A template - Royal College of Psychiatrists

Trainees Online Module Template
Guidance .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Trainees Online Module Template
Module introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Module Category ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Exam Curriculum ................................................................................................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
About the Author ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Module Contents Listings .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Main Contents................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Reading List .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Section 1 Content........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Section 1 Content – Page 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Section 1 Recap quiz ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Section 1 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section 2 Content........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Section 2 Content – Page 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Section 2 Recap quiz ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Section 2 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Section 3 Content........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Section 3 Content – Page 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Section 3 Recap quiz ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 3 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Section 4 Content........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Section 4 Content – Page 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Section 4 Recap quiz ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Section 4 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Section 5 Content........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Section 5 Content – Page 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Section 5 Recap quiz ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Section 5 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Further Sections ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Module Summary........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
References [max 25 best references, please follow Harvard style (as used in the latest APT)] .................................................................................................... 51
Further reading [if relevant] .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Useful websites [if relevant] .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Acknowledgements [if applicable] ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52
Trainees Online Module Template
This document is a template to use when writing your module for Trainees Online. Please refer to the Trainees
Online Author’s Guide for more information.
Please submit your draft module to Victoria Walker, CPD Online Editorial Assistant: vwalker@rcpsych.ac.uk . For
any queries relating to content, structure or interactivity, please contact the Trainees Online Content Editor, Rosie
Lynch: rlynch@rcpsych.ac.uk
Module Title:
For technical reasons please keep your title to within 11 words (or 78
characters including spaces)
Total Word Count:
(6000 words maximum including the
text in this template)
Trainees Online Module Template
Before you start writing PLEASE read the following advice. The Trainees Online modules will be similar in style to
the CPD modules on the Royal College of Psychiatrists website. This module should aim to last approximately 1
hour of study time. Remember the web is our medium, and help learners to learn:
Make your pages easy to scan, keep sentences and paragraphs short and concise – avoid wordiness.
Put data in tables or graphs – more easily assimilated.
Information that needs to be learnt by rote – key facts can be listed on the page and it’s possible that we
can use these for interactive activities.
Prioritise the content that appears in lists eg. use headings: ‘Common Causes’, ‘Interesting but less
likely’ and ‘Rare but occasionally important.
Keep learners engaged with questions throughout each section (not just at end).
Relate the information to real life examples – use case vignettes.
If you have ideas for audio and/or video you can discuss these with the content editor.
Select 1-3 pieces of text to use as your recommended reading.
Keep below 150 words per page and use headings/subheadings regularly – at least one per page.
Keep your final word count below approx 6,000 words (this includes the words already in this document!)
Trainees Online Module Template
Module introduction
[approx 150 words, to entice the learner to study the module] Extend writing area as required.
Trainees Online Module Template
Module Category
Please select the appropriate category for your module (delete all those that are inappropriate):
Social psychology
Social science & socio-cultural psychiatry
Human development
Molecular Genetics
Clinical psychopharmacology
Trainees Online Module Template
Learning Outcomes
What are the planned learning outcomes?
(approx 400-600 characters)
Trainees Online Module Template
About the Author
About the author(s) (approx 400-1000 characters, include full name and title, full credentials, email &
declaration of interests.
Full name:
Current post/employer/location:
Career history, psychiatric specialties/interests/research:
Declaration of interests: YES/NO
Please also send a high quality photo (jpeg format), portrait layout and at a large size, we can resize this
and crop it for you.
Trainees Online Module Template
Module Contents Listings
Each module is made up of a series of sections please write the total number of sections in your
Please list your section headings:
Trainees Online Module Template
Main Contents
Include headings and subheadings for each new page of the main content. Keep the learner engaged!
Also make good use of: bullet-points, tables/graphs, case vignettes
Lists – while these can be inevitable when preparing for an exam, wherever possible information should be
prioritised e.g.
Common causes:
Interesting but less likely:
Rare but occasionally important:
Trainees Online Module Template
Reading List
List 1-3 references which trainees will need to read in order to have enough knowledge in combination with
the information in the module to pass the exam.
The references must be precisely referenced – by pages: eg. Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry 2007 Chapter 7
Sections 1.1-7.6
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 1 Content
[e.g. In this section, we will look at ...]
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 1 Content – Page 1
(Please copy and paste this page into the document to add further pages to the document).
SECTION 1 Page 1: Heading:
Add content:
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 1 Recap quiz
End each section with a short quiz of 3 - 5 questions. Questions should be based on the content in the
module and on the reading list.
You can have multiple choice questions, or EMI questions – as in the examinations.
