This file is an effort towards converting the rules of Starblasers Adventure
Game FATEv3 rules to DUNE. A lot of the ideas on which this document is based are drawn from the series adaptation of DUNE.
Gritty realism and bookkeeping are downplayed in this rules, in favor of more cinematic action.
Along the way, I include some optional rules or link to those optional rules elsewhere, which could change the tone of play. Anyway, it’s all optional.
Thanks to all the people on the FATE Yahoo! Group for helping this idea come to life.
GM: So, last session, the alliance of House Atreides and the Fremen finally managed to take out your character, The Baron of House Harkonnen.
Al: I still think those Fremen and that upstart boy were pretty mean. They never accepted any of my concessions.
GM: We’ve talked about this before. Surrender to my will and adore me like a god are not very good terms… Still, you managed to use your
Death Defiance stunt to survive the battle. Have you thought about how are you going to rejoin the game?
Al: Yep. I think I’ll haunt that wicked little childs past memories, and I’ll wait for an opening, planning my revenge, and then make my presence known through her manipulated deeds.…
And thus the saga of DUNE begins…
Phases of character creation
Character creation is made through five phases. The description of the phases is a little different here:
Come up with a cool concept.
Go through the phases.
Assign your skills.
Select your stunts.
Phase 1: House Affiliation
There is a plethora of Houses in the Dune Universe. Your hero may come from any of these Houses, Great or Lesser. A Persona from one House was brought up with different views and values, which are part of the Basic makeup of the character. This phase also covers the characters formation years:
To which of the Houses do you belong? Where are you from?
Is your family big or small? Are they rich or poor? How do you get along with them? Are they nobles or commoners?
Do you have any famous or infamous ancestors?
How was your education? Were you trained in a craft? In combat?
Did you have any friends?
Write a description of the events of this phase.
Choose your Affiliation Aspect . Affiliation aspects are discussed in the next section.
Choose a second aspect that is tied to the events of this phase. May be an additional Affiliation Aspect or not.
Select 1 stunt from either your affiliation or any other allowed
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills (Remembering skill requirement for affiliation.
Example: George wants to play with a House Atriedes Weapon-master. After talking with the GM, both decide it would be cool if the character were actually the heir of an exiled lesser family with ties to the Atriedes, but is somewhat reluctant to accept his destiny. He already has a name for his character : Agrathion son of Aramathos . Agrathion ’s affiliation aspect is
House Aramathos’ heir Allies of House Attredies, after his ancestor who did some terrible thing in the past.
Phase 2: Conditioning
Describe the character’s conditioning, the training he attained from his House.
It is what will define his role in the House and what services his House Ruler has assigned him. Be it the House Suk doctor, armsman, Reverend Mother,
Bene Gesserit Adept, Swordmaster, Noble, Knave, Smuggler, Technician,
Fedyakin, Fremen, Mentat or Assassin.
Write a description of the events of this phase.
Choose your Conditioning Aspect . Conditioning aspects are discussed in the next section.
Choose a second aspect that is tied to the events of this phase. May be an additional conditional aspect.
Select 1 stunt from either your conditioning aspect or any other allowed
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Phase 3: Defining Moment
Describe the character’s breaking point, whether planned or serendipitous, that made him decide to go on a life of adventure. This may include a run in with a rival House, discovery of an Object of Power or anything that indicates how the character chose the path he now walks. Optionally , the GM may decide to set his chronicle after some important historical period. For example, in a
Ginaz-Moritani game, you’ll need to describe what your character was doing during the War of Assassination. Or maybe the Trial of Possession over House
Venius on Ix.
Write a description of the event of this phase and give it a Title.
Choose two aspects tied to the events of this phase.
Select 1 stunt
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Phase 4: MISSION
Describe your character’s first adventure, whether big or small and how it affected her, give it a Title. Example: Raid on the Harkonnen Slave Pits.
Intrigue on the Streets of Corrin. The Duke calls for his new champions.
Write a description of the events of this phase. Choose a title that will describe the events of your first adventure, but don’t fill all the details of the adventure yet.
Choose two aspects tied to the events of this phase. (You might wait for the next phases and fill this aspects later)
Select 1 stunt
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Describe how you met one of the other characters, and how you fit into their adventure or background.
Add a brief description of how your character fits into the adventure or background of another character.
Choose two aspects that are somewhat tied to the events you described earlier. (Again, you may want to wait to write this down)
Select 1 stunt
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Affiliation aspects
The first aspect anyone picks is the affiliation aspect. Affiliation aspects might be compelled or invoked as any other aspect. All affiliation aspects might limit your choices of skills or stunts. This is intentional.
You may invoke any affiliation aspect to: Have a better reaction from people of your own Household or their allies. Have grasp of the lay of your fief.
The GM may compel any affiliation aspects to : Have some unfavorable reaction from people of a different House. Cause a social slip when following the customs of a strange House.
House Corrino remains the single most powerful Great House in the
Imperium, having used its leverage as the House Imperial to manipulate its most ambitious rivals and consolidate its considerable gains for millennia. In the wake of an atomic disaster—resulting from an attempt to obliterate the
Imperial family—House Corrino moved the seat of Imperial government from
Salusa Secundus to the more removed (and secure) planet Kaitain. After the nuclear winter had ended, the Padishah Emperors converted Salusa Secundus into an Imperial prison planet, a fitting use for the ruined, inhospitable world.
