Council Chamber, Earley Town Council, Radstock Lane, Earley

Earley Neighbourhood Action Group Meeting Minutes
Monday 14 May 2012
Council Chamber, Earley Town Council, Radstock Lane, Earley, Reading Berks
Jim Willis
John Armstrong
Brian Sandland
Michael Firmager
Brian Carpenter
Anthony Vick
Philip Pyle
Regina Moni
Shane Roberts
Lorraine Booth
Guy Grandison
Mohamed Ahmed
John Robertson
Brian Hackett
Greg Elphick
Marlisa Paice
Resident – Chair
Earley Town Councillor
Resident Ryhill Way
WBC & Earley Town Councillor
Resident at Gabriel Square
Wellington Grange Residents Association – Vice Chair
Resident Gabriel Square
Shift Manager at McDonalds
Shift Manager at McDonalds
WBC Community Wardens Manager
WBC & Earley Town Councillor
Wokingham Borough Council, Community Warden
Resident Stockbury Close
Maiden Erleigh Residents Association
Inspector Local NHPT Area
PCSO Thames Valley Police
Peter Soul
Michael Kennedy
WPC Julie Susel
Ann Westgarth
Danny Hargreaves
Josephine Bennett
Police Sargeant Matt Foskett
Jenny Lissaman
Michelle Hargreaves
Gerry Bond
James McCann
Colin Muir
Shakeel Khan
Brian Richards
Munir Ahmed
Richard Alexander
Vi Melber
Jackie Thurston
Linden Morgan
Bill Shaw
Norman Norris
Anthony Heard
Michael Ingram
Richard Strang
Andrew Dean
Mike Uppal
Geraint Thomas
Andrew Luck
Neville Moniz
John Allinson
Thames Valley Police
Reading University
Caretaker Maiden Place
Shift Manager at McDonalds
Thames Valley Police
Wokingham Borough Council, Councillor
Local Resident
North Earley Neighbourhood Watch
Adams Way, Resident
Chair of the Association of Central Earley Res
Wokingham Borough Council, Area Manager
Resident Mill Lane
Mill Lane Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator
Resident Elm Road
Resident Harcourt Drive
Resident Harcourt Drive
Ebborn Square Residents Association
Resident Paddick Drive
Wellington Grange Residents Association
Maiden Erleigh School
Thames Valley Police Traffic Management
Stephen Newton
Daniel Willis
Loddon Primary School
6th Former Emmbrook School
NB: These minutes are a record of what happened in the meeting, what was said, what was
discussed, and what action would be taken where appropriate. Some items remain as
ongoing from meeting to meeting so that they can be monitored at every meeting.
Item ID
Maiden Place - Contact for the Management
Company at Maiden Place is Nicholas Fuselli,
Managing Director, Ministar Services Ltd,
01442 250 308. The new
caretaker/handyman Danny Hargreaves has
been appointed to look after Maiden Place.
His role will be to ensure that litter is kept to
a minimum and that fly tipping is also
managed and reduced. A new CCTV system
will be installed to monitor the centre.
No incidents have
occurred and the centre
is quiet at present.
A new CCTV system has
been installed to monitor
the centre.
University Students & Parking – Harcourt
Drive is still an issue even with 50 new
parking spaces being allocated on the
Ramsbury Drive is no
access and no parking
except for residents.
Community Speed Watch –Lower Earley
Way East & West, Redhatch Drive & Kilnsea
Speeding remains a
priority issue.
Two new ANPR cameras
have been installed at
sites around Lower
Earley. These can be
relocated at any time.
Representation – NAG website is up &
running. Constitution has been posted along
with our terms of reference. In addition the
mission statement of the NAG has been
The new One Stop
Website for the
community is being
prepared and links to will be
Anthony Vick has
purchased at
his own expense.
McDonalds Litter – The banking alongside
the restaurant is currently being used to tip
gravel, which means that the vegetation and
shrubbery is being destroyed. The litter
picker from McDonalds from MondayThursday is litter picking 3 times a day and
Friday-Sunday 5 times a day, to include
Chalfont Way, The Courts at Chalfont Way,
the car park at Chalfont Bowling Club and
the edge of Chalfont Park. The application
for a climbing frame has been rejected on
second application.
SOP’s now seen and inspected.
Regular meetings will be
held with the Area
Manager and Health &
Safety Representative
from the Franchise Head
Office. The next
meeting is planned for
May 2012.
