Neuroanatomy – Old exams ANTEROLATERAL SPINOTHALAMIC TRACT 1. Anterolateral spinothalamic pathway fibers in the brain are called a. spinal lamnisucus b. NOT lateral lamniscus c. NOT medial lamniscus d. NOT spinothalamic tract 2. What is true about fibers from the antero-lateral spinothalamic tract a. Metseltabis? Near the spinal segment where the afferent nerves (sensory) enter b. NOT ipsilateral c. NOT cross in the white mater of antro-lateral funiculi d. NOT cross in the brain stem e. NOT bilateral 3. the first synapse of the pathway in the cranium happens in the (2) a. ??thalamus b. ??? in the medulla of the gracilo-cuneatus c. NOT reticular formation NOT inferior olives d. NOT grey matter of the spineal chord e. Not pontine nuclei 4. ventral spinothalamic tract a. cade of fibers that go up b. transports stimulus of light touh c. crosses in anterior white commissure 5. Fibers of the pathway go up in the medulla are called a. Spinal lemnisucs b. NOT medial lemniscus c. NOT lateral lemniscus d. NOT spinothalmic 6. in the brain sem tract contains a. medial lemniscus b. NOT lateral c. NOT spinal d. NOT reiculothalamic tract 7. In the brain stem, send fibers in the s tract side branches (colaterals) to a. NOT inferior olive b. NOT muchon c. NOT reticular formation d. NOT rubral nuclei 8. The main destination in the thalamus is a. Ventralis posterorlateralis b. NOT ventralis lateralis c. NOT ventralis posteromedialis d. NOT lateral posterior e. NOT lateral dorsal 9. This tract crosses in the a. Medulla b. NOT spinal chord c. NOT pons d. NOT midbrain e. NOT doesn’t cross 10. tracts that pass stimuli pass cross in spoinal cord a. pain b. heat c. light touch d. cold e. NOT proprioceptive tendons 11. Fibers in the pathway mainly originate from a. Sensory fibers that go up and into the spin in the lateral bundle b. NOT sensory neurons that go up and enter the spinal chord in the medial bundle c. NOT neuron fiberswith cell bodies that go up and are found in the dorsal nucleus of Clarke in the spinal chord d. NOT???? Neuron fibers with cell bodies that go up and are found in the rear karnayim of the grey matter in the spinal cord BLOOD SUPPLY 12. bleeding in left interna capsule originates from a. middle cerebral artery b. NOT anterior cerebral artery c. NOT posterior cerebral artery d. NOT posterior ocmmuicating aratery e. NOT anterior communicating artery 13. the depth at the lateral sulcus of the cerebrum hemisphere is the a. insula b. NOT pineal body c. NOT temporal lobe (superior gyrus) d. NOT splenium e. NOT occipital lobe 14. the folds of the cerebral cortex that cover the insula are called a. operculum b. NOT temporal lobe c. NOT cornus callosum d. NOT commisure of the cortex e. NOT pallium 15. The lateral sulcus of the cerebrum passes the a. Middle cerebral artery b. NOT central artery of the insula c. NOT anterior cerebral artery d. NOT middle meningeal artery e. NOT posterior artery 16. the muchon and the cerebrum are separted by a. tentorium cerebelli b. NOT falix cerebri c. NOT galea aponeurotica d. NOT great vein of galen e. NOT pons 17. bleeding in left interna capsule - patient is checked for facial muscle function a. paralysis in the entire right half b. NOT paralyis in left face c. NOT paralysis in lower quarter of left face d. NOT in lower quarter on right of face 18. If patient sticks out his tongue a. It will go left b. NOT right c. NOT won’t see deviation d. NOT patient won’t be able to stick it out 19. Damage of which artery will cause loss of vision a. PCA b. NOT ACA c. NOT MCA d. NOT AICA 20. what are the neural components involved in (regulation?) of blood pressure a. solitary nucleus b. hypothalamus c. reticular system d. dorsal nucleus of vagus 21. which of the arteries are split directly from the internal carotid artery a. ophthalmic b. posterior communicating c. anterior choroidal 22. the follwing sinuses get to the sins confluence a. superior sagittal b. inferior sagittal c. right transverse d. left transverse e. NOT occipital sinus 23. Blood clot that originates in one of the superior cerebral veins on the left side will get to a. Left cavrnus sinus? b. NOT right cavernus sinus c. NOT vena magna d. NOT left internal jugular vein 24. The citerna magna a. The magendie and luschka openings open to it b. NOT its ceiling is built from anterior medullary vellum c. NOT the main place of CSF drainage from the subarachnoid space to the venal sinuses d. NOT Is found in the forward surface area of the medulla e. NOT find the vena magna vein inside 25. In the case of bleeding from a branch of the middle meningeal artery, the blood will accumulate in a. Subdural space??? b. Epidural space? c. NOT subarachnoid space d. NOT outside the skull 26. What will happen to areas that are supplied by the middle cerebral right artery if the internal carotid artery on the right in the neck is blocked a. Blood can go to the internal carotid artery blocked from the left ICA via anterior cerebral and anterior communicating artery. And will continue to flow in al lits pranches b. NOT blood will go to middle cerebral artery directly from the right posterior communicating artery c. NOT blood will go to the middle cerebral artery direction from the anterior communicating artery d. NOT blood uupply won’t damage because all the areas supplied by the middle cerebral artery receive blood supply from the posterior cerebral artery 27. venal blood drainage from interior areas in the brain takes place in the pathway that includes the following blood vessels according to the order a. internal cerebral veins -> straight sinus -> traverse sinus -> sigmoid sinus b. NOT great cerebral vein of Galen – sigmoid sinus – traverse sinus – internal jugular c. NOT basilar veins – straight sinus – sigmoid sinus – traverse sinus d. NOT superior sagital sinus – inferior sagital sinus – straight sinus – internal jugular 28. the parietooccipital artery is an extension of a. PCA b. NOT MCA c. NOT ACA d. NOT AICA e. NOT PICA f. NOT SCA 29. Damage in the following arteries will cause severe damage in controlling the lower legs 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. a. ??ACA b. MCA, PCA, AICA Which arteries are connected to each other via the anterior communicating artery a. Both of