Today, Salusa Secundus secretly functions as a planet-wide breeding and training preserve for the dreaded Imperial Sardaukar terror troops.
Long known for its internal power struggles and intrigues, an ancient saying goes that Corrino heirs meet assassins before they meet their own mothers.
While this is obviously an exaggeration, early and untimely deaths do seem to
visit the House with alarming regularity. Short-lived Emperors aside, House
Corrino rules the Imperium with a steady hand. The House motto—“Law is the ultimate science”—speaks volumes about the measured surety with which the House approaches both problems and threats. Although its actions remain careful, measured, and deliberate, its legions of Sardaukar ensure that none challenge its authority lightly.
Choose One Affiliation Aspect (examples, Corrino Heir, House Corrino
Servant, Lesser House ally to Imperial House Corrino, or even just House
Corrino until something better can be thought of.)
Then choose 1 Stunt from Below
You may ignore the requirements if it has one.
Protocol p44
Favour p44
Introduction p44
Spend 4 Skill points
Requirements: Your Contacting skill must at least be average.
Held in high esteem since the earliest days of the new Imperium, House
Atreides has produced a long line of honorable scions. Universally beloved by its subjects, the House has ruled its ancestral siridar-fief, the Duchy of
Caladan, for some 26 generations. Not known for beig one of the wealthier
Houses, the Atreides have long been esteemed for their honorable conduct, and has held the respect of its Landsraad peers since the Battle of Corrin long ago.
Recognized for their fairness, morality, and unflagging sense of justice, other members of the Landsraad often turn to the Atreides for leadership in
times of crisis. The House is currently beginning to feel the burden such leadership brings. Widely admired among the more placid Houses for taking a firm stand during the Ginaz Incident (as the Atreides call the Ginaz-Moritani
War of Assassins), the political repercussions among the more powerful
Houses remain uncertain. While open action on the part of its enemies remains doubtful, covert movement and intrigue are another matter. As Menelaus
Atreides himself once said during an early Council sessioin: “Calling the
Landsraad an ‘august body’—now that’s
Choose One Affiliation Aspect (eg House Atredies Man/Woman, Lady of
House Atredies, Loyal Atredies Citizen, or just House Atredies)
Choose 1 stunt from Below
You may ignore the requirements if it has one.
Ebb and Flow p158
Preemptive Grace p158
Hearts Secret p158
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Requirements: Your Empathy skill must at least be average.
Readmitted to the Landsraad after a long exile brought on by the actions of
Abulurd Harkonnen during the Battle of Corrin, House Harkonnen quickly rose to prominence through a fortuitous series of economic successes. The
House’s monopoly on the whale-fur and other luxury markets allowed it to build a vast commercial infrastructure, eventually making the House an unrivaled industrial power. Of course, its enemies are quick to point out that
House Harkonnen has achieved power through ruthless exploitation of its homeworlds and debasement of its human subjects.
Although the House’s ancestral fief remains the siridar-barony of Giedi
Prime, its growing economic power and Imperial associations earned it governance over the quasi-fief of Arrakis, which it has now governed for some fifty-odd years. Since replacing House Richese as siridar-governors of
Arrakis, control of the spice and the resulting power this accorded solidified
House Harkonnen’s place as one of the most powerful Houses in the
Imperium. Its management of Arrakis will dictate the House’s long-term prospects, which seem bright indeed.
Choose One Affiliation Aspect (eg House Harkonnen, Indentured
Harkonnen, Hark Sleeper in Atredies Space)
Choose 1 Stunt from Below
You may ignore the requirements if it has one.
Greese the Wheels p185
Subtle Menace p168
The Honest Lie p156
Spent 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Requirements: Your Intimidation skill must at least be average.
The siridar-fief of Wallach VII was granted to Burseg-General Maximillian
Banarc during the sixth millennium, some 20 years after leading Imperial legions to victory during the massacre at Poritrin. House Banarc adopted the
Wallach surname after being given the title of Siridar-Baron von Wallach VII in recognition of his loyal service to the Emperor. Rallying beneath a standard bearing the ancient motto, “God, Imperium, House,” House Wallach was renowned in past centuries for its considerable military prowess and resourcefulness. Although its heirs are still sent to Salusa Secundus for
military training and education, in recent centuries the House has preferred to concentrate on diplomatic pursuits and statecraft. Its ambassadors and arbitrators have rison to prominence in many conflicts, serving both the
Landsraad and the Emperor with honor.
House Wallach also enjoys unusual political influence because of its uncertain association with the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. Accepting an invitation from then-Baron Hurdan von Wallach, the Sisterhood moved their
Mother School to the House-governed principality of Wallach IX, taking control of the planet by way of some insrutable agreement. The arrangement seems to have benefited both parties, since relations between the House and the Sisterhood remain deeply intertwined to the present day.
Choose One Affiliation Aspect (examples House Wallach, Wallach-Bene
Gesserit Sister, Ally of House Wallach, etc)
Choose 1 Stunt from below
You may ignore the requirements if it has one.
