MPA eBulletin, Aug. 29, 2012

MPA eBulletin, Aug. 29, 2012
-- Coach of Big 12 Champions to speak at Convention
-- Sept. 6 conference call on regional meeting attendance
-- Educate readers about Missouri elections
-- Help judge Wisconsin contest online
-- NAA plans to sue over Valassis deal
-- Sunshine Law: Expungement statute in effect
-- Mobile users still want 'professional' news
-- Help judge Wisconsin contest online
-- More Advance papers going digital first
-- You can read Missouri Press News magazine, MPA Bulletin online
-- More sales = more revenue; GET TRAINING!
-- Mid-America Newspaper Conference Sept. 13-15
-- Check out 'Mettle Moments' advertising feature
-- What do you need? Try these resources
-- Money-Making Ads webinar
-- Inland Press Training archived for your convenience
-- No Tweets while The Meyer speaks
-- Help Wanted / Marketplace
-- MPA Calendar
-- MPA is on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
-- Need training? Poynter has it!
-- Coach of Big 12 Champions to speak at Convention
MU Tigers baseball coach Tim Jamieson has accepted our invitation to speak
during the Saturday breakfast at the MPA Convention.
This past spring the Tigers won the Big XII conference tournament and played in
the NCAA Regional in Tucson as they exited the conference, heading for the
That's just one good reason to attend the Sept. 20-22 Convention at the Holiday
Inn Executive Center in Columbia. Here are several others:
1. Learn some things about YOUR business.
2. Learn how to do what YOU are doing faster and better.
3. Have YOURSELF some fun.
4. Hear YOUR candidates for Missouri Governor and U.S. Senate.
5. Hear Max Heath talk about how YOU can deal with the Postal Service.
6. Honor associates who are longtime pillars in YOUR Missouri newspaper
7. Learn what other newspapers like YOURS are doing to make money.
The Convention is about YOU, organized for YOU, so YOU need to attend the
146th annual MPA Convention, Sept. 20-22, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center
in Columbia.
Complete information about YOUR Convention and an agenda and registration
form are at and in Missouri Press
News magazine and the MPA Bulletin. Those publications are online at
YOUR Convention will begin Thursday evening, Sept. 20, with a reception and
gallery hop in the North Village Arts District of downtown Columbia. It will
conclude with the Better Newspaper Contest Awards Luncheon on Saturday,
Sept. 22.
-- What can be done to boost regional meetings?
Missouri Press will have a conference call at 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 6, for
discussion of what to do about declining attendance at the annual meetings of the
regional press associations. All MPA members are welcome to call in.
At 10 a.m. Sept. 6, dial 1-800-930-8721; when prompted enter the passcode
9194994 #.
If you plan to participate or if you have suggestions for the conference call
agenda, please email Doug Crews at MPA,
-- Educate readers about Missouri elections
MPA has a series of terrific, FREE election features for you to publish from now
until the Nov. 6 election. The Vote Missouri! series offers graphic features on
elected state offices, representatives and senators, a new feature on redistricting
and features on the electoral college and voting.
This is camera-ready, educational content for all ages. Go to and use download code: election12.
-- NAA plans to sue over Valassis deal
The Newspaper Association of America called the Postal Service's Valassis
agreement a “sweetheart deal” that gives Valassis an unfair advantage over
newspapers and other large mailers. The association said it plans to sue the
Postal Service.
“The Postal Service should focus on cutting costs and getting the mail delivered
on time — and not on using special rates to confer a significant and unwarranted
advantage on one competitor at the expense of an entire industry,” Caroline H.
Little, president and chief of the newspaper association, said in a statement.
-- Sunshine Law: Expungement statute in effect
Among the new state statutes that took effect Tuesday, Aug. 28, is this one
involving the sunshine law that MPA opposed in the legislature.
561.026, and 610.140 RSMo.) A person is allowed to apply for the expungement
of certain criminal records after 10 years have elapsed for a specified
misdemeanor or 20 years have elapsed for a specified felony since the person
has completed his or her imprisonment or any period of probation or parole. …
Once expunged, the court records and files will be confidential and only available
to the parties or by order of the court for good cause shown. The expungement
also restores all rights to the person as if the crime had never occurred.