the ACA b. NOT ACA and MCA Which arteries supply the brain (muchon?) a. SCA b. AICA c. PICA Great vein of Galen spills directly into the a. Straight sinus b. NOT sigmoid inus c. NOT superior sagital sinus d. NOT basilar vein e. NOT inferior jugular Internal carotid artery splits to a. ACA and MCA b. NOT PCA and MCA c. NOT PCA and ACA d. NOT ACA, MCA and PCA e. NOT PCA and basilar artery f. NOT PCA and posterior communicating artery g. NOT ACA and anterior communicating artery Bleeding from which artery can be expressed in difficulties speaking a. Middle cerebral artery b. NOT Anterior cerebral artery c. NOT posterior cerebral artery d. NOT Posterior inferior cerebellar artery e. NOT anterior inferior cerebellar artery Pericallosal artery is an extension of the a. ACA b. NOT MCA, PCA, PICA, AICA, SCA Continuation of the internal carotid artery is a. MCA b. NOT ACA c. NOT PCA d. NOT AICA e. NOT Basilar Which artery supplies the cingulate a. ACA b. NOT PCA c. NOT MCA d. NOT AICA Man complains of paralysis in his left leg. The damage is in the following artery a. Right ACA b. NOT left ACA c. NOT left MCA d. NOT right MCA Arterial blood supply to the lower part of the spinal chord is based on a. Vertebral artery b. Anterior spinal artery c. Posterolateral artery d. Radicular artery BRAIN 40. Most of the fibers from the fornix that originate in the hypocampus eventually get to 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. a. Thalamus b. Septal Nucleus c. Mammilary body d. Perial body e. Pyriform cortex the closest structure to the hypocampus in the fornix tract is called a. hepinbarya b. NOT legs of the tract c. NOT commisure d. NOT column tract e. NOT body of tract which structure is found in the floor of the 3 rd room a. subthalamus b. mammilar body c. NOT pulvinar d. NOT pineal body Which of the thalamus nuclei gets its many fibers from mammillary bodies and sends fibers to the cingulate gyrus? a. Anterior nucleus? b. NOT dorsomedial nucleus c. NOT intralmainar nuclei d. NOT pulvinar e. NOT vetnralis latrealis nuclei which of the following nuclei isn’t a nucleus of 1 st delivery a. anterior thalamic b. NOT ventral poserolateral c. NOT medial geniculate body d. NOT lateral geniculate body e. NOT ventral posteromedial ??the input to the ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM) comes from the following nuclei a. vestibular b. solitary c. spinal trigeminal d. main trigeminal e. mesencephalic trigeminal Forward limb of the internal capsula passes between a. Caudate lentiform b. NOT thalamus lentiform c. NOT thalamus caudate d. NOT thalamus, globus pallidum e. NOT thalamus, claustrum The claustrum differentiates between external capsula and a. external capsula and extreme capsula b. NOT external capsula and c. NOT extreme capsula and internal capsula d. NOT extreme capusla and insular cortex e. NOT extreme capsula and lentiform 68 year old male goes to the ER due to complaints of blurry vision and difficulty walking. Find full of the third right nerve and weakness in the left half of the body and hemipharynx on the left. What is the anatomical location of the damage a. on the right midbrain b. NOT in the right frontal area c. NOT in the right thalamus and the right internal capsule d. NOT in the right pons e. l damage the main destination of the fibers from the spinal cord in the brain is 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. a. anterior lobe b. NOT posterior lobe c. NOT fullicul-nodular lobe d. NOT all lobes The central sulcus a. Divides between the frontal and parietal lobe b. Divides between the post central and precentral gyrus c. Separates between the somatosensory cortex and somatomotor cortex what isn’t the first area of smell a. enterorhinal b. NOT pyriform c. NOT amygdale d. NOT parahypocampal Which sense doesn’t go directly to the thalamus (2) a. Smell b. NOT touch, hearing, sight or taste cell bodies of taste fibers are found in a. geniculate ganglion b. glossopharyngeal ganglion c. vagal/jugular ganglion d. NOT semilunar ganglion ADH and oxytocin are secreted from the hypothalamus by the following nucleus a. Paraventricular and supraoptic b. NOT preoptic and dorsomedial c. NOT median eminence and arcuate nuclei d. NOT suprachiasmatic nucleus and lateral nucleus which of the nuclei isn’t in the medulla oblanganta a. motor of V b. NOT dorsal of X c. NOT solitary d. NOT abmigous e. NOT salivatory damage to the anterior nucleus in the hypothalamus can cause problems mainly in a. maintenance of temperature b. NOT getting fat c. NOT fertility d. NOT unstable moods and aggression attacks e. NOT birthing process What anchors the dorli sac to the coccyx a. Phylum terminale b. NOT cauda aquina c. NOT medulla d. NOT stria terminalis The dorli sac of ths spinal chord is a. Covered by arachnoid internally b. Ends at the S2 level of the spine c. Inside find CSF that is produced ithe brain rooms d. NOT fixed to tail bone via the coccygeal ligament?? e. ??made from periosteal dura and meningeal dura The dorli sac is found between the segments (2) a. L1-S2 b. NOT S2-S4 c. NOT T12 – L1 d. NOT L1 – L5 e. NOT L3-S1 which centers are found in the reticular system in the medulla 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. a. respiratory center b. cardiovascular center c. NOT reticular activating system The different communication between thalamus nucleus and scalp is mevustete significantly via cells in the a. Nucleus reticularis thalami b. NOT lateral geniculate nucleus c. NOT medial geniculate nucleus d. NOT midline nuclei e. NOT massa interthalmica What is correct about the parenchyma cells in the cerebellum a. Gets excitatory synapse from parallel fibers b. Gets excitatory synapse from the inferior olivary nucleus c. Sends inhibitory synapse to deep cerebellum nucleus d. Accompany the palate origin to the level of the cerebellum Difference between the brain layers and that in the spinal chord a. The spinal chord has space between the dura and the garmi part of the brain b. NOT spinal chord has 2 layers and not 3 c. NOT There is no CSF in the sub-arachnoid space d. NOT no major difference which part of the cortex doesn’t have six layers a. hypocampus b. NOT visual cortex c. NOT insular cortex d. NOT operculum e. NOT all