Ebb and Flow
Master Dipolmat p173
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Requirements: Your Leadership or Mysteries skill must at least be average.
Descended from an ancient order of assassins, House Moritani has worked for generations to shake its black reputation. The House is perhaps best known for its wholesale destruction of the Ginaz (Atreides allies and age-old rivals of the
Moritani) during a lightning-quick war of assassins on the planet Grumman in
10,166. Oficially sanctioned by the current Emperor, Shaddam IV, the events
which transpired reminded the Landsraad membership that the old forms were far from dead.
As the undisputed rulers of Grumman, House Moritani then retreated into relative obscurity once more, its ancient honor having been satisfied. Rumors persist that the House has initiated a widespread military and materiel buildup on the world, perhaps in an effort to restore social order, or perhaps to rebuild the Moritani forces sacrificed during the war. Other rumors whisper that the
Moritani have revived one of the ancient Bhotani assassin schools, but so far those rumors remain unconfirmed.
Choose One Affiliation Aspect (example House Moritani)
Choose 1 stunt from below
You may ignore the requirements if it has one.
In Plain Sight
Quick Exit
Developed Immunities
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Requirements: Your Stealth skill must at least be average.
Caught up in the fervor of the Butlerian Jihad, the religious populace of Sikun produced some of the most ardent supporters of the reactionary movement.
Legal virtuosos enlisted with religious fanatics to lead the Sunnivean
Inquisition that oppressed the planet for innumerable generations. Though the resulting theocratic regime lost its hold early in the second millennium, it was during those formative centuries that the great legal tradition of Sikun was born.
Specializing at first in Butlerian strictures and Imperial law, the Sunnivas
Academy spawned many sister schools in later generations. With the
Inquisition in full force, the legal profession flourished on Sikun; and many of the schools began to earn reputations throughout the Imperium. But it wasn’t until the theocratic regime had perished that newly risen House Tseida— promoted by the Spacing Guild—began to peddle its highly specialized legal services to a broad base of Imperial clients. As House Sunnivas (and its advocates) declined in both influence and popularity, the ‘separatist movement’ led by House Tseida now moved with increasing audacity.
Volunteering advocates to represent other Great Houses in Landsraad and
CHOAM litigation, House Tseida staunchly supported all of its legal schools, earning them varying degrees of fame and wealth as their victories began to accrue.
Choose One Affiliation Aspect (example House Tseida )
Choose 1 stunt from below
You may ignore the requirements if it has one.
Eye for Detail
Legal Eagle
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Requirements: Your Investigation skill must at least be average.
Proud, fierce, strong and deadly, the Fremen are a race of desert-dwellers who live in the cities and vast deserts of the planet Arrakis. They rarely interact with off-worlders except for traders or merchants. They implacably oppose the
Harkonnen "rule" of their homeworld; even the infamous Sardaukar refer to
the deep desert as djevik k'shar , the "dying ground," as very few of those who enter it ever escape with their lives.
However, Fremen do not limit their disdain to Harkonnens alone; they regard most off-worlders--"wetlanders" as weak, foolish, and generally contemptible. The Fremen are a powerful force on Arrakis, a disciplined, stealthy people who have been betrayed and crushed under the cruel
Harkonnen governorship of their planet.
With such a tradition, suffering is accepted, perhaps as unconscious punishment, but accepted. And it's well to note that Fremen ritual gives almost complete freedom from guilt feelings. This isn't necessarily because their law and religion were identical, making disobedience a sin. It's likely closer to the mark to say they cleansed themselves of guilt easily because their everyday existence required brutal judgments (often deadly) which in a softer land would burden men with unbearable guilt.
Choose One Affiliation Aspect (example; Fremen of Arrakis)
Choose 1 stunt from below.
You may ignore the requirements if it has one.
Desert Creature- ( +2/+3 with any action related to desert survival and fighting.)
Follower of Shai-hulud – (+2/+3 with fate any action in relation to the
Worms of Arrakis )
Eyes of Ibad –( +2/+3 to save verse glare or flash attacks.)
Spend 4 skill points on appropriate skills
Requirements: Your survival skill must at least be average.
The second aspect anyone picks is the conditioning aspect. Conditioning aspects might be compelled or invoked as any other aspect. All conditioning aspects might limit your choices of skills or stunts. This is intentional.
You can concider conditioning aspects as your career selected for you by your
House or by what fate has placed before you.
You may invoke any conditioning aspect to: Enhance any skills or stunts for the cost of a FATE point, which relate directly to your area of conditioning.
The GM may compel any conditioning aspects to : Force a GM condition on you in return for a FATE point.
Conditioning Aspects are listed as Career Choice.
( examples Atredies Fighting Loyalist, Desert Power Warrior of the Fremen,
Harkonnen Slave Hunter, etc )
In the aftermath of the decades-long Butleriran Jihad, many hardened combat veterans have mustered out of their units and now seek adventure among the stars. Some crave the adrenaline rush of combat, an addiction they can 't shake. Others seek only to gain honest work with their skills as mercenaries or bodyguards. Armsmen aren 't always combat veterans, however; they can be city guards, police, bounty hunters, or any profession that requires combat expertise.