The restaurant has
agreed to attend our
meetings on a regular
Youth & Community Meeting
Next meeting 3/7/12 at
7pm. JW gave apologies
for the meeting
JW will be attending this
0844 Phone Numbers – Numbers to call
instead of 0844 are 01189 299493 for
Chalfont Way and 01189 299488 for
Brookside. A number of other local practices
are publishing their telephone numbers both
Mike Kennedy has
delivered posters to
most public areas of
Earley, which are clearly
Thank you to Mike for all
his efforts. This will be
an ongoing issue that will
need monitoring
monthly. The local
We are grateful for the
attendance of staff at
our meetings and it is
clear that the litter issues
are improving across the
0844 and geographical.
Mike Kennedy also gave
the geographical
telephone number to be
used instead of 101,
which is 01865 841148.
paper link is continuing
to monitor this issue.
The Brookside Practice
contract with NEG
expires in 2013 and will
not be renewed.
Chalfont Park Litter Problems – This is still
an issue.
Dave Allen from WBC is
keeping a close eye on
this area and will
support where
McDonalds are
continuing to litter pick
in this area primarily at
Date, Time & Location of next meeting:
Meetings will be held monthly on a Monday
at 7.30 – 9.00 pm at the Council Chambers
Room, Earley Town Council, Radstock Lane,
Earley, RG6 5UL.
Please note the new
meetings dates, times
and location
Following dates have been booked.
18th June 2012
16th July 2012
NB: It is imperative that
if you are concerned
about an issue ie litter or
pot holes etc please call
Agenda issued a week
Wokingham Borough
before the meeting if
Council on 01189 746000
you would like to add a
where they will be happy
discussion point please
to help. If you are
email to suspicious or a crime is
being committed call 101
(01865 841148), if it is an
emergency dial 999. If in
doubt report it.
Item ID
Sol Joel Park anti-social behaviour problems - all is
quiet at present. The new junior skate park has
A safety event run by the
Police & Community
Wardens will be repeated
in the Summer.
Reading University Community Event – The next
event to be advised in due course.
The University are very welcoming and it is a good
opportunity to look around the University and ask
any questions or raise concerns with senior staff ie
Sibly Hall – AW has supplied the NAG with
information concerning the development of Sibly
Hall. Sibly Hall is to be demolished and replace with
housing. The telecommunications masts have its
permission declined and the University is appealing.
The residential development has also been declined
and an appeal is in place.
Sibly Hall as a hall of residents will be closed at the
end of July 2012 and eventually will be demolished.
The appeal for planning
permission reduces the
number of houses from 99
to 89 and The Copse is
included in the plans. This
was passed by the
Planning Committee.
Youth Shelter in Maiden Place is now back in regular
use, but apparently the light is broken and the
rubbish surrounding the bin is horrendous. This is
now being cleared twice a week. The telephone box
nearby is to be cleaned up with a view to possible
removal in due course. The offensive graffiti is being
removed at least weekly.
Police are
keeping a
close eye on
the area.
Community Wardens and
Youth Workers will also
visit on a regular basis.
Waste Services have been
asked to check this area
regularly and the Wardens
have been asked to speak
to the youths about
picking the litter up.
The new BMX Track off Lower Earley Way West
The litter is still an issue as Anthony Vick has
reported. The amount of graffiti has generally
increased around the area but the Community
Wardens are keeping a close eye and removing
where necessary. Each of the tags is being
photographed and shared with Police.
A copy of the The track is very quiet at
disclaimer for present but we must not
be complacent.
removal is
attached to
these minutes
Winter Weather Problems – Grit bins have been
Cost of a grit
filled around the Borough & Steve Potts, WBC, can
bin is £200 +
be contacted for advice. The grit bin in front of
£25 per refill.
Loddon Valley Police Station needs to be replenished
now all the litter has been removed by the
Community Parking – AL had a meeting concerning
parking in Wokingham parking bays. Wokingham
have agreed to take over control but this will not
happen for another 4 mths. Parking enforcement
The NAG continues to
welcome the support of
the University of Reading
and would be pleased to
see students litter picking
around the boundary of
the University.
A further report on this
area will follow in the
Autumn of 2012.
will start from 1 September 2012.
ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition)
They are no installed and
maybe moved at will.