have 6 Most of the sensory reception that gets to the scalp of the big brain to the layer __ layer a. IV b. NOT II, III, V, or VI projection fibers from the cortex to deep areas are sent from the cortex layer a. V and VI b. NOT I and II c. NOT III, d. NOT IV e. NOT II and III the area in the scalp responsible for correlated eye movement is in the brodman area a. 8 b. NOT 4, 6, or 18 the origin of the fibers from the cortex to the spinal chord in the pyramidal mesila is in the broadman area a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 b. NOT 17 c. NOT 1, 2, 3 d. NOT 41, 42, 43 e. NOT 4, 6, 8 fibers that go down from the cortex to the spinal chord in the pyramidal track pass the follwing structures a. corona radiate b. NOT posterior commissure c. NOT hot big legs - crus cerebri d. Medulla pyramids e. NOT front limb of interna capsula one of the muscles activated during babinski reflex is called a. NOT tibialis anterior b. NOT soleus c. NOT superior/inferior extensor retinaculum d. NOT extensor digitorum longus 71. The cavernus sinus bypasses all the structures a. Hypophysis b. Nerves III, IV, and VI c. Optic chiasm d. Internal carotid artery 72. all the arteries are branches of the internal carotid a. anterior cerebral b. middle cerebral c. posterior communication d. pothalmic e. NOT posterior cerebral CHEWING 73. Woman complains of pain biting. Weakness in muscles of mastication on the right side. Where is the damage? The motor nucleus a. Right of nerve V b. NOT Left of nerve V c. NOT Left of VII d. NOT Right of VII 74. Man has intense pain on the left side while chewing and by touch next to and above the lower jaw. He suffered from infection in the past. Reasonable diagnosis is a. Pain as a result of rafus zuster in the left mandibular nerve b. NOT severe infection in the left oculumotor c. NOT pain as a result of refes zuster in the left hamster d. NOT pain as a result of refes zuster in the left facialis CRANIAL NERVES 75. Motor nuclei of nerve VII (somatic and visceral) are a. Facial, lacrimal, superior salivatory b. NOT solitary, lacrimal, superior salivatory c. NOT facila, superior salivatory d. NOT facial, inferior salivatory 76. Cranial nerve III oculuomotor is rsonsible for a. Miosis b. Level of eye upper eyelid c. Convergence d. Shortening of lens e. NOT mydriasis 77. the autonomic part of the facial nerve sends fibers to the a. submandibular ganglion b. NOT trigeminal c. NOT otic, d. NOT ciliary ganglion 78. Autonomic nerve fibers continue as preganglion fibers along the length of a. Oculmotor nerve b. Facial nerve c. Vagus d. Glossopharyngeal nerve 79. What is correct about the sensory ganglion of cranial nerves a. They contain cell bodies of sensory fibers b. Belong to PNS c. Some function as autonomous ganglion d. Not all cranial nerves have sensory ganglion e. NOT analogs of dorsal root ganglia 80. GSE type fibers are found in the follwing nerves a. XII b. III c. IV d. VI e. NOT VII 81. X receives or donates fibers to the following nuclei a. Solitary b. Ambiguous c. Dorsal motor d. NOT salivatory 82. loose full paralysis of all muscle groups of the face on one side can indicate damage on any of the following sites a. nucleus of facial nerve in the pons (bridge) b. facial nerve at the ponotcerebellar angle or inside the petrous portion of the bone c. facial nerve in the stylomastoid foramen d. NOT hemisphere if big grain on the contralateral side to the facia SPINAL CORD 83. foramen magnum marks beginning of spinal chorde which runs to the link a. 1st lumbar b. NOT 10th terkeli? c. NOT 1st terkelit? d. NOT 3rd lumbar e. NOT 5th lumbar 84. paris of spinal nerves leave in pairs from the spinal chords – how many? a. 31 b. NOT 35, 27, 33, or 28 85. organization of the sensory fibers in the trigeminal system, loss of feeling in the face that receives shape of the onion peel (around the mouth) hints to damage in a. medulla oblongata b. NOT pons (gesher) c. NOT area of origin of the basilar nerve of the skull d. NOT the ganglion area of gasser 86. what don’t yo see in a width cut in the upper part of the medulla oblongata a. decosation pyramidal b. NOT medial lemniscus c. NOT spinal trigeminal tract d. NOT olivary nueclei e. NOT reticular system 87. in decozation of pyramid, the follwing cross a. fibers of the lateral cortiocpsinal tract b. NOT corticobolbolar??? c. NOT 2/2 of total pyramidal fibers d. NOT fibers of extrapyramidal tract e. NOT fibers of reticular system 88. the IV cranial nerve innervates which muscle a. superior oblique b. NOT superior rectus c. NOT medial rectus d. NOT lateral rectus e. NOT inferior oblique 89. the anatomical sub-structure in the brain stem for feelings of heat and cold are a. spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (spinotrigeminal V) b. NOT pontine nucleus of facial nerve VII c. NOT the chiefe sensory nucleus of the pontine of trigeminal (V) d. The mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve V 90. all the following belong to the facial nerve a. superficial greater petrosal nerve b. chorda tympani c. geniculate ganglion d. NOT lacrimal nerve 91. Which nerve leaves from the rear of the brain a. IV b. NOT VI c. NOT III d. NOT there is more than one 92. which muscle is innervated by nerve VI a. lateral rectus b. NOT medial rectus c. NOT inferior oblique d. NOT superior oblique 93. Man has a problem with hearing and balance. CT results show growth in the pontine cerebellar junction. What other nerves may be damaged a. V and VII b. NOT V and VI c. NOT IX and X d. NOT X and XII e. NOT IX and XI 94. Where do motor fibers to the parotid gland come from (2) a. IX b. NOT, X, XI, VII 95. The motor nucleus of cranial nerve V is called a. Mastication b. NOT facial c. NOT mygdaloid d. NOT trigeminospinal 96. Pain in the lower teeth are sensed by a. Inferior alveolar b. NOT facial c. NOT lacrimal d. NOT ifraorbital e. NOT lingual 97. 51 year old woman suffers from pain in the left eyelid, in the jaw and upper teeth. What is the source of pain? Damage in a. mandibular nerve V3 b. maxillary nerve V2 c. NOT ophthalmic nerve V1 98. 