Armsmaen are found just about anywhere conflict exists. No Noble dares travel the stars without someone to protect his back. and an Armsman is a
good candidate for such a post. The battle-hardened mercenary, the
Harkonnen lieutenant, the Duke’s guard, and the elite foot soldier—all are warriors. Warriors can be stalwart defenders of those in need, cruel marauders, or gutsy adventurers. Some are among the universe’s best souls, willing to face death for the greater good or for loyalty to his lord. Others ar among the worst, bullies with no qualms about killing for private gain—or sport.
Armsmen who are not actively soldiering may be conscripts, guards, champions, bodyguards, or criminal enforcers. An adventuring Armsman might call himself a warrior, a mercenary, a thug or simply an adventurer.
Armsmen excel in one thing: fighting. They may be melee experts or gunslingers, but they sure know how to fight. Armsmen can come from nearly any background or social class. Master Guilders who specialize in mercenary operations will probably multi-class as Armsmen. Nobles who prefere dueling to court life might also multi-class as Armsmen.
Most Armsmen see adventures, military service, raids, and dangerous missions as their job. Some have patrons or commanders who pay them regularly. Others prefer to live like prospectors, taking great risks in hopes of the big haul. Some Armsmen are more civic-minded, using their combat skills to protect those in danger who cannot defend themselves. Whatever their initial motivations, however, Armsmen often wind up living for the thrill of combat and adventure.
Armsen come to their profession in as many different ways as their are ways to serve. Most have had fomal training in a noble’s army or at least in the local militia. Some have trained in formal academies such as the Ginaz school.
Others are self-taught—unpolished but well tested. An Armsman may have taken up the sword as a way to escape the limits of life on the farm, or he may be following a proud family tradition. Armsmen share no special identity or
brotherhood. Those who hail from a particular academy, mercenary company or lord’s regiment, however, often share a certain bond of camaraderie.
(As per the Military Career)
( example; Bene Gesserit Concubine, Bene Gesserit Instructor, Bene Gesserit
Witch, etc )
Mind witches... Manipulating the future of the universe. Plotted and planned out for generations in advance by the devious machinations of the Bene
Gesserit sisterhood. The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood is one of the most powerful factions in the Imperium. Their membership is exclusively women—raised from childhood with strict temperance to their character, stamina, physical prowess, and mental strength. Extreme tests and training exercises push the capabilities of these girls to their limit, creatures often called "witches" for their seemingly magical and persuasive abilities.
After a member of the sisterhood as honed her skills and proven herself of great loyalty and capability to the Bene Gesserit, she is then given the Water of Life—a powerful, mélange-based solution comprised of the secretion of an
Arrakis sandworm aft er dying from immersion in water. If the woman survives this test of excruciating agony in which the solution tears at her mind and her very essence, she becomes a Reverend Mother, an inheritor of all the memories and knowledge of the previous Reverend Mothers.
Their perception is so sharp that they can sense the slightest subtleties in a person's voice, mannerisms, or posture. In this way, they can determine without doubt if a subject is being deceptive.
Some notable members of the Bene Gesserrit include the Reverend Mother
Gaius Helen Mohiam., Princess Irulan (daughter of Emperor Shaddam IV), and Jessica, the royal concubine of Duke Leto Atreides.
Mystic Career – Litinue of Fear ( Remove one stress condition )
Voice ( as per enthrall but with +2/+3 with FATE and they needed be restrained )
Prana Technique by spending a FATE point you can use any Might Feat once.
Bindu Technique by spending a FATE point you can use any endurence feat once.
( example; Harkonnen Gladiator, Atredies Champion, Wandering Duelist,
Shield Master, etc )
The duelist embodies the concepts of daring and panache. Favoring agility and wit over brute force, the duelist excels in both combat situations and social interactions, making her a versatile character indeed. The dueling culture evolved naturally out of the Imperium’s reliance on archaic weapons following the popularity of personal shields rendered most ranged weapons of limited use.
Duelists adventure for a variety of motivations, based on their loyalties and background. Some seek to right injustices, while others seek only fame and fortune. All duelists, however, share a tendency to leap into action when the call comes, regardless of their personal views.
The duelist combines skill and finesse with sheer combat prowess. Though duelists can’t dish out quite as much damage as the typical armsman (of
Sardaukar, for that matter), they tend to be more agile and mobile than most melee combatants. When she can pick her battles carefully, a duelist becomes
a very deadly opponent (not to mention hard to pin down). Duelists also hold their own in social situations, unlike most fighters.
Like knaves, duelists tend to be diverse in their outlooks, and thus in their loyalties. Those who chafe under societal restrictions tend towards chaos and freelance work, while those who uphold honorable traditions may well align themselves with a great House or seek other employment within the
Many duelists come from affluent backgrounds, but anyone valuing finesse over force can become a duelist, regardless of background. A common shared element among duelists’ backgrounds is life in an urban environment, whether the back alleys of a slum or the cultured halls of royalty.
Duelists tend to see other duelists as rivals rather than allies, even when sharing similar goals. The duelist’s need for attention often outweighs her better judgment, leading either to a friendly competition or even outright distrust and antipathy.
