Electron Configuration Computer Activities Log onto the following


Electron Configuration Computer Activities

Log onto the following websites and complete the activities, recording your work in your

Interactive Notebook.

 Write the Heading for each section and answer the questions or draw pix as instructed.

HEADING: Activity #1: David’s Whizzy Periodic http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/applets/a2.html

Click on the “nucleus” view for several different elements and observe carefully.


Identify the black spheres. Identify the red spheres.


What happens to the red spheres as you increase atomic number?

Click onto the “shell” view for several atoms & observe carefully.


Explain what each of the 4 different colored spheres in this view represent.

Click on several different elements and notice what happens.


Draw the s, p d diagram for krypton. Color & label the spheres.


How many spheres in the “s” column for each energy level? In the “p” column? In the

“d” column?

Now, click on H, then Li, then Na, then K. Observe VERY carefully.


What do all of these 4 elements have in common?

Click on Be, Mg, Ca & observe the diagram carefully.


What do these 3 elements have in common?


Repeat for B, Al, Ga.


Repeat for C, Si, Ge


Based on the trend in questions # 6, 7, 8, 9, what do you expect to be true about all elements in the group (column) that has N at the top? O at the top? F at the top? Ne at the top?

Now click onto random elements and observe the black band below the partial periodic table.


What do the bright lines of color represent? How are they formed?


How does this relate to the lamps we looked at through the spectroscope in class?

HEADING: Activity #2: Arrow Orbital Diagrams http://www.lon-capa.org/~mmp/period/electron.htm

Following the instructions, drag the red slider at the bottom of the diagram to watch what happens to e- configurations as atomic number increases.


Select 2 elements and draw the arrow orbital diagram for each one. Make sure one of the element’s atomic number is greater than 20.


What is unusual about the order of sublevels in the 4 th energy level?

CHALLENGE QUESTIONS: Please note the electron configurations for Cr and Cu.


Name the elements for which this happens and write their electron configurations.


Why do you think this odd behavior occurs?

HEADING: Activity #1: Electron Configuration Order Game http://www.quia.com/pp/2818.html?AP_rand=812674809

 DO: Click onto “Play this Game” to start.

WRITE: When you are done, write the sublevels in correct order.

HEADING: Activity #2: Electron Configuration Matching Game http://www.quia.com/mc/537510.html

DO: Play at least 2 times. Click “Start Over” when you have completed the first board.

This will take you to the second board.

 WRITE: As you play, write down at least 6 element symbols and the correct configuration.

HEADING: Activity #4: Quick Questions http://www.ask.com/bar?q=electron+configuration&page=1&qsrc=121&ab=5&u=http%3A%


DO: Answer the 2 questions at the bottom of the page.

 WRITE: Write the element symbol and its correct e- configuration.
