framework registered unit standards in the primary focus of HWSETA. 4. POLICY APPLICATION XXXXX’s will only issue a certificate for skills programmes or short courses. The learner must retain the certificate issued by XXXXXXX’s as proof of achievement until a full qualification has been achieved. The certificate should, as a minimum, contain the following: Institution name HWSETA accreditation number if accredited Company logo Company registration number Full Names & Identity Number of the learner Qualification/Unit standard title, level, credits and SAQA ID HWSETA learner achievement or endorsement number Signatures; Date of achievement; Date of issue HWSETA logo SAQA logo 4.1 SECURITY OF CERTIFICATES Certificates will have security features like a water mark and other features to prevent fraudulent and corrupt production and issuing of unauthentic certificates. A company specializing in production of security papers will be contracted to produce certificates. 4.2 ISSUING DUPLICATE CERTIFICATES Should a learner loose the issued certificate, no original replacements will be made. The learner may be issued with a duplicate certificate. The learner will pay a fee for issuing of a duplicate at a fee to be determined by XXXXXXX from time to time based at determined fees. 5. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy will be circulated to all Facilitators of Learning, Assessors, Moderators and Support Staff. A workshop will be conducted to familiarize Facilitators of Learning, Assessors, Moderators and Support Staff with the policy. Learners will be informed of the certification process during orientation programme. 6. EVALUATION AND REVIEW The policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once annually. 7. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Learner Certification Policy An electronic copy of the Learner Certification Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. Appendices Certificate Sample Certificate of Competency (Your name and company logo) Issued to: Full Names, Identity Number 7707073366086 For achievement of NQF Registered Qualification/Unit Standard: Community Health Worker, level 3, 120 credits, SAQAD ID Number XXXX. Learner Achievement date: 15 June 2010 Certificate Issue date: 20 July 2010 HWSETA endorsement number: xxxxxxxx ________________________ Chief Executive Officer ______________________ Manager: Training SAQA LOGO HWSETA LOGO Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Table of Contents 1. Purpose Name Date 2. Definitions 3. Scope 4. Policy application .1 Disciplinary code .2 Offences .2.1 Dishonesty .2.2 Dangerous actions .2.3 Other offences .3 Disciplinary action .3.1 Basic methods of disciplinary action .3.1.1 Verbal warning .3.1.2 Written warning and final written warning .3.1.3 Dismissal from the organisation .3.1.4 Formal disciplinary inquiry .4 Right of appeal 5. Procedures 6. Communication of policy 7. Evaluation and review 8. Documentation 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to regulate discipline in the learning environment with the key principle that XXXXX as an education and training service provider should create an environment mutual respect among employees and learners as well as learners themselves. 2. DEFINITION Discipline is training to act in accordance with established rules; accustoming to systematic and regular action; drill; or Subjection to rule; submissiveness to order and control; habit of obedience; or to accustom to regular and systematic action; to bring under control so as to act systematically; to train to act together under orders; to teach subordination to; to form a habit of obedience in; to drill. 3. SCOPE This policy is applicable to all learners registered at XXXXXX for any learning programmes. 4. POLICY APPLICATION 4.1 DISCIPLINARY CODE Disciplined behaviour is essential for the successful achievement of both the organisation’s and the learner’s objectives. It is the responsibility of the management of XXXXX to maintain disciplined behaviour. For discipline to be maintained fairly, the learners should know what constitutes misconduct and the procedure which will be followed when dealing with misconduct. A disciplinary code should be based on the following principles: Disciplinary action should be corrective as opposed to punitive, the aim being to bring about a change in the behaviour of trainees who have indulged in undesirable actions, so that such trainees adhere willingly, through greater acceptance and understanding, to standards of conduct and performance. Punitive action should only be taken where prior and adequate corrective action has proved ineffectual or when a first offence is very serious and or in deserving cases. As far as practicable, similar offences committed under similar circumstances will be treated equally through similar disciplinary action. 4.2 OFFENCES Serious offences: These could be subject to an inquiry, result in action against the learner in the form of dismissal from the organisation. 4.2.1 DISHONESTY Theft Cheating assessments Misuse of XXXXX property for private purpose (which is theft) Any action that can be construed as dishonesty Any attempt to commit any of the above. 4.2.2 DANGEROUS ACTIONS These are actions endangering the lives, health and safety of staff, guests or other learners: Willful damage to the organisation’s property and/or equipment, the property of other trainees or the property of guests. Flagrant disregard of safety standards. Fighting, assault or attempted assault. Refusal to obey legitimate and lawful instructions given by a member of the XXXXX staff. Persistent misconduct following on two (2) pervious written warnings for the same or substantially the same form of misconduct. Bringing and/ or using drugs on the organization’s premises (excluding prescription drugs) 4.2.3 OTHER OFFENCES These usually consist of breaches of general discipline resulting in ordinary disciplinary action. NB. The list of offenses set out is not exhaustive and serve only as an illustration. Absence from the training programme without prior notice. Poor time-keeping Being under the influence of liquor or drugs. Bringing and/ or consuming liquor on the Institute’s premises. Disorderly behaviour on Institute premises. Being disrespectful towards other guests. 