-- Mobile users still want 'professional' news
COLUMBIA – As sharing news on social media sites continues to grow, mobile
users still prefer to get their news from trusted mainstream news sites rather than
their friends. In addition, users strongly favor news stories produced by
professional journalists. In part five ( of the Media News
Consumption Survey ( the Donald W. Reynolds
Journalism Institute examined how mobile users and non-users view the news
(The links will take you to complete RJI stories about the research. You'll also find
links to other reports on the RJI mobile users research and to other research
being conducted at RJI.)
-- It's time to step up Missourians!
We're gaining on the magic number! You can help us reach 80+ hands for the
October judging of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association's Better Newspaper
Most of the judging will be done online. No travel time or expense. No leaving
town. No hand writing of comments on the winners. You'll be assigned categories
and given instructions on how to proceed. You will have about two weeks in midOctober to complete the work, which can be done from your office or at home.
Your contest entries were taken to Madison this spring. Wisconsin newspaper
people took a day off work and gathered there to judge your entries. Did those
newspaper people from Wisconsin judge your entries? If you entered our contest,
they did. Doesn't it just seem fair that you should return the favor?
(The 3,000+ entries in our contest probably came from 200 or more people. We've
got about 60 judges signed up to help judge in October. Are you one of them?
Every judge will receive a $10 discount on the 2013 Missouri Press Better
Newspaper Contest.
A few of Wisconsin's contest categories that require entire issues or large
amounts of content -- like General Excellence and Special Sections -- will be
delivered to judges. If you want to judge a category like that, let us know.
Please consider helping us judge the Wisconsin contest. Send the names and
emails of everyone at your newspaper who can help to Kristie Williams at MPA, (If you want to judge particular types of entries -- ie
editorials, feature stories, photos -- let us know and we'll do our best to assign
those to you.)
-- More Advance papers going digital first
Newhouse's Advance Newspapers, which is stopping printing a daily paper at The
New Orleans Times-Picayune and its Alabama newspapers, said it would end the
daily distribution of two more of its newspapers, The Post-Standard in Syracuse,
N.Y., and The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pa. 600 staffers at the two papers have
been laid off as the newspapers transition to online presentation.
This is the same business model Advance adopted three years ago in Ann Arbor,
Mich. The Ann Arbor News stopped printing daily and prints a home delivered
paper on Thursday and Sunday. (Here's an American Journalism Review article
about how, with 13 reporters, is operating now.
The Syracuse and Harrisburg papers will merge their content with local news
websites and deliver the printed newspaper only three days a week, like what is
being done in New Orleans, Alabama and Ann Arbor. Starting in January, The
Post-Standard will publish on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
Among the many comments by readers on “If we lose the ‘fourth
estate’ which slowly appears to be diminishing, government at all levels will run
wild. Hopefully, the new business model will work and I would be willing to pay a
reasonable fee to retain local reporting.”
-- You can read Missouri Press News magazine, MPA Bulletin online
The Missouri Press monthly Bulletin and Missouri Press News magazine can be
read online. In your browser, type or (Do not preface with www.) No username or password is
Missouri Press sends a brief email to let everyone know when a new edition of the
bulletin or magazine has been posted. If you would like to be notified when the
publications are posted, let MPA know and you'll be added to the list.
Missouri Press News magazine, the monthly Bulletin and this weekly eBulletin all
are archived on
-- More sales = more revenue; GET TRAINING!
Sales staffs at MPA member newspapers can improve and reinforce their print
and online sales skills using a new web-based media sales certification program
provided through MPA’s partnership with the Local Media Association (LMA).
Current courses include sales techniques for Basic Online, Basic Print and Basic
Print and Online with new courses being added in the next several months.
The sales training courses consist of nine video webinars on topics including
needs analysis, product knowledge, terminology, territory management, basic
marketing, competitive media, presentation skills, answering objections and
closing skills. Upon completion of the nine modules, participants take a 50question test that requires a 90% grade or higher to earn certification.
For more information, contact Mark Laskowski, Association Partnership Manager,
Local Media Association, at (843) 667-6647 or
-- API, Poynter team up for Transformation Tour
The Transformation Tour brings together the best of the American Press Institute
and The Poynter Institute, which have identified seven topics critical to the
success of the industry. Find out what’s working and what’s showing the most
Directed by expert facilitators, cross-functional teams tackle the issues that most
affect their organizations and take home step-by-step plans that are tangible,
measurable, achievable and profitable.
The Transformation Tour kicks off in September 2012 with three strategic
workshops for news media leaders. Check here for details:
Visit the Events section to select a workshop, review program details and get
registration information.
