What is the Hastings Community Network

Hastings Community
Membership pack
2014 -2016
A few papers to get you going as a
Hastings Community Network
HCN: the Voice of the voluntary and
community sector in Hastings
Welcome to Hastings Community Network
Inside this pack you will find:
What is the Hastings Community Network?
Page 3
What does Hastings Community Network do?
Page 3
Feedback from HCN Events
Page 4
HCN Executive – Representational Cycle
Page 5
HCN Membership
Page 6
Hastings Community Network Board
Page 7
Hastings Community Network Executive Committee
Page 8
Purpose & Role of Executive Group
Role Description for Executive Group Members
Support for representatives
Frequently Asked Questions on becoming
an HCN Executive Committee Member
Page 9 - 10
What is the Hastings Community Network?
Hastings Community Network (HCN) is the main representative and networking body
the local voluntary and community groups in the not-for-profit sector. Established in
2004, there are currently 155 HCN members representing 91 member organisations.
HCN’s main purpose is to capture the views of the local voluntary and community
groups through a system of group, network and forum representation. It then brings
those views to the table of the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) in order to influence
the future shape of services in the town. HCN also provides for events meetings a
year in which network members can bring issues forward to the HCN elected
representatives. Essentially HCN provides a formal voice for the sector in Hastings.
HCN also feeds into the County wide voluntary and community sector representation
structure, speak up. It may also provide representation to some countywide
partnerships for example HOSC.
Many agencies want to include the voluntary and community sector and their work
and often ask HVA or larger voluntary sector organisations to be that representative
voice that their meeting we think that you can be better represent your own
communities/interest and this is what we work to achieve through HCN.
Hastings Voluntary Action (HVA) coordinates the development of HCN. The work of
HCN is shaped monitored through the elected HCN Executive Committee.
What does Hastings Community Network do?
Invite free membership from any organisational community group in the notfor-profit sector.
Provides sign-posting to key agencies, and partnerships responsible for
delivering services within the town.
Provides development support for networks, forums and organisations where
a gap has been identified.
Is co-ordinated through its elected Executive Committee. These members
provide a broader representation to wider policy areas within the sector.
It has up to 10 seats on the LSP to represent the voluntary sector’s views on
strategic planning of the town.
Raise awareness of consultation and planning that will impact on Hastings
and local services. Through, for example, facilitating focus groups or coordinate a collective sector response.
Provides a minimum of four events/meetings a year where groups can
network, exchange information and find out what is going on within a given
theme / topic. In the past 12 months these have included Welfare Reform and
Anti-Poverty, Health Reform, Environmental Initiatives and Housing and
What happens after attending an HCN Event?
We asked people who had represented their organisations at one of our quarterly HCN Events to let us know
whether there had been any longer term benefits that had come about as a direct result of attending an HCN
event. Below is a sample of responses received:
I found the research presentation really useful, particularly the statistics for the local area and the discussion
about what other places were doing - would have liked more of that and more practical suggestions about
what we were all doing, whether people were duplicating, what else needed to be done.
Nick's evidence about the impact of financial shocks like a piece of furniture or appliance breaking was helpful
when we were talking about the DESSS with ESCC. When we found a supplier of new beds that we could stock
at affordable prices in our stores, that information was one of the reasons that we started the scheme giving
people time to pay if they are on benefits. We don't charge any interest, they just pay over a few weeks and
once the item is fully paid we deliver it. We're still looking for a good supplier of white goods so we could stock
them in the same way but so far we are only providing them via DESSS. So I suppose you can say the research
confirmed the need for a service that we have now established and hope to extend in future.
Naomi Ridley, Hastings Furniture Service
Unfortunately, I have only been able to attend one of the last three quarterly events - Finding A Voice for Health
– However, this in itself was incredibly useful as although I already had the contact with Marie Casey, the event
gave me access to new sources of information for a new joint project being undertaken by HARC and SEAP
around advocacy work.
Jacky Everard Hastings Advice and Representation Centre
LAND, SEA & BLUE SKY THINKING 10th October 2013
During the ‘Land, Seas and Blue Sky Thinking’ event I got talking to Patrick Glass, who was representing the arts
forum. He also works at Pestalozzi, who I have been trying to establish links with over a number of years on
behalf of Woodcraft Folk. He was keen to get our Venturers and his students together, and we later met again
to discuss this. The result is that our young people have put together a presentation to share with the students,
and we hope to camp together in the spring, to begin to ‘Span the World with Friendship’!
Thanks for making this possible.
Shar Brown, Hastings District Woodcraft Folk
HCN Executive Committee
There are twelve representatives on the HCN Executive Committee. Four automatic
places from the Community Forums and eight members elected by the HCN
membershiporganisations.The Executive elect a Chair and in the cycle 2014-2016
will also be responsible for chairing the LSP.The Executive meet four times a year.
Representational Cycle Quarterly
1. HCN Networking Event and Board
Meeting: Speakers, information,
discussion, points agreed by the
HCN. Identify topics for future
2. HCN Executive Group Further
discussion amongst the Executive
Committee – rehearse points to raise
at the LSP
3. LSP 10 HCN representatives
articulate on behalf of the community and voluntary sector
HCN Membership
As long as you are a member of Hastings Voluntary Action, you can join HCN, or
renew your membership. Membership of HVA and HCN is FREE. We ask that
each group joining HCN provide us with up to two names of people who will be
the main contact for communication and will act as the representative for their
group, one person will also be the named contact for the election of the HCN
Hastings Community Network Board Member
Purpose of Board
To be the Accountable Body for HCN’s work.
