Espanol 4 - Hood River County School District

Español 4—Hood River Valley High School 2014-2015
Profesora Mudry
541-386-4500 ext. 4618
La ciudad de Toledo, España
Course Description
Spanish 4 is the continuation of language learning that will prepare students to be
in AP Spanish, or to place into a 200-level college course. We will be working
quickly to acquire as much vocabulary and as many uses of the language as
possible. The year begins with three review lessons covering (and expanding
upon) most of what they’ve learned in previous years. Next, we jump into the
subjunctive (one of the three moods in Spanish) and its uses. By the end, students
will have learned all of the different tenses in the Spanish language including all
of the compound tenses. This fast-paced class will include many chances for
students to learn about Spanish-speaking cultures around the world through
themes, short films, and articles, as well as begin to read and analyze some
Students will be practicing speaking, reading, listening, and writing in class every day.
All students should come prepared to do their best, use Spanish as often as possible, and
work hard in and out of class to succeed. Although we will be working as a class,
learning a language is a personal endeavor, and each student must make the decision to
do what it takes for him/her to be successful.
Finally, through language study, students will make connections with other content areas,
compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in local and
global communities.
This is always an exciting year for students as the see the scope of the language open up
for them, and begin to really see their proficiency level rise. I am looking forward to a
great year with these students, many of whom I’m lucky to already know.
This course is aligned with our school’s Mission Statement, which is to educate and
support every student, every day, for success now and in the future.
1er bimestre
Las relaciones personales: la personalidad, los estados emocionales, los sentimientos
Grammar: review of present tense, ser v. estar, and progressive forms
Cinemateca: Momentos de estación
Literatura: Poema 20 Pablo Neruda
Las diversiones: la música y el teatro, los lugares de recreo, los deportes
Grammar: review of object pronouns, gustar and similar verbs, reflexive verbs
Cinemateca: Espíritu deportivo
Literatura: Idilio Mario Benedetti
La vida diaria: en casa, de compras, expresiones
Grammar: review of preterite v. imperfect
Cinemateca: Adiós mamá
Literatura: Pedro Salvadores Jorge Luis Borges
2º bimestre
La salud y el bienestar: los síntomas y las enferemedades, la salud y el bienestar, los médicos y
el hospital, las medicinas y los tratamientos
Grammar: the subjunctive in noun clauses, commands, por v. para
Cinemateca: Éramos pocos
Literatura: Mujeres de ojos grandes –Ángeles Mastretta
Los viajes: de viaje, el alojamiento, la seguridad y los accidents, las excursiones
Grammar: comparatives/superlatives, the subjunctive in adjective clauses, negative/positive
Cinemateca: El anillo
Literatura: La luz es como el agua Gabriel García Márquez
3er bimestre
La naturaleza: los animales, los fenómenos naturales, el medio ambiente
Grammar: the future, the subjunctive in adverbial clauses, prepositions: a, hacia, con
Cinemateca: El día menos pensado
Literatura: El eclipse –Augusto Monterroso
La tecnología y la ciencia: la astronomía y el universo, las profesiones de la ciencia, los inventos
Grammar: the present perfect, the past perfect, diminutives and augmentatives
Cinemateca: Happy Cool
Literatura: Ese bobo del móvil –Arturo Pérez-Reverte
4º bimestre
La economía y el trabajo: las finanzas, la gente en el trabajo
Grammar: the conditional, the past subjunctive, si clauses w/ simple tenses
Cinemateca: Clown
Literatura: La abeja haragana –Horacio Quiroga
La cultura popular y los medios de comunicación: la televisión, la radio y el cine, la prensa
Grammar: the present perfect subjunctive, relative pronouns, the neuter lo
Cinemateca: Sintonía
Literatura: Sueños digitales (fragmento) –Edmundo Paz Soldá
World Languages Proficiency-based Grading Policy
In order to maximize student performance in second language, the World Languages Department
at Hood River Valley High School has implemented a program of testing in which the student
must demonstrate proficiency according to the Second Language Standards in order to be
awarded credit for the course. These standards are aligned with national and state standards and
are available for viewing here.
The semester grade is categorized as follows:
Speaking Assessment
Writing Assessment
Other course work (quizzes,
homework, notebook, etc…)
Reading, Listening, Viewing
Speaking Assessments - 50% of grade
Students will be given an Oral Achievement Test (OAT) several times during each term. These
will assess the students’ ability to understand and respond effectively and appropriately in reallife situations reflecting communication in which students engage in direct oral communication
with others. These are “two-way” communication activities. Preparation will include tasks such
as conversing face-to-face, describing picture situations, giving personal opinions, and asking and
answering questions. OATs are re-doable during the current semester until proficiency level is
Written Assessments- 30% of grade
Students will be given a Written Achievement Test (WAT) several times during each term.
These will assess the students’ ability to present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of
readers. Examples of this “one-to-many” mode of communication include posting to a blog,
writing a short article for a newspaper, or writing letters to specified people/groups. WATs are
re-doable during the current semester until proficiency level is met.
Reading, Listening, Viewing Assessments - 10% of grade
Students will be given several opportunities throughout each term to demonstrate understanding
of spoken and written communication within appropriate cultural contexts. Examples of this kind
of “one-way” reading or listening include interpretations of printed texts, videos, online texts,
movies, radio and television broadcasts, and speeches. These activities are not re-doable.
Other Course Work - 10% of grade
This will include occasional homework assignments, practice worksheets, in-class practice, small
vocabulary and verb quizzes, listening practice, video questions, partner work, in-class oral
presentations, etc..
Homework will typically be preparing for the activities we will be doing the next day in
class or activities completed and submitted online through the VHL Central Supersite.
Students are expected to complete homework and class work on time. Late homework
can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the current quarter. If the end of
the quarter is also the end of the semester, late homework will only be accepted up
until two weeks before the end of the semester.
Quizzes (Other Coursework category) will be given often throughout a unit. They are
not re-doable, but ½ of the points missed on any quiz may be made up by coming in
for a documented tutoring session with either the teacher or pre-approved tutor.
If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed and make up any
required tasks/assignments. Quizzes, proficiency assessments and some assignments will
require coming in outside of class time. All assignments, quizzes, and assessments can be
made-up for full credit in the case of absence.
Note: All make-up work/quizzes/assessments must be completed and turned in
two weeks before the end of the current semester.
Textbook and Required Materials
 Descubre 3 is the text for this course. There will be texts available to check out at
any time.
 Each student will have online access to the related Supersite website where they
will be able to complete practice activities, watch instructional videos, practice
flashcards, and do other interactive activities. Students are responsible for
creating and maintaining their account and passwords.
 All students will also join my class on where I post flashcards for
each unit. Many quizzes will be based on practice of this vocabulary. It is
suggested that students all get the quizlet app on their device to be used any time!
Classroom Behavioral Expectations: Respect, Responsibility, Regard for Others
1. Don’t do anything that impedes my teaching or others’ learning.
2. Arrive on time, ready to learn.
3 tardies = warning; 4 tardies = classroom community service; 5 = referral
3. Silence your devices
Hall Passes = 3 per semester. You must ASK to leave and then SIGN OUT. Please ask
to leave only during partner or group work. Do not abuse this privilege or you will lose
Please sign here that you understand the class policies and tear off to bring in on Monday.
Student (printed name/signature)______________________/____________________
Parent/Guardian (printed/signature)_______________________/___________________