Duelists prefer to work with other quick, lightly armored characters. They get along best with knaves and nobles, and appreciate the agility and combat talents of the armsman. Duelists have no particular distaste for psionic-users such as the Bene Gesserits, and they appreciate the utility of a clever mentat.
The duelist’s main role is that of an able melee combatant, particularly when paired with an armsman or noble. She can also make a fine party leader or spokesperson, thanks to her access to Charisma-based skills.
Duelist Infuriate
Shield Fighter
Knife Specialisation
Shield Parry
The Slow Blade Penetrates
( examples; Scietch Water Bearer, Niab of the Tribe, Dessert Warrior )
From the burning wastes of the deep desert come ferocious warriors, wearing no shield and wielding the holy crysknife to protect the land they hold dear, and strike back against the evil forces of the hated Harkonnen. These free tribes of Arrakis have proven their mettle and their value to those who would be their allies. To their enemies who underestimated them, they have proved their cunning, resourcefulness and uncompromising resolve.
Proud, fierce, strong and deadly, the Fremen are a race of desert -dwellers who live in the cities and vast deserts of the planet Arrakis. They rarely interact with off-worlders except for traders or merchants. They implacably oppose the Harkonnen "rule" of their homeworld; even the infamous
Sardaukar refer to the deep desert as djevik k'shar , the "dying ground," as very few of those who enter it ever escape with their lives. However, Fremen do not limit their disdain to Harkonnens alone; they regard most off-worlders—
"wetlanders" as weak, foolish, and generally contemptible in their weakness.
The Fremen are a powerful force on Arrakis—a disciplined, stealthy people who have been betrayed and crushed under the cruel Harkonnen governorship of their planet.
Fremen do not have a word for “guilt” in their language, as their everyday existence requires brutal, often deadly, judgments which in a softer land would burden men with unbearable guilt.
(Fremen as per Native)
(Examples; Spiceminer, Water Miner, Shopkeeper, CHOAM Merchant, Reeve)
The guilds may be an that remain of the giant corporations in the era before the Galactic Imperium, but they have carved out an important place in the
Empire. While nobles may snub them and priests may call them sinners, the merchants know they provide a necessary service—one neither the Houses of
Landsraad nor the Spacing Guild could get along without.
The guilds of the Merchant League are many and pervasive, but only five of them have achieved status as interstellar power-brokers: the CHAOM merchants, the high-tech Engineers, the black market Scravers, the mercenary soldiers of the Muster, and the bureaucratic Reeves. These five hold the reins of power beyond the Landsraad and present a united front against the combined power of the Noble Houses and the Emperor. Without their support, no other faction could long maintain interstellar sway. The guilds are thus the powers behind the throne, kingmakers but not rulers themselves—at least, not yet…
Guilders hire themselves out to other factions as engineers, thieves, bodyguards, advocates (lawyers), or any other type of trained labor imaginable. Those who work on their own, plying the stars as free traders or guns-for-hire seek out exciting situations—that’s where the money is, after all.
Guilders are specialists in their areas of expertise, be it driving vehicles, mining for spice, or hawking wares in an open market. Their broad array of skills allows them to take on any number of jobs or missions.
Guilders are freemen or serfs freed from servitude. They can come from a variety of backgrounds and starting occupations, either high-tech urban cities
or rural hamlets. Most join their respective guilds as apprentices during their teen years, achieveing full guild member status when they come of age. As freemen or commoners, guilders tend either to root for or support the common man over the interests of nobles, or else despise the weakness of the lower classses, using their guild status to get as fary away from their upbringing as possible.
Guildsmen tend to be pragmatic and materialistic, shunning ideology
(although some are known to support the cause of a democratic Imperial
Republic). As such they tend towards neutrality.
(As per Merchant or Explorer or Miner Scavenger)
( Examples Smugglers, Thieves, Blackmarketeer )
No society, no matter how advanced, is without its underworld, a place where the repressed or shunned thrive, feeding off the underbelly of society, taking from rich and paar alike to further their own survival in the dog-eat-dog world of crime. In such a seedy environment, even Guilders often fear to tread. Not so the Knave, an expert in navigating the deadly realm of cutthroats and backstabbers—whether they be thieves, spies or even noble lords.
Spies, thieves, and con artists are considered knavish professions by Nobles,
Priests and Guilders. However, this doesn’t prevent certain nobles, guildsmen, or even bishops from hiring people skilled in the arts of knavery. No noble house can long stand without a corps of elite intelligence agents, and no guild could long maintain its monopoly without undercover operatives and sneak thieves. Even the Church needs invisible eyes and ears to uncover misuses of technology. For all these tasks, the factions turn to the knave, expert in all manor of unsavory skills.
Knaves have a wide range of skills available to them, and quickly learn how to take out their enemies unseen. Knaves are usually freemen who are either raised into a life of crime, choose such a life as soon as they can run away from home, or are chosen to become agents by the elite. They tend to have ambivalent attitudes toward class struggles.
Knaves can provide vital skills to any noble entourage or adventuring group, working as scouts or spies. While members of the clergy may publicly look askance at such skills, certain noble houses—especially the Emperor’s—prize them.