To agree Policies and Procedures for HCN.
To elect an Executive Group, Chair and vice-chair to represent HCN on Strategic
To delegate responsibility for the day to day operations of HCN, to the Executive
To decide on issues for the HCN Executive Group to take forward in their
representational and strategic role.
To make decisions about HCN’s work.
Role of an HCN Representative/Board Member
To find effective ways to communicate between HCN and the group you
To participate in discussions and decision making.
To bring your members concerns and issues to networking events and Board
To oversee the work of the Executive Group.
To engage with HCN’s work as part of an effective voice for the voluntary sector
in Hastings.
Activities of Board
There is no limit on the numbers of representatives/board members within HCN.
To attend 4 networking/board meetings a year.
To read and digest papers in advance of meetings.
To consult with your groups’ members on issues affecting HCN and the sector.
To participate in working parties from time to time.
Hastings Community Network Executive Committee
Purpose and role of Executive Group
To be accountable to the Board.To work out ways to implement Policies and
Procedures for HCN.
To represent HCN on strategic and other decision making bodies as requested
by the Board and where necessary seek additional representatives from the
To propose recommendations to the Board.
To report back to the Board issues that affect HCN at 4 networking events a year.
To understand the East Sussex Compact and be willing to champion it where
To represent the interests of HCN when working with statutory bodies as an HCN
To participate in working parties from time to time.
Role Description for Executive Group Members
To attend a total of 8 HCN meetings a year and attend themed events and premeetings in order to gather the views of the VCF sector.
To be able to stand in the Executive Group for a period of two years.
To attend up to 4 Local Strategic Partnership Meetings a year.
To represent the views, interests and priorities of the community and voluntary
group and to use your expertise to help shape the priorities, policies and
decisions made by the board.
To produce written summaries of meetings attended.
To read and digest papers in advance of meetings and bring a view to the table.
Support for representatives
Induction, training and support for representatives are provided. An HVA Officer will
convene meetings for HCN reps to help them prepare for meetings and work as a
team. They will also provide opportunities for them to link with other representatives
across East Sussex and further a field where appropriate.
Other support includes some administrative back-up, travel expenses, and help with
other barriers for people becoming effective representatives e.g. childcare, costs.
Recognising that this role is important to the sector and our communities, if an HCN
representative feels unable to fulfil this role, she/he must ask for help, and support
will be offered. Ultimately, if the situation cannot be resolved, the representative may
be asked to step down to enable someone else to fulfil this vital role.
Frequently Asked Questions on becoming an Executive Member
What do Executive Members do?
HCN elected executive representatives are leaders of the community and voluntary
sector in Hastings. They represent the sector’s interest, sharing their knowledge and
expertise across a broad range of partnerships and agendas. The executive
members influence strategy, policy and decision-making, ensuring the voice of the
community and voluntary sector are heard and understood.
A full description of the role and the skills needed is available in the membership
What are the benefits of becoming an Executive Member?
HCN has been electing members of its executive for 10 years. During that time,
executive members have consistently fed back on the benefits gained by taking on
the role including:
increased knowledge of the town and its decision-making structures and being
involved in the decision-making processes;
gaining new opportunities to network and build relationships across the sector;
developing skills and representation, facilitation, writing reports and giving
deeper understanding of a particular themed area of work;
belonging to the sector in its broadest sense;
meeting like-minded people, networking and building personal and social
raising the profile of your organisation; and
developing communication skills, diplomacy, negotiation skills, assertiveness.
How do the Executive Members make a difference?
Ensuring inclusion and diversity by engaging with meeting the needs of
underrepresented groups;
being part of changing developing new ideas and services;
identifying gaps in developing solutions;
influencing agenda is to include and promote the sector;
sharing good practice;
building a sense of shared purpose, values and goals the public and business
acting as a conduit for information sharing within the sector;
making sure that community engagement is meaningful and undertaking
improving the communication within the sector; and
promoting collaborative working.
Why get involved in strategic decision-making?
collective action is more influential than a series of single voices;
to ensure that you are in the loop and know what’s going on;
to protect the sectors interests and tackle issues facing Hastings in a broader
the capacity of the sector mean that the same organisations have influence, by
taking a representational role it improves the services and outcomes the people
of Hastings and the influence of the sector;
there is increasing emphasis on the role of the community and voluntary sector
as a key player local services it is important to organise itself in such a way as to
have maximum impact.
What is the time commitment of an Executive Member?
This varies according to how many partnerships executive members attend
throughout the year and what other influencing work they identify as essential to the
role. Space as an approximate guide, executive members commit around 15 to 25
hours per quarter which equates to around 4 to 8 hours per month. (For example,
reading papers and preparation for executive meeting, preparation for LSP,
participation in events and activities to support HCN and providing any feedback to
HCN members of particular policy areas).
What support will HVA provide? HVA staff hope to:
act as adviser to representatives, providing information and translating policies
strategies etc as needed or requested by the executive group.
Provide the secretariat service for HCN including organising or hosting of all
meetings liaising with chair to develop agendas, writing papers, sending out
information etc.
support to develop and implement an HCN action plan will stop
arrange induction for new executive members following the election and organise
relevant training as required.
Make available links to key partnerships and forums
Support in the collating of and disseminating of information
What else do I need to consider before I make a nomination?
1. Is your organisations/groups HVA and HCN membership up to date?
2. Do you have the full support of your organisation and the time to attend meetings
and take part in other related activities? Elected representatives hold their seat
for 2 years.
3. Do you have enough capacity within your job to perform a representative role on
behalf of the voluntary and community sector?