17 year old complains of difficulty to liklua to the basket. Has upper right hemi-quadrantanopsia, where is the danger? a. Lower left optic radiation b. NOT optic chiasm c. NOT upper left part of optic radiation d. NOT lower right optic radiation 99. penetration of foreign body to the eye wakes the lacrimal freflex. This will be damaged by damage to a. salivatory nucleus b. motor facial nucleus c. NOT edinger westphal nucleus 100. sensory stimulus of the lacrimal reflex will get to a. main trigeminal nucleus b. NOT msencephalig trigeminal nucleus c. NOT solitary nucleus d. NOT geniculate ganglion 101. Man complains of loss of vision on left side in both eyes. What is location of damage (2) a. Right optic tract b. NOT optic chiasm c. NOT left optic tract d. NOT right LGN e. NOT left LGN 102. VII nerve contains a. Mostly motor fibers and a few sensory b. NOT Mostly sensory and a few motor c. NOT same number of motor and sensory d. NOT doesn’t contain sensory fibers 103. in the pupil reflex, neurons participate and are found in a. striate cortex b. NOT ganglion of retina c. NOT pretectal nucleus d. NOT edinger westphal nucleus e. NOT cilliary ganglion 104. Ptosis, dilated pupils, loss of accommodation reflex and deviation of pupil downward and to the side. The damage is in (2) a. III b. NOT, IV, VI, VII, c. NOT sympathetic system 105. ptosis with miosisare characteristics of damage in the a. sympathetic pathways b. NOT cranial nerve III c. NOT IV, VI, or VII 106. Ptosis, dilated pupils, deviation of pupil medial and laterally. The damage is in (2) a. III b. NOT VI, IV c. NOT sympathetic system DRG 107. Neurons that runs from the DRG ends in a. Gracillis and cunteash b. NOT red nucleus c. NOT putamen d. NOT caudate nucleus e. NOT basalis of pons 108. characterized parkinsons a. slowing of movement b. tendency of body forward in walking c. unwanted movements d. stability disturbance e. NOT decrease in muscle tone 109. Death of dopaminerg neurons that mainly cause Parkinsons are found in the a. Substancia nigra b. NOT red nucleus c. NOT cuneatus d. NOT edinger-westphal e. NOT inferior colliculi 110. In which nucleus are there neurons similar to the function of DRG neurons a. Mesencephalic nucleus b. NOT solitary c. d. e. NOT vestibular NOT chief sensory NOT spinotrigeminal EXCITATORY 111. What is part of the excitatory motor system a. Substantta nigra b. Caudate nucleus c. Subthalamic nucleus d. Globus pallidus 112. Damage to the broca area will be expressed in a. Speech difficulty b. NOT difficulty in language understanding c. NOT difficulty in moving eye d. NOT difficulty in hearing problem e. NOT damage to taste 113. The area called vernicke a. Is responsible for teaching and use of language b. NOT responsible for muscle activation that participate in stimulation c. NOT center of first hearing d. NOT center of association of stimulation of hearing with vision e. NOT area responsible for wide vision 114. What will cause expressive aphasia to a person who usually uses his right hand? Azor a. Left broca b. NOT right broca c. NOT right wernickes d. NOT left wernickes 115. Damage to the brain shell?? (klipa) near the junction of the temporal lobe and parietal lobe in the left hemisphere is supposed to be accompanied by a. Receptive aphasia b. NOT expressive aphasia c. NOT difficulties in moving eyes d. NOT paralysis of lower limbs e. NOT vision 116. bilateral hemianopsia is cuased by a. hypophysis growth b. NOT damage in the lateral geniculate body c. NOT severing of one optic nerve d. NOT severing of one optic tract 117. Picture of the body is found in upper left quarter of the field of vision is received by a. Linguinal lobe below the culcrin crack of right hemisphere b. NOT in cuneus lob (above cuccurine crack of left or right hemisphere c. NOT in the lingual lobe below the culcu…fissure? Of the left hemisphere 118. What is correct (2) a. axons of sensory cells of olfactory epithelium passes via cribiform plate b. Sensory cell of olfactory epithelium send axons to olfactory bulb c. Synapse of olfactory sensory cells are called glumeruli d. Olfactory sensory cells regenerate in an adult human e. NOT axons of sensory cells of olfactory epithelium make synapse with neurons in the amigdala f. NOT axons of sensory cells of olfactory epithelium have axon extensions to the olfactory trigone 119. in the glomeruli in the smelling system, the neurotransmitter is a. serotonin b. NOT dopamine c. NOT norepinephrine d. NOT aceytcholine e. NOT GABA 120. Most of the hormone releasing factors are produced in the hypothalamus in the a. Miedian eminence and arcuate nuclei b. NOT anterior nucleus c. NOT posterior nucleus d. NOT ventromedial nucleus e. NOT dorsomedial nucleus 121. Melatonin is secreted from the a. Pineal gland b. NOT habenula c. NOT suprachiasmatic nucleus d. NOT superior coliculli e. NOT supraoptic nucleus 122. The main destination in the cerebellum of fibers from the vestibular nuclei a. Flocculonodular lobule b. NOT anterior nodule c. NOT posterior nodule 123. What is correct about sensory fibers go up in posterior columns of spinal chord carry a. discrimanant sensory info b. proprioceptive info c. end in medulla d. OR cell bodies of fibers above are found in the dorsal root ganglion e. NOT originate in lateral bundle 124. Proprioreceptors in skeletal muscle are a. Striated muscle fibers b. Wrapped in a capusul called the intrafusal c. Supply the CNS information on the level of stress activated on them d. Innervated by sensory and motor nerve ends e. NOT are not able to contract 125. Sensory fibers in the topics of information divide into pain make synapse in the spinal chord mainly in the a. Substantia gelatinosa b. NOT nucleus proprius c. NOT dorsal nucleus of Clarke d. NOT intermediate nuclei e. NOT somatic motor nuclei 126. olfactory hallucination is caused by a. growth in the medial part of the temporal lobe b. NOT tearring of the olfactory nerve in the cribform plate c. NOT severe nazlat d. NOT incorrect connection of the glomerulus nere 127. Which of the nuclei in the thalamus functions as a sensory messenger a. Medial geniculate body b. Lateral geniculate body c. Ventralis posterolateralis d. Ventralis posteromedialis 128. the pre-sympathetic system is controlled by a. pupil constriction b. NOT widening of symphonic c. NOT increase in heart rate 129. which effects is controlled only by sympathetic innervation a. relaxation/fling? of