Big Book

Social Studies SOL 3.10abc
We have rules and laws for a reason.
The reason being that they show and tell a
person how to act and behave. Rules are
what people must or must not do. Laws are
rules people live by.
Think about your classroom without
rules. Students would be late for class,
people would get into fights, and homework
would not get completed.
Now think about the community in
which you live. If no one had to follow the
law then a lot of bad things would happen.
People would steal from each other, people
could destroy someone’s property, drivers
could choose what speed to drive and which
side of the road they happen to like with no
Rules and laws are necessary to keep
order. Without them classrooms, schools,
and the community would be very chaotic.
A group of people who make rules and
laws, carry out rules and laws, and decide if
rules and laws have been broken are known
as the Government.
The government consists of the following:
Congress makes the laws and is made
up of the House of Representatives and
President carries out the laws.
Judge decides if laws have been broken.
Purpose of Rules and Laws:
To show and tell people how to act
and behave.
Purpose of Government:
Make laws
Carry out laws
Decide if laws have been broken
Governments are necessary because
they develop the laws and protect
the rights and property of