Chapter 8 Review.

Chapter 8 Review
Name ____________________________ Hour
1. Which group experienced an early depression in the 1920s?
2. During the 1920s, the United States economy moved through which phase of the business cycle?
3. In 1929, the stock market crashed because
4. Which factor contributed to the spread of the Great Depression overseas?
5. Which of these factors helped hide economic problems in the 1920s?
6. What event occurred on Black Tuesday?
7. Why did so many banks collapse at the beginning of the Great Depression?
8. European countries reacted to the Hawley-Smoot Tariff by
9. What economic condition did economist John Maynard Keynes believe caused the Great
10. At the onset of the Great Depression, urban unemployment
11. Which of these factors contributed to the plight of rural farmers?
12. Farmers contributed to the problems that led to the Dust Bowl by
13. The unemployment rate among African Americans was
14. President Hoover responded cautiously to the Great Depression because he
15. The policy of volunteerism called for which of the following?
16. The policy of volunteerism called for which of the following?
17. Some Americans blamed the Great Depression on
18. Why did many Americans decide that the country needed new leadership in 1932?
19. Why were banks one of the first institutions to feel the effects of the stock market crash?
20. What was the destination of most Dust Bowl migrants?
21. Both African Americans and Mexican Americans had an especially difficult time during the
Great Depression because they
22. What did President Hoover do that directly led the Bonus Army march on Washington in 1932?
23. What event happened when the veteran groups marched in protest on Washington?
24. Why did volunteerism fail?
25. Congress instituted the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to loan money to
26. Why did the Bonus Army march on Washington, D.C.?
27. business cycle
28. Bonus Army
29. tenant farmers
30. speculation
31. Herbert Hoover
32. trickle-down economics
33. repatriation
34. Black Tuesday
35. Why did the rural depression that hit farmers during the 1920s go largely unnoticed by the rest of
the nation?
36. What economic factors and conditions converged in the late 1920s to plunge the nation into the
Great Depression? Include at least 3 factors (causes) for the Great Depression.
37. Why did President Hoover’s response to the Great Depression fail? Include at least three
38. Discuss the similarities and differences in the urban and rural isuues of the The Great