(As per Pirate)
( example; Mentat, Mentat Assassin, Twisted Mentat, Mentat Interrigator )
Human supercomputers, the Mentat’s greatest ability is the power to predict the future—through number crunching. A Mentat can make predictions about possible outcomes based on even a small amount of information. For a Mentat who utilizes his mind to see plots within plots within plots, and predict the most likely places for traps and the weakness of a House perimeter, calculating global economies are trivial.
Trained at a young age, Mentats most often are schooled at the academy on
Bene Tleilax. “
Know a Mentat by his red-stained lips
.” The Mentats often use the stimulant drug sapho to increase the speed of their mental functions.
Mentats are often employed among both major and minor noble houses in the
Landsraad to plot out strategies of protection and plot weakness to predict attacks.Any attempt to engage another house is plotted through their Mentats first to test for effectiveness, and more importantly to stay within the
laws of Kanly in the Landsraad. The protection of a noble household is of vital import to a loyal Mentat. In this role, the Mentat is usually denoted as Master of Assassins.
Mentat - Eidetic Memory +2 auto shift for all Academic Skills
Hypothosising +2 auto shift for all investigation skills
Projections +2 to all Alertness skills
*by spending a fate point skills will become auto +3, represents the taking os sapho.
( examples; House Heir, Second Son, House Ambassador/Representative, Son of a Lesser House , etc )
A Noble rules, either by blood or by ambition. Whether Nobleborn or Peer of the Realm, (those commoners awarded noble titles for distinguished service to the Emperor), these rulers are skilled at manipulating the body politic, excelling at diplomacy and gathering resources. Their political and rhetorical experience and knowledge allows them to issue orders with little question of whether they will be obeyed and sets them apart from the common rabble.
Select this class if your character hails from a Noble House of the
Landsraad, comes from a wealthy or powerful background; or if your character has achieved a position of leadership—being named Captain of the
Guard or the Emperor’s Own Protector, for example—and wishes to exploit the political benefits of the position.
Members of the noble class use their intelligence and natural charisma to make their way in the universe. Some bring honor to the name with a winning smile and a golden tongue, while others are sly, t reacherous, and dishonest to
the core, hiding behind broken promises and empty compromises. Their powerful message and a knack for negotiation, the noble commands respect, makes friends, and inevitably influences people.
(Noble - Same as Diplomat)
(Examples; Bene Tieluxu, Richeese Industrialist, Ixian Inventer)
In the DUNE universe, science isn’t the ultraspecialized set of disciplines we know today. There is little division between pure science and applied research—scientists are inventors and engineers as well as theorists. The lines between different branches of science, such as physics, chemistry, and biology—are fuzzy, and it’s possible for a single scientist to contribute groundbreaking research in multiple fields—just witness Dr. Holtzman’s breakthrough.
While ordinary citizens of the Emperor’s Imperium use typical Butlerian approved technology in their daily lives, scientist characters are pushing the envelope and inventing things that our world won’t see for centuries. With each level they attain, Scientist characters make more and more discoveries, which they can build into inventions. A scientist character who makes the discovery of lightning projection, for example, can build that discovery into a lightning projector he can carry around with him on his adventures. As he advances in levels, he can improve his invention so it’s pistol-sized or simplify the controls so anyone can use it. Or if he’d rather, he can move on to new discoveries and new inventions.
Scientists are also fonts of technical knowledge, absorbing volumes of information through reading, research and consultations with their peers.
While their abilities don’t quite approach that of the Mentat, they are
nonetheless formidale storehouses of knowledge. Most scientists are poor combatants (although anyone with a lightning projector is to be feared), and their studies leave them little time to pick up other skills.
Moreso than any other class, scientists tend to be reluctant adventurers, preferring to remain sequestered in their laboratories and workshops. But rare circumstances, hard-to-get raw materials, or the chance to make a new discovery are powerful lures to get a scientist out into the Imerium. And once they’ve had an adventure or two under their belts, many scientists find that
“field testing” their inventions and keeping the universe safe for scientific progress make the peril of adventures worthwile.
(Scientist - As per Sci-Tech)
(As per Security + 2 on Stealth skills +3 with a fate point, may ignore requirements for stealth stunts)
( Examples; Reverend Mother, House Truthsayer, Sayadina, Breeding Master, etc )
Because the Bene Gesserit operated for centuries behind the blind of a semimystic school while carrying on their selective breeding program among humans, we tend to award them with more status than they appear to deserve.
Analysis of their "trial of fact" on the Arrakis Affair betrays the school's profound ignorance of its own role.
It may be argued that the Bene Gesserit could examine only such facts as were available to them and had no direct access to the person of the Prophet
Muad'Dib. But the school had surmounted greater obstacles and its error here goes deeper.
