COURSE MASTER SYLLABUS A. Academic Division: Health and Public Service B. Department: Respiratory Care C. Course Number and Title: RES 131 - Respiratory Therapy Equipment & Procedures II D. Course Coordinator: Kate Peresie Department Chair: Robert Slabodnick, RRT, M.Ed E. Credit Hours: 5 Lecture Hours: 4 Lab Hours: 3 F. Prerequisites: RES 130, RES 140 or concurrent with RES 140 G. Syllabus Effective: Fall Quarter, 2010 H. Textbook(s) Title: Mosby’s Respiratory Care Equipment Author: Cairo, Pilbeam Year: latest Edition: latest ISBN # 978-0-323-05176-7 Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care Author: Wilkins, Stoller, Scanlan Year: latest Edition: latest ISBN # 978-0-323-03657-3 Clinical Practitioner’s Pocket Guide to Respiratory Care Author: Oakes Year: latest Edition: latest ISBN # 978-0-932-88731-3 I. Workbook(s) and/or Lab Manual: None RES-131 Course Master Syllabi Page 2 J. Course Description: Instruction and laboratory application in assessment of airway patency, oral/nasal airways, intubation techniques, tracheostomy care, cuff inflation techniques, suctioning, manual resuscitators, use of chest tubes, basic pulmonary function testing, lung expansion and bronchopulmonary hygiene techniques, bilevel CPAP, capnography, coughing techniques, and arterial blood gas analysis. An introduction to patient death, dying, and quality of life issues is included. K. Core Learning Outcomes Core Learning Outcomes Communication – Written Communication – Speech Culture and Community Critical Thinking Computer Literacy Computation L. Assessments - - How it is met & When it is met Course Outcome 5 -- project rubric for Death/Dying Quality of Life Group Project, writing rubric for Journal Article Summary assignment Course Outcome 5 -- project rubric for Death/Dying Quality of Life Group Project Course Outcome 2 -- project rubric for Death/Dying Quality of Life Group Project Course Outcomes 1, 3, 4 -- case-based exam questions on midterm exams Course Outcome 1 – size of suction catheter, inspiratory capacity math worksheets Course Outcomes and Assessment Methods: Outcomes Assessments – How it is met & When it is met RES-131 Course Master Syllabi Page 3 Outcomes 1. For airway management, manual resuscitation, bronchopulmonary hygiene, lung expansion therapy and noninvasive ventilation: a. correctly set up, utilize, and troubleshoot the associated equipment b. explain how the equipment and procedures work c. perform the procedure (as available) d. recognize and explain the therapeutic objectives, indications, contraindications, and hazards e. evaluate a patient scenario (to include patient assessment), select an appropriate therapy, and explain the rationale for the selection. 2. Discuss the patient’s, family’s, and student’s own possible responses to a patient’s terminal illness and/or imminent or sudden death. 3. Interpret basic spirometry and spirograms to determine and distinguish between obstructive and restrictive disorders. 4. For arterial blood gases and capnography: assess patient data for indications and contraindications, recognize hazards, perform sampling, interpret results, and recommend therapy based on those results. 5. Communicate effectively in writing and in speech. 6. Work effectively in groups M. Assessments – How it is met & When it is met Lab exercises/observations Lab checkoffs Lab written exams Written case-based exam questions Size of suction catheter, inspiratory capacity math worksheets Death and Dying/Quality of Life Issues Reflection Paper - Rubric Written case-based exam questions, lab exercise/ observation, lab exam questions Written case-based exam questions, lab exercise/ observation, lab checkoffs, lab exam questions Journal Article Summary - Writing Rubric, Death and Dying/Quality of Life Issues Reflection Paper - Rubric, Death and Dying/ Quality of Life Issues Project Presentation Rubric Death and Dying/Quality of Life Issue- Group Work Assessment Form Course Topical Outline: 1. Lung Expansion Therapy – Continuation from RES 130 a. IS b. IPPB c. Bi-Level CPAP RES-131 Course Master Syllabi Page 4 2. Chest tubes 3. Bronchopulmonary Hygiene Therapy a. PEP b. IPV c. Flutter d. Cough Techniques e. Postural Drainage f. Chest vest 4. Manual resuscitation a. Bag-mask b. Bag-tube c. Special techniques 1) Reservoirs 2) CPAP/PEEP 5. Airway Management a. Determination of airway patency b. Oral and nasal airways c. Suctioning, catheters, vacuum regulators d. Intubation/Extubation techniques - recommend e. CXR, humidification, laryngoscope f. Tracheostomy techniques, buttons, tubes g. EOA/EGTA/PTLA, LMA h. Cuff inflation (Vol./Press), position i. Suctioning techniques and specimen collectors j. Trach tubes, trach care k. Endotracheal tubes 6. Arterial Blood Gases & Capnography 7. Basic Pulmonary Function Testing a. Spirometry b. Lung Volumes 8. Death, Dying, Quality of Life N. Course Assignment: Textbook Reading Assignments and Worksheets Lab Procedure Practice and Checkoffs Death/Dying/Quality of Life Group Project Journal Article Summary Assignment RES-131 Course Master Syllabi Page 5 O. Recommended Grading Scale: 100-95 94-92 91-89 88-86 85-83 82-80 A AB+ B BC+ G:\syllabi-quarter\master syllabi\res\res131.doc\apr’10\lan 79-77 76-74 73-71 70-68 67-65 64-Below C CD+ D DF