Insert your questions following these instructions:
place your answers in ALPHABETICAL (or numerical) order
ensure only ONE answer is the true and correct answer.
for multiple choice questions have 5 possible answers
Example of Multiple Choice Question:
Question 1. A mutation affecting the transcriptional activity of a new gene associated with
Alzheimer’s disease is reported. The mutation is most likely to be in which of the
3 untranslated region
Mitotic spindle
Poly(A)+ tail of mRNA
Promoter region *
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Promoter region
Trainees Online Module Template
Example of EMI question:
Theme: Personality disorder – diagnoses:
A. Anankastic personality disorder
B. Anxious personality disorder
C. Dependent personality disorder
D. Dissocial personality disorder
E. Emotionally unstable personality disorder borderline type
F. Emotionally unstable personality disorder impulsive type
G. Histrionic personality disorder
H. Narcissistic personality disorder
I. Paranoid personality disorder
J. Schizoid personality disorder
Lead in: For each of the clinical vignettes select the ONE most appropriate
differential diagnosis from the option list.
Each option might be used once, more than once, or not at all.
You are asked to see a 21 year old graduate who is having difficulty
coping with his new job as an administrative officer. He arrives for his
appointment half an hour early because he wanted to make sure he was
not late. He reports that he is finding his job very stressful because he is
having problems at work. He has worked out a routine of how the mail
needs to be managed and drawn up a flow chart to make sure everything
runs as smoothly as possible but other members of staff are not following
the flow chart. Choose ONE option. A
A 35 year old unemployed man says he is feeling low in mood because he
has been homeless since his girlfriend of three months left him. He
Trainees Online Module Template
reports that he has already found a new girlfriend but she still lives at
home. He is living at different friend’s houses because his family will not
agree to let him stay with them because he has assaulted family
members in the past. He says it is their fault that he assaulted them
because they annoyed him. Choose ONE option. D
You are asked to see a 21 year old female student who has presented
with low mood after she was arrested by the police for biting and kicking
a fellow student who tried to stop her from drinking a bottle of vodka at a
party. She admitted that she has a temper when people get in her way or
try to stop her from having fun. You notice that she has a scar down her
leg and she tells you that she got it in an accident when she jumped out
of a taxi taking her home because she had changed her mind and wanted
to stay out. Choose ONE option. F
Trainees Online Module Template
Template to use for EMI question
Copy and paste the template below for questions which follow the multiple choice question format.
Question Type question here
Option A) Type answer option a here
Option B) Type answer option b here
Option C) Type answer option c here
Option D) Type answer option d here
Option E ) Type answer option e here
Clinical 1
Trainees Online Module Template
Clinical 2
Clinical 3
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 1 Summary
Section summary
Include bullet points of key information. Extend writing area as required.
e.g. In this section we covered…
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 2 Content
[e.g. In this section, we will look at ...]
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 2 Content – Page 1
(Please copy and paste this page into the document to add further pages to the section).
SECTION 2 Page 1: Heading:
Add content:
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 2 Recap quiz
End each section with a short quiz of 3 – 5 questions. Questions should be based on the content in the
module and on the reading list.
Insert your questions following these instructions:
place your answers in ALPHABETICAL (or numerical) order
put each answer option on a new line beginning with a CAPITAL letter and ending with a FULL STOP (even
if it is not a full sentence)
ensure only ONE answer is the true and correct answer.
for multiple choice questions have 5 possible answers
Example of Multiple Choice Question:
Question 1. A mutation affecting the transcriptional activity of a new gene associated with
Alzheimer’s disease is reported. The mutation is most likely to be in which of the
3 untranslated region
Mitotic spindle
Poly(A)+ tail of mRNA
Promoter region *
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Promoter region
Trainees Online Module Template
Template to use for multiple choice questions
Copy and paste the template below for questions which follow the multiple choice question format.
Question Type question here
a) Type answer option a here
b) Type answer option b here
c) Type answer option c here
d) Type answer option d here
e) Type answer option e here
One correct
answer Type answer to the question here
Trainees Online Module Template
Template to use for EMI question
Copy and paste the template below for questions which follow the multiple choice question format.
Question Type question here
Option A) Type answer option a here
Option B) Type answer option b here
Option C) Type answer option c here
Option D) Type answer option d here
Option E ) Type answer option e here
Clinical 1
Trainees Online Module Template
Clinical 2
Clinical 3
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 2 Summary
Section summary
Include bullet points of key information. Extend writing area as required.
e.g. In this section we covered…
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 3 Content
[e.g. In this section, we will look at ...]
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 3 Content – Page 1
(Please copy and paste this page into the document to add further pages to the section).
SECTION 3 Page 1: Heading:
Add content:
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 3 Recap quiz
End each section with a short quiz of 3 - 5 questions. Questions should be based on the content in the
module and on the reading list.
Insert your questions following these instructions:
place your answers in ALPHABETICAL (or numerical) order
put each answer option on a new line beginning with a CAPITAL letter and ending with a FULL STOP (even
if it is not a full sentence)
ensure only ONE answer is the true and correct answer.
for multiple choice questions have 5 possible answers
Example of Multiple Choice Question:
Question 1. A mutation affecting the transcriptional activity of a new gene associated with
Alzheimer’s disease is reported. The mutation is most likely to be in which of the
3 untranslated region
Mitotic spindle
Poly(A)+ tail of mRNA
Promoter region *
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Promoter region
Trainees Online Module Template
Template to use for multiple choice questions
Copy and paste the template below for questions which follow the multiple choice question.
