
Sample Nutrition Care Process Chart Audit Form
Patient name:
Patient M.R. #:
Audit date:
Admitting date:
RD reviewed:
 Met/acceptable= 1. List the positive points
of implementation
1 point
2. Recommendations for
 Present/not
 Not met=0
 N/A=not
included in final
Initial MNT Note
Nutrition Assessment Section
1. Does the assessment follow the
IDNT guidelines for writing an
assessment,* including:
a. Food/nutrition-related
b. Biochemical data, medical
tests, and procedures
c. Anthropometric
d. Nutrition-focused physical
e. Client history
*Note: All sections may not be
required in all assessments
2. Assessment incudes
information that is succinct,
relevant, and appropriate to
support the nutrition diagnosis
(PES Statement)
3. Appropriate comparative
standards are used
4. If diagnosis is: NO—1.1 “no
nutrition diagnosis at this
time,” was the assessment
completed to support that
there is indeed no relevant
nutrition diagnosis currently,
nor no “predicted” diagnosis
Nutrition Diagnosis Section
5. Appropriate nutrition
diagnosis (PES)
6. All three components of PES
statement present, using
proper format; nutrition
diagnosis, related to etiology as
evidenced by signs/symptoms
Exception: “No nutrition
diagnosis at this time.”
7. Diagnosis uses exact NCP
8. Etiology is root cause that RD
can resolve or if not, at least
reduce signs/symptoms
9. Signs/symptoms are specific,
measurable, and conducive to
10. Second PES statement is noted
when two separate problems
are present
Nutrition Intervention Section
11. A nutrition prescription is
written that supports the
nutrition diagnosis and
identifies goals that are
measurable, achievable, and
time defined
12. Intervention uses exact NCP
13. The intervention is directed at
changing the etiology, but if
not possible to change the
etiology, it is directed at
reducing the impact of
14. Intervention incudes one or
more of the four domain areas
outlined in the IDNT manual:
a. Food or nutrient delivery
b. Nutrition education
c. Nutrition counseling
d. Coordination of nutrition
Nutrition Monitoring/
Evaluation Section
15. Appropriate M/E indicators
are used
16. M/E component addresses the
nutrition diagnosis and
17. When more than one diagnosis,
M/E component addresses all
PES statements
18. Time frame for M/E is noted
Follow-up Documentation
19. The documentation shows a
link to the previous PES
20. M/E indicators reflect positive
changes in status resulting
from interventions; if positive
changes are not present,
reason for lack of progress is
21. M/E indicators use evidencebased reference standards or
previous data for comparison
22. The intervention is
discontinued or altered when
there is no evidence that the
intervention has effectively
shown improvement
23. All previous nutrition
diagnoses are addressed with
statement of whether resolved,
not resolved, no longer
appropriate, etc
24. New nutrition diagnosis is
noted if there is a new
nutrition-related problem
since last documentation
25. The documentation includes a
statement regarding meeting
or not meeting expected goal
26. M/E is timely based upon
established reassessment
policy time frames and clinical
judgment based on situation
Total all points “met” and divide
by the total possible points for
IDNT=International Dietetics and Nutrition Terminology, M/E=monitoring/
evaluation, MNT=medical nutrition therapy, M.R.=medical record, N/A=not
applicable, NCP=nutrition care process, PES=problem, etiology, signs and symptoms,
RD=registered dietitian
Created in partnership by Sherri Jones, MS, MBA, RD, LDN, and Dee Pratt, RD, LDN
Do not adapt without further permission from authors (jonessl@upmc.edu)
Review Date 2/13