muscle flinging hair on skin surface 130. roles of parasympathic system a. movement of esophagus b. opening sphincter in digestive tract c. bladder empty of urine d. secreting from glands in digestive tract e. vasoconstriction of blood vessels 131. roles of sympthtic a. widening of pupil b. decrease in secretion of mucus glands c. increase in heart rate d. widening of respiratory tract e. NOT stimulation to secrete from lacrimal (tears) glands 132. which effects are controlled also be presympathetic directly a. widening/hatsarad symphonic b. NOT activation of suprarenal glands c. NOT hatsarad/widening of peripheral vessels d. NOT sweating/stop sweating 133. What is correct a. The mesancephalic nucleus in the rostral part of the brain stem (midbrain and pons) b. The mesancephalic nucleus contains primary sensory neurons c. The mesancephalic nucleus accompanies an important ingredient in the reflex arch of the lower jaw muscles d. Most of the fibers of the mesancephalic nucleus get to the masticatory nucleus (motor of V e. NOT afferent fibers innervate V that enter the mesancephalic nucleus produce syanps of neurons in the nucleus 134. in the reflex arch, monosynaptic? The cells participate in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and a. neurons in the spinal ganglion of the DRG b. NOT neurons in the ventral horn of the ipsilateral spinal coord c. Neurons in the vetnarl horn of the contra lateral spoinal chord d. Cells in the motor cortex e. Fibers that originate in the tract drop not cotritallyy 135. proprioceptor stimulation is transported by the following tracts a. trigeminothalamic tract b. medial lemniscus c. fasciculus gracilis d. anterior spinocerebellar tract e. NOT spinal trigeminat tract 136. dorsal spinocerebraller tract a. transports stimulation of muchon from muscles of body and limbs b. NOT lower proprioceptive lower c. NOT transports light touch stimuli d. NOT transports pain senseing e. ONT origin in cells in the dorsal horn of grey matter in spinal chord 137. fasiculus proprius is make of ?? 138. what is true about the paledocerebellum a. includes the frontal lobe of apart of the vermis b. also called spinocerebellum c. what is released goes via interpose nucleus d. sends output to the red nucleus 139. splanchnic nerves are a. contain agadim of pre-ganglion fibers of the sympathetic system b. NOT special spinal nerves of the ANS c. NOT peripheral nerves containing efferent fibers of CN X d. NOT contain fibers of enteric nervous system e. NOT contain post-ganglion of sympathetic system 140. Raphe nuclei participate in a. Mood, aggression b. Pain depression c. Alertness and sleep d. Visceral function 141. raphe nuclei are found in the brain stem (2) a. along the entire length of the brain stem in the central line b. NOT along the entire length of the brain stem from both sides of the centerline c. NOT in the medulla and pons d. NOT in the pons and midbrain e. NOT only in the medulla 142. Where is pyriform cortex located (2) a. Temporal lobe b. NOT frontal lobe c. NOT occipital lobe d. NOT parietal lobe e. NOT insular lobe 143. shaking appears as a result of damage to the a. basilar nucleus b. muchun c. motor cortex d. motor neuclei in the spinal chord 144. the diagonal band is part of the a. circe of limbic lobe b. NOT stria medularis c. NOT medial forebrain bundle d. NOT fornix e. NOT circle named after papz 145. What is the role of subthalamic nucleus a. Motor b. NOT endocrine c. NOT sensory d. NOT autonomic e. NOT pain depression 146. Which signs don’t characterize damage of type UMN a. Flaccidity b. NOT paralysis c. NOT paresis d. NOT hyper-felexia e. NOT babinsky marker f. NOT spasticity 147. What characterizes damage of an upper motor neuron lesion a. Muscle tone and increased spasticity b. NOT superficial reflex c. NOT lack of babinsky reflex d. NOT deterioration and degeneration of muslce 148. which nuclei don’t belong to the extrapyrimadial system a. habenular b. ventral anterior thalamic c. NOT subthalamic d. NOT substantia nigra 149. the central cariocvascular system controls the heart activity via multiple pathways. Which isn’t involved in heart activity (answer: all) a. solitary nucleus neurons b. dorsal nucleus of X neurons c. adrenergic in pons neurons d. sympathetic post ganglion in the cervical ganglia neurons in the upper turklim segments of the spoinal chord e. post ganglion sympathetic in cervical ganglia 150. Fibers that leave from the dorsal nucleus of Clarke arrive mostly at a. Cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar tract b. NOT Cerebellum via the superior cerebellar tract c. NOT to the thalamus d. NOT motor cortex e. NOT sensory cortex 151. What nuclei in the thalaumus are the yaad of the motor fibers from the brain and the basic nucleus a. VA, VL b. NOT Pulvinar c. NOT LGN d. NOT VPL, VPM 152. Huntingtons disease damages a. Caude nucleus and putamen b. Red nucleus c. Substantia nigra d. Cerebellum 153. Which sentence is incorrect (2) a. Peripheral nerve contains motor nerves that come from one spinal segment only b. NOT Most of the torso and limb muscles are innervated by the anterior branches of spinal nerves c. NOT Dermatomes represent sensory and motor innervation by spinal segments of the spinal chord d. NOT Peripheral maps represent motor and sensory innervation on the peripheral nerves e. NOT Spinal nerve can contain somatic system fibers and those of ANS together EAR 154. Level of sensitivity of the ear to the noise waves is mevasetet by a. Stapedius and tensor tympani muscles b. Afferent innervatoin of the ear via corti and VIII c. Superior olivary nucleus 155. Hair cells in the spinal cord corti are stimulated directly by the relative movement between a. Tectorial membrane and basilar membrane b. NOT vestibular membrane and basilar membrane c. NOT vestibular membrane and tectorial membrane d. NOT hair cells and supporting cells e. NOT inner hair cells and outer hair cells 156. The utricle is a. An organ that feels changes in situation of the head, and to linear acceleration b. NOT muscle that decreases reaction to eardrum to loud noise c. NOT bone of hearing d. NOT organ that sensens rotational head movement e. NOT matmer sound waves to mechanical osciallation in the