-- Mid-America Newspaper Conference Sept. 13-15
The 52nd annual Mid-America Newspaper Conference for production people will
be Sept. 13-15 at the Resort at Port Arrowhead, Lake Ozark. Go here to learn
more and to register for the event:
-- Sign up for free internet news service, an Internet news service that's been providing coverage to
professionals worldwide since 1995, is offering its service free to working
journalists. (IPD Group Inc.;
EIN News curates news from thousands of sources and provides special
interest feeds 24/7. It has sites that follow many newsworthy people and issues in
Missouri as well as hundreds of topics of interest to your readers.
Working journalists may subscribe using this link
-- Check out 'Mettle Moments' advertising feature
Have you checked out Mettle Moment, a new advertising feature Missouri Press is
offering its members? Each feature contains an illustration and brief story related
to U.S. military history. You can purchase the feature and get local sponsors for it.
To see a promotional piece and sample of Mettle Moment, go to and click the link to download the PDF.
Contact Missouri Press ad director Greg Baker to subscribe, 573-449-4167,
-- What do you need? Try these resources.
These resources can help you run your newspaper. If you know of a good website
about newspapering or journalism, let us know and we'll add a link to it on and share it with members.
-- MPA's social links
Join MPA's social media links:
Twitter - !/missouripress.
-- Affordable training from Online Media Campus
Go to to check out Online Media Campus
low-cost webinars ($35, group discounts available). Webinars are archived, so
you can view them when you can, and new programs are always on the way. The
archive contains webinars on Circulation (3), Editorial (10), Revenue (16), Digital
Age (17), Management (3), and Technology (5). You want training? Here it is,
cheap and easy. Coming soon:
-Online Promotions: Tapping Into a New Revenue Source
Thursday, Aug. 30, 1-2 p.m. CDT
Discount Registration deadline: Monday, Aug. 27
(Registrations after that add
$10 late fee)
- How to pursue an investigative project while juggling other stories
Thursday, Sept. 13, 1-2 p.m. CDT
Discount Registration deadline: Monday, Sept. 10
(Registrations after that add
$10 late fee)
-Digital Monetization: The Five Faces of a Multi-Media Salesperson
Friday, Sept. 14, 1-2 p.m. CDT
Discount Registration deadline: Tuesday, Sept. 11
(Registrations after that add
$10 late fee)
-- Inland Press: The Art of Selling Deals:
Strategies for Securing the Best Offers
Wednesday, Aug. 29 | 2 p.m. CDT
Getting great offers is an essential component of running a successful deals
program, and this webinar will share insights that you can use.
Inland webinars are just $75 for members of Missouri Press Association, and they
are an indispensable source for up-to-the-minute industry insight.
Questions? Contact Patty Slusher, director of membership and programming, at
(847) 795-0380 or
-- No Tweets while The Meyer speaks
Akron Beacon Journal | NBC Sports -- Before football coach Urban Meyer’s press
conference on Monday, Ohio State spokesman Jerry Emig laid down a ground
rule for reporters: No using Twitter during Meyer’s conferences.
Akron Beacon Journal reporter Jason Lloyd says the move “reeks of a powerhungry program flexing a little muscle in a rare area where they don’t have any.”
-- Help Wanted / Marketplace
MPA member newspapers may place employment and other classified ads free of
charge in this eBulletin, on and in the mid-month printed
Bulletin, which also is posted and archived on Ads are posted
online as they are received, so go to MPA's website for the latest listings.
For non-members, the ad fee is 25¢ per word. That fee also applies to "help
wanted" ads from MPA members seeking employees for newspapers in their
group that are not in Missouri.
All ads run for one month in all media. Notify Missouri Press if your ad is no longer
in effect or if you wish to continue running it beyond the month.
Email ads to MPA editor Kent Ford,
HUNT, FISH, FLOAT & PUBLISH! — Rare opportunity to own 40-year-old MO
outdoors tabloid with loyal advertisers, paid circ, print & e-editions, strong web
presence. Advertisers include most MO canoe outfitters, Division of State Parks &
concessionaires, MDC, resorts, marinas, gun & boat dealers, motels, restaurants
and outdoor orgs. We publish 11 monthly issues plus annual statewide outdoor
directory. 90% freelance-written, newsstands serviced by contractor. Easy to run,
just one employee. Operate from your office or home anywhere in MO. Ideal for
editor-publisher who wants to slow down but have fun and stay active. Or
combine with your publishing group for leg up in outdoor/tourism niche, combo ad
sales, economies of scale. Price: $ 150,000. Terms to qualified buyer with 1/3
down. View website at Serious inquiries only to, cell 636-222-8714. 7-30
SPORTS WRITER: The Neosho Daily News is accepting applications for a sports
writing position. The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to write
clear, concise stories about sporting events, players and issues, as well as meet
deadlines and oversee the production of the daily sports page. Knowledge of
Quark Xpress a plus. Bachelor's degree in journalism or communications
preferred, but not required. Send resumes to John Ford, editor, at 1006 W.
