Beowulf pages 123

Beowulf pages 123- 149 review KEY
1. Where are Beowulf and his men heading? What is he sure to return before he leaves?
Which moment corresponds with The Hero’s Journey here?
Beowulf and his men are headed back to Geatland. He returns Hrunting to Unfeath
(honor, proper decorum), and this corresponds to The Road Back.
2. What does Beowulf tell Hrothgar about Hrethric?
That is Hrethric ever travels abroad to Geatland he will be welcomed by “many friends”.
Hrethric is Hrothgar’s son.
3. Around line 1840, what does Hrothgar claim Beowulf would be good at? What might
this foreshadow?
He says that if Hygelac were to die, Beowulf would make a great king. Will he become
King one day? FORESHADOWING!
4. What does Beowulf leave the coast-guard? How does this benefit him?
He generously leaves the man a sword with “gold fittings”. This gift earns him respect on
the mead-bench, aka in the hall. Why? 1. Because a great hero gave it to him and 2. it is a
valuable sword that represents this man’s honor.
5. Identify Hygd and explain her character. What is she like?
Hygd is Hygelac’s Queen. She is very young and has only been in court (aka Queen) a
few years. She is described as thoughtful and “her manners sure”. She is referred to as
Haereth’s daughter.
6. What type of person was Queen Modthryth? There are two sides mentioned here. Why
might this side-story be in here?
1. First, it is mentioned that she is an evil, narcissistic and blood-thirsty Queen. If anyone
glances at her she has them killed representative of her higher position and that poor
person’s lowly position. Basically she feels the need to assert her power, is she lacking
2. Then it goes on to explain that once she was married to a good man, King Offa, that
her personality did a 180. She became kind and “grew famous for her good deeds”. WHY
this big change? What does this tell us? Well, it tells us that the love and guidance of a
good and righteous man can make even the worst person good.
Also, it is important to mention that Hygd is Modthryth’s OPPOSITE or FOIL. They
highlight each other’s characteristics. Hygd seems better while Modthryth seems worse.
7. Who did Hygelac kill?
He is referred to as the young King, Ongentheow’s killer. Ongentheow is, or was I should
say, the founder of the Swede family. Think Shield Sheafson to the Danes. What does
this reveal about Hygelac?
8. Why is the entire Grendel story re-told? Whose perspective do we see here? How is
this different than the original story told at the beginning of this epic?
First, we need to remember that Beowulf probably started as an oral story. The meaning
changes- people add their own parts. Then it was finally written down by a scop.
Beowulf reveals new information- a first-hand account of the fights. We also get to see
some more of his boasting and maybe a little exaggeration as well.
We learn the first man that was killed in Heorot is named Handscio. We also get a more
gory description of the battle itself- that Grendel at the men. Also, Grendel carried a
pouch made of dragon skin.
9. Who is Freawaru? Who is she betrothed to? Why might this be dangerous?
Again, we have more information here from Beowulf’s interaction with the Danes.
Freawaru is Hrothgar’s daughter- but we’ve never even heard of her before this re-telling
of the story. She is betrothed to Ingeld the Heathobard, which we can assume is another
nation or family of people.
10. Why might the Heathobards seek revenge? What may happen during the celebration?
This is dangerous (an extension of #9) because the Danes and the Heathobards have had
an on-going feud. The families thought the betrothal might bring them together, but
people are concerned that the Danes will rekindle their need for revenge.
Someone might see a family heirloom taken by the Heathobards in battle, and that will
get them going- the need for revenge.
11. Who was the first to perish when Grendel attacked? This soldier is now named…
See # 8 answer
12. What did Grendel carry?
See # 8 answer
13. What does Beowulf present as an honorable gift to Hygelac? What does he give to
Beowulf presents Hygelac with Hrothgar’s gifts- namely, armor and horses. The armor is
significant because it was Hrothgar’s brothers, and his brother never passed it down to his
eldest son. Hrothgar is giving a gift that was meant for family, and now it is Beowulf’s.
He gives Hygd, Hygealc’s Queen, a necklace. This represents honor- that he went to
battle for his King and Queen, even if it was in a foreign land.
14. What new information do we learn about Beowulf, starting on line 2177?
he doesn’t take advantage of people
he keeps his temper- something difficult for people to do in battle
he had been “poorly regarded” by the Geats- they didn’t think much of him for a
long time
Hygelac didn’t think much of him either. “They firmly believed that he lacked
Beowulf had to EARN his respect and honor very important concept that is
sometimes forgotten today
15. What does Hygelac present to Beowulf in return?
Hygelac gives him an heirloom of his father’s, aka Hrethrel. He gives him a golden/ gemstudded sword. He also gives him land, hides, a hall, and a throne. This is obviously
foreshadowing that Beowulf will become KING one day.