Alley Way problems – There is an issue over the
alley between Austen House and the northern end
of Paddick Drive. We advise that if disturbances,
drug dealing or any other anti social activity is
occurring then dial 101 (01865 841148) and report
Community Payback – If there are any areas in the
community that members feel need clearing, tidying,
the Project Community Payback may be able to
assist (offenders doing community service). A
caution has been placed upon usage as Health &
Safety will often be a barrier.
expanded by
WBC to
benefit the
Community Payback &
young offenders are being
used to clear litter on
Lower Earley Way East &
If any members that have any problems with rubbish
fly tipping etc, they can contact Dave Allen, Waste
Services Wokingham Council – WDC T: 0118
It has been
identified that
the litter and
fly tipping has
around the
area. If you
see any
please report
it to Dave
who will
arrange for it
to be
This service is very
effective and efficient and
should be used at every
opportunity. Dave Allen
has expressed his support
for our area.
Salvation Army Youth Club problems – There are
anti-social behaviour problems at this youth club in
Points from the Agenda:
1. Update from the Neighbourhood Policing Team: Greg Elphick, the new Inspector,
gave this briefing and reported that there has been a 22% reduction in crime in our
area and of the crimes reported 50% were resolved. The Asian jewellery issues seem
to have been removed with a number of arrests and a number of individuals moving
away from the area. However, burglaries are still an issue and everyone needs to be
careful, particularly with leaving garden tools available for use in a burglary. Greg has
also resolved the issues of evidence bags littering the area around the station. The
response drivers are no longer using Beech Lane because of the road works traffic
lights and seem to be finding their way around this area. The local residents of Beech
Lane appreciate the peace and quiet with no sirens blaring and have asked that they
keep a balance of using this area. After the road works have gone Greg has agreed to
review this for us. There are currently no issues with Maiden Place or Gabriel’s
Square but the police are continuing to patrol in the area.
The cuts in terms of numbers of police will be seen in the back office staff either civil
or police, the front line in the neighbourhood will not change for the foreseeable
In the last minutes 2nd April we reported that it was not an offence to cycle on a
pavement or without lights, however the police would like us to point out that it is an
offence to do either but they will use their discretion as usual.
2. Graffiti around Earley & Lower Earley: This has become prolific and action needs to
be taken to remove it as quickly as possible if it is on Council owned land or property.
If it is on private property then the attached disclaimer needs to be completed so
that free removal can take place.
The underpass on Rushey Way art wall is being put together by the Community
Wardens and will be implemented in June 2012. This is being headed up by
Mohammed who is receiving support from local primary schools. So in conclusion, if
you see graffiti you need to report it and the Community Wardens will continue to
photograph the tags and share them with the police. There have been two arrests
and the individuals concerned are awaiting charge.
3. ASDA: No response has been received from Mandy Fuller at ASDA. We are therefore
going to prepare a letter to the newly appointed Manager in the next few days.
4. NAG Survey: Jim and Anthony are going to prepare a survey for both Earley South &
North along similar lines to the Finchampstead survey received. This will be prepared
taking account of the adjustments required by Matt Foskett and we will enlist the
assistance of the PCSO’s, the local schools and neighbourhood watch co-ordinators.
A full report of this will follow at our next meeting but our priority list for action with
the NAG will remain as follows: Litter in Earley, antisocial behaviour in Earley, noise in
Earley, burglaries in Earley, speeding in Early.
5. NAG Website:
6. One Stop Community Safety Website: a number of forum meetings are being held
and the next one is 15 May 7pm at Shute End. The Chair & Vice Chair will attend.
7. Gabriel’s Square: The issue of anti-social behaviour seems to have resolved itself,
with the main perpetrator being evicted from his property along with his family.
However the chair has asked WBC to clear the fly tip around the footpath entry into
Gabriel’s Square and requested that the community warden keep a close eye on the
The Management Committee for Gabriel’s Square or Manor Farm Estate are
preparing to make the Estate a gated community with a fence all the way around all
the properties. Brian and Philip are members of the Management Committee. This
will of course have to be agreed in a court of law. More details next meeting.
8. Maggi Maid Board: This is in Chalfont Way Lower Earley on Council land and Dave
Mann, Planning Dept, has report that the principal of the company is being
prosecuted for the removal.
Any other business:
1. Fly tipping of green waste must be reported for removal to Wokingham Borough
2. The emptying of litter bins around the area is to be increased from twice a week to
three times a week.
3. The underground reservoir that provides water to Lower Earley and Earley is not
coping with the demand and therefore needs to be upgraded. A number of
presentations of the upgrade will take place at the Crescent Community Centre and
the Leisure Centre.
4. The red kite alert in the Police Neighbourhood Newsletter was discussed and experts
have pointed out that these birds are carrion only and it is extremely unlikely that
they will attack dogs or ducks. Inspector Elphick will take this up with the people
responsible for this message.
Meeting closed at 8.55 pm. Next meeting 18 June 2012.