Question: Type question here
a) Type answer option a here
b) Type answer option b here
c) Type answer option c here
d) Type answer option d here
e) Type answer option e here
One correct
answer Type answer to the question here
Trainees Online Module Template
Template to use for EMI question
Copy and paste the template below for questions which follow the multiple choice question format.
Question Type question here
Option A) Type answer option a here
Option B) Type answer option b here
Option C) Type answer option c here
Option D) Type answer option d here
Option E ) Type answer option e here
Clinical 1
Trainees Online Module Template
Clinical 2
Clinical 3
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 3 Summary
Section summary
Include bullet points of key information. Extend writing area as required.
e.g. In this section we covered…
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 4 Content
[e.g. In this section, we will look at ...]
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 4 Content – Page 1
(Please copy and paste this page into the document to add further pages to the section).
SECTION 4 Page 1: Heading:
Add content:
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 4 Recap quiz
End each section with a short quiz of 3 questions. Questions should be based on the content in the module
and on the reading list.
Insert your questions following these instructions:
place your answers in ALPHABETICAL (or numerical) order
put each answer option on a new line beginning with a CAPITAL letter and ending with a FULL STOP (even
if it is not a full sentence)
ensure only ONE answer is the true and correct answer.
for multiple choice questions have 5 possible answers
Example of Multiple Choice Question:
Question 1. A mutation affecting the transcriptional activity of a new gene associated with
Alzheimer’s disease is reported. The mutation is most likely to be in which of the
3 untranslated region
Mitotic spindle
Poly(A)+ tail of mRNA
Promoter region *
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Promoter region
Trainees Online Module Template
Template to use for multiple choice questions
Copy and paste the template below for questions which follow the multiple choice question.
Question: Type question here
a) Type answer option a here
b) Type answer option b here
c) Type answer option c here
d) Type answer option d here
e) Type answer option e here
One correct
answer Type answer to the question here
Trainees Online Module Template
Template to use for EMI question
Copy and paste the template below for questions which follow the multiple choice question format.
Question Type question here
Option A) Type answer option a here
Option B) Type answer option b here
Option C) Type answer option c here
Option D) Type answer option d here
Option E ) Type answer option e here
Clinical 1
Trainees Online Module Template
Clinical 2
Clinical 3
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 4 Summary
Section summary
Include bullet points of key information. Extend writing area as required.
e.g. In this section we covered…
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 5 Content
[e.g. In this section, we will look at ...]
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 5 Content – Page 1
(Please copy and paste this page into the document to add further pages to the section).
SECTION 5 Page 1: Heading:
Add content:
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 5 Recap quiz
End each section with a short quiz of 3 questions. Questions should be based on the content in the module
and on the reading list.
Insert your questions following these instructions:
place your answers in ALPHABETICAL (or numerical) order
put each answer option on a new line beginning with a CAPITAL letter and ending with a FULL STOP (even
if it is not a full sentence)
ensure only ONE answer is the true and correct answer.
for multiple choice questions have 5 possible answers
Example of Multiple Choice Question:
Question 1. A mutation affecting the transcriptional activity of a new gene associated with
Alzheimer’s disease is reported. The mutation is most likely to be in which of the
3 untranslated region
Mitotic spindle
Poly(A)+ tail of mRNA
Promoter region *
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Promoter region
Trainees Online Module Template
Template to use for multiple choice questions
Copy and paste the template below for questions which follow the multiple choice question.
Question: Type question here
a) Type answer option a here
b) Type answer option b here
c) Type answer option c here
d) Type answer option d here
e) Type answer option e here
One correct
answer Type answer to the question here
Trainees Online Module Template
Template to use for EMI question
Copy and paste the template below for questions which follow the multiple choice question format.
Question Type question here
Option A) Type answer option a here
Option B) Type answer option b here
Option C) Type answer option c here
Option D) Type answer option d here
Option E ) Type answer option e here
Clinical 1
Trainees Online Module Template
Clinical 2
Clinical 3
Trainees Online Module Template
Section 5 Summary
Section summary
Include bullet points of key information. Extend writing area as required.
e.g. In this section we covered…
Trainees Online Module Template
Further Sections
If you need to add more sections to your module then copy and paste the section above.
Trainees Online Module Template
Module Summary
Module summary (best written as bullet points, recapitulating key information and message you wish learners to
‘take-home’) Extend writing area as required.
Type here
Trainees Online Module Template
References [max 25 best references, please follow Harvard style (as used in the latest APT)]
Further reading [if relevant]
Trainees Online Module Template
Useful websites [if relevant]
Acknowledgements [if applicable]