Harmony, Neosho, Mo, 64850, or email to 8-28
EDITOR: Immediate opening for editor for established award-winning Northeast
Missouri weekly. Strong writing and photography skills a must. Candidate must be
energetic, willing to take on the challenge and motivated. Excellent benefits
package, 401(k), etc. Contact Walt Gilbert, vice president, Lakeway Publishers of
Mo. at 8-17
MULTI-PUBLICATION AD DIRECTOR: Rust Communications is seeking an
experienced advertising sales leader. Responsibilities include developing and
leading current sales team in Southwest Missouri growth market. Publications
include one daily, one weekly, regional magazine and their respective online
versions. This position allows the successful candidate to play a critical role in
developing and managing a new and exciting approach to value added and
bundled advertising products. Job allows opportunity for civic involvement,
community interaction and team leadership. Candidate must have at least five
years of experience in advertising sales, competent computer skills, a knowledge
of spreadsheets, and ability to develop and implement aggressive and successful
ad campaigns. Rust Communications is a progressive company offering
competitive salary, bonus incentives, insurance, 401(k), paid vacation and
expenses reimbursement. Qualified applicants should submit current resume and
cover letter to or by mail at Monett Times, PO Box 40,
Monett, MO 65708. We are an equal opportunity employer. 8-7
REGIONAL AD DIRECTOR: GateHouse Media is seeking an experienced sales
leader. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and leading a
team of sales professionals at several of our publications in Missouri to maximize
revenue growth, increase market share and provide value to current and
prospective customers. The ideal candidate will demonstrate strong leadership
and relationship-building skills. This position plays a critical role in developing and
executing innovative revenue programs and is responsible for implementing
company-wide revenue initiatives in our local markets. Develops strategies to
maximize sales and grow revenue; maintains strong relationships with key
customers; plays an active role in area chambers and the community; works in the
field with the sales team; analyzes marketplace trends and competitive set;
develops and implements sales, pricing and packaging strategies; develops and
executes annual advertising strategic plan; recruits, trains, coaches, develops and
motivates sales team; develops goals and incentives programs; creates a positive
and productive team culture with consistent and open communication; works
collaboratively with all departments. We offer competitive pay and great benefit
programs including mileage reimbursement, health and life benefits, paid
vacation, and a 401(k) program. Qualified applicants should submit a current
resume and cover letter, with salary requirements via email to Terry Ward,
Director of Sales & Digital | Community Newspaper Division at or by mail at 410 S. Liberty Street,
Independence, MO 64050. We are an equal opportunity employer. 8-2
-- MPA Calendar
1 -- Football pregame reception at MPA Office, 8th & Locust, Columbia, 3 p.m.
1 -- Mizzou Football v. Southeastern Louisiana, 6 p.m. kickoff.
6 -- Conference call for discussion of MPA regional association affiliates, 10 a.m.
13-15 -- Mid-America Newspaper Conference for production staffers, Resort at
Port Arrowhead, Lake Ozark.
20 -- MPA / MPS Board of Directors Lunch, 12:30 p.m., Holiday Inn Executive
Center, Columbia
20 -- MPA / MPS Board of Directors meeting, 1:30 p.m., Holiday Inn Executive
Center, Columbia
20-22 -- 146th annual Missouri Press Association Convention, Holiday Inn
Executive Center, Columbia
4-7 -- 126th annual National Newspaper Association Convention, Embassy Suites
Airport Convention Center, Charleston, S.C.
7-13 -- National Newspaper Week
17 -- Mizzou football v. Syracuse (kickoff time to be announced), Columbia
The Poynter Institute's News University serves more than 130,000 users
through courses, group seminars and Webinars, covering subjects from
multimedia techniques to writing to reporting and beyond. Go to for a complete list of training opportunities.
-- End Note
If others in your office should receive this eBulletin, please reply with their names
and email addresses.
EBulletins are archived on the MPA website at
Direct comments to Kent Ford, MPA editor,