4.3 DISCIPLINARY ACTION 4.3.1 BASIC METHODS OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION/MEASURES There are four basic methods of disciplinary action which can be taken against learners. In order to severity these are: Verbal warning Written warning Final Written Warning Dismissal from the Institute VERBAL WARNING In the case of minor offenses, a lecturer should hold an informal disciplinary inquiry with the trainee, which may result in a verbal warning. A written record of this warning should be kept for six (6) months. WRITTEN WARNING AND FINAL WRITTEN WARNING If the verbal warning fails, the Learning Facilitator/Assessor should give the learner a formal written warning. A repetition of wrongful behaviour or a more serious offence can result in final written warning. A written warning shall be valid for a period of six (6) months, where after the trainee will revert to a clear record. All written warnings will be recorded on a disciplinary form which will be placed on the trainees file. A copy of the disciplinary form will be sent to the learner’s parents or guardian or employer. DISMISSAL FROM THE ORGANISATION When in the management’s opinion: Series of verbal and / or written warning given for minor misconduct have not been effected, or When a trainee is alleged to have committed a major misconduct, XXXXX must, before taking disciplinary action, hold a formal inquiry. FORMAL DISCIPLINARY INQUIRY The following principles should be observed at that inquiry: The inquiry should be held as soon as possible after the event, provided that a reasonable time is allowed for the trainee to prepare for his/ her defense. The learner may, if necessary, be suspended prior to, during or pending the outcome of the inquiry. Conducting a Formal Disciplinary Inquiry Normally present at the inquiry are: The chairperson of the inquiry. The chairperson must not be the complainant. The accused a trainee representative, unless the accused does not require representation. The representative should be a fellow trainee and no legal representation is allowed. interpreter (if necessary) the complainant At the start of the inquiry the chairperson should read out and explain the misconduct under inquiry. The chairperson should ask the accused if she/ he understands the complainant and if so whether he/ she pleads guilty or not guilty The learner rights at the inquiry are to: have an interpreter, if requested, have representation by a fellow trainee of his/ her own choice, if requested, have the opportunity to confer with representative, at reasonable times before, during and after the inquiry, question the complainant and witnesses during the inquiry, either himself/ herself (he/ or through his representative. give evidence himself/ herself (he/ she cannot be compelled to do so) to call witnesses to give evidence and to argue either himself/ herself or through his/her representative on the question of whether the misconduct occurred. give evidence himself/herself to call witnesses to give evidence and to argue either himself/herself or through his/her representative in mitigation of disciplinary action. Outcome of Inquiry After hearing all sides of the case, the chairperson must decide whether the alleged misconduct was committed or not and if so, on the action to be taken. The action taken should be in line with this Disciplinary Code and Procedures and thus with previous decisions involving the same or substantially the same circumstances. The outcome of the inquiry may include; exoneration, a verbal warning, a written warning, or a dismissal. The learner will be allowed an opportunity to mitigate on the severity of the penalty. 4.4 RIGHT OF APPEAL The learner has the right to appeal against a dismissal to the next level of management above that of the chairperson, such appeal to be lodged within three (3) working days of the decision to dismiss. Grounds for appeal may include; Incorrect procedure followed, or New evidence that existed at the time of the misconduct 5. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY The disciplinary code policy will be circulated to all learners upon admission at XXXXX for any learning programme. The learners will be informed of the disciplinary code during orientation. 6. DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Disciplinary Code Policy An electronic copy of the Disciplinary Code Policy A signed circulation list of learners that received the Policy. Policy Code Effective Date Review date Approved By Version Number Signature Name Date Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Purpose Definitions Scope Policy application 4.1 Learner recruitment and selection 4.2 Learner recruitment 4.3 Learner selection Procedures 5.1 Non South African learner recruitment and selection 5.2 Employee training and development 5.3 Language policy 5.4 Appeals Communication of policy Evaluation and review Documentation 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to regulate and provide clear guidelines based on good practice for the recruitment and selection of prospective learners to advance the objectives of redress, equity, quality, excellence and optimal success of learners who gain admission to XXXX. 2. DEFINITIONS Prospective learner is a person who qualifies to study for a subsidised programme at XXXX. Recruitment is an integrated process which, through marketing and promotional activities, aims to create an awareness, interest and desire amongst prospective learners who meet the entrance requirements to learn at XXXX. Rules of Admission is the minimum requirements for access to a module or programme. Learner selection is the process and mechanisms whereby a person is offered the opportunity to register for a specific programme at XXXXX. 3. SCOPE This policy applies to the recruitment and selection of learners to all learning programmes of study at XXXX which lead to achievement of a unit standard or a qualification, and has application to all persons who represent XXXX in the recruitment and selection of prospective learners. No specific requirement for the recruitment and selection of learners may be inconsistent with or contravene the provisions of this policy. 