middle ear 157. Hair cells in the spinal cord corti are stimulated directly by the movement between a. Tectorial membrane b. NOT vestibular membrane c. NOT basilar membrane d. NOT oval window e. NOT round window 158. Part of the spaces are partially filled with fluid and air a. Scala tympani is filled with fluid and the scala vestibular b. NOT scala tympani with air and the middle ear in fluid c. NOT scala tympani filled with air and middle ear in air d. NOT scala tympani filled with fluid and scala vestibular in air 159. what is correct regarding hearing and balance a. sensory cells in both contain hair cells b. sensor cells respond to movement of endolymph c. both have gelatinous membrane ocovering sensory cells d. axons that leave make up nerve VIII e. NOT autolitic particles found 160. What stimulus influcences blance a. Vestibular stimulus b. Proprioceptive stimulus c. Visual stimulus 161. Which participate in conveying hearing stimulus a. Medial geniculate body b. Inferior colliculus c. Lateral lemniscus 162. Damage in the hearing cortex (right) can cause a. Loss of partial hearing in both ears b. NOT loss of full hearing in right or left ear c. NOT loss of hearing regarding high tones 163. Auditory ossicles connect the eardrum to a. Oval window b. NOT round window c. NOT auditory tube d. NOT internal auditory canal 164. The following statements are correct a. Semicircular channels are sensitve to turns of the head b. Each channel has crista c. Crista is found in the base of the ampula (channel) d. Hair cells of crista swim in fluid channel – endolymph 165. the primary auditory area is found in the ___ lobe a. temporal b. NOT frontal c. NOT parietal d. NOT occipital e. NON insular 166. what is correct regarding the fibers from the cochlear nuclei a. go up in the lateral lemniscus b. on the way to tectum some of the fibers are make synapse on the reticular formation synapse c. most of the fibers eventually get to the inferior colliculi d. NOT fibers go up from each ear passing on the ipsilateral side 167. the fibers from the cochlear nuclei in the direction of the inferior nuclei go up mainly in the a. lateral lemniscus b. NOT MLF c. NOT spinal lemnisucs d. NOT medial lemniscus 168. cell bodies of sensory neurons that transport auditory info from the hair cells in the cochlea to the cochlear nuclei are found in the a. spiral ganglion b. NOT scarpa ganglion c. NOT ciliar ganglion d. NOT geniculate ganglion EYE MOVEMENT 169. All the systems cause eye movement except a. Convergence system b. NOT scadit system c. NOT Amooth persuit system d. NOT vestibular system 170. In which area of the reticular formation is centered parallel peripheral centralized eye? a. Pons b. NOT tectum c. NOT medulla d. NOT midbrain 171. the stimulus responsible for coordination of eye movment relatie to the body is transported by a. medial longitudinal fasciculus b. NOT optic tract c. NOT spinocerebellar tract d. NOT vestivulospinal tract e. NOT tectospinal tract f. 172. Center for parallel peripheral eye movement correlation is found in a. Reticular formation in pons b. NOT broadman area 8 c. NOT nerve III d. NOT supracismatic nucleus e. NOT superior culliculi 173. What doesn’t activate convergence eye movement a. Convergance system b. NOT saccades system c. NOT vestibular system d. NOT smooth pursuit 174. In weak light a. Central fovea plays important role b. NOT most information gets to rods c. NOT pupil dilates d. NOT most of information comes from the retina of the periphery e. NOT whatever gets to the blind spot is not tested 175. the reason for the blind spot is a. place where the optic nerve leaves the retina there are no receptors to light b. NOT receptors in this area in retina are not connected to bipolar cells c. NOT nerve fibers carry info from the blind spot in the retina don’t get to the thalamus d. NOT nerve fibers carry info from the blind spot in the retina don’t get to the primary visual cortex GENERAL NERVES 176. Arachnoid trabecula connect between a. Pia and arachnoid b. NOT arachnoid and dura c. NOT meningeal dura and periosteal dura d. NOT pia and brain 177. What is correct about circumventricular organs a. Unique in that the blood brain barrier doesn’t exist here b. Except one structure, they are all fiound along the mideline of the brain c. Most have function related to the autonomic nervous system d. NOT are areas found around the lateral chambers, the 3 rd and the 4th 178. the stretched membrane between the sinus rectus and the superior petrosal sinus is the a. tentorium cerebrelli b. NOT falix cerebelli c. NOT falix cerebri d. NOT diaphragma sellae 179. What is correct (2) a. Purkinje cells in the brain get excitatory reception from the climbing fibers b. Purkinje cells in the brain get excitatory reception from the parallel fibers c. purkinje cell extensions receive inhibitory to deep nuclei in brain d. origin of the climbing fibers in the inferior olives e. origin of the parallel fibers in the granule cells of brain f. g. 180. correct a. b. c. NOT Purkinje cells in the brain get reception form inhibitory from the parallel fibers NOT purkinse cells in the brain have extensions excitatory to deep nuclei of brain output from the muchon is make of axons of purkinje cells only NOT main output from muchon goes by middle cerebellar pedunle Not nuclei of muchon internal used something about passing messages of stimulation to muchon d. NOT fibers megurgurim mossy fibers bring output to the oliveary nucelie e. Klipat muchon ___ is poor in cells relative to the big brain klipa 181. what characterizes damage in the neocerebellum a. disbursed intensity of movment b. difficulty to make varied movements c. decomposition of movement d. unclear speech e. NOT blance problmes 182. What circuventricular organs are not found around the 3 rd chamber a. Area posterna b. NOTpineal c. NOT subommisural organ d. NOT subfornical organ e. NOT organum vasculosum 183. What isn’t correct about the brain quadrants a. Cushioned in endothelium b. NOT connected to each other via channels c. NOT connected to the subarachnoid space d. NOT not selective to passing between CSF to fluid between the brain tissues 184. the corpus callosum is built from a. commissural fibers b. NOT long association