Yoga - Arnes

Originating in India more than five thousand years ago, yoga is actually a very broad term
encompassing a number of disciplines that range from the esoteric and spiritual to the more
health-oriented forms in common practice today. Here you have five basic yoga positions.
Each one offers multifaceted benefits that positively affect the health of the body, well-being
of the mind, and calmness of the spirit. Equipping yourself for a session is simple; you’ll need
a yoga mat, which has a non-skid surface; one or two yoga blocks; a belt to help support the
knees; and a bolster (or blanket), which is optional but also provides additional knee support.
I say it depends on the individual, but practicing yoga for 20 to 45 minutes a day is optimal. I
also reminds you to breathe throughout the exercise—don’t hold your breath—and stop
immediately if something isn’t comfortable. As always, before undertaking any new fitness
regimen, it’s essential that you check with your physician.
Mountain Posture
Stand with your feet together. Firmly press your feet down onto the floor keeping your weight
on the center of your feet. Tighten your legs, buttocks, and abdomen, pulling them up. Extend
your arms down the side of your body, palms facing your legs. Keep your head and spine in a
straight line, and raise your sternum.
This position can help correct bad posture, tone the buttocks, and counter the effects of age on
the spine, legs, and feet. Roseanna notes that if you have a back problem or suffer from
Parkinson’s disease you should alter the position by facing a wall and placing your palms
against it for support.
Extended Triangle Posture
Stand in mountain pose. With your left leg, take a giant step forward in a lunge position, toes
straight ahead. Turn your right foot and leg out perpendicular to your left foot. Bend over
your left leg and place your palm flat on the floor, on the outside of your left foot (place your
hand on a yoga block if you can’t stretch all the way to the floor). Raise your right arm up
toward the ceiling, keeping it in line with your left arm. Turn your head and fix your eyes on
your right thumb, remembering to breathe evenly through your nose. Repeat on the other side.
Good for digestion and toning the abdominal organs, the extended triangle posture also
improves spinal flexibility, helps alleviate backaches, strengthens the ankles, and aids in
achieving better posture.
Extended Side Angle Stretch
Stand in the mountain pose. Inhale and jump, or step your feet apart, as wide as feels
comfortable. Be sure and keep your toes pointing forward. Raise your arms out to the sides to
shoulder level, palms facing the floor. Rotate your right leg and foot 90 degrees to the right.
Turn in your left foot slightly to the right, keeping your legs tight, and making sure your feet
remain in line with each other. Bend your right knee until it’s directly over your foot at a 90degree angle. Lower your torso and place your right palm on the floor on the outside of your
right foot; use a block if necessary. Stretch your left arm out over your left ear, turn your head
and look up. Repeat on the other side.
The benefits to this posture come in the form of further toning to the abdominal and pelvic
organs, as well as improved digestion. Roseanna cautions that if you are prone to dizzy spells,
vertigo, or suffer from high blood pressure, look down at the floor in the final posture instead
of turning your head up. If you have any sort of cardiac condition, perform this exercise
against a wall, resting your arm along your hip rather than raising it.
Downward Facing Dog
Standing upright, bend over from the waist, placing both palms on the floor. Step both feet
back, one at a time, to about 4 feet from your hands, making sure your hands and feet are
aligned. Tighten your legs and push your buttocks up.
This exercise calms the mind while gently stimulating the nerves, as well as strengthening the
ankles, toning the legs, and eliminating stiffness in the shoulders and neck.
Reclining Bound Angle Posture
Use a strap and bolster (or rolled-up blanket) to practice this position. Sit on the floor with
your back straight. Bend your knees and join the soles of your feet together, drawing your
heels as close to your body as feels comfortable. Loop a buckled belt or a blanket over your
shoulders and let it drop to your waist. Pass it under your feet so the belt is looped between
your waist and feet. Place your elbows on the floor, and lower your head and back onto the
floor. You can use a bolster to support your back and head. If your knees don’t touch the
floor, you can support them with yoga blocks. Stretch your arms out to the sides with palms
facing up. Maintain this position for 1 minute, eventually increasing to 5 to 10 minutes.
This position can help regulate blood pressure, increase circulation, aid in alleviating
menstrual cramps, prevent hernias, relieve varicose veins, and help both digestion and kidney
function. It’s the best to avoid this position if you have a lower back ache or poor bladder
control. If you experience any strain while assuming the posture, use two bolsters instead of
one. If you feel strain in the groin, place a folded towel or blanket on the yoga blocks under
your knees.