4. POLICY APPLICATION 4.1 LEARNER RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Learner Recruitment and Selection is in accordance with the strategic indicators of XXXXX; XXXX recognises that learner recruitment and selection is a complex process that includes the promotion and marketing of programmes to prospective learners, parents, advisors, life-orientation facilitators and other relevant stakeholders; the identification and selection of applicants for specific programmes of learning; the number of places available on a programme of learning; alignment with the admission policy, processes and procedures and support of national imperatives regarding “skills shortages and human resources”. A prospective learner who has special needs is made aware of the support that XXXXX can offer, while not allowing these issues to affect any decisions on admission. Within the confines of the specified recruitment procedures and selection criteria XXXX is committed to ensuring that no potential learner receives prejudicial treatment on the basis of age, colour, creed, disability, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, nationality, race, sexual orientation or social class or is disadvantaged by requirements, peer and employee’s attitudes or behaviour that cannot be seen as justifiable. Compliance with XXXXXX’s rules of access does not give applicants automatic right of admission to any programme of study or qualification offered by XXXX. Admission may be refused on any of the following grounds (amongst others): (a) limitation (capping) of learners numbers; (b) the Enrolment Management Plan of XXXXX; (c) XXXXX infrastructure (e.g. staff, classrooms, laboratories); (d) limitation (capping) of learner numbers and additional requirements stipulated by professional bodies and SETAs; (e) specific requirements, approved by XXXXX. Recruitment information and learner selection criteria have reference to programmes; 4.2 LEARNER RECRUITMENT XXXXX provides accurate information on programme requirements regarding application, selection and admission procedures, fee structures, social and support facilities and contact details. Marketing materials comply with the XXXX’s corporate identity, are relevant, accurate at the date of publication, not misleading, accessible and provide information that enables prospective learners to make informed decisions about their options. Policies and procedures are transparent and applied fairly, courteously, consistently and expeditiously. Former learners may play a supportive role in the recruitment of prospective learners. 4.3 LEARNER SELECTION Explicit selection criteria are determined for each programme recommended by XXXXX. Selection criteria for learning at XXXXX include one or more of the following: learning programme-specific requirements; personal interviews; biographical information; portfolios of evidence; Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL); In the event of selection criteria being weighted, such weighting is specified. The best learners are selected on the basis of performance and any other evidence of potential as required by the curriculum and professional requirements of the programme for which application is made. XXXX is responsible for learner selection. Delegation of authority may be devolved as deemed fit. The selection status of applicants released by Administration is limited to ‘accepted’, ‘not accepted’ or ‘on the waiting list’. Release of reasons for the selection status of an applicant is confidential and is the responsibility Management when requested by an applicant. 5 PROCEDURES 5.1 NON-SOUTH AFRICAN LEARNER RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION The recruitment and selection of non-South African learners is subject to the conditions set out in the Immigration Act No. 13 of 2002. 5.2 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT XXXX ensures that all employees involved in learner recruitment and selection are competent to fulfil their roles and responsibilities in order to ensure compliance and consistency of procedures. 5.3 LANGUAGE POLICY The recruitment and selection processes are conducted in accordance with the provisions of XXXXX’s language policy. 5.4. APPEALS Should an applicant not be admitted to a programme: a request may be made to the Facilitator who shall attempt to give comprehensive feedback on admission matters, failing which the applicant may be referred to the Manager concerned for feedback; feedback is accompanied by guidance in terms of how an applicant can improve his/her chances of being successful in a subsequent application; and/or the applicant may be referred fro learner counselling for possible redirection to a more appropriate course of action; if the applicant is still not satisfied; the matter can be referred to the CEO As XXXX is unable to grant automatic right of admission to all applicants who meet the minimum selection criteria, an appeal may only be made on the grounds that: 6 the relevant facilitator in which the programme resides failed to follow its published selection process; and/or the process is inconsistent with XXXX’s policies on learner selection and admission. An appeal should be lodged with the Manager within 10 working days of final notification of the outcome of the selection and admission processes. COMMUNICATION OF POLICY This policy will be circulated to all staff at XXXXXX and communicated to the general public and prospective learners through a variety of communiqué including brochures, radio, newspaper advertisements, newsletters ect. 7 EVALUATION AND REVIEW The policy will be evaluated on a regular basis and reviewed once annually. 8 DOCUMENTATION An approved master copy (hard-copy) of the Learner Admission Policy An electronic copy of the Learner Admission Policy A signed circulation list of employees that received the Policy. APPENDICES Learner Admission Application Forms XXXXXX LEARNER ADMISSION APPLICATION FORM Surname Full names Title Identity number Date of birth Nationality Gender Race Home language Employment status Disability status Citizenship Physical address Code Postal address Code Phone number Mobile number Fax number E-mail Highest grade passed Tertiary qualification/s Learning Programme Applied Year of Learning Venue Course start date Name of Guardian Signature of guardian Learner signature Date signed