fibers c. NOT short association fibers d. NOT projection fibers 185. corpus striatum is made of a. putamen b. globus palidus c. caudate d. NOT subthaltums 186. Which commissures connect between the areas of the scalp hanagdiyyim a. Corpus callosum b. Anterior commissure c. NOT posterior commissure 187. dermatology gets a patient with severe burns on both hands. The patient claims that he didn’t feel heat or pain during the injury. Whrere is the original damage a. gray commisure of the spoinal chord b. NOT white commissure of the spinal chord c. NOT lateral white column ipsilateral d. NOT contralateral white lateral column e. NOT interior arcuate fibers 188. which of the commissures connects areas of the brain klipa with the contralateral areas of the brain klipa a. anterior b. NOT posterior c. NOT habenular d. NOT fornical 189. the lower motor neuron lesion syndrome will not happen with damage in the a. white colum of spine b. NOT dorsal horn in spine c. NOT spinal nerve d. NOT motor nucleus of cranial nerve III e. NOT cranial nerve 190. in the case of hemisection (complete damage of the right half of the spine (ie white and grey matter) at the disc level between C6-C7, will find paralysis of type a. upper motor neuron of 2 right limbs b. NOT lower motor neuron of 2 right hands, or just one right hand or lower leg c. NOT upper motor neuron of upper right limb or one lower right limb 191. Which isn’t a peripheral nerve? a. Optic b. NOT spinal accessory c. NOT vagus d. NOT trigeminal e. NOT vestibulocochlear 192. Myelin in the CNS is produced by a. Oligodendrocytes b. NOT schwann cells c. NOT astrocytes d. NOT ependymal cells e. NOT microglia 193. What is correct a. Cell bodies of sensory nerve sells are found mostly in the PNS b. NOT sensory neurons use acetylcholine neurotransmitter c. NOT sensory nerve cells are mostly typical dendrites (short) and long axons d. NOT sensory neurons are considered part of the CNS 194. what is correct a. ganglions of the sympathethic system are found on both sides of the spinal chord and the stomach space 195. What is correct a. Most of the post ganglion neurons in the sympathetic system use norepinephrine b. NOT all preganglion neurons produce paravertebral ganglia (sympathetic chain) c. Some of the postganglion neurons of the sympathetic system are mostly longer than the preympathetic system d. The preganglion in the sympathetic system use acetyl choline e. ganglions of the sympathetic system are found on both sides of the spine and the stomach space 196. 197. What isn’t in a peripheral nerve a. Dendrite b. NOT schwann cells c. NOT RBC d. NOT myelin e. NOT axons 198. What is correct: somatosensory innervation from the head and neck to the a. Chief nerve b. Dorsal & ventral trigeminal c. VPM d. Sensory nerve e. NOT Solitary nerve 199. 200. Slipped disc at the level of C5-C6 expressed by a. NOT loss of pain and temperature and weakness of 2 hands along the full length b. NOT motor damage in legs without sensory damage c. NOT damage in swallowing and speaking d. NOT sensory damage from height of chest including arms with relative integrity of achuz 201. sensory will get loss of propioceptive feelings a. on right side and loos of pain on the left b. NOT on right and pain on the right c. NOT on left and loss of pain on the left d. Without pain feeling loss e. NOT loss of pain without propricoeptive sensing loss 202. sensory damage to the dermatomes is from damage in the a. spinal nerves b. NOT spinal reflex arch c. NOT blood supply to spinal cord d. NOT sensory maklaot 203. CSF fluid found in a. Arachnoid and pia mater b. NOT dura mater and pia mater c. NOT arachnoid and dura mater d. NOT periosteum and dura mater 204. CSF fluid a. Is involved in removal of waste from the brain b. NOT created fully by the choroid plexus c. NOT Normal volume is 500-1000 cm cubed d. NOT role is in brain nutrition e. NOT similar to lymph fluid wich contains high concnetratoin of lympocytes 205. Subarachnoid space goes to a. S2 b. NOT L1, L2 L3 or L4 206. CSF gets to the subarachnoid space a. From the 4th chamber via the luschlea and magendie openings b. NOT from the superior sag-sinus via arachnoid granulations c. NOT from the 3rd chamber via the Monroe opening d. NOT filter? Of area arteries that pass between the pia and arachnoid e. NOT by diffusion via pia 207. What is correct a. Most of CSF is produced as a filter from the ____ blood (choroid plexus??) b. A small amount of CSF originates in the metabolic water c. CSF retuns to blood via the arachnoid villi d. Most of the CSF returns to blood via the superior sagial sinus e. NOT CSF leaves the 4th cahamaber to the brain periphery via the openings called luschka and Monroe 208. The choroids plexus is the selective passageway (or blocker) found in a. Epithelial cells of the maklaot b. NOT on side of arteries c. NOT on side of veins d. NOT stroma e. NOT in ependymal cells that divide the brain chambers 209. floor of the 4th floor is built on the dorsal surface of the medulla and a. pontine tegmentum b. NOT superior medullary velum c. NOT inferior medullar velum d. NOT inferior cerebellar peduncle e. NOT tectum of pons 210. The superior cerebellar peduncles connects the muchon with midbrain – mesencephalon 211. NOT inferior olive 212. NOT red nucleus 213. NOT pons 214. NOT andterior medullary velum 215. The choroids plexus is found in the lateral recess of chamber IV a. NOT in the anterior medullary vellum of room IV b. NOT in rear horn of the lateral rooms c. NOT in forward horn of the lateral chambers d. NOT on floor of the 3rd room 216. What divides between the lateral rooms a. Septum pelucidum b. NOT corpus callosum c. NOT fornix d. NOT hippocampus e. NOT thalmus 217. Where is CSF a. Between pia and arachnoid b. NOT between arachnoid and dura c. NOT between meningeal dura and periosteal dura 218. What will indicate on a CSF pathology a. Blood cells b. NOT CA ions c. NOT Cl ions d. NOT hormones e. NOT glucose 219. which of the following nuclei in the brain stem belongs to the ANS a. solitary b. NOT occulomotor c. NOT facial d. NOT trigeminospinal e. NOT vestibular 220. Many nerves drop from the brain stem and end by creating synapse in a. Transport nerves don’t main synapse in the brain stem