The Bene Gesserit program had as its target the breeding of a person they labeled "Kwisatz Haderach," a term signifying "one who can be many places at once." In simpler terms, what they sought was a human with mental powers permitting him to understand and use higher order dimensions. They were breeding for a super-Mentat, a human computer with some of the prescient abilities found in Guild navigators. Now, attend these facts carefully:
The Lady Jessica was ordered to produce an Atreides daughter. The plan was to inbreed this daughter with Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, a nephew of the
Baron Vladimir, with the high probability of a Kwisatz Haderach from that union. Instead, for reasons she confesses have never been completely clear to her, the concubine Lady Jessica defied her orders and bore a son. This alone should have alerted the Bene Gesserit to the possibility that a wild variable had entered their scheme. But there were other far more important indications that they virtually ignored:
Reverend Mother - Requirement must have spent one phase as a Bene
Gesserit Adept and have Mystic skill at good or better.
Water of Life: gives +2 auto to all Mysteries
Stunts. +3 with the cost of a FATE point.
Truthsayer a successful mysteries roll verse a targets resolve or deciet will indicate if the speaker tells the truth or it’s a lie.
Advanced Pinu Technique by spending a FATE point you can use any One might stunt for a whole encounter
Advanced Binu Technique by spending a FATE point you can use any One endurence stunt for a whole encounter
( Examples; Sardukar Terror Trooper, Sardukar Imperial Bodyguard,
Sardukar Infiltrator )
Truly one of the most terrifying military forces ever created, the Sardaukar warriors are the Emperor’s elite troopers, sent in when victory must be assured. The Sardaukar are soldier-fanatics trained on Salusa Secundus, who catapulted to power over the Landsraad in the Battle of Corrin (88 B.G.). The commander of the Sardaukar and his family became the Imperial House
Corrino, named after the planet Corrin, near which the decisive battle took place. The grim ecological and social gconditions of Salusa Secundus forged the military prowess of the Sardaukar, who were master swordsmen and deadly unarmed combatants, comparable respectively to Ginaz tenth-level
fencers and Bene Gesserit adepts. The ruthless natural selection of Salusa
Secundus bred the Sardaukar who came to dominate first their planet and later the inhabited worlds of the Imperium.
With a training program reminiscent of the ancient Spartan warriors, the
Sardau children reached adulthood as full warriors, blooded by countless survival tests and mortal combat. After the LC rebellion, armed revolt occurred only among civilizations much farther from the Imperium’s center, and was carried out mainly by those who never knew of the grand feudal order rather than by those who did not wish to partake of it. The Landsraad itself generally welcomed the Sardaukar because the Imperial troops allowed the
Great Houses to expand without disturbance from their rivals. Warfare among
Landsraad members was strictly regulated by the Convention, and the
Convention was strictly enforced by the Sardaukar.
The campaigns of Imperial Expansion tested the soldier-fanatics against a variety of adversaries, terrains, weapons, and tactics. As Sardaukar conquests added victory after victory to the list, the myth of invincibility was created.
Concurrently, the duration and scope of Padishah predominance caused the
Imperium to be widely perceived as the natural order. Pharaonic rulers would naturally be supported by military supermen. As a result, the indomitability of
Sardaukar arms impressed itself on the Imperium until even dissidents shared and sustained the Sardaukar’s belief in themselves. Fact reinforced myth, and vice versa.
As the centuries passed, the lowly origin of the Sardaukar as a cattle-herding tribe on an infertile jungle planet was forgotten. Salusa Secundus became notorious as the prison planet of the emperors, not as the world from which they had escaped at the first opportunity.
The fastest path to this class is from the armsman basic class, though other paths are possible.
Sardukar - Sardukar Training + 2 to all endurence and Brawling and Gun skills, +3 with a FATE point
Sardukar Conditioning, may ignore any requirements for any might or endurence stunts.
( Examples; Imperial Suk Doctor, Suk Doctor to House Atredies, Freelancing
Suk Doctor, etc .)
Conditioned at the Imperial Suk School and programmed with the sacred oath to “Do no harm,” the Suk Doctor has the literal Imperial stamp of approval. A
Suk’s Pyretic Conscience or “conscience of fire” forbids him to bring deliberate harm, or by omission of action, allow to be harmed, another human being.
Suk Conditioning may choose from Sci-Tech and gets +2 and +3 (with FATE) on all Science skill. Spending TWO FATE will ensure a successful ressucitation on a dead patient.
*A SUK conditioned doctor is unable to harm a living creature unless it is in defence, and then only by accident. Recieves TWO fate if this condition is compelled.
The Swordmaster of Ginaz is a battle-trained specialist who has honed his reflexes and studied the art of war. Often employed by Royal Houses of the
Landsraad as bodyguards, and weapons instructors, Swordmasters are highly trained and well respected throughout the civilized universe.
Swordmasters are familiar with all standard weapons and armors. In addition to general fighting prowess, each Swordmaster develops particular specialties of their own. A given Swordmaster may be especially capable with certain exotic weapons, another trained to execute specific fancy maneuvers. As
Swordmasters gain experience, they get more opportunities to develop their fighting skills. Thanks to their focus on combat maneuvers, they can master even the most difficult weapons with ease.
(Swordmaster May choose from Military and Security ignoring requirements)
(Exa mples, Waterseller, Fast Talker, Confidence Man etc )
More than a simple shopkeeper or artisan, the Trader is a merchant-adventurer whose business dealings take her to distant lands known to most folk only in rumors. She can talk Fremen into buying flood insurance or convince the
Water Sellers' Union that she's good for it.