b. NOT midbrain c. NOT pons d. NOT medulla e. NOT cerebellum 221. What is correct about the wide fibers of the pons a. Makeup the main portion of the basal pons mass b. They make synapses with fontine nuclei c. They build and regliyot midinl of the muchon d. They participate in the transport pathway of info from the cortex t othe muchon e. NOT part of the pyramidal pathway 222. Which of the following is caused by preganglion nerve that isn’t found in the brain stem a. Widening of pupils b. NOT mucus secretion c. NOT tear secretion d. NOT accommodation of the lens 223. which structure doesn’t appear in a rear view of the brain stem a. mammillary bodies b. NOT superior colliculus c. NOT pineal body d. NOT gracilis glands e. Not exit of IV nerves 224. What isn’t characteristic of damage to the brain stem a. Loss of vision on left side of field of vision in both eyes (myoanophasia) b. NOT vertigo c. NOT double vision d. NOT damage in swallowing and talking mechanism e. NOT eye movement 225. Damage to the reticular activating system will cause a. Deep sleep b. NOT breathing problems c. NOT nausea and vomiting d. NOT low blood pressure 226. The superior colliculi is part of the a. Tectum b. NOT tegmentum c. NOT pons d. NOT diencepahlon e. NOT subependymal gray 227. Center of orofacial in the reticular formation is in a. Medulla-pons b. NOT tectum c. NOT midbrain-pons d. NOT midbrain 228. Discriminant neurons from the left leg go up in the (2) a. medial part of the left posterior funiculi b. NOT medial part of the right posterior funiculi c. NOT lateral part of the left posterior funiculi d. NOT medial part of the right lateral funiculi e. NOT the lateral part of the left lateral funiculi 229. The nucleus in the brain stem drains discriminant somatosensory information with origins in the V nerve is a. Chief sensory b. NOT mesencephalic c. NOT spinotrigeminus d. NOT facial e. NOT lacrimal 230. fibers of the path are mainly found in the fibers that go up of the neurons type: a. sensory that go to spinal chord in medial bundle b. NOT sensory that go into spinal chord in lateral bundle c. NOT cell bodies found in the horns of the grey matter in spinal chord d. NOT cell bodies found in the dorsal nucleus of Clarke in the spoinal cord 231. Rare genetic disease that damages the corticospinal tract fibers in the medulla without exceptions. For unexplained reasons, it started on the left side only. The main motor damage will be felt a. Distal muscles on the left side b. NOT distal muscles on the right side c. NOT the entire left side d. NOT the entire right side 232. What signs are not characteristic of damage to brain a. Paralysis b. NOT unstable standing c. NOT slow shaking while doing active movements d. NOT walking megushemet e. NOT NOT slow and unclear talk 233. where are the cell bodies of the fibers that go up to the posterior fulliculi a. dorsal root ganglion b. NOT nucleus proprius c. NOT substancia gelatinosa d. NOT dorsal nucleus of clark 234. The deep nucleus that accompanies the floor of the frontal keren of the lateral room is a. Caudate nucleus b. NOT globus pallidus c. NOT putamen d. NOT claustrum e. NOT amygdala 235. The motor nucleus that is closest to the dorsal of X nucleus is a. Hypoglossal b. NOT trochlear c. NOT spinal accessory d. NOT abducens e. NOT facial 236. Cell bodies of the IA neurons in the ??? of the muscle in the limbs are found in the a. Dorsal root ganglion?? b. NOT substansia gelatinosa c. NOT dorsal root of Clarke d. NOT nucleus proprius e. NOT dependent on which muscle 237. Many nerves pass the spinal chord via the a. lateral Funiculi b. NOT anterior funiculi c. NOT posterior funiculi d. NOT fasciculus spinospinalis 238. Needle that penetrates mutani?? Healthy isn’t supposed to find a. Pia b. NOT CSF c. NOT dura d. NOT arachnoid e. NOT fat 239. Most of the neurons in the body are dendrite – axon bodies. Which are different? a. Sensory neurons that innervate the skin surface b. NOT postganglion neurons of the sympathetic system c. NOT motor neurons in the PNS d. NOT neurons in the V layer of the brain 240. fibers of the autonomous potganglion wthat originate in the thoracolumbar region of the spine include fibers that a. constrict blood vessels b. causes secrtion from sweat glands c. wident pupil (dilator) d. piloerector (eretion of hair PAIN 241. Boy falls and his father rubs the spot very hard, and after a few minutes, the pain goes away, this is because a. Active stimulation of substantia gelatinosa cells by thick pain fibers b. NOT depression of the pain by thin pain fibers c. NOT pain activation by ALambda fibers that cause pain (gate)? d. NOT pain activation by C fibers that open pain gate 242. According to gate control theory of pain a. C fibers encourage transfer of pain – always b. Thick fibers sometimes encourage and sometimes depress pain transfer c. NOT cells from substantia gelitinosa encourage pain transfer 243. Alambda fibers are thick with myelin and C fibers are thin without myelin, what is correct a. Alphalamda distributed in skin and under the skin while C is in all tissues of the body except the brain b. NOT alambda are in visceral tissues and C in all tissues of the body c. NOT alambda and C are divided equally in the entire body except the brain d. NOT expression of alambda and C is derived from the pain threshold and changes from person to person 244. motor neurons that mevaset connections in the leg muscle mechunim a. gamma b. NOT alpha c. NOT Ia d. NOT dynamic motor nuclei SKULL 245. The intersection of the cerebellal tentoral and occipital bone you find a. Transueise sinus b. NOT straight sinus c. NOT Careinous sinus d. NOT Petrons sinus 246. What area fills with blood because of a skull fracture that caused damage in the middle meningial artery a. Epidermal b. NOT Subdural c. NOT Arachnoid 247. Which space in the skull is most significant in normal (non path) conditions a. Sub arachnoid b. NOT subdural c. NOT epidural d. NOT there is no significant space in normal conditions Identify: – Brodman area in lateral and medial view – 4, 6, b, 8, 1-3, 41-42, 17-18 – body of fornix – colun of ofrnix – fornix – commissure – mammilary bodies – anterior commisure – lateral ventricle – fibria – hypocampus – choroids plexus