Always one step ahead of the law (and angry customers), the Trader is not above taking on some honest work now and then, if it simply can't be helped.
Select this advanced class if you want your character to be able talk anyone into or out of anything, and if you want her to always get the best prices on goods and services.
(May choice from Pirate, Scrounger and Merchant)
Character Concept
I was thinking of playing an Atredies Pathfinder, a member of the
Atredies Military who mission it is to go in and find allies and make contacts on the worlds that House Atredies will have dealings with. To uncover plots, locate traitors, disarm saboteurs, speak to smugglers and to kill the House enemies when required.
He was born on Caladan and met the Old Duke when he was a child the
Old Duke gave him a fishing rod he had carved with his own hand and since that day he has wanted to be in service to the Dukes Household. He was from one of the lesser houses on Caladan and it was only by joining the Military that he could ever hope of serving the Duke directly.
His years of scrounging a living and wandering the wilder places have giving him good hunting skills which with his ability to read others and at times a ruthless countenance has given him the abilities to make a good House
Atredies Pathfinder.
Affiliation Aspect – Born of a Lesser House, But still an Atredies to the Core .
Second Aspect – If it tries to hide, ill follow its trail until its revealed.
Stunt Hearts Secret p158 (ignoring requirements)
Skill spent - (4 requires empathy at average) – Empathy(avg), Survival(avg),
Rapport(avg), Stealth(avg).
Character Concept ; Alexandro has now grown into a young man. He volunteered for the Military and has shown great promise he has been selected for special training as a Pathfinder, part of the Atredies Special Forces.
Conditioning Aspect –
Ive proved my worth, it’s the Pathfinders for me.
Second Aspect – Mastering the Silent Strike has save my bacon more then once.
Stunt – Covering Fire from the Military Career
Skills – (4) Guns(avg), Stealth(fair), Fists(avg), Investigation(avg)
Character Concept; It was while I was on a secret mission to contact a spy on Gedi Prime that I met my first Harkonnen and the true vileness of what they were was revealed to me when I saw my first Harkonnen Slave Pit.
It was discovered that my contact had been taken, a woman and she was being held for interrogation at a local slave pen. I infiltrated the Pen and when I went to retrieve her, she was that badly mutilated that she was beyond help. She told me where to retrieve the information I needed then I killed her to my shame, to preserve the information, but at least her ending had more dignity then what the Harkonnen had had in store for he. May she rest in peace.
Aspect – Never will I abide slavery
Second Aspect – Harkonnes are like rabid dogs, they need to be shot .
Stunt – In Plain Sight p194
Skills – (4); Stealth (Gd), Investigation (Fair), Fists,(Fair), Alertness(Avg)
Character Concept
Having seen the effect my last mission had on me, my commanders decided I needed some R&R. So I was sent to a small back water planet called Secundus
Alpha Tau- Called Desseret by the Populace. It was a dry world with a majority of desert as terrain. (Little did I know at the time that this was done to prepare me for further mission latter, such is the insight of Thufir Hawat who recommended me for this mission)
At the time it was just a peacekeeping mission, which required me to hunt down criminals who had fled into the desert in hopes of escape.
Aspect – Water wise
Second Aspect – Calming Nature
Stunt – Five Minute Friends(Rapport)
Skills – (4); Survival(fair), Rapport(Fair), Alertness(Fair),Survival(Gd).
Character concept.
Again Hufir has requested my services it seems hes taken me under his wing. This time he wanted me to be a bodyguard for another colleague of his.
What the hell not my usual job but if its from Hufir you can guarantee their a reason for it. Her name was Allandra Parthenope, A daughter of an Atredies
House Minor. A first I thought it was going to be a cake walk, but that didn’t last for long. It seemed that her family had had some dealing with smugglers and he owed them some funds. They kidnapped the girl, who I managed to save. Then without losing face for the family resolved the problem and all was well then came the message from the Duke. We were leaving Caladan, the
Emperer had given the Duke control of the most important planet in the
universe, Arrakis- Dune. I just shook my head, guess now I know why I was given those missions. Hufir, Hufir you sly old dog you.
Aspect – Mentored by Hufir Hawat
Second Aspect – Id die for Allandra shes one my heart.
Stunt – Hush(Stealth)
Skills – (4); Investigation (Gd), Guns(Fair), Empathy(Fair),Stealth(Great)
CHARACTER – Alexandro Spiridon
- Atredies Pathfinder(Special Forces)
` Born of a Lesser House, But still an Atredies to the Core .
If it tries to hide, ill follow its trail until its revealed.
Ive proved my worth, it’s the Pathfinders for me.
Mastering the Silent Strike has save my bacon more then once.
Never will I abide slavery
Harkonnens are like rabid dogs, they need to be shot .
Water wise
Calming Nature
Mentor is Hufir Hawat
I’d die for Allandra she’s one my heart.
SKILLS FAIR – Empathy, Rapport, Guns, Fists, Alertness
GOOD – Survival, Investigation
GREAT - Stealth
Hearts Secret p158(Rapport)
Covering Fire(Military)
In Plain Sight p194(Stealth)
Five Minute Friends(Rapport)
Fate Points 5/Refresh 5